Essential React Concepts for Developers

Sep 10, 2024

React Concepts Overview


  • React is a JavaScript library with terms like reconciliation, composition, and error boundaries.


  • Definition: Building blocks of React apps (similar to Legos).
  • Functionality: Each component is a JavaScript function that returns markup.
  • JSX: Instead of HTML, React uses JSX (JavaScript in Disguise).
    • JSX allows dynamic values and attributes in camel case (e.g., className instead of class).
  • Single Parent Element: A component must return one parent element; use a React Fragment to avoid extra elements.


  • Definition: Props (properties) allow passing data to components.
    • To use, create a prop attribute on the component and access it via the component's parameters.
  • Children Prop: Allows passing other components between opening and closing tags.
    • Useful for composition and creating layout components.
  • Key Prop: Unique identifier for components in lists (usually from the map function).

Rendering Process

  • Rendering: React uses the virtual DOM (vDOM) to efficiently update the browser DOM.
    • Diffing: Compares updated vDOM with previous version to identify changes.
    • Reconciliation: Updates the real DOM based on identified changes.

Event Handling

  • React has built-in events (e.g., onClick, onChange, onSubmit).
  • Use event handlers to respond to user interactions (e.g., showing an alert on button click).

State Management

  • Definition: State is a snapshot of the app at a given time.
  • useState Hook: Manages state in functional components.
    • Returns an array: the state variable and an update function.
  • Controlled Components: Input values controlled by state for more predictable behavior.

React Hooks

  • Types of Hooks:
    • State Hooks: useState, useReducer for managing state.
    • Context Hooks: useContext for passing data through the app.
    • Ref Hooks: useRef for referencing HTML elements.
    • Effect Hooks: useEffect for side effects like API calls.
    • Performance Hooks: useMemo, useCallback for optimization.

Component Purity

  • Purity: Pure React components return the same output for the same input.
  • Strict Mode: Component to catch potential issues during development.

Effects and Refs

  • Effects: Code that interacts with external systems or APIs (e.g., HTTP requests).
  • Refs: Reference actual DOM elements via useRef and the ref prop.

Context and Portals

  • Context: Allows sharing data through the component tree without prop drilling.
  • Portals: Render components outside their parent hierarchy, useful for modals, tooltips, etc.

Suspense and Error Boundaries

  • Suspense: Manages loading states and fallback components while fetching data.
  • Error Boundaries: Catch app-breaking errors and display fallback UI for users.


  • Comprehensive understanding of React concepts essential for building applications.
  • Consider joining a boot camp for in-depth learning.