okay let's get on with this [Music] continue it wasn't the no was the other one going [Music] on a [Music] fore [Music] [Music] Bute [Music] this is one hit way bro [Music] [Music] [Music] the witching dancer okay so it's just going to move around a lot but it's not going to have a lot of HP and it's probably going to be like uh having like a lot of tracking which means counter should be very effective all right yeah now you're going a bit faster bro I am not the one who has to attack you [ __ ] oh going the other just SP gu for being done oh come on fore spee all I swear that's the second time that happens [Music] [Music] sh oh wow are you kidding me the [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] in the way for Fore [Music] [Music] wow wow stop it what the [ __ ] man now you're being slower [Applause] what the [ __ ] is this gu oh come [Music] on can don't see anything he going to die or now [ __ ] [Music] hey foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wow how I those guys so many of his attacks look like quite unassuming [Music] oh come on so many times like I'm barely able to [ __ ] off barely not able to [Music] stop screaming you piece of [ __ ] can see anything this guy is annoying foree foreign speech [Music] [Music] oh out oh [Music] man oh come on [Music] canot see anything with the [ __ ] things in the way can you ATT thank you like right there I tried to to Sho but I had to enter the inut again in order to actually shoot that man this is not a good map for this can you get out of the [ __ ] forest or something [Music] [Music] oh come on that's too fast [Music] really fck no of course that [Music] [Music] fore foreign speech [Music] other thing [Music] [Music] a of course spee [Music] foree out man what what happened fore foreign speech I wanted to cut the toil but it just never really into a good moment to do so like it was always like momentum somewhere else where the the tail was not a good Target at at that point oh what the the [ __ ] is this game doing stop screaming you piece of [ __ ] sh [ __ ] boxes [Music] I can't get a Vibe with this guy man yeah yeah whatever and the ludos just collaborate with you willingly just because yes and yeah that hits me because of course it hits me even though I'm behind and it's attack forward very cool very [ __ ] cool this guy is [Music] disgusting oh no I think I used another [ __ ] m he [Applause] [Music] where to get into die around what is this hit boxes bro like seriously I'm just going to [ __ ] R to die are you kidding me man I I really hope that this guy just has low HP man it's disgusting [Music] [Music] [Music] foree hen ring fore fore fore fore [Music] fore [Music] fore for spee [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] what what what happened there Why didn't it give it to me didn't I land there pretty sure I landed there what yes a hit boxes [Music] [Music] [Music] for nice SC thank you piece of [Music] [ __ ] man this guy sucks what is this [Music] they ohuh [Music] sounds like hermit of the swamp yeah Mr tun was [Music] [Music] in yeah [Music] [Music] an this is it's like the same body as the mus you [Music] fore I cannot really guarantee that everything on this schedule is going to be like that like for example when when I did the the special stream on my birthday um I said I was going to wow and then you know it didn't end up being like a more like impromptu stream and improv 2 just wasn't really cutting it like it wasn't really what I expected I guess and uh then I ended up doing something else which was okay but uh was based on uh things not going as PL basically [Music] youee [Music] I don't know I just I didn't like the the fact that I changeed plans on the F like that and within that improvisation you know I have my reasons to do things is not like just chaos chaos chaos right but um it's an apparent chaos because of wow it just me or they're doing more damage than [Music] before because things are not like planed out man just trying to get the [ __ ] tail but the way the [ __ ] naraka moves makes it almost impossible for for me to Target the tail feel like I keep targeting the stupid head oh man I swear thank you no can do that wow wow [ __ ] off man I hate that mechanic so much like just bouncing off that's what's going to be like the worst mechanic ever in in M of pter with the exception of the class claw of course [Music] wow okay [Music] okay hopefully I can get enough materials to get the the weapon oh nice timing I wonder what what this guy is with to what he just pissed out amazing them [Music] by the way um I didn't mention like I I mentioned the the fact that I was planning on the weekly schedule but uh here's how I have the at least the idea at first of what the average week is going to be like uh so it be like a streaming on uh Monday Wednesday Friday basically almost guaranteed unless I have to do something like X ra or something on then on uh [ __ ] off on Thursday and Tuesday I would have recording and edit uh days [Music] and then uh [Music] what oh come what is this oh this most then on the the weekends uh depending on events and uh maybe things that we do on the weekend I would either stream all day pretty much like uh longer than usual I guess or or not see metal depends why the [ __ ] targeting man just let me [ __ ] like what's the point on on healing while moving if if you're going to have insane targeting and mother [ __ ] all can [Applause] pretty sure the main reason why the [ __ ] uh leaves and stuff exists in this game is just to obscure your visibility that's sure I don't know what this is they just get worse and worse man this guy is weird as [ __ ] okay oh man [Music] than you I wonder what this guy is with to maybe oh man some of this like the the new rise monsters have like like insanely weird [Music] P I'm out [Music] man for spee fore [Music] [Music] so uncomfortable [Applause] foree for what [Music] if only if only I didn't count that [ __ ] stupid mechanic where [ __ ] boun all then it'll be okay [Music] [Music] oh you piece of [ __ ] [Music] man seems like I need [ __ ] blue sharpness [Music] man but I don't have any I should not have