16 32 64 64 what happens each cell then becomes a specific it's the one within itself for here I know fingernails heart kidney lung et cetera so you are going from an electrical beam but you're a liquid liquid is transient what do we mean by that liquid can be solid it can be liquid and it can be gas so it is the one element that's transient when the liquid tension when that energy goes into the liquid widely because liquid is an excellent conductor of electricity so you're going from an electrical meeting and to the perfect state that's conduct conducive to that electricity liquid then what happens what push the semen oil in the seminal vesicle visit you really and what is it doing it does this wouldn't male exactly what is that what's one thing in pressure what's that pressure first week four to five and when it's pressing so there's a pushing there is a wind in our conscience we've noticed that so from an electrical beam to a wooden beam into a water snake and one when they're fired involved yet the male a female had to reach a certain which of the ejaculation does not take place orgasm does not take place email in the email until a certain body temperature is reached if it's not reached its own ejaculation if that friction does not produce the amount of it is necessary to give or produce a certain body temperature in the ejaculation there is your fire these goings this liquid realm and in time nine months in most cases even to personify from the conventional beam and mother is breathing in during this process scientists have found the nasal passage of human beings have nervous inside that they don't know the person his nose we acknowledging the ancient cultures that mother is breathing in the elements chemicals gases formulas nutrients for her environment which are being used right there balloon to pull for the formation of the baby so there is a metaphysical aspect in Africa amongst the nations of the Americas amongst the Indus River Valley amongst the makers of South America among the Caribbean we did have science this just that no one asks us what do we say of us everyone wants to tell us what we are tell us what we believe and what we should believe and how we should believe and what or Nirvana or any other belief system we have to start with and the quest for the first that was over the people I've been indoctrinated monotheism and monotheism is Greece and Roman worship it represents the castration emasculation feminization of felony right anyone else again this is just an open mic just let's talk about the book called the secret doctrine and that created by or any of those other anyway that some of the lost texts what we were handing out to you so it should be very where there's a Bible that you can find it's called the Sunderland 0 and DP r VN 0 n de r v am Zondervan by Zondervan study by King James this is something they put inside of him in the very beginning of it which tells you business scholars that are clear that all is not necessary no there's nothing let's do it because you need to see it on the very top what does it say major refuse to turn to the side that has like me it says our modern letters on the top okay maybe to representative examples of ancient in Easton non biblical documents that provide parallels or shed to shed light upon various Old Testament passages so these so-called scholars are telling you this list is part that this represents Old Testament information that doesn't come through your binders that predate the Bible now before we started reading lists establish a few things according to so called by the scholars there's an individual or nibla anybody reader Mitt Romney by any part of my team and in spite of the scholars and mint mark is the son of cush we know cushion is Ethiopian and cush is the son of ham we know him is Africa commitment so now let's read what they have here on the first one you see our monitor letters everybody see that you see it please raise hands on no room the same paint okay Canaanites a caddy hundreds of letters we primarily by Canaanites rise illuminated social political and religious relationships between Cannon and Egypt bear in mind that in the same sonic environment in the same Nelson published in mind as well as this Bible here the King James Ryan Study Bible they now admit that the tribes of Canon are those of the tribes of Bureau of Europe so they may also because of admitting that Nimrod is pushed and pushes through the open event by Nimrods in Ethiopian coming out of ham and Canada's Kemet which is African then they're admitting when you say Nimrod and Nimrod set up five cities according to the Bible as they've given it to our people today the five cities are Genesis chapter 10 a cab a canyon Shinar Sumer babble babble on erect Iraq and Kelvin so this our model letters says relationships between Canada and Egypt during the reign of Amenhotep the third and pumpkin item so this is the writings that were speaking to it people of Uncle Pat's in the nominal took two thirds time the second one says nominal touch the wisdom Egyptian pharaoh the first millennium BC thirtieth chapters of wisdom that we know Egypt is on what country everybody much more confidence he can Africa 30 chapters or wins construction are similar to what proverbs 22:24 and provide the closest external parallels to Old Testament woods what is that telling us what are they admitting where they admitted proverbs comes out comes out of Amenhotep wisdom which is coming out of what continent so the book of Proverbs in its original writings before was misinterpreted is actually what type of wisdom homonyms explicitly African wisdom know then just to figure this one thing so that's the game okay third one our high seas epic of cadion of cadion a canid who was the rule of a caddy to just talk about memra because he set up a CAD Shinar iraq iraq Caliban and bamboo so the Akkadian and after Isis what records for this are these because mid one was what some who push push so in it was the son of course when he sets up a CAD the Akashic records on what type of record push sirenix so the Akkadian push type records are one in cosmological epic depicting creation in early human including the what me telling what