all right read through this tweet toist has made more than $100 million in total revenue in the last few years a simple to-do application something you might have been building for a long time can actually scale to a lot of Revenue if built right in this video I'm going to talk about 10 such product ideas um these are good things to put on resume these are good things to generally build as businesses only if they are built with a lot of Polish the problem with building your own project is since it does not reach a lot of users you don't get user feedback you never iterate and hence I would urge if you're thinking of building one of these then please make it incredibly polished half of the battle is making the product usable than you know just building it out and putting it out there without any further Ado let's get into the first project idea all right project number one is a testimonial creation and embeds website a good example of this is testimonials. if you go to this website it says get testimonials from your customers with ease it basically gives you a widget like this that you can embed on your website it also does the hard work of gathering all of this feedback from your users so the ux looks as follows you sign up on the website you reach a dashboard like this and you can create a new space every landing page every website that you have can be a fresh space let me create one for let's say one of my websites all right I've created a new space for One landing page of mine and now I get this link that I can send to my customers to gather their feedback if you go to this testimonials. 2/ 100x devs landing page you will see something like this it asks you to review the course or you know whatever you're selling you can either record a video or write a textual feedback let me quickly write some simple feedback for this website all right this is how my end customers would review the product that I'm selling and now I can track all of my reviews on my testimonials do2 dashboard if I go here and look at this space that I had created when I open this page I can see all the reviews that have been made and the ones that I really like the ones that I want to showcase on my end website I can just like them or you know add them to my wall of fame and then I can embed this wall of fame on my website I can pretty much choose the best ones that I find and then create a wall of fame choose the layout of how I want it to look like let's say you know something pretty standard and then you know it gives me some JavaScript code that I can add to my website and that will embed that specific um testimonial or bunch of testimonials to my website let me quickly show this in action if I go to replate create a fresh HTML CSS and JavaScript reppel paste the code over here and run it again you will see the review comes here on my end website now this website could be anything it could be my main website my product website whatever um all I had to do was add three lines of code and all the reviews that my students SL users have sent can appear on this website now you might ask sirirat who's even paying for this this such a simple product but in the end the Simplicity doesn't matter it's about how much value does it provide to the end user which a product like this provides a lot of value um feedbacks have generally been seen to you know increase conversion rates by a lot which is why people don't mind paying $50 per month for something like this the founder of this company actually built the product in public which means they were initially sharing their revenues and they had like a decent user base paying for this product purely because it's a very nice pull for any you know marketeer who's selling a digital product that's the first product if you look at the tech stack it's not too hard to build you probably need a simple website which can be a nextjs website so that it has both front end and back end you need another you know review Gathering website which can also be nextjs the only big thing over here is whenever a user comes and provides a review it needs to go into some video pipeline because the user is expected to record a video over here sometimes before submitting it so you need some sort of a video processing pipeline you can also Outsource this to Someone Like You know there are a bunch of companies that do this for example M would let you you know record a video or let your end users record a video and let you store them in your own object stores or you know store it on Max object stores just give you a link that you can eventually use other than that there's nothing too hard to build here um polishes do matter of course your final you know review board that you're letting users embed on their website needs to be extremely pretty and you know you need to give the users a bunch of layouts that they can choose from other than that fairly simple product the more polish you build it the more Integrations you add over here the more places you let the user embed websites create react components next components SW components you know make it as easy as possible for a user to embed this is you know what differentiates this product from any competitor but a very small Niche product to build with that let's move to the second one all right the next product is called use um it's a ycy bagged company that gives you social proof for your digital products it's again a you know sales and markety sort of a product it's a SAS which lets you you know show notifications like these for example 13 people started a free trial in the last 24 hours verified by proof or 79 people are currently viewing this website verified by proof proof becomes the central Authority for actually verifying how many people are currently on this website or how many people have recently signed up on this website so that whenever you're selling something for example you know there's someone who's selling a whatever