oh it's possible to break through that material we'll just need a special type of bomb seriously let's go get the bombs we need huh we need to hurry pinky look behind you what waa hey look out what's going on yikes [Music] Come On Let's Escape into the ocean stick with me look the Tomato isn't following us I wonder why it's because tomatoes can't swim let's get out of here before it comes back with a boat h [Music] sheesh that's a lot of tomatoes how bad is it JJ it's pretty bad there's a whole crowd of tomatoes standing guard oh I don't think this will work where can we find those special bombs you were talking about well this place used to be a research laboratory the bombs would probably be in secure weapon storage come on let's get moving we can try this way follow me huh let's go H here we are let's get inside already yeah H all right let me open the door that's strange what about this one wait what the doors they won't open seriously they're both locked what are we supposed to do oh I know JJ you were able to pick those locks before right uh-huh could you try doing that again here I would but I used my last lockpick to help pinky to escape I'm all out oh that sure is unlucky we may have to blow open the doors but that will definitely draw some unwanted attention what here well I guess I have to try ready yep 3 2 1 wow take that doors we should just blow up all our problems that that was amazing nice uhuh let's move wo look at this place H so many chests it's pretty impressive they go up so high the question is which of these has the special bombs [Music] inside oh could this be [Music] it no way is this what we're looking for JJ I don't believe it you found them grab every last one hey guys huh JJ what's up I found something over here what's this lever for a lever can I flip it sure okay 3 2 1 wo what happened it opened cool oh wow I can't believe it I'm saved huh what's that salvation it looks like some kind of machine it sure is weird looking I had only heard rumors but they actually built it this right here is the world's strongest safety capsule safety Capsule that's right it never runs out of food and water and it can withstand a mountain of TNT but if you ask me that's not even the most impressive part really inside time freezes what do you mean huh what's so great about that inside that capsule you'll never grow old or die wow so in the worst case scenario we can always fall back and hide in there until we come up with a new plan nice for now let's all head to the helicopter yeah to the helicopter H what a cool machine well your plan wouldn't exactly work it's only big enough to hold one person at a time just one really no that's too bad hey can you guys hear that it sounds like the tomatoes are coming this is bad it is but not for me what huh what did you say hey what are you doing pinky not cool man at least let us join you in there sorry guys but it only has room for one person please don't hate me for this it's nothing personal traitor how could you betray us again I was even starting to trust you JJ help me open this thing it's no use the security is way too strong sheesh how do we get this door open oh it's no use obviously the door can only be opened from the inside but let's give up Mikey we're not getting this door open Tomatoes we're cornered what do we do [Music] huh cookie I don't believe it thank you what's that cookie oh cool it's a big drill I think we should follow him yeah let's go h we went pretty far is this place safe that was a close call sure was mhm I can't believe pinky betrayed us again seriously that guy is such a meanie thanks again for saving us cookie we owe you one huh oh what's this cookie what is that you found it on poppy Island oh I'll read it out loud experiments on the human test subjects have been completed we will attack their cities in one week and exterminate every last human signed tomato what cookie you just found out about this the tomatoes will take over the world in one week this is really bad JJ we need to do something to stop them oh you're right about that what this Island used to hold top secret research so it has a self-destructive ice oh blowing it all up might be the only way to stop them so we're going to blow up the island we don't have much Choice look huh it's a water tower oh neat I wonder if it's full of water want to check it out sure over here so it's in this building huh let's go yeah wao it's huge what a mysterious building huh down [Music] here lead the way cookie it's quite a walk no kidding wow that's got to be it right interesting it's some kind of vault door but how will we open it it looks really tough H you're right oh I've got it what's up a key there's got to be a key and if we can find it we can get past this door just leave it to me hey what are you doing with that drill I think cookie has a plan of his own hey what about the key how are we going to unlock the door if there's no door left wo that drill is so powerful wow I guess we don't need a key after all mo well great job cookie I'm glad he's on our side wow look at all this stuff this must be the self-destructive ice once we activate it we'll have 10 minutes to get off the island wow okay after we leave the island I wonder if pinky will be okay even though he's a traitor I don't think it's a good idea to abandon him nothing can scare me now I think I'll have some more bread my favorite yeah this is the good life but I'm sure it'll be fine that capsule seems to be pretty much indestructible mhm it can take an explosion yeah that seems fair okay let's activate it I'm ready here I go 3 2 1 well no turning back now guess not well we need to move now let's get to that helicopter right let's go uh-oh what is something the matter look Tomatoes there's not much time until the self-destruct we're in trouble Mikey I think we're going to have to fight our way out oh understood if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time h