hello everyone recently ncrt published ncf school education on its website ncf outlines the educational framework and guidelines for school education in India it is periodically revised to provide a road map for curriculum development pedagogical and assessment practices and educational reforms in the country school education in India has been undergoing sweeping changes since the release of nap 2020 2020 called for a complete transformation of India schooling system to meet the challenging demands of 21st century knowledge Society nip is focus on skills got an endorsement from G20 Summit recently held in New Delhi nap received a virtual endorsement as a G20 declaration recognized the importance of foundational learning while emphasizing lifelong learning through Skilling reskilling and upskilling which are the focus areas of nap ENC of school education is one of the key components of nap 2020. ncrt place the pre-draft of the ncf school education for public comments on 6 April 2023 on its website former Israel Chief and scientist Dr keka surarangan chairman National steering committee for National curriculum framework submitted this ncf to honorable minister of Education government of India on 29 July and it was released on 23rd August 2023. prior to this ncf ncf Foundation stage was released on 10th October 2022 and it is now integrated into ncf school education what is the base for ncf school education yes it is nap 2020. unip proposed five plus three plus three plus four schooling structure laid significant emphasis on ecce emphasis on foundational literacy and numeracy assessments at stages in grades 3 5 and 8 to track learning achievement multi-disciplinary and holistic and integrated education reduced curriculum content to give space for communication critical thinking and problem solving flexibility and choice of subjects at the secondary stage integrating vocational education into mainstream education the medium of instruction to be in mother tongue up to grade 5 deep rootedness in India's cultural heritage and knowledge system School quality assessment and Assurance holistic progress card modular board examination these Salient features are also the basic overview of ncf school education then you pay 2020 proposed following ncfs to bring about the paradigm shift in education ncf ECC ncf school education ncf teacher education and ncf adult education prior to this ncf four are the ncfs were brought out in 1975 1988 2000 and 2005. ncf 1975 was based on NP 1968 and ncf 1988-2000 and 2005 were based on NP 1986 and program of action 1992. ncf school education aims to provide the guiding principles goals structure and elements for the development of curricula syllabi and teaching Learning Materials including play materials workbooks textbooks and assessment methods NCR school education is a vibrant document consisting of 600 Pages it is divided into five parts Part A deals with the aims of Education it lays the foundation of the ncf school education education is often practiced only as the acquisition of knowledge it is absolutely an inadequate View education should be acquired through values and dispositions capacities and knowledge the content pedagogy and assessment must be seamlessly woven together through curricular areas it emphasizes the need for a learner-centered approach and constructivism if we consider the current thoughts and knowledge in the world it can be observed that similar ideas existed in Indian thought to Millennia earlier nine schools of thought in Indian philosophy form an important source of discourse all of which date back to a few centuries BCE Part B of the ncf focuses on six important cross-cutting themes team one deep rootedness in India's knowledge system India has a rich cultural heritage with varied Traditions our country is a home to deep knowledge and extended practices from language to mathematics philosophy to Art grammar to astronomy ecology to Medicine architecture to Agriculture and so on hence it is important to design the curriculum and pedagogy deep rooted in the Indian context other themes are values and dispositions learning about caring for the environment it is in need of the arm inclusion in schools that is admitting children from all backgrounds including children with special educational needs guidance and counseling educational technology in schools RC of the ncf deals with the school subjects learning standards content selection pedagogy and assessment for each stage the three languages to be learned in the school us are are one R2 and R3 literacy is first learned in school in R1 that is the mother tongue or the state language R2 any language other than R1 including English R3 any language other than R1 and R2 at least two of these three languages are one R2 and R3 must be native to India the state or other relevant bodies would decide the choices of R1 R2 and R3 a day of the ncf deals with the school culture and processes it enables a positive learning environment and inculcates desirable values and dispositions party of the ncf deals with the ecosystem of schooling this includes aspects of teacher capacities and service conditions physical infrastructure requirements and the role of the community and family curriculum guidelines as given in the ncf the ncf school education is a direct outcome of the four stages of schooling as proposed in nap 2020 let me throw light on the curricular areas as cited in part C and also in part a curriculum refers to the overall goals plans arrangements and practices that shape the experiences of students in schools thus curriculum does not just refer to the subject content of the textbooks and their pedagogy but also School environment and culture foundational stage the foundational stage and visions and integrated approach to ECC for children between ages 3 to 8 that is Nursery to grade 2 children start schooling in this stage have a glance at the learning areas for this stage developing from literacy and numeracy finds adequate emphasis at this stage the pedagogy is largely play based holistic progress card is to be issued Preparatory stage it is for students aged between 8 to 11 years that is grades three to five have a glance at the learning standards for this stage content is to be presented slightly more through textbooks while concrete materials and experiences still form the core children must develop a genuine interest in independent reading and children's literature pedagogy must be activity and Discovery based middle stage it is for students aged between 11 to 14 years that is grades 6 to 8. have a glance at the curricular areas for this stage student must gain a more formal understanding of Nature and the methods of inquiry each form there is a shift to more abstract ideas assessments can be more formal and explicit secondary stage this stage is for students aged between 14 to 18 years to enable the vision of nap 2020 the secondary stage is divided into two phases phase one grades 9 and 10 and Phase 2 grades 11 and 12. curricular areas are grouped into four groups choice for the selection of disciplines will be available for grades 11 and 12. however gradually this choice will be extended to grades 9 and 10 2 Phase 1 of second stage that is grades 9 and 10. all students would continue to engage with all the curricular areas as in the middle stage in addition students would study Environmental Education as an interdisciplinary area of study students will engage with the breadth of curriculum across curricular areas there will be 10 learning areas or subjects Phase 2 of second stage that is grades 11 and 12. curricular areas are grouped into four groups Choice based courses are to be offered with more specialization from Group 1 students need to study two languages other four subjects need to be selected from two of the three groups that is groups 2 3 and 4 with an optional fifth subject for the clarity you can view here an illustrative list of subject combinations pedagogy at the second stage should expect more independent learning from the students self-study and group work should be encouraged assessment must be meaningful and challenging through higher order thinking skills implications for schools and Boards of examinations to offer and SS subjects from 10 curricular areas for grade 10. minimum two languages for grades 11 and 12. all board examinations must move towards becoming Easier by testing basic concepts and competencies across subjects rather than Road learning schools should be prepared to offer subjects from at least two groups from groups two three and four immediately within five years schools should be ready to offer subjects from all four groups within 10 years schools should offer many more subjects a four groups in 10 years all school systems should move to a single secondary stage where students have a choice and flexibility right from grade nine the current system of study in annual and two-year patterns should move towards semester system in 10 years Boards of examinations should be prepared to offer certification through modular examination including on demand examination the world is undergoing rapid changes in the knowledge landscape with various scientific and technological advances such as rise of Big Data machine learning and artificial intelligence the ncf is preparing our schools to lay a strong foundation for our students this is brief about National curriculum framework for school education 2023 to understand the process of implementations one must read the entire ncf however if you feel you want to be selective it is recommended that part a must be read along with a matter of your choice and interest part A lays the foundation of ncf school education for example if science teacher wants to focus only on our subject she must read part A followed by chapter on science from part C educational administrators must read part A along with Part D and party all the best for the next course of action have a great day God bless you