Neuro Radiance Fields (NeRFs) - Lecture Notes

Jul 3, 2024

Neuro Radiance Fields (NeRFs) - Lecture Notes


  • Speaker: Torsten
  • Topic: Introduction to Neuro Radiance Fields (NeRFs)
  • Background: Computer Vision, 3D reconstructions from images

Key Concepts

Explicit Scene Representations

  • Point Clouds & 3D Meshes: Traditionally used in multi-view stereo methods
  • Issues: Memory intensive, assume Lambertian surfaces (color consistency from various viewpoints)

Implicit Scene Representations

  • Signed Distance Functions (SDF): Used for 3D reconstructions, represent surfaces with zero-crossing isocontours
  • Voxel Grids: Use SDF stored in a voxelized manner, memory intensive

NeRFs Introduction

  • Input: Set of images with known camera calibrations and poses
  • Output: Faithful 3D reconstruction with implicit representation
  • Advantages: Models complex lighting effects, compact representation (~1MB for a room)

Volume Rendering

  • Concept: Compute color for each pixel by shooting a ray into the scene and sampling along it
  • Steps:
    1. Evaluate volume at sampled points
    2. Accumulate colors and volume densities
  • Result: Linear combination of colors based on volume density and visibility

NeRFs Detailed

  • Neural Network Input: Five parameters (3D position, 2 viewing angles)
  • Output: Color (RGB) and volume density
  • Training:
    • Images and known poses
    • Volume rendering to match predicted color to actual image color
  • Sample Generation: Randomized sampling within intervals to approximate surfaces
  • Position Encoding: Higher dimensional representation of coordinates improves fine detail recovery


  • Synthetic Data: High detail and view-dependent effects
  • Real Scenes: Effective in handling complex real-world scenes

Issues and Solutions

  • Speed: Original NeRFs are slow (days for training, minutes for rendering)
  • PlenOctrees: Spherical harmonics for fast training and rendering
  • Multi-resolution Hash Encoding: Efficient training with hash tables for feature storage

Geometric Extraction from NeRF

  • Direct Extraction Issues: Noise in reconstructed geometry
  • Signed Distance Functions: Better definition of surface geometry
  • WSDF: Volume rendering using signed distance function for improved geometry

Challenges and Alternatives

  • Sparse Data Training: Difficult with limited viewpoint coverage
  • Monocular Cues: Using depth and normal predictions to aid training
  • Transients and Appearance Vectors: Training NeRF with varying illumination and transient objects


  • Large Scenes: Training multiple NeRFs for large scenes (e.g., downtown San Francisco)
  • Run-Time and Memory: Trade-offs in run-time speed and memory usage

Tools and Software

  • Nvidia's Instant NGP: Efficient implementation of NeRFs
  • Nerf Studio: Tool for training and visualizing NeRFs


  • Current State: NeRFs are promising but still in infancy
  • Future Directions: Reduce training times, improve scalability, potential for real-time mobile applications
  • Resources: Blog posts by Frank Dard, survey papers