everybody was reading including for what the blood found in Genesis chapters 1 through 9 so Genesis chapter 1 through 9 were stolen from me are prophecies which is on what type of record the footside record and cush is what country then Ethiopia's on what continent so the Africans had a flood story called the Africa sees record before than Europeans misinterpreted beginner's luck let's keep reading yes this is before guilders because the Gilgamesh is the sumerian records right but the Sumerians speak about the floods of foot deficient but the Sumerians Sumer is Shinar Shinar is Nimrods people so Sumer was it before Africa what happened if Sumer or Shima heart was established by M rod then did one is the son of cush whatever ancient kushai Babylonian doctrine that he was teaching yes this would this read what it says Babel only in the Odyssey babble on and babble who was the ruler there babbled one of the cities of Nimrod a sufferer and his friend died along with each other Joel so where's the book of Joel story coming from the Babylonian what is the sailorman the Babylonian life theodicy so the story of Joel is an African story in its original form or is it a European story it's an African story that's been misinterpreted in the back to us either that's when Cyrus cylinder a fabulous yes and not just to justify slavery not not just African music after a performance a nubian Melanie because our great kingdoms in Africa were many 100 contemporaries without great kingdoms in South America they took the records and twisted but they understood why they twisted we talked about the beginning cultural diffusion understood see over this we're reading these two sides of the bakery that it was already genetically in you so you already would have an affinity towards it but if I could break up your tribes and remove you priests and priestesses and grab their records and stick them in our museums in Germany and stick them in our museums and in New York and stick them in our museums in London the stink of adoptions in France and they can give you access to the language knowledge in those museums and libraries you would be fooled energy-wise emotionally towards this embracing without knowing what's causing unity for not realizing this now that we'd be with a different agenda the next day cyrus cylinder King Cyrus the Persian person is what country today he ran he ran does the word the language that the Iranian speak is no manners for partisan the word Farsi is the word partisan or Persian the Iranians what do they call Satan again say what are they caught Iranians what is the word Iranian indo-aryan they are not the people of that land you were the original indigenous people of that land but something happened to see King Cyrus of furniture reports the conquest of Babylon that was used to advantage and most of its generous policy what's his loose subjective and aahs so the Daniels story of the Bible that's been really reinterpreted refracted is stolen from what the Cyrus cylinder which is a caddy in which is host people again remember to push - don't hit people this was your story we reinterpreted lies and myths attitude but you had the original let's continue Dead Sea Scrolls whoever may agree several hundred scrolls and fragments including all of his copies of Old Testament books and passages where was the Dead Sea Scrolls found the tablets tablets appear on the carotid region of what Palestine what was it originally called Palestine because the word Palestine is the word been ischemia and it means a migrants so whoever named the land migrant could not have air the original people who visited this was your region Israel Saudi Arabia the next one I'll stop the effort tablets Sumerian Shinar new parts people thousands of commercial leaf litter area network and with Safari texts describe the cultural vitality and political power we pay to our civilization in City absorb a Travel Solutions came to Syria this tablet of the ever already exist talking the Abraham story as it was taught by our matriarchal society the next development deep providers less elephantine it's an island a part of Ethiopia is an Ethiopian records we made these topics I want you to take them home and do some research and realize that then most the Bible the Koran was taken from you and the psalmist know it this is not something I type movie title meantime we do see any Barnes Noble we don't know he was at the bookstore and you can order it in different weapons so this same Bible is she was by print from TD Jenny's say vitamin news bio speed by Jimmy Baker number fingers on swagger they used this by the cycle is actually one of the people who works on the commentary for this Bible so there is no mistaking for you and they know people is not original records why would they like they lose control of South America North America Africa the Indus River Valley Walton that which you worship would no longer be worship could join magically realizing you are the mothers and fathers of spirituality that you are the mothers and prophets of the original records of natives of the Americans of South America Africa of Asia before the Aryan invasion area the caste system doctrine the Aryan caste system doctrine was around way before the Europeans the Europeans were invaded by those indo-aryans would make one of the worst of Sallah business into Rome they were caught by Egypt those for gypsies and it brought a certain dollar from the Levant and region of the Caucasus mountain and they gave it to the people who created the caste system that earth Jim Crow that birth manifest destiny which simply says if you're living in the land well the Caribbean and I come and I see resources and I feel that you don't know how to use those resources properly I have a right to take and that's what they lured all across the globe with indigenous artifacts you go I bid for London Museum Epis leave Germany go to these museums if you see artifacts of all cultures that's it we're nobody here is the limits for the betterment of all what he means was betterment of all we're still here give it to us and if you want to see it come to my lane would that make more sense if it's from the invaders of South America artifacts and if you want