Asalamualaikum Asalamualaikum Maaf Pak selamat malam gangguubungang saya senang sekali bangga bisa melayani bisa memberikan bantuan ini adalah pengamalan saya melayani terhadap masyarakat apa saja malam-malam Pak Iya ini e apa tabungannya lagi kosong besok mau belanja Pak ke warung untuk sembako gitu jadi harus diisi Dulah gitu mrant has turned his house in Jakarta outirts into a kind of bank branch in this poor neighborhood the former Navy officer offers Services at all hours He's An Agent for a new local electronic money service called eash with a few Clicks on his keyboard the bank correspondent credits,000 rupas less than 8 to this man's mobile phone money account masuk Pak udah masuk Pak ini e dapat SMS dari Mandiri his customer can now use the electronic Wallet to buy phone credit pay electricity Bills or buy supplies in some local mom and pop grocery Stores masyarakat diini memang sangat kecil sekali hubungan ke bank karena di sini adalah masyarakatnya menengah ke bawah Bahkan mereka tidak memiliki rekening bank jadi fungsi handphone ini nomornya itu sama dengan nomor rekening bank the unbank customers go to this Agents and they can open accounts They can Cash in cash out They can do fund transfer They can also pay utilities just like a branch but Run by third party inad of directly by Mandiri Saya kenal pakiantos sudah lama beliau ketua RT di daerah sini maka saya percaya banget beliau jadi agen ees Mandiri di wilayah ini saya dekat dari rumah ini jadi makanya saya ke sini gak perlu Kebang lagi gitu terima kasih Asalamualaikum Bank Mandiri has more than 2000er lo AG branchless banking is part of a government effort to bring financial products to the 160 Million unbanked as 60% of the population Owns a mobile phone mobile Money subscribers can choose Among a handful of platforms to get no frills no opening fee no minimum Balance electronic money accounts that they can manage remotely these kinds of mobile wallets are expected to democratize banking Services in Indonesia where most of people still use only Cash and don't save money as they don't have a bank account currently we have 60 7 Million saving accounts in Indonesia I think the potential if we go by the number of mobile subscribers it has to be around 180 to 200 Million making the rounds in one of the country's poorest slums Mr Hardianto has already opened more than 500 electronic money accounts since october 2014 the 60yearold agent has an Asalamualaikum Waalaikumsalam iya Bu apa kabar Baik Pak silakan Nah jadi handphone ini nah ini dipakai untuk gantinya uang kertas e cas Iya itu sangat cocok Iya dengan rumah tangga seperti Ibu saya enggak punya uang buatya berapa saja iklannya adalah gratis tanpa setoran dengan adanya mereka sudah bisa memasukkan itu berarti sudah dia menjadi nasabah ini kita masuk bisa baca Education is one of the obstacles preventing branchless banking from taking off for those who provide mobile money products regulatory confusion is making it Harder to expand their Services They can set up their technology but the spending on Advertising on marketing on creating An Agent Network has been limited because of regulatory uncertainty for the manager of state Run Bank mondiri simplifying The Rules would Open the way for offering new products from transactions bas to saving accounts and then we can also crossell to them the micro loans micro insurance every Monday at the local mosk men gather After The Prayer on one night in May Mr Harianto Who's also a religious leader preaches about the Benefits of branchless banking hari libur gak bisa kalau sini di rumah sambil tiduran pencet-pencet bisa I think this program is very surprised we are support the help of the people Indones still Harianto Finds it hard to convince majority in his community transfers are limited to less than00 and for now eash accounts pay no interest maksimal hanya 5 juta sehinggai melakukan bisnis itu mungkin agak terhambat e ketertarikan dengan Ik ini mungkin belum saya karena saya lihat manfaatnya belum luas