yes right here welcome to the August update summary in August we are getting two Mega gcha events they are ultimate stage and starlight debut Gala for the first event ultimate stage we will be guing the following Cosmetics harmonic strings artifact heart resonance Mount and reality link back accessory these are what they do feel free to pause if you need to read for the second event Starlight debut we will be getting the following Cosmetics sensible moderation artifact and butterf Fries viberation back access these are what they do there is no Mount during the second week we are also getting four new parking Cosmetics they each cost 200,000 parking coins each and their effect increases parking coins gained by 10% now the mini games for each event for the first event we'll be getting a rhythm mini game where there are five stages first stage game play can be seen on the left during the break between these two events there'll be a mini voting event where you vote for one of your four favorite Idols the idol you pick will be the one you represent in the trauma battle in the second week's event where total damage dealt by the idol player gets added up for a total score for the second event called battle through trauma we will be fighting enemies such as lustful lemon depression dog these battles are similar to the doggy battle in Abyss where the more damage you do the more points you get but this time for your chosen Idol instead of personal points this concludes the August update summary thanks for listening Spirit out w [Music]