crypto cheat sheet like this and whenever their user comes on their final cart product or you know cart Page by page is when you create some sort of a foro by showing them XYZ people are currently trying to buy this um you might have seen this fairly often on you know course selling websites or even you know any digital product selling website U it leads to higher conversions which is why you know marketeers love to integrate these in the website it's again a oneline integration um and all you have to do as you know the developer is number one build a website very similar to you know this use where a user can come and you know give their websites URL for example let's say our website is cryptos and the website gives you back again a pixel code a pixel code is basically you know a script that you can add to your front end page so what you have to do is take this pixel and integrate it in your own code base in the crypto codebase just bring the pixel and put it over here now anytime a user signs up anytime you know there's a form that looks like a sign up form and someone clicks on a submit button the use proof system understands someone has recently signed up and let's say if you know 30 such events happen then everyone who's on the cart page will get a notification that says 30 people signed up in the last let's say 30 minutes the reason this is good is because um as long as everyone understands how proof Works under the hood and proof is not doing anything shady whenever you seeing the verified by proof tag you can indeed be sure can H there are 79 people who have recently signed up because proof does not let the developers of the company you know inject events and you know tell K 79 people are currently active on the website it actually has a script running on your final website and that's how it figures out how many people are currently live same should be true for if you're selling something if you want to show a notification that says you know XYZ has bought the course from Gujarat you might have seen these notifications as well okay Amir from Gujarat just bought this course for $30 these are also foro generating notifications and these should be split out from a stripe dashboard you should indeed verify your payment has happened and not trust the developer of that specific you know product and only then should you say verified by proof the whole point of this is you know this is real social proof okay this event has indeed happened so the only thing you have to keep in mind is okay you're not letting developers inject events or you know live counts over here okay currently there are 30 people live on my website it should be all pulled from the website and proof servers should be able to figure out H currently there are 10 people or 20 people active on the website text tack should be straightforward U you need two things number one you need this dashboard that you can write in maybe nextjs whatever you know front end backend technology you're comfortable with and secondly you need some sort of a backend server most probably a real-time backend server where anytime if this is your end users websit this is cryptos anytime a user comes here they create a websocket connection to your backend server and that is how you know how many people are currently active on the website so you need this extra backend service which is you know from time to time pushing things to most probably a database and you pull out notifications from this database to again show on this website okay 30 people are currently active on the website not too difficult to build again polish is what matters and you know transparency is what matters so if you can somehow you know bring more and more transparency if the website does say verified by you know your website or verified by proof then indeed you can be sure okay this specific metric is indeed correct that's website number two let's move on to website number three the website that has made $100 million in its lifetime all right the next one is a to-do application but slightly no not a very simple to-do application but nothing too hard either it needs to support five features feature number one it lets users create todos that's the fairly simple thing any to-do application should let you do add members to your organization and assign them tasks a lot of times these toos might not be assigned to you it might be assigned to someone else in the team see a calendar view of all of your tasks all of your team tasks individually people can see their own set of tasks they need to do and by when do they need to do these tasks reminders at the end of the day for all pending tasks in case I had 10 things to do today and I've been able to check off five I should get some sort of an email WhatsApp notification phone call SMS that I still have five pending tasks for the day and lastly allow you to create organizations I can create multiple organizations add different members to different organizations have tasks for each organization be separate to lets you do a lot of these things this is what their very basic dashboard looks like you can come here and the first thing you can do for example is create a task let's say the task is eat food at two like a very weird task but let's say eat food tomorrow at 2 p.m. and as you can see you know it makes your life as easy as possible all I had to do was write at 2 and it automatically passed that this probably means 2: p.m. if I write 2: p.m. here it automatically understood this means 2 p.m. if I remove pm. it feels like this thing is due at 2:00 a.m. tomorrow all right basic passing uh that you know just makes the life of the person who's creating the too very easy the whole point of this is to you know make the lives of people who are extremely busy easier and you know these small polishes matter a lot there it lets you assign it to someone else or yourself priority P1 P2 P3 and you know by when is this