Transcript for:
Alone and Loneliness: A Lecture Summary

two I can think of very few things more sad than aloneness loneliness being alone I can think of very few things that are more tragic in the human experience than being alone in fact being alone is so counterproductive to any human that when God made everything in Genesis CH 1 he used an adjective to describe how it was and here's what it says and God said and it was so and God saw that it was good and when he made day one it was good day two it was good day three it was good day four it was good day five it was good day six it was good God rested on the seventh day from all his work and it was very good but he got down to Genesis chap chapter number two verse number 18 and here's what it says and the Lord God said it is not good there's a first this is the first time we see low in front of to the word the Hebrew word for good is to it means good it means prosperous it means blessed it means it means abundant it's good this is a this is the first time we see the word L which means not or no so this is Lov right loneliness we could call this loneliness is Lov right it's not good and he said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him in help by the way the word help is the noun I will make him in help meat the word meat me t is an adjective that describes the noun help the word meat means sufficient I will make him in help sufficient for him now interestingly enough God said it is not good for man to be alone loneliness is not good aloneness is not good but I don't like people it doesn't matter and people who think they don't like people it's not that they don't like people it's that they don't like the fact that they feel like XY is going to happen when they're with people now people are not easy I'm talking about friend people I'm talking about family people I'm talking about enemy people business people work folk church folk people are hard and if you like you you got to have you got to have your big boy pants your big girl pants on if you going to deal with some some people cuz folk are jacked sideways and they'll Jack you sideways if you let them even people who love you jack you sideways I was listening to an audio book this morning by this author and I who I'd never really I heard I'd heard of him but I was listening to this audio book this morning and he said I always got A's and B's all the way through high school this is what the guy said I got A's and B's all the way through high school and I just thought of something funny uh that was not the time to think of something funny come on myON you are almost there okay so he said I Got A and B's all the way through high school he said my teacher asked me before I was getting ready to graduate you planning on going to college he said I'm thinking about it and she said you'll never make it what is that what is it about people that want to project their limited beliefs on the lives of people they come across they want to infect other people with their negative disease well that's people for you yeah no wonder you don't like people they judge you they talk about you behind your back they'll steal from you they'll cheat you they'll cheat on you huh they'll want to fight you some of them want to kill you they'll take what you work for even though they was wasting their own time and yet God said it is not good for man to be alone now he must know something now now now the thing I thought about that was really funny was when when Adam and Eve sinned and God said Adam where are you he said well you know that woman you gave me he said God said did you eat of the fruit the tree I told you not to eat of you know that woman you gave me she gave me of the tree that you told me not to eat off and I did eat and I can imagine Adam thinking now why again was it that you thought it wasn't good for me to be alone and in spite of that God said oh by the way God didn't make Eve thinking she wasn't going to eat the fruit and tempt Adam to eat the fruit God made Eve knowing she was going to do both and knowing he was going to do it let's don't get it twisted now God doesn't learn anything CU he already knows everything and still it wasn't good for the man to be alone preacher said to me one time said man some dude in my church came to me and said said pastor pastor I'm having marriage problems and I looked at him I said well you married ain't you and yet in still God said it is not good for man to be alone and we have children and they grow up and we find out very early in their development that they are not us can I get a witness and not only are they not us they want to make sure we know that they are not us huh and yet God said it is not good that the man should be alone because relationships will make you be become something and help you become something that you cannot become by yourself relationships will inspire you to do things that you can't find the inspiration to do on your own some of those people at your job that you can't stand and they can't stand you those very people might be the inspiration necessary for you to go build that million dooll business I've told many of my coaching clients don't you quit your job don't you quit your job yet why nothing will inspire you to build a business that you love like working at a job that you hate wish I had some help in here oh Lord loneliness is not good god did not make man to be alone in fact if you were the last person alive and you owned everything you owned all the restaurants all the Farms all the grocery stores all the cars all the money all the banks all the real estate you you owned everything I went into preach mode there for a minute I'm going pump the brakes M you're sitting in a chair you own everything you would