Transcript for:
Child Cognitive Development Lecture

new babies aren't quite sure what happens to objects when they leave their site Skye's mom keeps disappearing and reappearing no wonder peekaboo is so much fun during their first year however infants will learn an important concept object permanence everything has a life of its own even if it is out of sight at Maya's age babies know to look for the object but they might not have everything else straight ten-month-old Simon is about to make a classic mistake although he watched us place the toy plane under the white cloth he looked for where he last found it not where he watched us hide it can you look at these two glasses and do you think that they have the same amount of juice do you think they have the same okay now we're going to pour this juice into this glass now do you think that this glass has more juice this guy's has merchants or do you think that they have the same amount that one this one has more and why do you think that this one has one because it's taller okay you ready okay does this row have more quarters does this row have more quarters or do they have the same five five okay does this row have more quarters does this row have more do they have the scene that one has more quarters why does this row have more quarters it's fire it's more far away all right we're gonna play a game with the grand Packers and we're gonna share them between me and you okay okay do you think that we shared those fairly No why not well what about what if we try this okay can I put this down right there now is it fair yeah yeah why is it fair now can you tell me what you see when you look at that from where you're sitting what are some of the things that you see okay now we're gonna do the same thing can you tell me what you see when you look at it from that stool an owl what what what is that a goat okay is there anything else you see right there what is that a tree another little tree can you tell me what I see when I look at this from where I'm sitting right here so first we're going to look at these two cups right here do you think there's the same amount of juice in this glass as there is matte black okay so we're going to take the juice from this glass and pour it into this one right here okay so now we're going to look at this glass and that so do you think that there's more juice in this glass more juice in this glass or do you think that they have the same amount sing them out okay why do you think they have this one is just wider and skinnier but they had the same masters it says if you hit a glass with a hammer the glass will break and then this one says Don hit a glass with a hammer so what happened to the glass it blows it broke why did it break if you hit a glass with a feather the glass will break and this is the second rule Don hit a glass with a feather what happened to the glass nothing happened why didn't anything happen because of several stock if you hit a glass with a feather the glass will break and the second one Don hit a glass with a feather what happened to the bus it broke and why did it break so their nose does she heard nothing without a break hope you hear the bass on the feather book