thing due if I click on add task it becomes one of many tasks I have pending today I have to eat food go to the gym finish video for recording the one that I'm currently recording finish code three syllabus hash the cabus things like these these are all the tasks that I have for today as I keep on doing them I can check them off it also shows me a calendar view which is pretty cool K this is everything I have pending for today let's say I don't have anything tomorrow this is what I have planned for Saturday so on and so forth so taking all of your tasks and you know showing such a view that you can it's just easier and you know more organized to look at it also lets you create organizations for example there is a 100x devs organization here and you know you can create multiple projects inside it for example cohort 3.0 is one project Meetup is another project these are the the tasks that we have to do during let's say a Meetup that is happening so a very basic to-do application as you can see there's nothing you know too out of the ordinary here very basic UI elements and you know drags and drops which are not too difficult to add today um the only thing is you know have you covered all the bugs have you supported all the features that these guys currently support um the only difficult thing that I can think of might be you know adding members removing members and you know letting the users create organizations which also if I'm being honest is a fairly simple full stack task nothing too out of the ordinary here if you're trying to build it if you are thinking of building it I would first build the front end of it there there's like mildly complex things to do if you want to build the front end for example tracks and drops and then I would just move off to the back end which if I'm being honest should be fairly straightforward the other thing that might be good to add here is you know a mobile application because you need notifications to pop up you probably need a mobile app for that also mostly busy people you know are on their phones so you know they can create a task directly on their phone that's all I have for this one let's move to project number four all right product number four is called detoxify it's an original which means I don't think this already exists this is just an idea that came to me a while back the problem statement looks like this whenever you open your YouTube feed it's mostly customized based on history what YouTube things you're interested in for example in my case I see a bunch of real estate I see some more well too much real estate and then you know some of my own videos so on and so forth but you know this feed can get very toxic very quickly um you might open one you know back cracking video and then you're just seeing a bunch of you know back cracking videos for a long time um so what if you could create a website where users can come and select one of many things they're interested in for example devops or you know maybe rust or goag so on and so forth one of these technologies that they want to learn and once they select this technology we surf their YouTube I repeat we surf their YouTube with a bunch of popular well written well you know made goang videos for a really long time and their final feed eventually becomes you know a bunch of those creators that are currently active SL you know have the best goang videos it lets you detoxify your feed and you know makes it so that if you want to learn something you consciously triggered to learn that thing because your feed is filled with those things now I don't know if this is possible to do I don't know if you can get access to some someone's YouTube such that you can surf on their behalf and you know the access is limited to just you know that versus you getting complete access to their YouTube um so the thing to figure out here is okay is this even feasible of a product to build can you get some sort of permissions on a users account so that you can start to Surf their YouTube and you know spend maybe 20 minutes on a specific video and then and overall spend around 30 hours on a bunch of goang content so that by the end of it their feed looks something like this if this is possible to do I would assume people would pay a lot of money for this I for example would pay you know a decent chunk of money maybe whatever $10 a month um so that if I want to learn something I am forced to do it subconsciously because my feed is filled with all of this content this can then be extrapolated to Instagram and other platforms a lot of times Instagram feeds are also you know fairly polluted so if you want to you know get away from them you can either select not interested a bunch of times yourself or you can have a bot you know surf on your behalf and by the end of it filter out good and bad feed Fe so that your final feed becomes detoxified let me know if this is possible in the comments and if you figured out the right set of apis that these websites do provide you if they don't provide you any apis you know the worst case is you take the user's credentials I don't know if people are super comfortable sharing their credentials but I would totally create a fresh dummy account where I would give my credentials to a company like this and if they surf on my behalf great I can eventually open that specific account and surf using that specific account my primary account credentials I don't have to share that's idea number four let's move on to idea number five which is slightly devops heavy all right next up we have a website similar to better up time well it used to be called better up time now they do a bunch of things but better stack or more specifically their uptime offering lets you track your websites up time which basically means if ever your website is down they will send you an email if you don't pick up your email they'll send your manager an email so on and so forth fairly technically challenging problem to build as especially when it comes to you know being very active in tracking these URLs and then you know mailing and calling the right people at the right time let's look at their ux really quickly after you sign up you see a dashboard where you can add a bunch of monitors a monitor basically means what URL you tracking if ever projects. 