be one miserable Soul you would realize maybe for the first time in your life how essential all those frustrating irritating aggravating nerve-wracking annoying people are in your life that's right they get on my ner well that's part of their job how else are you going to become resilient enough to deal with the other people who are going to get on your nerves way worse than they are okay God gave me six brothers we didn't get along all the time when we were children fact we didn't get along most of the time when we were children now we get along most of the time now almost all of the time in fact I I'd be hardpressed to think of a time when we not getting we might like have a disagreement have a conversation about the disagreement after that it's a wrap but we didn't always get along grown up but God said it's not good for the man to be alone there are some children right now growing up in the home of an alcoholic parent and God said it's not good for the man to be alone and there are some spouses that are married to an alcoholic or a drug addicted spouse and God say it's not good for the man to be alone there are some children who have disappointed their parents it's not good for man to be alone like you need people and the people you need aren't always the people you want to need I need people and the people I need ain't always the people I want to need but I need people I am it is not good for myin to be alone it ain't good for you to be alone it ain't good for antibody to be alone I wish they just leave me alone yeah until they leave you alone I wish it was easier to deal with that with this person yeah until you don't have that person to deal with anymore God gave us some reasons and some cures for this whole idea of being alone now I've often said how did well like God looks around how did God know it wasn't good for man to be alone well Adam named the animals that Adam probably didn't even realize he was alone till he saw all the unclean animals coming 2 by two and all the clean animals coming seven by seven to name them and I know those went into the ark but he named all the animals and he saw them in pairs he said here here I sit God knew before Adam knew it wasn't good for the man to be alone yeah I don't I I don't need a husband I don't need a wife I don't need children I don't need friends I don't need I don't need the people with my job I don't need the people with my business I don't need my busl okay God knew before Adam knew that Adam needed people he also knew before you knew that you need people you may not like being around you may not like the work that you have to put into being with people and if you going to be with people it requires work now some people can I get a witness require more work than other folk H some folk when you get ready to work with them you need steel toe boots and a hard hat and some gloves right and a rain coat cuz here they come right but it's even good for you to be around those people one of the best things that ever happened to us in my childhood was the fact that we moved around a lot I'm going to define a lot I went to two different elementary schools I went to one two three different junior high schools and four different high schools we moved around a lot it's one of the best things that I ever happened to me in my life do you know why because I had it forced upon me to deal with all types of different people white folk Black Folk Spanish folk Asian Folk FK folk that like me folk that didn't like me folk that were bigger than me folk that were smaller than me folk that were smarter than me folk that were dumber than me it gave me the ability to deal with a whole lot of folk folk with accents folks without accents all kind of people and guess what it's one of the greatest blessings of my life because I realized at an early age that people are different not just different from me but different from each other and I had to learn how to deal with people differently and communicate with people differently depending on where I was and priorities of people are different depending on where the people are from now now you know if you if up north they don't care they don't care how high you get if you don't get too close but down south they don't care how close you get as long as you don't get too high can I get a witness I'm talking about people you got to understand who you're dealing with and so God said it's not good for us to be alone how did he know that how did he know it wasn't good for man to be alone I believe that God knew that first of all CU he knows everything he's God but also because man is made in the image of God and it wasn't good for God to be alone God didn't make man for rules God made man for relationship God made man for him God made the creation and the creatures for the man but he made the man for him when I say man I'm talking about men and women God called their name Adam which means man human God made man Adam men and women God called their name Adam Adam later called her name Eve and guess what God knew it wasn't good for Adam to be alone because it wasn't good for God to be alone so he took a rib out of Adam I I love the fact that he didn't take the bone out of his foot cuz she wasn't meant to walk upon he didn't take the bone out of his head because she wasn't meant to Lord over him she took the bone out of his side because she was supposed to be beside him on this human Journey it's not good for the man to be alone and guess what if you're married congratulations you need your spouse you may not always like your spouse but you need your spouse and your spouse needs you but guess what your spouse ain't the only one you need you you need friends you need family I'm going to prove it to you from the Bible here