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Presretači u Spring Boot: Implementacija i korišćenje

Hi, Welcome to The Tech Mojo. This is Nilan and  in today's video we will learn about creating   and using interceptors in Spring Boot. This video  is broken down into multiple chapters. In chapter 1, we will talk about the introduction to spring  interceptors with some real-time use cases and in   Chapter 2 we will talk about difference between  the spring interceptors and servlet filters   the chapter 3 will cover how to implement  and register an interceptor in Springport   in chapter 4 we'll discuss about the Interceptor  execution order especially when you have multiple   interceptors in chapter 5 we will create an  Interceptor to perform the basic authentication   checks for the incoming HTTP request now  without a further delay let's get started spring interceptors are used to intercept  the client request before they are handled   by the controller they can also be used to  intercept the response before the response   is sent back to the client interceptors are part  of spring web MBC framework and they provide a   way to add free and post processing logic to  your application request response lifecycle interceptors can be used to log the  HTTP request and response and this can   be useful for debugging or tracking  the performance of your application   interceptors can also be used to enforce the  security policy for example you can write an   Interceptor that would check the user is  authenticated before allowing them access   to the to the resources interceptors can be used  to Cache the HTTP request and response and this   can improve the performance of your application  by reducing the number of times the request has   to reach to the controller interceptors can  also be used to transform your HTTP request   and response for example an Interceptor could be  used to convert the Json request to a XML response   in a typical spring boot rest API whenever  the client sends a HTTP request to a specific   endpoint or to a specific rest API the  request is first received by the web   server and then the web server will forward  the request to your spring boot application   the dispatcher sublet is the entry point for all  the incoming request in Spring boot application   once the dispatchers oblit received the request  it consult with the URL Handler mapping and the   Handler mapping is responsible to determine which  controller it should be passed to the request is   then passed to the controller and it is passed to  the controller based on the mapping that we Define similar to Interceptor there is also  another concept called filters now   the filters are part of servlet API and  they are operating at a very lower level   filters can also be used to intercept your  request and response the only difference   between the filter and Interceptor is filters  are not specific to the spring framework they   are basically a part of servlet API and they are  operating at a very lower level the filters are   are not specific to the spring framework however  you can still use the servlet filter because the   spring application or spring itself is built on  top of servlet API so now basically in Spring   boot application you have two options you can  either use filters or you can use interceptors   right so how do you decide which one to use for  your use case if the task is specifically related   to Spring MBC which requires a spring application  context then you should go with the interceptor   but if the task is more generic in nature and  it does not require any spring MBC or spring   context then you should do that in a servlet  level and that can be done using the servlet   filters now let's look into how sublet filters and  interceptors are fitting within the application   life cycle now whenever the request is made by  the user the request is now first reaching to   the servlet filter and then the request will be  sent or forwarded to the dispatchers outlet and   then dispatches oblet will send the request to the  Interceptor and then after all the interceptors   are executed then it passed to the controller  in order to create an Interceptor in springboard   or we typically have to create a class that  implements the Handler Interceptor interface the   Handler Interceptor interface has three methods  the pre-handle post handle and after completion   the pre-handle method is executed before  the actual controller method is called   it returns a Boolean value a Boolean true  indicates that whether the request would   continue to go to the controller or it should  be stopped right here the post handle method is   executed after the controller method is called  but before the response is sent to the client   so this is where you typically do any post  processing logic like modifying your response   header or modifying your response content the  after completion method is called after the   request has been completed and this method is  called even if there is an exception was thrown   during the processing of your request typically  you can use the after computation method to   perform any cleanup tasks that you need to do  after the request has been completed now that   we understand the basics about interceptors and  how it works let's jump straight into our spring   boot application and we will see it in action for  the demonstration purpose I have created a simple   spring boot rest API and this is a basic rest API  which has a controller called Product controller   and within the product controller we have  like two methods the first method which   is get products so the get products