any spee [Music] h a bit too late can you why isn't it not responding like I swear sometimes he just doesn't respond them I swe excuse me another one shot damn amazing game design just one shots BR no no I don't want this winess spoilers just a bit annoyed that uh the F that you know sometimes it's just really hard to to tell like I think it's I probably but it's either ice or fire I think [Music] fore fore spee what that did that did not connect that did not [Music] [Music] connect um I'm thinking about doing like maybe another Ral or something [Music] attack boost for attack attack boost attack boost yeah if I can get like the griefs I think that would be nice first com EX wa right get s yep like oh you super run not e this [Music] for be more much do e bch one water get don't f that's more why so muchen sh like you that yes I okay so now see like we can get that so we Forge what roll back oh yeah we have to forge this one yes you have to upgrade yes let's just equip It Whatever Dragonite upgrade [Music] yeah there's also that thing but um I prefer this one it's more sharpness more Affinity you know no element either way I'll have to go through this path like more than once I'm pretty sure but and then with the armor we can do we can do this as well [Music] pretty to see that like this one is actually pretty easy to see but I just [ __ ] it up I the stream I mean by the way I should have like what a lot more defense than before this I didn't actually have that many parts of uh higher level monsters this guy is just bouncing like everything is just bouncing off of him [Music] [Music] h what how did that not work how was that not a counter man I swear the counters in in in this in this one in this game are trash like the the the counter confirm like the the hit confirm of the counters is just so terrible this gu is among [ __ ] way I said that [Music] come on [Music] speech spee foree up yeah back in um speaking of the topic to got earlier making uh unite you know even though I don't I didn't play it for that long part three um I used to use uh du blades the most in that game because the back then the [ __ ] off man I got that wrong one [ __ ] all I ha this [Music] G yeah what I was saying because back then the the long sword move set was pretty me like I didn't have any kind of side step attack or it didn't have the the levels or you know the round slash or anything like that it was very very I don't know I guess you could call it it was more like a fast great sword than than the what the long SW is went which by the way long sours I probably said this before multiple times but long sours in real life very different from this and then this lawn Source what we know here in the mon handle world as La Source are actually great SCE and the great sours on M hunter games are basically nonsense oh [ __ ] man I still want to do that [Music] [Music] man wow that that wasn't enough to cut it was going to be like T nothing did not cut the attack whatsoever man I hate the [ __ ] auto thing Auto climb it's so [ __ ] I thought I disabled the the autoc climbing battle may I have to check the settings again because man it's so [Music] [ __ ] what is this guy okay now it foreign spee fore [Music] foreign speee fore die P [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you thank you for [Music] [Music] listening now I wonder what was the actual um [Music] weakness of this guy I'll check after the [Music] mission unless they have already aded [Music] it well that it's h last eight already [Music] then fore Max portion drop it more razor sharp [Music] [Music] power charm armor charm that's good [Music] than special license test oh okay this one is interesting Ros googa and um that guy what about this already did that one ghost what the [ __ ] oh TX yeah this is basically like um you know the the end game stuff in order to farm for the story I think I'll do the special license test I don't know for me for example I don't mind fighting Ros I think it's you know it can bit annoying but uh it's okay bit of the same with you NOA like in my opinion G NOA is uh more annoying than what he was in third generation but you know still okay I guess my me my being issue with this one is the the the third one you know the other the other one that is not you NOA or uh lalos the Almont I don't remember the name of [Applause] [Music] it just call it cuz that's what I what it sounds like oh [ __ ] off wow wble combo ah he didn't do that one before passing me by oh I forgot to check the the thing remember after I slay the raffalos or he pces out and what not and I have to go find him remind me to what it um to check the The Hunt of notes [Music] you know what has appeared that means that this guy is almost at [Applause] [Music] oh by the way for anyone wondering why I call it know of zogre that's because that was his name in the original you know JP version of third before they changed his name on the western versions [Music] [Applause] [Music] man what are you doing stop it oh [ __ ] off hit me with a [ __ ] m the what is what is I don't remember what's the name for m in in [Music] English you know when your when your limb gets amputated the part that is like that looks unated like it has a name in Spanish is m i don't know how it is in I I don't remember what it is in in English [Music] [Music] [Applause] why are all the [ __ ] monsters like professional time waster wasters like seriously ra one North American with a South American feels okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah maybe maybe did you see the the race by the way I was not expecting uh Power to have like that much rhythm in comparison or maybe I should say I was not expecting uh H to not have the Rhythm to catch up with uh [Applause] Power not sure what happened because at the start they feel like he had the Rhythm and then there were some really weird um choices you know like strategy calls by ganasi so I don't know what what is up with that [Applause] oh you didn't watch the okay well I watched the full thing for both of [Music] [Music] them Oh I thought there's some big internal issues and I think the the only reason why those internal