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Hitler y el ascenso del nazismo
Aug 10, 2024
The Rise of Nazism and Hitler - Class 9 History
Presented by
Digra Singh Rajput
Recap of previous chapters:
The French Revolution
Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
: A comprehensive system and ideology developed around Hitler
: Comprehensive overview of the chapter and identification of key themes
Context of the First World War
First World War
: 1914-1918
: Both the First World War and the Russian Revolution are important in the chapters of history
: Understanding the chapters of history in isolation is a big mistake
As a result of
First World War
, Russia and Germany turned against each other
Summary of the Chapter
Begins with The First World War
and includes the story until the
Second World War
: Nobody in 1918, everything in 1939
: Identification of important questions and themes
Brief Introduction
First Topic
: Birth of the Weimar Republic and political, economic conditions
After Hitler came to power
: His actions and the ideology of Nazism
Nazi Worldview
: Perspective on society and state
Helmuth’s Story
: A child whose father was a supporter of Hitler
: Suicides after Hitler's defeat
: The horrors of Nazi supporters' atrocities
Birth of the Weimar Republic
First World War
: 1914-1918, Central Powers (Austria, Germany, Turkey) vs Allied Powers (Russia, France, Britain, America)
: Defeat of the Central Powers, the imposition of peace treaties on Germany and other countries
Weimar Republic
: Election of the German parliament and establishment of democracy
: The Weimar Republic was not well accepted by its own people
Treaty of Versailles
Harsh Peace Treaty
: Strict terms for Germany
: Loss of colonies, population, and territories, loss of coal and iron mines, military restrictions
War Guilt Clause
: Holding Germany responsible for the First World War
: Payment of 6 billion pounds
Impact of the First World War
Social Impact
: Destruction of European society, reputation of soldiers
Political Impact
: Rise of the Weimar Republic, conflict between Spartacists and Free Corps
Economic Impact
: Hyperinflation, American aid, and Wall Street Crash
Rise of Hitler
Hitler’s Background
: Born in Austria, participated in the First World War, joined the German Workers' Party
Nazi Party
: Renaming of the German Workers' Party by Hitler
Great Depression
: Nazism becoming a mass movement
Hitler’s Increase in Power
: Nazi Party becoming the largest party
: Proposal for Chancellorship, destruction of democracy
Fire Decree and Enabling Act
: Suspension of civil rights, establishment of dictatorship
Special Surveillance and Security Forces
: Suppressing society
Economic Reforms
: Full employment program by Hjalmar Schacht
Foreign Policy
: Withdrawal from the League of Nations, re-occupation of the Rhineland, unification of Austria
War Planning
: Invasion of Poland, start of the Second World War
Nazi Worldview
Racial Hierarchy
: Nordic German Aryans at the top, Jews at the bottom
: Acquisition of new territories
Establishment of a Racial State
: Elimination of undesirables
: Genocide
Nazi Youth
Youth Organizations
: Jungvolk, Hitler Youth
: Nazi schooling
Nazi Motherhood
Role of Women
: Training as good mothers, maintaining racial purity
The Art of Propaganda
Use of Media
: Spread of Nazi ideology
Deceptive Vocabulary
: Special terms for killings
Ordinary People
: Nazi supporters, active resistors, passive spectators
: Documentation of genocide
: Descriptions of Holocaust experiences through Anne Frank's diary etc.
: Hitler's end, decline of Nazi ideology
Full transcript