100ex is down this becomes Red If ever app. 100ex is down this becomes red let me create a fresh monitor here you can decide when the alert should trigger if it is the URL becomes unavailable or if it returns let's say some status code other than 200 in this case you should trigger the error let's just revert to the original what is the URL that we're tracking let's say we're tracking hunex and on call escalations what all do you need to happen in case uh this specific website is down send an email send an SMS so on and so forth you probably have to upgrade your plan if you want you know a call or an SMS let's just stick to emails for now um if the on call person doesn't acknowledge the incident then you know you should alert all the other team members just select whatever you want over here in fact you know you can actually create fairly complex teams over here multiple teams each team having a manager manager having a manager on top that guy having a CTO so on and so forth so the escalation happens in a certain you know standard fashion um and then you can just create a monitor now if 100x is ever down then you know the specific monitor would go down I would receive an email let's try that out really quickly I have deleted all the pods for this specific website which basically means the website is should be down now if I go to 100ex you will see it says 503 service temporarily unavailable let's wait for a few more seconds as you can see it checks every 3 minutes I'll see you back in like a 3 minutes or so and as you can see now the website is indeed down it's been down for 1 minute 36 seconds time for me to bring this back up I don't think this is good for me to you know production to be down let's quickly revert that and now if I go here the website is back up and in a few seconds you'll see you know the monitor is up as well um since this has been down I should have received an email let's see if I have received something and indeed if you guys can see this it says better stack update the specific website is down um this is how you know a website like this runs now this is a very small use case for monitoring um there are a lot of things to monitor a website monitor is you know a very basic thing to add and hence you know if you're building a product like this you have to build logging and you know dashboards charts alerts based on some custom metrics things like these just tracking a website isn't enough which is why now I think better of time has expanded to just better stack which means you know they will monitor everything for you not just uh an HTTP URL um a basic version of this is just this is letting people track a website I don't think this this will scale very well this is good for like a $5 a month sort of a thing but eventually when a company becomes really big they need either inhouse monitoring or you know a lot of things to monitor not just a URL but a great project to try try out in general um what would the stack look like you would have a nextjs application where users would come or whatever react application users would come um set up their monitors you would store them let's say in a database and then you need some sort of a service specific spefically you know probably in various regions because whenever you use better up time it tracks you from three regions and only if you're down in let's say two of three regions does it monitor an alert or like throw out an alert you might be blogged in a certain region whatever uh and you know hence you should make sure you're visiting the users's URL from various regions so let's say there's one server of yours that's in um us one that's in EU one that's in Australia and from all three of these you need to keep hitting a specific URL that you'll fetch from this specific database um every 3 minutes if ever something is down you need to let the database know you know change the status in the database also need to you know throw this in on some sort of a queue which will eventually be processed by you know an email sender or a caller that you know actually call the user so on and so forth so there are a lot of asynchronous systems to build here um if the system ever comes back up then you know you need to cancel a bunch of these calling a few people so there are a lot of things to build even in a simple V1 but eventually you know you should do what they're doing here now which you know they have slowly added you know logging over here where you can add various type of sources for example your kubernetes cluster or a VM and based on those logs you can add a bunch of monitors basically things that a company like data dog or New Relic lets you do um I think that's the end outcome of any product like this but to kick things off starting off with what better uptime dat is also you know a great start for a small company or business for like $5 a month with that we MO to the next one all right next up we have YouTube downloader the reason I put this here is because it makes or can make a lot of money via ads um if you look at the most visited websites in India don't look at it but if you do you know you'll find this in the top 10 um this is one of the most heavily used apps at least in India um and here all you have to do is come paste a URL click on download it'll download the MP4 for you sounds like a simple product um it's actually not too difficult to build if you use a bunch of external liaries if you start to figure things out yourself then it might be you know a little bit of a headache but I don't know how many of you have used youtube-dl which I