uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] his mercy and do it forever [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] that you have made hallelujah we come to know all the reasons but to bless you commonly recover to magnify you [Music] hallelujah you're still worried that you're so worthy we just want to worship him today hallelujah [Music] [Music] way back [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] he is [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ciao [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] from [Music] is [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you guys thank you god thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from day to day [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] cause we're still here [Music] we thank you for our brother jeffrey travis is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] life this is the most i've ever praised [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming up now that's gonna give it to you the way you like it [Music] all right get ready for this [Music] [Applause] and i was so into the song the blood still works [Music] the song came on he saves me [Music] [Applause] [Music] he knows [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing but [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] for my [Music] y'all [Music] please [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] critical those words were nothing but the blood [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] hey foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my oh [Music] [Music] my head [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] two [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] timothy [Applause] man this has been a uh crying last couple weeks like high stress had a bunch of deadlines and you know things will work and the ministry it has been tough but uh it's funny that the song nothing but the blood of yahushua was playing and more more specifically the lyrics what can make me whole again nothing about the blood of yahushua and uh coincide i don't believe in coincidences but we're dealing with this for the word of the week let me know if you can see the screen [Music] let me pull open all right we good so we're dealing with tommy right can you guys see this yes yes okay right that's the tab the mim and the mim now we know the tab means the mark signed cross covenant or seal and the mem there's chaos blood and water the english understanding of da'mim is complete or sound but it is often used as blameless without blemish uprightly and perfect or whole consider the ordinance yahuwah gave the children of yahshua that they would offer a lamb kameem without blemish the offering yah desired had to be perfect it had to be whole and better sheet 69 we see tamim used in the ancient texts for the first time this is the genealogy of noah nowak was a righteous man tameen in his generations noah walked with elohim notice how it says noah walked with allahim in fact if you look through the entire tanakh you will hardly see the word being used without the context of yahuwah being involved with that in mind if we were to read better she 69 with this understanding it would read noah was a righteous man perfect in his generation because noah walked with elohim so just from the very first example of the word i mean we can see that to be perfect to be whole requires yahuwah's presence but let's go deeper in the book of psalms 19 7 the psalmist writes the law of yahuwah is converting the soul we know that the law is yah's word so this then implies the word is perfect right this is revealed in the writing as yo kanan yokona 1934 but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith came there out blood and water when studying the hebrew rendering we can see the true meaning of perfect tami the covenant sealed by blood and water again to be tame requires yahuwah's presence yahushua's prayer shows us this that they all may be one as thou father art in me and i indeed that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thou hast sent me and the glory which thou gavest me i have given them that they may be one even as we are one i in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one walk before me and be thou dameen when we walk with yahuwah in his covenant sealed by blood and water we are tamim this is only made possible by the blood of the tamim the unblemished lamb yahusha hamashiach hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah thank you um [Music] [Music] but it's only by the beginning if you look in the torah you realize that what israel gained and gained and gave the support of the work of the tabernacle to the point where moses moshe had to say all right stop it quick the blood still works the blood still works this is part one or volume one or chapter one if you just say that of a three-part uh series we're doing as we lead up to pesach [Music] a napkin a crayon a pencil pen make sure you take some notes that we're going to get some things on today as you see on the screen uh our ancestors are taking the blood and they're painting the door posts because you already know what the deal is uh when he comes through he will do what passed over us hallelujah who are asking [Music] [Music] the blood still works all right now before i get into this like this i'm gonna preface this we talk about the law of first nation all right all the time yes and you gotta reference so watch this genesis 14 and he said what have you done the voice of your brother's blood cries unto me from the ground maria one more time and he said what have you done the voice of your brother's blood cries unto