issues didn't appear before is because they were dominating before and now they're L now they're suddenly like just everything is an issue right I don't know if you have seen like the um the information about it so I don't know if you have seen the the thing with Gran but uh that was um interesting to say the [Music] least when you see the highlights or or the full race if you decide to do that you will see it I don't I I prefer to not ruin the surprise honestly it is worth the the surprise a oh really [ __ ] off [Music] oh come on why s by the way I haven't told this story in a while but I hope you're not um you don't mind me not uh talking about uh spoilers and what not of certain things like races or whatever uh out of my own discretion but um the main reason why I do it is because I really think it is uh worthwhile to not know until you do it or until you just he yourself um but um I had one situation where I I used to have them all ke work used to and then I decided to not tell him one thing because I didn't want to spoil um I think it was worthwhile to just know tell and without telling me they de had to just literally ghost me and just never come back um so yeah that's that happen I think it's pretty dumb situation but happened [ __ ] all man I I hate that you cannot approach him that W I swear it just feels like it's just going to take a bit longer than that what if the cover instantly how how did Cover inant like I don't know like it feels like it's not worthwhile to go for unless you really need the the right first of all like the mechanic is kind of as faru and [Music] secondly it's just like for the most part you're in mid in the middle of the combo when that happens so like it's not like you have a lot of time to do [Music] it there we go I this close no don't K me I [Music] [Music] going great he spawn on his own oh that is not the only the only thing that happened there that is for sure not the only [Music] thing the issue is like in fact like the the issue is not that the issue is what happened right afterwards oh come on you got be I I just hate like they get in the counter and then it just [ __ ] runs away no what calls everything afterwards is is him not not wanting to see not checking not like whatever like like it's like when you have to uh go back you know like when you have to reincorporate the track you have to know that there's other people in the track right and you have to be careful to not you know disrupt the their lines right what cannot happen is that you just uh do a burnout to get in position a burnout that includes uh getting on the vision or to see um the the other drivers on their way to the corner where you are and you just go forward get on the [ __ ] racing line uh and yeah provoke an accident um yeah definitely unsafe region and a very stupid one honestly especially with someone with like it's not even we're not talking about the rookie we're talking about Gran who is far from a rookie of [Music] course that doesn't mean that he is good he never was good in have one and he is definitely not one of the best on IND the car either [Music] so then there's also like the the thing that happened at the start with Dixon that was also really bad driving by the I both honestly like both were on uh on fault like the the one that they penalized and the other one that was on the other side I forgot the the names like it was RI and which one was the other one like they they were both in like at fault to some degree but they only penalize one of them because yes yeah I think it's like the the the one with fuchi was more clear because basically he he just cut the the corner into uh Dixon so it was pretty obvious that you know he was at fa but the back straight isn't really as straight though it goes to the right a [Music] bit I'm not sure uh I'm not sure what you want to say by that honestly cuz I was like I was not really talking about any of that unless I'm missing something [ __ ] man I hate this game just this [ __ ] die oh man oh slightly too late though everything just bounces off I really want [ __ ] oh I swear I need that skill like like water seriously like it's so bad without it everything just bounces [Music] all see like let me let me okay can you turn like is just okay there we go [Music] The Bouncing The Bouncing man the only thing that I want to bounce are balls and titties I don't want swords to bounce off that's not a good game playay element [Music] [Music] ah fore fore spee three WI going to run the radius curve yeah usually but uh the thing is it's not like you cannot just break or you know like don't not try to go super YOLO on the start because you know you might try to get y to go YOLO on the start and you know like recover some positions and all of that but the biggest chance for you to get like the biggest thing that you can get on that on that occasion is mostly a dnf or uh penalization why why in the doorf I [ __ ] hate this guy it's just like this guy just feels wrong you know what I mean like the way that he moves and everything just it should not be a hard a hard height kind of monster what it is for whatever reason they decide to G him like extremely hard arm guard [Music] okay now I think nothing will bounce off that's one of the good things about the before Portland I mean uh Dixon Hera and uh and power were like between 50 something 60 something something think points away from [Music] Palo by the way uh I think Palo is going to win next week the the championship I'll be surprised if he doesn't yeah cuz the thing is like one of the one of the best things about Palo is that he's actually careful which most of the indie car drivers are not I've noticed like he he is able to read the situation properly and make a smart Deans [Music] um doesn't seem to be the case with most of the other ones [Music] um it seem from from the looks of it um for what he has said it's basically IND the car like he just going to continue to dominate in the IND the car I will not he's Chiller okay now we can just forge the youo um stuff well yeah I think uh that's going to be it for this part um I'm going to take a break and then I'll decide what to do