in a minute and I'm going to show you how to like go through life and navigate the lonel loneliness landscape so that you can become connected to a community of people in every area of your life so that your life gets better because of them and more importantly from your perspective their life gets better because of you that should be your focus my focus should be your life getting better because I'm in it your focus should be other people's lives being better because you're in it that's how God set it up and so it wasn't good for God to be alone so it's was not good for the man to be alone because God made Man In His Image and if you look at how do we overcome loneliness we overcome how do we overcome loneliness how do we what's God's cure for loneliness it's amazing it's all right there in Genesis the ultimate cure for loneliness is three things and they're the only things that bring fulfillment and by the way they don't bring fulfillment individually they bring fulfillment as a collective God didn't create one solution to loneliness he created three which by the way three is the number of God and here's what's fascinating God said the ultimate he shows us Prin principally that the ultimate cure for loneliness is creation connection and contribution we have to have a level of all three of those if we are going to be fulfilled we have to have a level of creation where we where we create something now here's what creation does creation gives you the ability to focus on something and someone other than yourself because in the so when I'm thinking about creation for me as an entrepreneur I'm creating solutions to other people's problems and when you create solutions for other people's problems you will have people in your life who will come and pay you for those Solutions and then thank you for the privilege of paying you so that you could solve their problems how many of you ever bought something from somebody and then said thank you for letting me buy this from you I know I have right I go to a restaurant I buy some food I thank thank I don't just I don't just pay for the food I don't just tip the server but I thank them for providing a great experience for me cuz guess what all restaurants don't provide a great experience so when I get one I'm going to let make sure I let them know how many y'all tracking and so what we have to do is we have to make sure that we understand that part of the reason that God created this thing called creativity for us to participate in is so that we can create things that make other people's lives better and as we create things that make other people's lives better that itself makes our lives better how cool is that see God created His Image and so the first thing God tells about God is the creative what did God create he created creation he created creatures and then he created creators that's men and women oh that's so cool so God created creation and then he created creatures and then he created creators well when we focus F us on creating something for someone else H it makes our lives better one of the joys of my life and this is going to sound weird but I'm a little odd you've probably already noticed that uh one of the one of the joys of my life is the fact that I've finally been able to build a business that sustains other families than just mine I have people who have livelihood because of the creativity that God placed inside of me I've got a really good friend his name is David Mitchell the dude him his wife Charlotte they're just they're just I don't know they're just some of the most amazing humans I've ever met and I asked David this is probably 10 12 years ago and this dude has been an impact on my life since I was in my early 20s I said David how many people do you have working for your company and back then I might have had one person working working for my business right David how many people you got working for your company he said oh I don't know probably 60 or 70 like what I said doesn't that make you nervous he smiled he said nah Charlotte and I have been praying for years that God would give us a good business that we could hire people and so they could support their families I'm like who thinks like that who talks like that but that became that became a focus for me oh I want to have a business that's successful enough to support more than just my family God intended for all of our Lives to be farther reaching than just the own wall just the the the four walls of our house I was reluctant to hire people for a long time because I didn't want to lay anybody off I didn't know I I was like how many y'all be nervous about hiring somebody now now you you it ain't just yours dependent on you it's yours and some body else right I I don't want I don't want to have to lay anybody off I don't want to have to I don't know what if we can't bring right but you know what it does it causes you to focus at a level that you're not going to focus by yourself if you're only focused on you and so creation gives us the ability to focus on our work at a totally different level but it gives us the ability to bring in finances from that work our finances from the work that we create can be it can be it can be like when you start out it could be a little I remember my first job uh Tim you ready for this my very first job I was 14 years old I was so excited I'm going to be able to buy me a pair of Converse Allstars because when I asked my mom to buy something for me she said if you think I'm GNA buy you some $13 sneakers you out your mind right now PE people Mortgage in their house to buy their kids tennis shoes anyway that's a different conversation for another day so so man I got this job I'm making a155 an hour picking up trash in Columbus Ohio let's