Enhancing Reinforcement Learning with Object Detection

Oct 19, 2024

Object Detection for Reinforcement Learning Agents


  • Traditional reinforcement learning uses images as input.
  • Typically utilizes Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for feature extraction.
  • Aim: Maximize cumulative reward.

Proposed Approach

  • Utilizes object detectors instead of CNNs for pre-processing.
  • Converts images into bounding boxes and object locations.

Key Terms

  • Object Detection: Identifying objects within an image and locating them via bounding boxes.
  • Reinforcement Learning: Training agents to make sequences of decisions.
  • Deep Q-Learning: A value-based reinforcement learning algorithm.

Relevant Research and References

  • Generalizable Reinforcement Learning: When is it tractable? (D. Malik, et al.)
  • Object Detection & Semantic Segmentation Techniques: Rich feature hierarchies, SSD, YOLO, Faster R-CNN.
  • Frameworks & Tools: OpenAI Gym, PyTorch, Microsoft COCO, OpenCV.
  • Additional Techniques: Learning non-maximum suppression, reward shaping.


  • This approach could improve the efficiency of reinforcement learning by providing better input data through object detection.
  • Potentially enhances the agent's understanding of the environment by focusing on crucial objects and their positions.