to see it then you go when you take your resources your finances so they go to that country Maitreya the hatred for the final principle this whole the men started because there were a group of men who by society where it's a man boy called pedestrian and they paint the emails design they were jealous of jealousy became a hatred to the point where they were dressing as women trying to be you because you were in was made so the attack of in North America of the different products in South America to lead the charge the Caribbean in Africa in the Indus River Valley about different tractors that the rent attacked on the mother principle not only will the hatred of the physically manifesting mother but the hatred of Earth Mother and it created a nod but it says give you dominion over the fish of the sea and about and everything when the matriarchal doctrine didn't say they mean it said I'm a child when they took me I became patriarchal is why they said three-page doctor battery if I say free got me what am I saying major dr. doctrine so it was to do away with being a truly with the thing about the mindset of individuals that say we're going to Massacre all the Buffalo all the coyote killed off all the animals that live on earth and then for me in Greenpeace this is that backwards I'm gonna master and once I get everything to the brink of extinction okay now that's one of organizations to save the whale big noticing things they're saying enough to them aside you can't do your rituals of hunting in mind but they're doing it now but that's after you came in with guns and killed everybody nice other side warning for once here one line as the coming of age which you can be printed all the lines and then say we can no longer practice with delicious the Native Americans didn't kill all the buffalos they would hunt for food of the 100,000 welcome all innovative killed 10 and that get population control you do the same thing today you give up gun permits certain time the deer hunting permits for people without permission very psychologically that they felt a big survival creature while him hit the reality about the Black Plague you intimidate you in Native Americans you do industry about all the places you wouldn't - would make changing my oldest stood the responsibility of your interaction with nature we didn't suffer for my grass because we had we cast all of our culture's newscast with Jack Warner or the links or the Bobcat or the domesticated house with what his master member feline we had carvings of the field didn't happen when they would be in certain parts of Europe decimated by this black plague our position will if you go and I'll show you the very mass of the doctors in Europe during the play with the calling the Black Plague a big war was the actual Ibis of the position called TT the Black Betty Chile if once you get it up well they call the Black Plague is called the bubonic plague everything is right but they'll use the kids black back you know anything got hair like a melon okay so we've all chosen fairytales breeds adult religion and they dress how the fairy tales were really used to create divine Manhattan today how the story of the man I can tell you before we go to the specs I could say to you I'm going to describe something which we talk about and talk about it's a man he's very strong it's long here you can kill the line you draw all the planets and he can rip their mouth open who's that come on you sure no no please see what tribe is Samson from the tribe of Dan we're type of man is Hercules from it's annoying the danoi who tricked Samson the prostitute who trips Hercules be no property and taking the Greek and Roman mythology that's what this do well let's go to the page Europe at the time of which equality and Lextran is going through a renaissance right after the Black Plague of bubonic plague with the organism when men like dickerson parole the Grimm brothers would work to reinvigorate Europe back to its Germanic roots it's happening today that's why you've got the Lord of the Rings in the Twilight mania and you're Lankans underworld and you're these other ones litter mates witches of reason and the all these televisions of this whole this is Greek Roman reinvigoration through the media through television through movies through cinematography to get you back into Greek and Roman culture Twilight they love Bella Bella is a Greek goddess and melody don't want to turn her as a wolf and a vampire actually arguing over not turning so just eat it so the movie can be old man doesn't make sense but this is German this whole thing Lord of the Rings 1 2 3 for those small and between towers the two towers that light these one one two and three all of this is all being done on purpose they teach the religious enslavement because it's pan it's the same story in each of these stories is some person willing to die in the underworld Florian's lucious lucious what is what it was Lucius subliminally lucious not metal super lucious what do you heal you solutions lucious what does lucious save you money good things something you want something you desire it's these this is not the states there's no new television movies coming out on everybody to the same strips of you if you all would love to watch Three's Company and then you watch friends you see the same three guys moving around in the house and apparently downstairs the governor being the same story and now they have the middle one they keep rewriting these fairy tales when the spiritually Bible Quran or movies so the photography loves Foley's books novels its reinvigorated Greek Roman Germanic culture but that's what they were trying to read identify there was angry that the Roman invasion and I would took them away from Germanic culture 128 bits of the position I want to place one for you this one's up from the opportunity so when I say Egypt with understand I don't mean that wonderful small portion to only lead to today I'm talking about the continent when I speak of North America I'm talking about the content when we stick to South America because each of our tribes had something to offer just as each University in America has something to offer some universities specialized in engineering