go I got my own money like but if there was nobody to do work for I couldn't get paid all of the money that you desire that you don't have right now it's in somebody else's pocket if you'll create something for them that they value more than they value the money they will happily hand it over and there's no there there are no there are no guards out there saying oh nope that person has too much money there's no money guards out there saying nope nope they have too much you got to go give it to somebody else at least not in the United States of America there isn't you can make as much as you want to depending on how hard you focus on solving other people's problems and then that whole creation piece it gives you the ability to tap into your mind into your imagination and like conjure up things and cont cont late things and comprehend things that you never had to think about before because you're looking to solve somebody else's problem some of the most miserable people in the world are the people who are I I won't even say some I'm going to say the most miserable people in the world are the people who are so self-absorbed with their own problems that they don't think about other people you are happiest you are most joyful when you are leaned into somebody else's problems more than you are your own period it's it's in our makeup why we're made in the image of God God loves us hence we love other people by this shall all men know that you're my disciples that you have love one to another anyway creation that's the first piece but then Connection huh what's interesting is God made man for connection and the scripture says that the voice of the Lord walked with Adam in the garden in the cool of the day God made man for connection God created you because he desires for you to have a connection with him now that's amazing cuz he does not need you or me but all of us need him but he still desires to be connected to us huh that's fascinating and sometimes I think the mistake we make as human beings we seek connections from people who can benefit us more than we seek connections from people we can benefit wish I had some heav here hold on and the reality is the joy comes like when you're connected to people that you're connected to because you're connected to them you know one of the things I noticed even people like no I'm I'm Gonna Keep It Real now can I keep it real yes sir okay like I get people out sometimes like my people meter goes down to zero hear me when I tell you and I deal with a a lot of people so if I'm at a conference man it's I get people out so fast it's like it's like I'm so exhausted I just want to go to my room play my guitar and not have a conversation with anybody right so I get people out so all people get people out some people get peopled out with way less interactions than others that's just human nature we're all going to get ped out sometimes we just I don't have any more people energy I don't have any more people energy today I remember when my kids were little and they we'd have a birthday party for them and our friends would bring their kids over to our kids' birthday then they act like they want to spend the night not the kids the parent they what it's not it's 8:30 y'all still here at 9:00 I got to get up at 2:30 and what y'all doing I shouldn't have done this I was very immature but I'd say hey young STS ladies y'all want just lock the door when you leave but I'm going to bed right I got to go to bed right I get people out I get that you get people out sometimes but don't resist and refuse the opportunity to connect with people because relationships are hard and sometimes they hurt on the other side of that hurt is a level of fulfillment that can only be experienced when you allow yourself to go past it I'm going I'm going to I'm going to tell you the last one because God made man for conect for connection and man sever The Connection by doing the exact opposite thing of what God told him to do don't eat off this tree you got all these trees bro you can eat off all these trees you can even get off the tree of life just that tree leave it alone they had everything but one thing do you know what it means when you have everything but one thing it means you all right right but see the enemy got them to focus on the only thing they lacked and as soon as he got them to focus on what was missing it cost them everything they had and so man by disobeying God severed the connection and then what did he do he tried to hide can I can I can I give youall some advice when you're peopling with people when you know you've done somebody wrong don't defend yourself repent you know what the word repent means comes from the the word repent in the New Testament comes from the Greek word metos which we get the word mental from me meta okay so met what does metan it means to change your mind you know what I was wrong if if you don't ever say I was wrong and feel genuinely like wow I was so wrong like when you repent because you know the person expects you to or you know you ain't getting else nothing else from them until you do or unless you do can I get a witness that's not that's not repentence I'm talking about the kind that like I should not have said that I should not have done that I am wrong and I'm going to do everything in my power to never do that again never say that again that kind okay well man didn't do that he made himself fig leaves and made he took fig leaves and made aprons I'm going to cover up the fact that I'm exposed I'm going to cover up the fact that I'm vulnerable I'm going to hide the fact that my human condition of weakness and Frailty is exposed I'm going to cover it up with and God said that's not enough and it says the Lord made them coats of skin