Introduction to ReactJS Basics

Aug 3, 2024

ReactJS Introduction

Overview of React

  • React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Focuses on building web applications using components.


  • A component is a self-contained section of code, similar to Lego blocks.
  • Each component can include both JavaScript and HTML.


  • React uses a syntax extension called JSX (JavaScript XML).
  • JSX allows writing HTML-like code within JavaScript files.

Virtual DOM

  • React uses a Virtual DOM to improve rendering performance.
  • Changes are tracked in the Virtual DOM, and only specific parts are updated in the real DOM.


  • Need to know JavaScript (including ES6 features) and HTML.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and install Node.js from
  2. Install a text editor (recommended: VS Code).
  3. Create a project folder and use the terminal to initialize a new React project:
    • Command: npm create vit@latest to create a development server.
  4. Select project name and framework (React).
  5. Install dependencies and run the development server.

Project Structure

  • node_modules: Contains external libraries and packages.
  • public: Contains public assets (fonts, images).
  • src: Contains source files.
    • assets: For bundled images and videos.
    • main.jsx: Entry point for the JavaScript file.
    • index.html: Main HTML file for the application.

Creating Components

  • Create new components by defining a function and exporting it.
  • Use the import statement to include components in other files.
  • Use JSX to include components in the return statement.

Example: Creating a Header Component

  • Create header.jsx for a simple header component.
  • Use props to pass data from parent to child components.

Example: Creating a Footer Component

  • Create footer.jsx and set up a footer component.

Props in React

  • Props are used for passing data between components.
  • Can pass various data types (strings, numbers, booleans).

Styling in React

Methods of Styling Components

  1. External CSS Stylesheets
  2. CSS Modules: More localized styles that avoid naming conflicts.
  3. Inline Styles: Directly applied styles using JavaScript objects.

Conditional Rendering

  • Render components based on conditions using if statements or ternary operators.

Rendering Lists

  • Use the map method to render lists of components based on an array.

Handling Events

  • Use onclick events to handle user interactions.
  • Use the event parameter to access event details.

Using React Hooks

useState Hook

  • Allows functional components to manage state.
  • Returns a state variable and a setter function.

useEffect Hook

  • Runs side effect code based on dependencies.
  • Can be used for data fetching, subscriptions, or DOM manipulation.

useRef Hook

  • References a DOM element without causing re-renders.

Creating Applications in React

  • Example applications include a to-do list, stopwatch, and digital clock.
  • Implement user interactions and dynamic content updates.


  • React provides powerful tools for building dynamic web applications.
  • Understanding components, props, hooks, and event handling is crucial for effective React development.