why because the resources in that area maybe it was possible to get the materials building materials that while you're studying engineering you could be able to apply the lens of Germany certain universities doing medicine why because the permissible or pharmaceutical companies or the possible this is the same thing when you look at page 128 descent on the left is a picture of a plank position of the semak's essentially notice they dressed by the Tomatina angel or garnet magnesia tt so their whole concept of medicine was coming from saluting and TT annotate I important and I hope that wrote 50,000 papyruses of a paradigm with medical formulas Paul the Iliad or divine Moulton which we translated I am hotel was a student of this this was all possible but the fairy tales if I said let's give you another one if you blaspheme God you can be struck by for sunup oh then all dead means dead then is the word they use iron if I make for deed your way of life so OD has a son named Thor and if you if you're against all Dean then all will do what strengthen try to enlighten so if I take that Greek Roman that becomes Norse mythology of the Vikings the word Vikings is six kids VI is the Roman noble to the six when you write Vikings are writing bi6 kings over the kings that came out of Europe that whole concept of it is never going to be struck by lightning by questioning any mob happen but the fear of it was placed in you best North Norse mythology has nothing to do with you if I might say to you now another example we talked about that with Hercules right or who ate the Bible grams can call Samson now Hercules is here sundar in Greek mythology either then he died but he hopefully Sun God Samson for the Samson me in Hebrew his shin Sean Jimmy she shemish is a battle only Son God so we descended Samson you're saying a Sun God Hercules Sun God Samson Son Nhut Hercules longhand Samson long in perfect type of the noise as the tribe of Dan this is when the Greek and Roman and European were now in Vedic culture diffusion and if given must and gods and not telling us we're calling on Jesus the high god of the soup of Greece Zeus his interpolation in Rome Jupiter Jupiter what's pictured father jus take the Ju Rome take the Zeus and say to Zeus who you should be unbeknown to you I'm not saying there's no original Messiah character of the Messiah try called the Maasai I'm saying that you sous as we're worshipping this Jesus is giving praise to whom Romans in Greece then this Roman agreed to Zeus Jupiter in suits also Menem as another interpretation is that the wine-bibber called diagnosis who turns water into what was Jesus first miracle diagnosis what's diagnosis Dios the new Zeus diagnosis you say diagnosis which I've been hearing deals so in Latin America they introduced our brothers and McNamara for South America to the worship of Dios and they're not realizing the host represented the initials and this is why they were able to subjugate the natives of this hemisphere with what Time Warner what I wanted to be gone viral it is poison to cause your mind to be drunk to take the Braves our warriors and bring them down to night this was not read by the same they didn't comment in this spot killing people they said that the missionaries to study you what's up who's needy why do you need them and why what type of culture or who's the police who's the pieces why do you believe what do you believe about this what do you believe about that way they took all that innovation of went back and they sent amongst the post in the vigorous and in creating a concept and we don't realize that as we're looking at this concept in Nursery Rhymes it's all one thin enslavement the fairy tales listen in the district over at random page 125 Anna's little 129 let's read something together first of all the word contrary is from the anglo-french word contrary from the Latin contrarious from contra and as such the Mary in this traditional English nursery rhyme is actually married to Dorne and this famous nursery rhyme let's go back for it's nearly every Mary quite contrary right right how many must remember this Nursery Rhyme Mary Mary quite contrary let's see but nursery rhymes are just cute little heartless songs how can you say they're so bad in the skin in the smells the don't see what happened so we've sent in these nursery rhymes to all children we don't even know why we're reading these fairy tales to our children Jack and the Beanstalk and Hansel and Gretel and we don't know why right Santa Claus Santa Claus Jesus same concept Santa Claus comes in December if Jesus was born in December Santa Claus has great news Jesus has angels Santa Claus coming down the chimney okay don't have to we get that right the Senate report has an episode called the Greek Jesus has an actor said be called for Savino was was the song we sing every year you better watch out not shout man that's how I tell the clients coming to town and know that you're sleeping he know that you're awake - you better be who invested Jesus Jesus is always watching he's coming you better be good it's coming forth in your not doing good to go into hell so you teach the children this fairy tale as a child and by the time they're fully an adult they put away the children's fairy tale to the new fairytail or Bible and Koran like we allowed them that's what the kindergarten is kindergarten is the German for kindergarten it has to do with Tobin you're learning German Nursery Rhymes Norse mythology from the time they are in kindergarten and that's why they have these kids you say when you say marry Hanna who's fleets was like who's Mary what's please Jesus was white as snow and then people see how that the program it begins so by the time you and I were three four five six she was already according to the religious thought but it's even in Canada and this is why by the time for adults with fighting against anyone who's trying to tell us that all of this that you've learned your entire life is wrong you went from defending most children though about surveys as those animals right by a certain date most kids say okay mom dad and explain when you court number whatever you know this little Santa Claus but now you've embraced the new