think is a python Library I don't know but a simple CLI that lets you given a URL that looks like this downloads the MP4 onto let's say a server of yours and then you can you know just let the end user know okay H this is your MP4 URL um it's basically very simple to do right you have you just create a simple HTTP server where whenever a user puts in a URL send a request to the server use a CLI that let's say you download that specific file and then take that file and give it to the end user just give them a URL or you know store it here for let's say 10 minutes and just hope that the user downloads in the next 10 minutes and then Purge it from the server um so fairly simple thing to build the only difficult thing here is U expenses if there are a lot of people using your server or you know using your service um this will get very expensive because um you need a lot of storage to begin with you know a lot of people are hitting your server and downloading massive files um so you need to make sure the unit economics works out and you know you're able to make enough money via ads which I think they do um because if you are the most visited website in India then you're probably getting I don't know whatever 10,000 200,000 visits probably every second Maybe not maybe that's a little too much but you know you get the idea if you have to keep 100,000 videos alive on your server this will get very expensive in terms of storage so how do you Cash videos where do you cash videos if you know there are popular videos that everyone's downloading how can you you know avoid redownloading them again and again are small challenges to figure out here to make sure that the unit economics works out in the end um you can also add some basic front end features on top letting the user crop videos from time to time download a certain segment all you have to do in that case is you know after youtube-dl run an FFM command that crops the video out and then the cropped video is what you need to serve to the end user so adding these features isn't too difficult to bid another website that I've seen in the past is one that lets you run YouTube on Loop on a certain segment um so that might be another thing to build all of these will run by ads you probably have to promote them a lot for them to be able to compete with the alternates that already exist with that we'll move to the next one all right next up we have a fast feed for crypto prices if there is a capture on a website you know it's being used very heavily Dex screener is one of such websites that's currently being very actively boted SL used on the Solana blockchain why because it tracks the current price of a bunch of meme coins a lot of times these meme coins have you know 10x 100x potential I don't know if you guys know andate launched this coin weird things happened over there let me see yeah it's called daddy Tate um and you know even during that time a website like this especially you know if you're able to catch it here right before the launch or you know right at the launch can you know lead to 100x outcomes I'm not saying it's a bad it's a good thing to do you shouldn't follow these trades but a lot of people do since a lot of Traders and people are you know following these meme coins um maybe this is not the right one actually but either way since a lot of uh Traders are following these meme coins a lot of times they require either websites that can track the current price of a a meme coin this is hard to do because these meme coins aren't listed on centralized exchanges yet they come up on some random dexes so you have to make sure you're actively tracking all the decentralized changes that exist every new token that is being created whever there's a market being created for it you should start to pull it and you know show it on your website if there's a lot of activity happening on someone if there's one that's you know increasing a lot in price over the last whatever 24 hours or 5 minutes then you know you should show them here um of course A lot of them these are just scams and you know people pumping their own coins so be very careful and you know always look at liquidity before you're buying or selling any one of these but yeah a lot of companies sort of make make a lot of money in transaction fees um if you're able to build a place where people want to track meme coins a lot of times that is telegram groups as well which means creating a bot on a telegram group where people can come check the current prices of meme coins and you know if there's one spiking up very quickly buy it in a single message sell it in a single message uh Bon bot is one such very famous use case that made I don't know how much they made I think like half half a billion dollars or 50 million something in that range in just transaction fees over a really long time like a year or so not even a really long time so if you catch the right set of Deion um and you know give them good price discovery on Meme coins um and let them trade you can take a small portion of the trade which is sometimes like as high as 1% so if you have a lot of volumes you can make a lot of money um I would build this uh purely you know preparing for whenever a meme cycle happens and you know people want to quickly buy and sell a lot of times these were being used by eth people who want to quickly move over to Solana uh because they just felt like okay there's a lot of activity happening on Solana they don't know how to buy Solana yet so they would just create a wallet on some telegram bot move their there swap the E for their soul and then you know use the soul to buy a bunch of these meme coins so I would build this if I had the time today uh technically how do you build this as I said you need to make sure you're constantly tracking all market makers SL liquidity pools that currently exist on chain most probably any coin that is here does not exist on a centralized exchange