me from the ground blood actually has a voice [Music] the word translated for voice in this passage is to suck to stop it means cry out loudly shout and react energetically to report opposing stimuli because this is the first instance of blood and torah or the law of first mention we've learned that the initial understanding of blood is it has a voice that speaks and will cry out loudly when wrong so blood cries blood streams blood actually will talk to the blood of abel cried to the most high from the ground even though abel was dead already yes so you need to tell me the blood when we talk about the blood still the worse when you sing about the blood still works and it never will lose its power you need to tell me that the blood has always been speaking it's been speaking since then it's been speaking since since egypt that's right he's been speaking since calvary on the tree is yahushua was shedding his blood has been speaking it talks to him hallelujah the blood still works the voice of your brother's blood cries unto me from the ground it cries to me from the ground don't you know we got the blood of our ancestors that is still crying from the ground crying from the ocean crying back and embedded the blood they fitted in trees grass ground and everything it still cries out but there's a blood of another that still speaks the blood of the other side of the blood the one he trusted watch this now there's purposes for blood right there's a purpose there's a scientific reason your body has to look right there's a reason for this we have certain things in us that have to be uh basically provided for internal organs forget about grabbing air you can grab all the air you try to want to but uh if you run out of blood it won't be nothing because the air won't travel to the necessary parts because it can't travel without wow blood is a specialized body food it has four main components plasma red blood cells white blood cells and plaques blood has many different functions including transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss right so that's what you need a lot of times people don't realize that when people have take blood thinning agents uh you get cut when you get get uh have a nosebleed it will just continue to flow because your blood will not clog that's why you need eat blood carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver which filter and clean the blood regulating body temperature the blood that runs through the veins arteries and capillaries is known as whole blood a measure of about 55 plasma and 45 blood cells about 7-8 of your total body weight is blood an average sized man has about 12 pints of blood in his body and an average sized woman has about nine times so you see already we're getting getting awakened about the power that's in the blood this is why we have to keep our blood clean right keep our blood clean now watch this you can't talk about blood in scripture without talking about cut cut most people we thought we knew what company was when we was you know in our various positions we thought we understood what it is but you cannot understand covenant without understanding blood right right so as it pertains to scripture blood plays a very important role in covenants many have heard the word testimony but the scripture used the word covenant or it comes from the hebrew word that means to cut this explains the strange custom of two people passing through the cut bodies of slain animals after making him grief such a ceremony always the making of a covenant in the old testament a covenant is comprised of seven unique attributes so you'll realize and find out in scripture especially the torah when abram made a covenant with the most high you remember he took animals and he had apartheid now that's a nice english way of saying he cut them in half right when you cut an animal in half that's what happens it's going to bleed right so you have two animals cut in half in two parts abram and the most high passed between the covenants and at the end of the vision in genesis 15 uh the the sacrifice was gone the mossad has consumed the sacrifice so the covenant [Music] to fulfill their what they what they agreed to so here's the thing when we talk about covenants with the most high he's never going to relate even though he could when we break right watch this so we're getting a little bit of apologetics today just a little bit it's the preview after use of a cutting so this is every single comment that you will read about in the description will have these conditions the parties these are the parties of the cup right you have at least two parties in a cup the prologue prologue or covenant context so that's why the introduction or what was the tail in the cup right the conditions there are conditions or stipulations to this cover right you can't just do whatever you want when you're covered with them or with anybody else even if you saw this week or the last couple weeks where nfl players are being traded from one team to another then they have to agree and sign a multi-million dollar contract they're held to the responsibilities to that contract and guess what it's not just about money it's about you can't do stuff like get on a motorcycle where you're science with this team because your body belongs to that team and if you break that covenant the contract [Music] that's why you have certain money that's guaranteed that certain other moneys that are not guaranteed right now watch this the duration the duration the length of time that the covenant is binding upon each party the length of time that the covenant is binding upon each party so what your fight is in all these covenants how many cups do we test test the