Santa Clause and that's the God of religions monotheism you know there's no such thing as a beam but you and put in the ground and is gonna grow a tree and some of the all the way ahead and there's going to be giant something you know that right but yet the same sensible person that knows there's no such thing as a beam that room I'm a super soft potatoes all the way to heaven above the cloud now says but one day I'm gonna die and over this angel da Jesus Muhammad Moses whether it's been in the clouds will appeal back and they're going to come on chariots of gold chariot semi that literally do good at 2014 champions worth during Roman time when they were riding around the chariot with you and I was the last time you saw a chariot of mine all the nonsense but let's make a clear where these where did he say Europeans let's be clear all of Europe did not erase patreon teachers they were places in Europe but they was filled into the major dadada and that's what Constantine in trying to conquer and break all of Europe under this Empire was trying to do cultural diffusion to change it happened there first yes and no what was the original thing that you can procreate of your own no you had something called particle Genesis or virgin birth where you gave birth to the female there were no males at one time then why he was always very young and I'm saying that no promising scientifically and what they talk about birth the first cell is called the type of seller the daughters own asexual cells on the door itself so the first might form on earth was a daughter cell what gender is the daughter cell so the first life form on earth was female hinge not without consent analyst purse though the Bible says male and female created he them and called their name happened so I decided man Adam is of the tribe of people but the females amongst those people were first originally like the door to cell splits the original this records today that happen every so often where a female gives birth to a daughter and she's never been touched it's called parthenogenesis don't believe me please go online beat up my ultimate New England Journal of Medicine you'll find out we have records of Cardinal Genesis where there's women that never been those artificial insemination but they only give birth to a daughter because the X chromosome can only replicate itself so that theater is we get the story of the Amazon women where you bleed the manola these stories of these female societies come from within your ability to engender life of your own without the man prove to them that proved to be no sickness as mayor of this proof we have memory when so we don't men have breasts why so who is first because the females menyou important how is done what is the matter what but I've looked at the memory when it's what we're looking it take the memory whether it's well put the body and look at that when you're looking at what happens to a cell so this here is a simple of cell division you're looking at when you see the minute us on the breast and you separate the spirit of separating the beautiful meiosis of Michael's cinnamon for a throw back to our original genealogy coming up but what we have an image of page novel adoption spots to look at the science level so they had to create the same of which ones they have to create anything female bad they don't lead female even women talking certified and they made you hate the survey if I go to South America I learn about particle offended so we see the program certain that serve the devil and you can't erase from South America nemesis became the place of Native American attitudes you can't erase that Africa never system is it all about the culture we all attack this ugly as a symbol of what the rising the people in school the two energies necessary for right and go be a part of a now we see lands boy if I look at your clock right now and disconnect the negative post the female post can you start your battery in your batteries fire so it's feminine necessary if I put the feminine back expects the master abuse logic are you know you can do need both currents are necessary for life why the same what does a snake represent the two helixes what timers say what type of snake they say the dragon put the leading me sleeping something with dragon what dragon what dragon spits fire what's next it's funny the spitting cobra who raises the twins its would move in a method that headpiece she's wearing and you see the hood of the Cobra so it represented most durable and had Magdalene had it Egypt had it a Mexican her Lou had Brazil had feel when I go ahead the whole beat happened the city contacted the jumped off the man man we all have to acknowledge with that you have that latent power inside of you to raise those chocolates Boca aarush mati everybody has a culture that has a different definition of how to describe and when it raises to its highest point the two snakes bite and the medulla oblongata the primitive reptilian brain is ignited the 12 occult nerve stimulates the brain and divinity is reborn but if I take all of that away and say this is your way to salvage this will get you in like I said two minutes ago if you get you cheery for the charges that which are displayed a camera see imagine if the charges head coach was given cancer if Kansas City's head coach went to the charge ten homes yesterday said look you want to beat us it's the way whether you use national leaders and ambassador to charge 10 coats use that playbook how about the charge of things feel about him and he's the stupidest person alive so why would you use the plate was given to you by your opponent that expect to beat them while someone has given us the Quran and the Bible in their interpretations they gave us their playbook and said use this paper pray to me and I'll help you overcome me because that they say but that's what we do we embrace technology oh no I don't mean we like we be French I mean everybody because everybody comes out turning towards Miller and understands that is the source of my priority about and without that baby no they won't you learned to walk because somebody on grandma quickly figured out and held your little head and we were is that real so the