these are just great vocal activities not only protect your voice but warm up your voice I'll give you a five-step process that I follow if you do this every time you use your voice before you use your voice for a critical speech a critical meeting you get a better quality sound the first thing you do is you want to make sure your tongue mine's damaged today so that's kind of ironic but you want to make sure your tongue is relaxed we hold so much tension in our jaw and our tongue and one of the ways you can relax your tongue this is going to seem a little bit gross but before you do this I want you to just sing Happy Birthday just so you can get a sense of what it feels like after your tongue is more relaxed happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Shane happy birthday to you now you stick out your tongue and then you grab your tongue and you hold it and then you sing happy birthday so it sounds like this good happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to s happy birthday even just doing that right now far out my tongue feels so much more relaxed so if I sang Happy Birthday again happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Shane happy birthday to you try it that's the first thing I would recommend pause the video try it now the next one is sticking your tongue out while doing lip trills seems ridiculous it's not just it's you'll spit everywhere so please just be careful you're not doing this in front of people if you find that hard just push your cheeks together and go and you do this to the tune of happy birthday and again it's designed to just relax your [Music] tongue seems absolutely ridiculous I've got spit all over my table but this is a wonderful exercise again that helps you relax the tongue and oh my goodness like again my mouth already feels so much more relaxed I feel like I got such better access to my mouth the next one you do is you hiss for 10 seconds and then you breathe in for a count of four and then you hiss for 10 seconds and then you breathe out for a count of four and I would normally do this for about 2 to 3 minutes I'll give you a sense of it so just watch what I do I hiss for 10 seconds which is for 10 seconds and I breathe in for a count of four so I'll show you a couple of cycles of this okay so it looks like this amazing exercise this just really gets your breathing apparatus ready and if you're feeling like you're too breathy when you speak and when you speak you're you're speaking like hi everybody good to see you this little exercise helps you get your breath control right it allows the right amount of air for optimal speech so you're releasing just the right amount of air for optimal speech so again that's another great activity for you to do next I think this is a great exercise as well which is doing the V so doing a v sound v v v v now when you're doing this you want to go up and down the apedo scale so I'll give you sense you start at the lower end so you just go go a little bit higher one more scale higher so you can do that a few times go a few Cycles right and that's also great for your voice great for your vocal cords great for your articulators and when you're practicing the V you're you're placing the place where you create the sound at the front of your mouth a lot of the times when we're speaking we tend to sometimes we're speaking from the back of our throat I know this is a little bit dramatic but I'm speaking right now I'm creating the sound in the back of my throat whereas I want to create the sound in the front of my mouth and that that's what that exercise does it helps you place the sound in the right place your lips should be vibrating while you're doing that that means that means where the sound is being produced it's being produced right at the front of your mouth and that's where you want to place the sound and you do the whole song and and look I know that some of you will listen to this and be like w that seems so weird it's just unfamiliar to you athletes before they go and perform they will stretch they have a warm-up routine and the final thing I would say is do the lip through exercise to your favorite song I might do that song to Fly Me to the Moon so again I love that song so it might sound like this so you got five things there hopefully that helps