room how many covenants do we find in scripture [Music] [Music] the cyanide especially when you get to what's called the repair company right the repair cup the promises right the promises the benefits or consequences each party declares his promises to the other party so they come on so there's always a promise there's always a promise uh when we get to one to know the wedding the promise was that the most high will never flood the earth again you never destroyed the earth with water that was the promise right yes but then he gives you a sign so there was a sign that he gives that he would never do this again and that was the bow in the sky what they call the rainbow so the sun the covenant sun often there is a visual object used at the sign of the covenant for us who are in the repair covenant that sign that marker is [Music] dedication is performed often in the form of a ceremony this often involves the shape of look right there's always blood involved even when adam and who we understand in english as e uh violated a broke cut guess what something had to be slain right because you put on coastal skin that hadn't come from somewhere right all right next stop exodus 12 13 14. most of you all should know this by heart we're going to get deep deep deep into these fainting scriptures right [Music] and the blood shall be to you for a mark upon the houses where you are and when i see the blood i will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when i smite the land of miss ryan from egypt and this day shall be unto you foreign and you shall keep it a peace to jehovah throughout your generations you shall keep it a beast by ordinance forever how long is forever shall be a mark when i see the blood i will pass over you now if he doesn't see any blood he can't pass over us right and watch this the reason why there's blood is because the blood has a voice it's always speaking it's always there they put the blood of an animal on doorpost but we have blood on us it's greater than the blood of those all right [Music] which means a token sign signal miracle proof evidence beacon and monument in ancient pictograph form the root is it or allah right the aloe tab is actually the root of it the olive is the picture of an ox and the top is the picture of two cross sticks to make a sign or mark combines mean an ox moving toward a mark thus we see in context when the blood is applied it's a mark or signal and it contained the ola the dna creation itself so when he put the blood on us he was saying i got that covered they are taught they've been marked again i believe this revelation talks about the land slain from the foundation of the world so when we talk about a mark there's a reason for this matter of fact he said he said he tells his angels don't harm them because they have enough don't mess with the one that has my mark in their 40s remember that all right so here we go atonement for souls now watch this you gotta pay close attention because we're really not out of the tutorial talking about the look right we gotta get to the root of this get the foundation laid so atonement for souls leviticus 17 11 and 12 for the soul of the flesh is in the blood pay close attention to the word blood than the most high uses for the soul of the flesh is in the blood he and i have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls of the fetch for it is the blood of him that makes an atonement in the soul therefore so because of this this is why you don't mess with blood therefore i said unto the children of yahshua no soul of you shall eat blood neither shall any stranger that sojourn among you eat blood so this is why you are prepared to partake of the look yes that means no blood nope you can't eat your steaks rare you can't have this to be rare with blood in it the reason why because the life of that animal is still in that in that flesh and when you protect the blood still speaks right it always has a voice that's a domination pool so when you drink or eat that piece of meat with bloodshed in it you are taking on an animal's personality [Music] conditions how he felt he was playing you were taking all that [Music] [Music] but there's a reason why our answers very rarely ain't neat very rarely ate me because they understood this literally when we talk about atonement for souls atonement for souls the soul of the flesh is in the blood it's in the blood for the blood of him that makes an atonement in the soul that's where it makes the tummy in the soul in the bench that's why you can't take the next fight now notice what it said in the last slide notice it said that the ones that were native born or yahshua fell in the sojourn so that means the ones that were showing in of other nations right that's why you find that it's not it doesn't take a notice in the new so-called testament the conditions for the newly awakened gentiles they cannot partake of blood you know what that's like that's like torah [Music] right so that's why it's really prevented now watch this exodus 24 4-8 now watch this we're still in the torah talking about the book and moshe wrote all the words of yahuwah and rose up early in the morning and built an altar uh under the hill and twelve pillars according to the twelve tribes of joshua pay close attention to the numbers as well and all these different things uh number of twelve tribes and he sent young men of the children of joshua which offered ascending smoke offerings to get him to worship him right and sacrifice peace offerings oxen unto yahuwah and moshe took half the blood and put it in basins and half the blood he sprinkled on the altar and he took the seeper of the covenant and read in the audience of the people and they said this