priority was mother brother man water other the water and other mothers the semen the moment comes together mother you are the source in recognizing then we reach divinity because if your divine and you give birth to a son then that side by midnight from coming forward is also one so all around the world is above it holding this divine child nursing them as the symbol that to rule the throne you must pass through mother because mother confirms your genealogy see it would mean I was pregnant they could be that as the father is but there's never doubtless money so all of the thrones of ancient kemon Africa South America all of the Native American times even the Italian mafia you're not considered able to be a made man if you can't trace your mother's roots the Jewish religion you're not Israeli or in or June if your mother is not a do the catholic church worshipping the Divine Mother Mary that symbol of his divine mother ship full of China Sheba of India acid and ice and Horus I suppose I said part of company Thomas and Ishtar or harden ability of Suber this principle this is in every culture but mr. Berlin mother holding his baby and the baby's over the boy and the father is always the female to understand you know that - in procedural searchable you cannot escape that principle of duality but religion said no is no duality this only models he said what appear to be one God worship no it does it it's a dual word Manos Manos doesn't mean died meiosis is a Greek god sarcasm - models mo mo sa beat Gonzaga that is not going to do battles battles doesn't mean God devils means the land our baby these were lacking in Roman gods learned to sail tomorrow is I have a worshipper of those who give me sarcasm and that is exactly what we've been given a bunch of sarcastic doctrine and not the very word told this look at the boat but could have these friends is that is that act as that is that European dress do it what is he wearing on his head they called The MITRE if you look at his head to the side you see a bishop the civil of dagon but who wore the fish and the fish hat the fish hat is an African hat that the original Shepherd Osiris withers with his head of upper and lower use if we look at the Kremlin opera both Kemet you're looking at a fish tail with the mouth of a fish components or you caught the Bhutto fish so rainbow puffer fish representing the seven beautiful sentences of rain leaves this was a poacher the very word poet Baba Korea became Pope cannot really see a poem b.o.b is not home reporters to get under the dominance is the only puppy who's puppy puppies it intended a puff piece for a pet was the circuit Nam and that's who they boarded the worship of what the worship of the government the half man half fish half man half fish that does what whoops one order was Jesus's miracle working on water this was your bathroom though they knew Mike if I could promote this fairy tale the nursery rhymes if I can make you no longer that is it that Greek and Roman and Germanic believe to some intelligent or have we know I've even made in using seven percent of this video to our brain have we been made to give up the cerebral to give up the seven belly and only hope people development none we're only holding to the primitive reptilian brain in its own concerns one survival the basic necessities so if you are in societies that are ruled by those that using the primitive reptilian bringing only for the jacobian system for taking only that you can't outsmart them I can't help think the alligator in the alligators environment you said the other night I've never seen a deer worse than alligator I've never seen the the health worship fatality no other creatures worship those things that are adverse to them except human needs recently as recently as three and a half four years ago they found the mud lien papyruses going at fault - mildly modeling country model the model comparisons did a carbon dated to say go back over a hundred thousand years of a civilization that right and creates Mesopotamia and they founded a model under the people's houses to be living and keeping it for generation and has astronomy it has sciences out inca formula and they wanted to go in and take it and the african Newton said no we'll have our old stomping and it won't be do all of a sudden is poor quality of kindness neither francis there and it happened to be a typically these milena papyrus will be restored and what didn't there goes for happiness timber to that somebody noticed they had an empire to live map consent privately mesopotamia that was older than mesopotamias before the sun we have a period we had our original storage but our stories were understood as being microcosm of macrocosm this was how we taught sciences to the children the stories within but what they found we'd be having those records we have if you say Adam say that first man write a note a twisting TV the letter T in the letter D are interchangeable so now take the deal a bath and put a tea Adam that cellular energy right now put the you a tu n what's that I told that's a to comment so actual atom and item of all circular elemental visible so when you're talking to those who only can perceive the physical you talk added cellular energy when you step through cellular energy in school and you learn chemical energy you stepped into atom when you step from the chemical energy to the ignorant energy the gases energy you learned I told this is what we taught in our universe cities our seeds that were replicating the star formation why he would not have a certain time to be a sample of mind that this star and of the life become in life we were building universe cities your Bible centers our Father who art in heaven heavens or on us ingredient so our fathers that up in the Ouranos holy the desert baby your kingdom come your will be done one as it is it you're replicating on currently Bernoulli that's what deal guanaco was a bunny if I could get away to say mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow and we was as dark and white as he be straight here we'll be here currently hit the bridges form and you know nothing about but all that was talking someone else this room hickory dickory dock the mouse went