a blood sacrifice had to be made which is a foreshadowing a forecast of the Christ who would die and God gave a contribution of one of his creatures for Adam and one of his creatures for Eve to make them coats of skin to cover them up with a blood sacrifice because a non-blood sacrifice wouldn't do and God made a contribution for man showing him that you can't cover yourself you can't cover yourself enough to be accepted by God you can't fix your sin problem only I here's what God's saying only I can fix your sin problem your church attendance your baptism your good deeds your this you're that the other you're third rights nine rights none of that none of your religious activities is going to do it you have to trust in my ability to restore the connection well that's through contribution that's why we feel so good when we give give to somebody who has nothing to offer us that's a good if I don't know what is it about giving to a cause or an individual or a charity notice I didn't say give back I hate that term I'm just giving back I'm not giving back I didn't take anything from the charity I'm just giving there's no back I want to give to God I'm giving back because everything I got came from him but I'm talking about when I give to a charity I'm just giving I'm not giving back I didn't take anything from the charity and the reason I don't like that phrase is because it implies that by me creating something I took something from somebody and the reality is I didn't take anything from anybody I made I made the life lives better of the people I bought the raw materials from and the lives better of the people I sold the stuff to and the lives better of the people who I hired to help me do it a whole bunch of people's lives got better because I gave not gave back anyway so the contribution is when you give money to a homeless person or you give money to somebody who say says I'm just hungry I want some something to eat and you buy them something to eat or if you don't have time to buy them something to eat give them some money would they go spend it on drugs that's between them and God I don't I don't have time to fix all their problems right now I know there are enough hungry people in the world if I give some money to somebody who says they're hungry even if they're not hungry and they go buy drugs with it that's not on me but if they starve to death that day because I didn't buy something for them that is on me and I could have and I didn't why didn't I okay y'all tracking but you have to be very alert too like you have to use discernment I pulled up to the gas station one day there's this van sitting there and there are people in it there's two guy two guys and there's this woman and she comes over and says excuse me sir can you help me buy some gas and I see these two dudes and I see her I'm like can't help you now not because I didn't want if it had been a Woman by herself maybe can't help you what are these two jokers doing now if they had come and ask me I might have said yes but they sent you now I got a problem there's no Universe in which I'm going to send my wife to ask somebody I don't know some man I don't know for some gas and I'm sitting there with my sorry self in that van there's no Universe in the world in the that exist in the galaxies that I'm doing that can you tell I got a little attitude about that but I was on my way in the grocery store one day like I don't mind helping people I on my way in the grocery store one day and I was in a hurry too I was like I am in a hurry I'm going here and get one thing one thing I saw this lady sitting there with a van three little kids saying help me buy some groceries or something I don't it could have been a whole thing could have been a scam I don't know I don't have time to figure it out I'm in a hurry I'm going to get one thing I said ma'am you and your kids come in the store I'm only going to be in there for a few minutes so you got to hurry but anything you get you get it I'll pay for it I'm not saying that because that makes me somebody I'm just telling you sometimes I say yes sometimes I say no contribution is a thing that gives you a level of fulfillment probably because it's one of those things that makes us most like God giving to someone who can't give back to me that's a jam that's a Vibe that's a thing now I'm going to read something else to you Ecclesiastes chapter 4 this is so good God not only tells us that it's not good for the man to be alone in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 so if you understand the Book of Ecclesiastes this is a book that Solomon wrote at the end of his life when he finally woke up after his Ridiculousness um and he came to the realization that um that if you the theme of the book of Ecclesiastes is this if you live your life for Life Under the Sun you've wasted your life that's the theme of the book of Ecclesiastes the whole theme like you'll keep reading it keep all is Vanity and this also is Vanity and vexation of spirit this is also vanity and vanity is emptiness vexation of spirit is you've tortured yourself so he said if you only live your life the whole theme of the book of Ecclesiastes as you're reading it just read it with this as a frame if you live your life for all of the things that exist Under the Sun you've wasted your life and tortured yourself that's the theme of Ecclesiastes okay so and then he says in chapter 4 verse 7 he says then I returned and saw vanity under the sun there is one alone and there is not a second remember the theme you wasted your life and tortured yourself there's one alone there's not a second he have neither child nor brother yet there is no end of all his labor neither is his eye satisfied with riches neither saith he for whom