is y'all's ancestors all that yahuwah has said we will do and be obedient remember what i said about covenants yeah it always it has to have a dedication blood so watch this uh all that you would have said we will do and be obed and moshe took the blood and sprinkled it upon the people wait a minute of all the people said behold the blood of the covenant which yahuwah has stuck with you concerning all these words we've married them because you know even in a matter there is a blood cut [Music] and the light in the blood still speaks the speech [Music] the blood still works and we're going to revisit this later on i just want you to make sure you've got the next fight now is the covenant really new is it a new covenant or a new testament i know i'm about to get in your living room i'm about to give you your you know what you like to say when we have to shoot ministries i'm about to put my thumb and your wrists yeah it's about to get real right now so if the covenant really do you know what they say no brother [Music] we got jesus now and jesus sailed the law to the cross [Music] [Music] your word for yourself all right let's find out do the covenant really do now watch this language and culture awareness of all the time that language assumes the culture operates in the culture serves the culture and is designed to communicate in the framework of a culture consequently when we read a text written in another language and addressed to another culture we must translate the culture as well as the language if we hope to understand the textbook the meaning of the word cannot easily be expressed in english so using any word unavoidably distorts the text english readers could infuse something into the text that simply isn't there it's not there at all now watch this next spot that's from the lost world of genesis 1. now watch this this is jeremiah 31 31 from your good old king james virgin bible all about i'm about to get in king james grits right now all right behold the days come now ready just as it's worth saying the lord that i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah yes that's exactly what it is [Music] this is why i apologize watch this often we cite and reference the king james version for his replacement of the name of yahuwah over 7 000 times in the bible his name is in the bible over seven thousand times but they but they rebranded it as the lord so you should know by now the lord is actually giving praise for all his name isn't the lord because think about it even in england there are many lords [Music] all right so uh but there is also an issue with the word new in dispatches if the covenant knew did y'all start something over unless he starts up it's due all things are all things are passed away all things have become a memory so it's a new company right let's find out [Music] the thought is a repairing of something bible in context the covenant was once on stone tables now it's located on fleshly tables of the heart written with the pen of the ruach academy also notice that the covenant what that's cut is with judah and israel not with the other nations right i know people about getting their emotions and villains hear me out in the covenant he only revealed himself yahuwah the most high only revealed himself he did not reveal himself to canada america japan china australia south america he didn't do he did not reveal himself to all he did not rebuild himself and kush egypt he did not reveal himself not reveal himself to all these other nations only revealed himself to israel yes and that's why he do not have prophets in scripture from all these other nations [Applause] that's called critical thinking 101 you [Music] the most [Music] that's it all right so watch this once divided now watch this not in other places judah and israel once divided so you have to know biblical literacy right now it was once one nation after the death of solomon and understanding some red ball the kingdom became split into two unequal parts one the norman kingdom of israel had ten tribes the southern kingdom of judah had two tribes with like half to try to live right so two unequal parts right that's why the chronicles and seven kings everything becomes out of order this man right so watch this judah and israel once divided will one day be one stick it's gonna match the city together there will be one nation once again and gentiles from which to follow yah must adhere to the same terms and conditions of the cup if they want to be saved number 15 to 16 isaiah 56 1 27 acts 10 34-48 there's only one covenant there's only one way to get in but there's only one door yes right i know we want to be all uh politically correct with [Music] but watch this if you disconnect them from the cover if you lie to them deceive them trickling begotten psalm 83 if you get together and form a league of their people to try to for what god has [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] why are we still in the same percentage as a minority we work in the 60s why is it like that why do they no matter how educated kids we can go from birth events as far as they want us to go why is it like that why why don't you thought that as the bones connect one to another he's putting flesh on us he's providing for us and when he dreams [Music] it'll tell you all [Music] remember there's a scripture in torah up in leviticus 26 i believe it's right around verses 9 or 10 where your text talks about the old story and bringing out the whole because of the dude that's the law of first mention because that word for doing there it's not news really [Music] all right [Music] [Music] in the day that i took them by my hand to bring them out of the land of israel which my covenant