up the clock so Thurmond but that has meaning it was all being three things it's acute but pigs are not cute because it produced the truth gnosis worm that attracts two types of tissue mark tissue brain whether it is America before me of your observation no no there were no while he was all that was born in the pigs were not involved in South America things were this is the story the Discovery Channel documentary two DVDs I have we don't have my burning property what is it I'll get them to you brother two DVDs when they admit they were located outside of Europe so the eating of the pork that attacked few types of body tissue heart tissue and brain tissue who did that and why why doctors know when I go if I go right now and I'd be the first thing on the menu they said I've got to get rid of if I have high blood pressure first another thing if I gotta get rid of her so you know all these things you're going to eventually tell me in the hospital I gotta stop eating like I've just stopped eating it to me from the beginning unless you intend to attack my brain in partition unless you intend to enslave mentally I'm kilojoule AC if I want to enslave you mentally the back better conducive to convince to enslave me and we eat it when you don't have hope that someone is telling eat up there's pork bellies up on a sock but how do I make three little pigs house so now the wolf is the bad guy - piggy stuff step one who's evil female this year Goldilocks three bears nobody loves what kind of box nobody love three bears what about the girl snow buddy movie who was she running from mother what about the other girls evil female you see how female became a tea will you stop using a program to dislike women from day one did he wonder why they waited only the fools on the hip-hop videos they faded our feeders you've been programmed from sin the browser snow right Goldilocks Hansel and Gretel pencil Greta they gotta kill the evil stepmother who the witch who wants to eat them countable but ahead it was all done to make to villainize hope females female my physical being here first physical because there was befell the male energies that pre-existed that thira disse were provided proof of that into this Solomon ya know it was police okay now let's let's call tonight we say let's go to the videotape let me ask the person the record of females being first it's a simple science experiment mr. professor what's the first cell on earth they section what is the a sexual self pole the door itself what gender is thought to any male so the first cell where the permit is and there is the science life we no no no no wait myself we don't mess it that's not the perpetrator we've been recording records since our existence don't please let's not confuse we had the balls existence with cro-magnons existence will offer appendices existence with Kenyon woman's existence on an Ethiopian woman called Lucy according to the body movie Adam says in Genesis male and female p.m. and called their name so Adam is not the name of the first man Adam is the name of Active Minds forward activated idea those of religion it's not knowing either the reason you know here's how you know Adam a right first man first woman they have two children right call communicate does one thing and then says what defines me is going to kill me with these other people comes from and that's right then in here religion goes around there's no explanation backed into a corner well those are fallen angels oh they look cute do they want to skin honey love you can't answer it but it's just some things you just have that me god works in mysterious ways even a quick cop-out you know what is that a person could this children be asking questions my first question is a friend from the third or third grade at the time and I raised my hand and sister Mary Catherine but none to pull happy home it's a simple question the way I thought I didn't know who came first admony when the kid evening she said and I said so what happened she said what do you mean what happened I asked how could we be grass from tilling the ground walking upright to walk them all off horse eating raw meat the answer Alma do go to the oh no no no Trent but that helped me I'm great for viruses right I'm grateful because it made me say you couldn't answer my question now I now was the first one to question the second question was when no Justin Bieber nature nature it wasn't nature in your original ladies the neighbors will be America the Caribbean observe what polygamy mail having more than one spouts that was how they live why because it was necessary for the environment they were impacted by that if there's more females on the planet and monogamy as its described today was lived in those times what would happen talk china china just went through the diversion china's had one child with them everybody only one of the male son now they have a bunch of men no women so the Chinese about doing what sending people to the Caribbean Latin America Africa and say go back there if not we're going to die out a lot of those countries that practice female to emphasize one bit decide but they're killing off babies girls but now the last groups well in ancient times we didn't have that problem we understudy so males had more than one life but the wives went they were the ones in power there wasn't like I'm Marilyn I'm holding two sexes no you were there to procreate they usually for procreation but the female salmon and the males and they were probably in that system you were the defender the warrior had Charcot was horrified as long as we Mundy was there Shaka Zulu never won any battle that we money did not trouble would win she he was a general is called general struggle the rules and chakra implemented the woman only Matheny we didn't have a probable death in everything for every village and every South American of Kingdom or domain there was a divine mother and she advised the king and he listened attentively what do you feel because we over stood that females have a what woman's intuition Carter what sense so we had five and you have six so who's it - why are you in - because the plan is what type of gender he is a female planet so who would be in tune with the Penal