are you an introvert or is someone close to you an introvert and you're hoping to understand them better if so you're gonna want to check out this video where I talk about the Highlands Constitution silica so my name is azi and I'm a Hopkins practitioner and creator of the express your truth eight step emotional empowerment program and I'm doing a six part series on hi all comes constitutions and I did a video couple weeks ago now on constitutions of what they are so if you want to check that out I will put that there and also I'll put the link in the description box and so you can check that out if you'd like um and so today I'll be talking about Silica's so this is my my second constitutional video I did one last week on phosphorus constitutions and again if you want to check that out you can click that link or I'll put it in the description box below as well and so silica is unlike phosphorus can be very introverted so last week when I was speaking about phosphorus they're more lively they're more outgoing and Silica's tend to be more introverted more low energy and so silica and phosphorus often can be very compatible actually because the phosphorus can be really you know stimulated easily they can be very outgoing they can tend to be a little bit ungrounded where's the silica s'more slow more grounded more clear thinking and so the two of them can balance each other out and is interesting is that I'm a phosphorus and so I have quite a few Silica's in my life and we get along very well and so I really enjoy silica and so Silica's tend to be more more cold temperature wise and so as as phosphorus are cold as well but silica are even colder and so they tend to be cold like even sleeping I noticed phosphorus constitution's tend to be more warm sleepers in general not always but um Silica's will like a lot of blankets on them they'll even wear our socks to bed and even in the dead of winter they can put on put on a toque to keep warm and they can also be more kind of slow um in that when they're kids maybe they longer to hit certain milestones so maybe they took longer to start walking or even as adults they can sort of take longer to move out take that step that leap or to enter the workforce or to find their purpose and Silica's are very they're more intellectual so they're not going to be as emotional as a lot SEOs are very emotional there's three more emotional constitutions and I'll be talking about those ones in upcoming videos so if you want to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already you'll get a new constitutional video every week and so Silica's tend to be the type that needs to think about how they feel so if you're in a relationship or you are a silica Constitution you have to know that they might need some time to sort out their feelings because they're not gonna react emotionally the way a phosphorus would or even a pulsatilla which I'll be talking about next week or sulfur they will need to think about it so they'll have to get in touch with that side of themselves and they're very they are very competent clear thinkers and so and and combining that was kind of their slowness being a bit timid being a little bit nervous about taking on new pursuits they can be the ones who would be the perpetual students and maybe a bit hesitant to take that leap into the work force and instead maybe take a few years off in between school and work to pursue their own quiet interests they can be nervous and overwhelmed about taking on new projects or new pursuits even if they're well within theirs their ability and they can kind of they want to have it mapped out and they'll take a step when they're ready only when they're ready because they can be very stubborn and then take another step only when they're ready and have it all mapped out so they can tend to be a little bit frustrating brother since we're just ready to jump in phosphorus being one of them but again there's that balance right so there is to look kind of balance it out and the phosphorus can kind of pull them forward which is really neat to watch and Silica's also tend to undervalue their capabilities and so I have one silica that I have been treating for ages and they are like that perpetual student I mean she is working but she's also feeling like she needs more she meets more she meets more because she's under valuing her capability she's amazing at what she does and yeah so that can be the silica challenge all of the constitution's will have their own challenges like that just like the phosphorus it was setting boundaries silica it's sort of undertaking those new ventures or new sort of ideas and things like that and silica I mean even though they are more timid and a little bit hesitant and maybe a little bit slow they tend to have this quiet subtle strength and courage and so principle is very important to them so they'd rather break then bend when it comes to matters of conscience or principle and so they can be very reliable and very stubborn so if you are a silica or if you know someone who's a silica I would love to hear about it so please comment below and like this video if you enjoyed it and stay tuned next week I'm gonna be talking about pulsatilla alright I will talk to you soon