they broke so remember they broke the company you break the covenant he's not obligated that's right right which my covenant they broke although i was a husband so see how you connect it to adultery i don't worship breaking the government adultery all that stuff and connects it like marriage right i was a husband unto them but this shall be the covenant that i shall cut with the house of yahshua after those things said i will put my toasty they don't reap these they don't read this in church you're not going to get this in there at 3rd street baptist church i will cut i would put my torah in their inward parts it wasn't there yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] and writing in their hearts and will be their elohim and they shall be my people and they shall teach no more every man in his neighbor and every man his brother saying no yahuwah release y'all [Music] [Music] [Music] thank god to carry around and happy praising god for all shalom from the least of them unto the greatest of them says for i will watch this forgive their iniquity and i will remember their sin [Music] so let's make this life [Music] of the boat talk talking about the brief hot shot what it is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] did you already know a covenant has to have promises terms conditions guess what he has to have blood and there was no blood in jeremiah [Music] matthew 26 and 28 for this is my blood of the repair cousin which is shed remains for the remission or forgiveness of sins right so but now we see what jeremiah was talking about this wasn't a community service [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right notice how connects this to his sacrifice do this in remembrance of me yes so you honor passover not just to remember what our ancestors did by taking the blood eating a lamb with bitter herbs and all that you don't just do that for that purpose but you this is why i was doing it they were doing it because [Music] [Music] is [Music] right and when the crossover is about to happen in that movie the character the man is playing moses says well none knew joshua's father says why do we got the atlanta what's the purpose of the late and the gods it's all about the blood it's all about the blood so even when our ancestors were putting the blood on the doorbells even when they were doing all that stuff they thought they were just doing it for them right then but you don't understand the blood is always speaking it still works [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the king of righteousness the kingdom of shalom you cannot understand what he did on that tree for you without understanding this sport right i cannot because you'll be living your life i'm i'm i'm conditioned there's a grace on you that is given to you to keep his torah [Applause] now this is from the super bottle now even in the zebra is wrong you got 75 parents supervised and still wrong for the priesthood being changed there is name of necessity and change also of the priestly direction the english change is a mistranslation for the word is meta typhinia meta type which means transfer the priestly order was transferred from a lavender priesthood to the order of melchizedek yahushua hamashiach being the high priest but notice blood remains part of the covenant and even it is upgraded how do you know that because [Music] the priest himself instead of asking somebody else to do it he offers his own beloved [Music] acts uh 20 and 28 his blood is actually referenced to the blood of the most high [Music] why would he take that blood and offer it on an earthquake off he didn't do [Music] the furnishings and everything was after that which was in heaven so all that all the answers were doing read this chapter one through right now we're offering this obviously about the repeat the second word the blood the blood dash the blood [Music] is transfer now watch this hebrews 9 11 through 15 pay close attention because you got to know what he did for you don't be one of these israelites against the face of don't know what the of your redemption [Music] of good things to come by greater and more perfect talent not made with hands that is to say not of this building neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy he didn't have to keep coming every year right every year on mount before on the day of atonement the high priest of aaron our wife and son after aaron died had to offer sacrifice not only for his sins but for the sins of everybody else once a year he don't have to do that [Music] having obtained eternal redemption for us for if the blood of bulls and adults and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean second dog now watch this and that sanctifies to the purifying of the flesh yes how much more shall the blood of [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] online [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and for this cause he is what the mediator [Music] they've been [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that by means of death from redemption of the transgressions that were under the first covenant they which are called might receive the promise of what eternal inheritance look i don't [Music] to get to heaven guess what the scriptures tell me that the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] eternal [Music] now this goes back to exodus 24. remember we read that already inside when they dedicated that uh the people the covenant everything and moses sprinkled the blood on the people keep reading that because then when they said they agreed the elders [Music] all right [Music] [Music] like that [Music] [Music] for when moshe has spoken every precept to all the