Understanding the Integumentary System

Sep 16, 2024

Lecture Notes: Integumentary System

Unit Overview

  • Today's Focus: First page of lab list: skin models.
  • Next Classes: Axial and appendicular bones.
  • Resources: Class handout and concept map are available in the front of the room and on D2L.
  • Quiz 3: Based on the handout and concept map.

Class Handout & Concept Map

  • Layers of the Integument System: Focus on different layers of the skin and their functions.
  • **Five Key Functions of the Skin: **
    1. Protection:
      • From abrasions, dehydration, and bacterial growth.
      • Includes physical, chemical, and biological barriers.
    2. Thermoregulation:
      • Sweat production and blood flow regulation.
    3. Sensation:
      • Touch and pressure receptors.
    4. Metabolic Functions:
      • Vitamin D synthesis in response to sunlight.
      • Important for calcium absorption and bone health.
    5. Excretion:
      • Removal of waste through sweat.

Detailed Skin Structure

  • Epidermis:

    • Five layers: Stratum Corneum, Lucidum, Granulosum, Spinosum, Basale.
    • Stratum Corneum: Outermost, dead cells, protection.
    • Stratum Lucidum: Only in thick skin (palms, soles).
    • Stratum Granulosum: Keratin formation, cells start to die.
    • Stratum Spinosum & Basale: Living cells, nutrients supplied.
  • Dermis:

    • Papillary Layer: Areolar tissue, dermal ridges for fingerprints, increased surface area for attachment and nutrient diffusion.
    • Reticular Layer: Dense irregular tissue, hair roots, glands, nerve endings.
  • Hypodermis:

    • Not part of the skin, adipose tissue, blood vessels.
    • Contains major blood vessels supplying the dermis.

Cell Types in the Epidermis

  1. Keratinocytes: Most common, produce keratin.
  2. Melanocytes: Produce melanin for UV protection.
  3. Merkel (Tactile) Cells: Sensory touch receptors.
  4. Langerhans (Dendritic) Cells: Immune response, capture invaders.

Accessory Structures

  • Hair, Nails, Glands:
    • Sweat Glands (Sudoriferous):
      • Eccrine: Watery sweat, all over the body, temperature regulation.
      • Apocrine: Musky sweat, found in armpits/groin, pheromone release.
    • Sebaceous Glands: Oily, always associated with hair follicles.

Sensory Receptors

  • Meissner Corpuscles: Light touch, found in dermal papillae.
  • Pacinian Corpuscles: Deep pressure and vibration, found deeper in the dermis.

Hypodermis and Dermal Blood Supply

  • Hypodermis:
    • Adipose tissue and arteries/veins.
    • Blood supply feeds upper dermis and epidermis layers.

Skin Pigmentation

  • Pigments: Melanin, Carotene, Hemoglobin.
  • Function of Melanin: Protects DNA from UV damage.

Types of Burns

  1. First-Degree: Affects only epidermis.
  2. Second-Degree: Extends into dermis.
  3. Third-Degree: Extends through dermis into hypodermis.

Study Tips

  • Quiz Preparation: Use class handout and concept map as study guides.
  • Practice: Complete blank copies of handouts for exam preparation.

Note: Additional resources and keys for the handout available for reference.