planet but patriarchy adoption says rid of that is if they ever realized it stop hating the female and embrace the two polarities the shed of the strength though who in the heat though in the end it read embrace that principle then we can stand side by side and pull and do own respective rights President Obama understood that the oath is just brilliant now did he have a problem he hung about shear PhD 2001 degree she got into ways the president she's the first lady he's the president my humble house listening to her pay close attention she knew for strategy that's why they migrated cause she's not killed through the game game she just lit up who was the one took him through the black conscious movement stop it who took them to the church with Jeremiah Wright to get indoctrinated properly his life he's very conscious when he's Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson understood if I make too much of a fuss nobody else gets into the baseball so he has to play the game man who was cool truck Michelle mama and that's the brains behind the whole perlier she just fit to the back and she does look just hit a terrific but she was it the Black Liberation Theology and in Jeremiah Wright's church where the shoving her brother were baptized and her mother and father regard the eminence so we had consciousness at but we are so ignorant that we automatically turn this first man boudoir has to walk a certain way when Jackie Robinson got into baseball who said he's not speaking out about he couldn't but today Jackie Robinson's son lives in Tanzania we had a 500 acre coffee farm and they're selling copies of all the village of these baseball parks and it's building a town and a hospital that he said my father taught us no matter what don't live in America return to Africa but if you don't know they they pretended will be 42 but if you google it and you start reading this the pictures about his thought is there too because they said no matter what you'll never be respected make you leave town in Tennessee that point that everybody to be part in America base board itself supporting during the eighth court before thing Jack because he said if you want to use my father's number 42 and you gotta buy the coffee for us in intensity and then money goes back to develop intensity in that strategy you gotta start thinking instead of looking for the faulty topic the conscious amongst the conscious early it's not just South American contact well whoever we are that account we've got to start thinking outside this little small box the first step is oh my gosh imagine a child walking around 20 years almost don't believe in fairies right you get around 30 40 oh Lord Lima to Vince is gonna save you out from the mid you imagine look like a kid or unicorn boy he's coming he's coming what would you be thinking but that's what happens with religion then we are right and in each other if you try to talk about my Chi how dare you you're saying this whole done last week giveaways and I rebuke you that will get away like you know this this magic thing that will be aware I'm going to just disappear your common solution get your whole solution God's taken from our original precepts but they have no power if they did they would change your condition where does the changes of all I don't just lady and she prayed that she was cured okay let's do math I got a million people you're sick they're all praying to be cured tempted cure mathematically you pass a field test there's a million questions on your text you get 10 right did you pass or fail so the failure rate of the gods of religion is it passive in your honest not what's the religious amongst take offenses but if they were just stuck for a moment think about what we've seen forget about the same to control the masses control the wider one of the top masses or resource chip on its resource human beings the first resources human being so it's like 2030 times money did you start asking those questions or you just being funny don't like being funny I just very tail right but I understand that this any other questions guess what you know yeah but doesn't mean but at the end of the day just because you wants to leave I always love you in this story take your child in fact take the child to the first day at Kmart it's a classroom and if they call back and then they sit down and most children will wrap it here because it's the new environment and they want you to do what you want you to say what you to sit with them so you sit down in this little chair because they only have new chairs and give them and you're sitting in this little chair and you're sitting in it trying to let them get comfortable enough so you can run but the child doesn't understand that you have to know that you've already gone through kindergarten you're done but eventually and they spot something we slowly but surely start to lift one foot and you slide the bundle continue and you look at the teacher that real gas mask will be out the new 12 brothers and sisters go to school in religion we have to understand and income but your network can happen so you're slowly okay they can understand it in time most of the science is suction yes yes we do actually it is free it's an email address I'll send it to you on the baby it's great with PDF it's free its interactive you answer questions thank you back then we had books we refer you to other books I'm not into the I'm the only teacher cart this information is found as an informational planet my number one rule is don't believe anything go do focus if you go do research am I trying to get you to leave one into the religion of - to embrace the new blankets no this is all true faith true faith in is knowing light weight is I believe my car so to start the one true faith is I have fuel and batteries then check the cable to clean the belts working the alternator stupid the smarter is new that's that's sometimes we get the car in the truly is knowing what's under tension so what we advocate as autonomous right the autonomous doctrine in the word excellent I don't know Aton because a deep okay I don't I don't know I don't know the Hebrew is nothing but actually the deity or interchange all right any other questions