method is  returning a hard-coded list of products again   we have another endpoint called post endpoint so  this post endpoint is mapped to the URL Slash new   and here we're not doing anything complex again  we just passing a product as a request body and   we are returning the same object here now let's  run this and see how this works in the postman now as you see the hard-coded  list of products are returned   here now let's check on the next  endpoint which is the new endpoint   new okay and this should be HTTP post  and it takes a body which is a raw Json okay I mean we're not doing any  validation or anything whatsoever   right so you're passing the Json  and that Json is sent back to us okay now as you see the the list method  and the new method both are working   now let's jump back to our springboot  application and try to implement an   Interceptor for intercepting or printing the  logs Now to create an Interceptor all you need   is you need to create a class so new Java class  so let's call this as log Handler interceptor now your log Handler Interceptor need  to implement the Handler interceptor   now if you go inside the Handler Interceptor  you can notice that there are three methods the   pre-handle post handle and after competition the  pre-handle method is returns a Boolean value true   if it returns it true what it means is it will  continue with your with your controller otherwise   the the request flow will be stopped here now all  these three methods are implemented within your   interface and that implementation is done using  the default keyword and this is a New Concept   since Java 8 where you can have an implementation  or method implementation within your interface   what this means is you are not forced anymore to  implement any of these methods within your class   okay but however let's go back to our class and  we'll try to override all the three methods here   okay now here let's return true so that it will  continue with our controller now here all we   need to do is we want to print the logs we want  to print the logs to identify or to understand   the flow of execution now for that I'm going to  use the logger slf4j let me just use log dot info   here I'm printing the name of the class so I know  where the request is coming from and prehandle   okay let's do the similar things here for  the Post handle and for after competition foreign the next thing we need is we need  to register it with the spring boot   application and the registration can be done  using the webmbc configurer configuration   now for that let's create another class  new Java class and call this as web config   now this web config must  Implement your web MVC configurer   and let's declare this as a configuration so  that your spring boot application know about it   now here we need to override the add  interceptors method from the webmbc configurer   okay so let's override here add interceptors  okay now the add Interceptor method is provides   you the Interceptor registry now we need  to add our Interceptor to this registry okay so all I did is uh registry dot  add Interceptor and then I'm creating   an object of my interceptor  okay let's run this again okay my application is started in port 8080 let's  clear the logs go back here and hit the list   now as you see the log Handler Interceptor  prehandle method is executed before the   controller and once the controller  execution is complete then it calls   the post handle and then finally the  after computation method is called now this is how you add an  Interceptor in springboot   now let us extend this example to add in basic  authentication check now in order to do that   let's copy my log Handler Interceptor and I will  paste it here and let's call this as basic auth Handler Interceptor okay and similarly  I'll change these names as well let's call this as method right  it makes it sounds bit weird do the same thing here okay so now we have created a basic auth  Handler Interceptor but again we're not   doing anything at the moment let's verify  how this works and which one executed first   now we need to add the basic auth Handler  Interceptor to the registry again similar   to what we did for log Handler interceptor now  it is added to the registry let's run it again Now Products list so one thing to notice here is the first it  prints the log Handler intercept of prehandle   method and then it goes to the basic auth Handler  interceptor once the all the interceptors are   executed then it goes to the controller now when  it is coming back from the controller the first   it executes the basic authentication Handler and  then it prints the log Handler interceptor okay   and finally it prints the after competition method  again uh in the same order as the post post handle   now what if we want to change the order we  want to execute the basic authentication   before the log Handler and you can do  that here by adding the order method here   and let's give the order is one what it  means is the basic auth Handler Interceptor   will be executed before the log Handler  interceptor okay so here we give order 2. now as you can see the basic authentication  Handler Interceptor is called before the log   Handler Interceptor okay and this is because  we have specified the higher order for the   basic authentication interceptor now what if  you want to execute certain Interceptor for   a specific endpoint of specific URL you don't  want all your Interceptor to be executed for   all the time right so now let's say if you want  to do that you can do add path patterns and here   we need to specify let's say products Slash new  so what we want is whenever