do I labor and beve my soul of good this also is Vanity and vexation of spirit what is he saying he's saying if you focus so much on creating wealth and you eliminate people from your life and you get all the stuff and you have nobody to enjoy it with you've wasted your life and tortured yourself isn't that good like how does God know this stuff he knows everything then he says verse 9 two are better than one one because they have a good reward for their labor so in creativity in creation two are better than one it is easier to build a business with a team with co-workers with affiliates with joint venture Partners than it is to do it by yourself I was I was I was teaching a class in a church over in Orlando many many years ago and I I I quoted the verse okay so I'm going to back up a a little bit in in in in in in Proverbs Chapter 30 I think it starts with verse 24 it says there be four things which are little upon the Earth but they are exceeding wise so Solomon here's what Solomon is saying if you will pay attention I'm going to show you how to be wise beyond your size he says the ants are a people not strong but they prepare their meat in the summer what's he saying he's saying we learn the wisdom of contemplation from the ant because they know how to prepare see then it what does it tell us in Proverbs Chapter 6 about the ant go to the ant thou Slugger consider her ways and be wise which having no guide or overseer or ruler provideth her meat in the summer and gathereth her food in the Harvest oh what is what do we learn well we learned a couple things from the ant we learned number one that an ant thinks negative negative when things are positive what does that mean it means an ant thinks winter all summer so when it's summertime the ant's not partying the ant is preparing we learned the wisdom of contemplation from the ant because they know how to prepare yes it's summer but Winter's coming I can't act like it's summer all summer I got to act like Winter's coming all summer ants can't shovel snow but see ants not only do they think negative when things are positive and think winter all summer but ants think positive when things are negative they think summer all winter they ain't all hopelessly in despair why because they prepared people who prepare for their future don't spend the time in their future that becomes their present lamenting the fact that they weren't ready for it they Revel in the fact that they were so the anunt and then it says which having no guide or overseer or ruler an ant is self-taught an ant is self-motivated and an ant is self-disciplined not waiting for somebody to come by and teach it not waiting for somebody to come and buy a motor not waiting for somebody to come by and make him do it the right way he's just going to do it well that's what I'm an ant that's what I do I do it the right way every time I do it that's what I I'm an ant then he said he said after he said the ants are a few folk I mean the ants are a um not strong people not strong but they gather their food um in the in the summer he said the conies are a feeble folk yet they make their houses in the Rocks so we learn the wisdom of of contemplation from the ant because they know how to prepare but we learn the wisdom of compensation from the Coney because they know how to protect themselves with things that are stronger than they are huh con said I can't protect myself from a lion I can't protect myself from a bear I can't protect myself from a wild dog I can't protect and a con's a rock badger so what does it do it makes its houses in the rocks and it's really interesting when you go to Israel they have these mountain rock mountainous rocks Rock they have these Rock mountains that are made of rock but they have these little holes in them like you could stick your hand in the hole right and you see and and and you can see these little rock badgers crawling down in these little holes it's so cool to see the the conies are a feeble folk they build their house in a rock okay the locusts have no King but they go forth all of them by bands we learn the wisdom of cooperation from the Locust because they all participate see Locust don't isolate locusts participate and see see you want to have the benefit of a locust without participating you want to isolate and and have the benefits of participating it don't work like that and then what does the bible tell the Bible tells so many things about the importance of connection and Community what does it tell us it tells us that two are better than one I'm going to get to that in a minute threefold cord is not quickly broken it tells us if one will chase a thousand two will put 10,000 to flight that's some serious God math right there cuz I would think one will chase a th000 two will chase 10,000 I mean 2,000 but not 10 he's saying he's saying the synergistic effect of two is 10 times better than the lonely effect of one yeah I'm I'm a Loner okay how's that working for you you may think it's working well but you have no idea how much better it could work if you are a part of a team a community a family a friend a network something two are better than one so we learn come and so one of the things that hit me when I said that that whole part about one will chase a th000 to put 10,000 to those are War terms but since all principles are microcosms of each other if it's true in war terms it has to also be true in wealth terms right so if two will chase a thousand I mean if one will chase a th two put 10,000 flight and one person can make a thousand two people can make 10,000 but see you're so busy wanting to sing Frank and Nas I did it my way you need be singing myON goldens teamw work Makes the Dream work okay anyway that's another different different