people according to the torah he took the blood of calves and goats with ripped water with water notice when they stabbed him to verify he was dead what came out blood and water right with water and scarlet wool in his house and struggled both the secret and all the people saying this is the blood of the covenant which elohim has enjoyed to you moreover you struggle with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry and almost all things are by the torah purged with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no remission it was therefore necessary that the patterns of beings in the heavens shall be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifice than these you couldn't he could not have took the blood of ghosts they asked me all the time so y'all sacrificed are you born oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] from hallelujah [Music] let's find out let's find out [Music] yeah this is what rabbi shark will in his midfield being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in mashiach who elohim has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood now let me explain something to you this is the seminary word proprietary that means that's talking about the blood that were dashed on the mercy seat so remember those have sprinkled blood on the mercy seat [Music] it doesn't matter where you are whether you live five years after the death [Music] [Music] it will always come elohim has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his book to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of evolution to declare i say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which hath is in the faith of yahushua hamashiach so whenever you lay claim and light hold and grab ahold of you and [Music] because [Applause] [Music] if there was a full book of acts it would talk about the transatlantic language yeah the sub-saharan slave trade they talk about uh jim crow talk about all of our brothers and sisters that being persecuted in the background [Music] you don't even know [Music] [Music] you see all these different ones why because we are hebrews 13 11-15 for the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin are burned without the camp wherefore yahushua also see we didn't even know this you read it all the time watch this wherever it is that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the gate he was not crucified in the city of jerusalem they took him outside of jerusalem just like they would have done a length outside the blood support out of the camp let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp bearing his reproach for here have we uh for here have we no continuing city but we seek one to come by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to elohim continually that is the fruit of ours giving thanks to his name that's why when you get them look don't wait till you get here no no they sit down all worship sing a blood song singing singing singing devotion songs about of blood worship songs about the blood people screaming to shout for the blood and thinking beyonce they sitting there [Laughter] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] help [Music] because one of them was walking with me on my first day his name was indian name right yeah so he's walking he's basically holding me up you watch the video i can't stand he's basically holding me up grabbing me by this i wear this belt around my wings don't you know y'all [Music] a righteous man falls seven times but get back up again with us all right now watch this [Music] [Music] that great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant [Music] don't tell me look don't tell me you can't do it don't tell me it's too hard [Music] [Music] commandments working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through yahushua to whom be glory forever [Music] and walk this thing out [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] go into worship start singing about something start trying to good starts even if you can't sing like that coming if you have to sing it mumble it it'll make you feel better why because that blood is [Music] all sorts of injustice if you got a son or a daughter then you gotta send to public schools or school period and everything i pray that you are praying that the blood of god shall be upon them to cover me and protect you for all the nasty vicious malicious weakness that is outside [Music] god [Music] [Music] so before we go and dismiss [Music] themselves from us that cut us off the ones that we have separated from the one that said we can't walk together no more but you don't believe in the jeep they think you don't believe in jesus they think that you uh you know when crazy some of became a them we gonna pray not for god to shake him shake a little bit we're not we're not praying for that we're praying for the awakening to have this [Music] [Music] [Music] we praise you for the blood for the blood [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that you removed [Music] [Music] [Music] questions about this truth of your word we [Music] of what you have promised from them for them from the foundation of the world we thank you we praise you we ask that there be any anyone that is dealing with sickness uh disease [Music] uh issues with uh hypertension high blood pressure diabetes we ask that your word will go forth and heal them and they turn to you that you will heal them for they are healed as they win yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as we go into our q a but to our youtube audience thank you for tuning in to the great awakening we have something said to strengthen you empower you and enlighten you shabbat shalom [Music]