we are hitting this   endpoint product Slash new endpoint then the basic  authentication Interceptor should be executed okay let's run that again now you see product list when you hit that   it is not going to that intercept at all it is  only printing the log Handler Interceptor but but if I go to my new endpoint now you see the basic authentication Interceptor  is printed and then it prints the log Handler   Interceptor basically for the product Slash  new endpoint both the interceptors are executed   however for the list endpoint only the log Handler  Interceptor is printed okay so now let's expand   this uh into doing the basic authentication  check now what we want to do next is uh when   somebody hitting this product Slash new endpoint  we want user to provide a username and password   and if they don't provide that authorization  username and password then they should not be   allowed the service so for that you click on the  authorization Tab and here go for basic auth and   enter your username and password I'm adding admin  and admin okay so when you do this okay so right   now it uh the authorization headers has no impact  or no effect because we haven't done anything yet   now let's go back here on the code section so one  thing you notice here is the username and password   that we are passing here is getting converted  into base64 and it has a specific four bit for it   all we need to do within our basic authentication  Interceptor is we need to extract this header   and then we need to get this base64 string then  convert that back into the username and password   and then validate within our Java application  okay so for me let's copy this and go back to   my job application let's paste it here for our  reference we can delete that later so the first   thing we need is let's create a constant username  and password okay so let's say private static final so I've created two constant so this will be the  hard-coded username and password we will use to   validate our user to keep this example simple I'm  not having any database operations here so that's   why we have created two constants and we will  validate against these constants now the next   thing we want is we want to extract this header  the authorization header now to do that string auth header request dot get header and you  pass the header key that's it   and once you have the authorization header  now the next thing you want to verify is   the authentication header should not be empty  and it should also be starting with a basic okay so once it starts with that the  next thing we want is let's extract   the base64 string which is this part okay  now you can do that using substring method so basic stable credential equals to auth   header Dot substring and here we  can just give basic space this [Music]   okay so the next thing we need is we need to  convert this base64 into the plain text format   and for that we can use the  Java utils base64 package okay this is the decoded credentials okay now   let's convert this byte  credentials into a string format here you can optionally provide  the encoding format which is utf-8 okay now what we will get at this point is we  will get this getting converted into a plain   text format but when it is converted by default  it comes like this like admin colon admin so the   first part is going to be your username and  the second part is going to be your password   now let's split that and split that into  two parts and to do that let's use string   but let's convert that into  a string array string parts [Music]   okay now these parts will have two values here  one is the first item will be the username and   the second item is going to be the password  now let's here put the conditional check if username dot equals part Sub 0 okay password dot equals parts of one okay now if the username and password  is correct we want to continue with the controller   and that's why we will return true now here in  all other cases it should return false that means   the controller should not be invoked now here we  can also return an error message and to return   an error message let's do response Dot send error  okay so here let's use http response.unauthorized okay so this is all you need to do uh to  create your basic authentication check so   so all we did is First we extracted  the authorization header and then we   are verifying that authorization header is  not empty or it should start with the basic   then we are extracting the basic and space  here so it Returns the base64 credentials   only then we are trying to convert the base64  credentials back to the plain text here and then   we splitting getting the username and password  into two parts and then we are validating the   username and password provided by the user with  the username and password we have hard coded here   okay so we have created the basic authentication  Interceptor and the Interceptor is also being   added to the registry already so we don't  have to do anything let's go and run it now go back again and try to hit new okay this is returning 200 okay  because we are passing the username   as admin and password is admin but  let's change that to something else   okay so as you see we are  getting unauthorized error 401. now this is all for today's video if you have any  questions about spring interceptors or any other   related spring Concepts please write down in the  comment section below and I'll try to respond as   soon as possible if you like this video and if you  want to see similar videos in future please like   And subscribe my channel for more such contents  thank you for watching and see you in the next one