so the price Discovery is the thing that becomes you know critical over here how quickly can you find what trades are happening and what is the current price of any mem coin store them or throw them in some sort of a database do all sort of analytics on top of it to figure out you know what's the current 5 minute increase the 1 hour increase the one day increase of each of these coins and based on that you know people see it either in a UI or people see it on some sort of a telegram group even if you're building this UI there's like a lot of things to learn for example charting how do you chart candles like these uh swaps how do you call the right set of apis if you directly want the user to swap from here here they just let you you know trade on radium which I'm assuming is just an i frame uh but if you're building a telegram bot then how do you create a wallet for a user and how do you swap on their behalf if they ever want to buy a meme coin that's the idea build it I buil this for the salana hackathon a WhatsApp version of the bot like a lot to learn if you're building something like this moving on oh boy before we move on I found the page that shows how much they're making in fees and bonmot is made has made $100,000 in the last 24 hours in fees till date they've made $50 million solid business to build if you've built the right distribution it's a distribution first business Tech doesn't give you too much edge here the thing that gave the mge was you know finding the right set of degenerate Traders and you know letting them trade on telegram on to the next one crypto payment Gateway uh I'm sure some of you have heard of companies like stripe or Razer pay if you've ever used them in the past they basically give you apis to talk to Banks and accept payments from your end users if you're creating any digital product you you have to integrate with one of these two they charge like 2% fees so if you're you know if your end user is paying 100 rupees you get 98 rupes 2 rupees goes to either Razer pay or stripe whatever you are using crypto payment gateways are very similar um they let you accept payments from end users and let them pay via crypto so you will get a very similar UI let's see if I can see find that UI somewhere here you basically get a UI that looks like this where your end user can pay via crypto that includes you know BTC eth and once they complete their payment you can credit their account with whatever they were trying to sell let's say a course or a digital product the reason these are sort of important is because number one it's very hard to do payments in crypto like hard to track payments in crypto and number two it's very hard to keep track of how many blockchains are coming and where your end user might want to pay from number three is extremely hard for you know traditional businesses to offramp this money into bank accounts this is where you can come as a centralized crypto exchange let end users pay via crypto and give the business INR directly so if let's say I have a business called my I register with a crypto Gateway like coin gate and they accept payment in crypto from my end user who wants to buy a t-shirt let's say you know harat harkirat pays coin gate coin gate off ram the money to my bank account even if they don't offramp the money and you know just send it at the end of the month to my crypto address that's also good enough but if you can figure out off ramping then you know you can bring in a lot of traditional businesses in here you can't do this in India it's very hard to offramp crypto in India but if you're building this for you know a More crypto-friendly Country then I would build the off amping part as well even if you don't build that just building a crypto Gateway which accepts crypto from various blockchains on various networks supports a bunch of coins swaps them to usdc almost immediately is a great thing to build in fact the project that we'll be building next would also require something like coin gate a crypto payment Gateway where you can accept payments from end users what are the things that you need to know about if you want to build this technically number one you need to understand how indexing happens in blockchains every blockchain that you'll be supporting be it BTC let's say ethereum and soul you need to understand how can you index the blockchain and figure out the right set of transactions where you're asking your end users to pay the other thing you need to figure out is Real Time swapping by which I mean you know if your t-shirt is for $100 but your end user only has ethereum you need to figure out what is the right price of ethereum you need to charge them let's say 0.01 eth and once you receive this eth you need to almost immediately convert it to usdc if you wait for a little bit of time and the price of e drops by then then you will only get back you know let's say $98 so you'll have to take a hit of $2 hence whenever you're charging your end user whenever they pay you almost immediately convert their whatever crypto they've sent you over to usdc because that is what you have to transfer to your end business or end client that you know is using your payment Gateway with that let's move on to the next one all right the last two projects are fairly correlated you can create a separate opinions tracking website similar to probo if you've seen it this is one that's been popping up in India where you can invest in your point of view basically means you can invest based on invents okay I feel that Donald Trump will be presid president in 2024 2025 and if you win you make some money if you lose of course you lose all of your money these are opinions that you can trade on another example might be that the fourth over will be played by a specific bowler or India will make more than 200 runs in the next T20 so on and so forth so these are opinions that you can trade on there are people on both the