Understanding Pointers in C Programming

Aug 25, 2024

Lecture on Pointers in C

Introduction to Pointers

  • Experience: Over 40 years in C programming, with early confusion about pointers.
  • Goal: Explain pointers clearly, even for experienced users to find new insights.

Importance of Pointers

  • Pointers are foundational to C's power.
  • They seem scary at first, especially for those transitioning from languages like Java or Python.
  • Key Concept: Pointers are simple once understood.

Pointers and Memory Addresses

  • Analogy: Comparing pointers to a house address.
    • A house object uses memory bytes (e.g., 12 bytes for integers).
    • Pointers store the address of these objects.
  • Example: House address analogy helps explain memory storage and pointer function.

Syntax and Usage

  • Declaration: Use * to declare a pointer.
    • Example: byte *P_background_color declares a pointer to a byte.
  • Dereferencing: Use * to access the value at the pointer's address.

Accessing Structure Members

  • Dot Operator: Used with objects.
  • Arrow Operator: Used with pointers to access members of a structure.
  • Example: How to print members with pointers.

Passing Arguments

  • Pass by Value vs. Pass by Reference:
    • Pass by value creates a copy.
    • Pass by reference uses pointers, more efficient for large objects.

Key Concepts

  • Indirection: Pointers hold addresses, not values themselves.
  • Arrays vs. Pointers:
    • Arrays are contiguous memory chunks.
    • Pointers can point to the first element of an array.
  • Pointer Arithmetic:
    • Adding to pointers moves them by the size of the type they point to.

Types of Pointers

  • Character Pointers: Often used for strings in C.
  • Pointers to Pointers: Used in complex data structures.
  • Null vs. Uninitialized Pointers:
    • Null pointers point to nothing.
    • Uninitialized pointers have random values.
  • Void Pointers: General type pointers, require casting.

Function Pointers

  • Definition: Pointers that reference functions.
  • Usage: Enable dynamic function calls, e.g., in callbacks.
  • Example: Using qsort with custom compare function.

Best Practices

  • Use function pointers sparingly and document their purpose clearly.


  • Summary: Pointers are essential in C, offering flexibility and efficiency.
  • Encouragement: Engage with the content for better understanding.

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