different song for different okay now you say you say what's your point my my point is 50% of 10 is five times more than 100% of one and most people spend most of their lives because ping is hard spend most of their life living one fth as good a life as they could because they block people out it's so interesting that even before we started on YouTube most of my business did not come from advertising it came from connections think about that connections are so important well so oh the last one I said four things and I only named three since I'm since I'm chasing a rabbit I might as well get that last one it says the spider taketh hold with her hands and is in the king's palaces what are we learning from that we learned the wisdom of capitalization from the spider because the spider knows how to profit from what others have done a spider can't build a palace but a spider can live in one let me ask you a question are you did you gain enough wisdom from the spider to learn how to build a super structure on another person's Foundation I can't build a YouTube I didn't I didn't invent YouTube but I can build on the platform on that Palace that's already there I can't start the internet but I can benefit from the fact that it's already there how many y'all picking up what I'm putting down whatever you're going to say after that really doesn't matter because the reality is God made you for creation connection and contribution let me keep reading this is this is this is this is so good and I I'm hey how many of y'all can tell I'm not negating the fact that peopling is hard okay two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor so God wants us to connect in creation um and then it says for if they fall one will lift up his fellow but woe unto him that is alone when he falleth freeth not another to help him up how many older people have fallen and been a home alone and then nobody found them for days or hours we need Community we need connection we need people then it says again if two lie together they have heat but how can one be warm alone oh not only is it good for creation but it's good for procreation it's good for family is it isn't it interesting that everything's a picture of everything else and everything's a microcosm of everything else there's no there's no Universe in which my business would be as successful as it is if I hadn't married the woman I married there's no way it wouldn't be there it wouldn't be it wouldn't just wouldn't be yeah but but my I don't ever see her on camera that's okay she's the one behind the scenes that makes all the stuff I do on camera make sense her ability to expect just unbelievable outlandish ridiculous Faith outcomes is way bigger than mine and when I wanted to quit she wouldn't let me there's no single solitary person on this Earth who's better off by themselves never has been one never has been one and it's interesting that when God made Eve for connection Adam and Eve when they connected guess what they created other little humans and guess what little humans can't do by themselves anything they can't do anything by themselves but cry and make messes all over themselves do you understand when we have babies congratulations Tim you just had a new baby right that little baby is so dependent on you that little baby's more dependent on you than that little baby realizes but you and you and Milly yall realize it right because there's something about the joy that comes from contributing to that little life that has nothing to offer you except the joy of contributing to that little life is that awesome only God can do that and then not just in work or creation not just in connection but in Conflict it says if one Prevail against him two shall withstand him and a three-fold cord is not quickly broken just being in a community of people with a common Vision who are working towards a common objective even if those Comm objectives are separate from each other just having that common why are you here watching me on YouTube right now cuz something I'm saying makes sense to you and you something in you knows I'm not just speaking to you but I'm also speaking for you how many you understand what I'm talking about like you've been thinking this for all year or maybe your whole life and all of a sudden oh somebody's putting words to the stuff that's been like jostling around in my head I am telling you God's ultimate cure for loneliness is creation connection and contribution I don't have any I I don't know how to create anything well everybody knows how to create something I mean you you've been here too long not to know how to do anything I mean if you understand the words coming out my mouth you've been here too long not to know how to do anything so my recommendation for you is going to be this put some effort energy intention and most importantly a decision into I'm going to do peopling in the area of creation I'm going to do peopling in the area of connection I'm going to do peopling in the area of contribution even though it's hard and here's what you're going to find out you're going to find out eventually you'll be able to say I'm glad I put effort energy intention into peopling especially because peopling is hard and that is God's ultimate cure for loneliness it will change your life go make somebody else's like life better and if you don't do anything but write him a poem or write them a song or make them a flower arrangement some from some flowers you found in a field you can create something that's going to make somebody else bring joy and light and life and breath into somebody else's life you will be so glad you did I promise you all right in the meantime in between time stay blessed by the best we'll see you on the next [Applause] video