sides based on whichever party wins you take all of the pool and you know distribute them amongst people some of the money you Tak in as trading fee that's what opinion trading is and stake and a bunch of other gambling websites let you do opinion trading but also let you you know trade on other games and assets for example if I open stake over here some of the popular games over here include things like dice or crash or Plinko I don't know if you have tried many of these Plinko I have a detailed video on how do you build a game like this this game basically lets you bet a certain amount for example $1 and based on where this ball lands your $1 might increase or decrease for example this $1 landed in the 1.2 Circle which basically means my one rupee became 1.2 rupees or $1 became $1.2 I can keep betting a bunch of balls and you know of course you will lose in the long run but you know as you can see over here I've mostly made money in this specific cycle um how do you build something like this is something I've already posted on YouTube you can go to that video it's a detailed 2hour video this is probably the most difficult game to build here other games are fairly straightforward for example dice basically means I want to you know bet $1 and based on if 0.81 came I will lose but if anything above 0.5 comes I will win again 11.27 came so I lost 86.6 came so I won anything between 0 and 50 comes I lose anything between 50 and 100 comes I win um of course there is there is something that's making the house win as well most probably if exactly 50 comes then I will lose um which is how the house wins but in the end the house will always win in the long run if you keep betting against and again um in any one of these games you will lose in the longer run but if you feel lucky someday just bet $100 so if you feel lucky use them usually just build them if you build a website like this as long as you can get the right people for example right now 4,900 people are playing Plinko 16,000 people are playing mines which is also a very addictive game where you know you can come and let's say bet $1 $1 or whatever um and you can keep selecting a bunch of these boxes until you arrive at a mine if you don't arrive at a mine your total multiplier will keep on going up for example my multiplier right now is 1.37 if I select another one this is also a mine this went up to 1.46 so on and so forth but if I hit a mine somewhere here then my money goes down to zero I've been able to reach 1.55 if I click on cash out I will make $1.54 $1 that I bet and .54 that I made on top but if I would have hit this specific mine then I would have gone down to zero this also if you run the probability you will lose in the longer run um you will never keep on on making money if you keep playing this game again and again this is the most popular one as you can see mines but you know these are all games that you can build the easier thing is building these games the most difficult game I've already built on YouTube the harder thing is wallet balances and you know allowing users to onramp money allowing users to take out the money making sure this singular balance is what they can use across various games um this is the heart bit also if you want to support realtime games then it's a whole different category of you know gambling you need to set up gambling Studios where there are people who are real life Casino players that are gambling and you know you're playing against them that's a much harder problem to solve building a much simpler you know UI like this allowing people to onramp and offramp money very similar to what we discussed in the last slide and then letting them play these games is a good business in the longer run as long as you have enough eyeballs and enough people on your platform you will make money in the long run cool that's all the 10 ideas I had personally amongst all of these I am most excited about seeing the first one testimonials. two because I know it's a good business and you know it makes almost 400k in totality or a year one of these I think 400k annual recurring Revenue to doist is a very it requires a lot of Polish so if you are thinking of building it you know make sure You' you're ready for a long ride because it will require a bunch of iterations and making sure you have all the right Integrations probably will take you 6 months to a year to build this similar to how they've built it um detoxify just to figure out is this even possible because if it is it's a new product and you know you never know a new product might you know catch fire very quickly um fast price feed for crypto prices um like building a website building a telegram bot or even building an API that gives you extremely high you know frequency of current prices of various meme coins can be a big business U as you saw Bon bot makes like $50 million or has made $50 million in less than a year though you know another thing I would build If I Had the Time crypto gateways will remain Universal uh so you know it's a very long game to play there will event be you know a stripe either stripe will get into payment gateways or there will be a crypto stripe so being in that market is probably a good thing to build a ging websites are always great openion trading is just legal in India for some reason since proo is here I'm assuming it's legal India so that's another reason why I feel you know I would want to build something like this either one of these gambling website or anything in that realm um is a good business because one it's very addictive two it's Soo legal in India I don't know the legalities but if a company like stake is working in India it means it's it's pretty legal right um and lastly openion trading which again the house wins very well U if you can get enough people to place bets um you'll make like a lot of money on every game that's all I had for this one I'll see you guys in the next one bye-bye