Transcript for:
Analyzing Gameplay Strategies and Techniques

hello everybody uh I'm just making another one of these um live commentary games or live commentary uh videos so that um people can get a better understanding of kind of the thought process that goes behind uh you know top players decisions um I can't guarantee that my play will be very good um I can't guarantee that I'll stay on topic I'm going to try and focus on positioning today uh but uh yeah hopefully you guys get some good information out of this and I am able to uh help you all so anyway um I'm probably going to put a cut in unless game starts relatively soon but yeah thank you all so much for watching and let's get into it I need to wake up and here we go everybody all right so we're gonna start off with a canyon teams are it's okay all right so starting on the blue side to start be able to hear myself think all right so let's look at our roll out so I know likes to go up up and around um which means that it's going to be me rers may also do that so it's going to be hog rider me and this spot on cart so what I'm going to do is I'm going to wait and babysit this cart I'm just going to wait for shocks I'm going to wait inside spawn oh they're going to chase shocks now I'm going to come around here cuz I need to get a slightly longer position cuz I see they're not diving us right so okay do that guy pancake okay so I know he's up there I'm just going to try and hold him at Bay right just keep distance be calm that's cool okay so now I'm waiting for people to go jump jump jump behind that cart there critical damage that's really fine I'm so close to spawn it doesn't matter need a slightly better position yeah cuz people can do that wow that was bad play for me no llama's still there I would I would need to call that out so I'm going to come around to the side here cuz I get this whole big angle right right and I have very easy cover right so I have low dashes but I'm keeping myself in a place where I don't really need a ton of dashes I can kind of act like a turret this is slightly more aggressive but uh so now I'm going to drop down here I have sight down the sight line H up here so the cart doesn't block me come around to the side I see it's clear so I want to take a more aggressive position right I see my teammates creating room and so I'm going to take advantage of that so I don't need to go all the way back I just need to create time and space for my team right which is what uh my other teammate down here is doing so I don't want to be I don't want to be useless I want to be useful right A lot of people when they flank they're like super useless they don't create problems they don't cause they don't get attention you what you need to do is you need to be really active so here I am back with my team I is there I'm just going to play cart for a little bit cuz it looks uh yeah we have to get it moving through there so now cuz I see all those people there oh our team's moving up so quickly I'm going to let them move up I'm going to let him move up cuz he has Dash I do not o I should have played slightly closer to the car there um okay team's grouping up I'm going to wait for. come around here uh use these use these angles to my advantage oh my team wasn't there that's okay uh here we would be looking for a group up I don't have Comm so I'm just going to wait and look like watch okay here we go we're grouping up I'm going to take this off angle right this is also a good angle so I'm trying to to create opposition with my team here so that wherever the opponent stand they're in the crossfire of me and my team okay we're grouping up and then I'm going to or no I'm not I thought sometimes that Dash is just open you really legitimately can just go for it so again I just want to draw attention cause problems take away their highest player is not him no offense toob yeah so just get them turn around you know what I think I could do it again wait for this guns up always he's going to call that out so I need to get out of here quickly okay that was yeah so I know that they're going to have retake and health room cuz that's what good players do so I'm going to try and yeah see how I tried to get around him like that see this long fck out ah I'm going to let my team try and kill him yeah so I tried to just run away there was no need for me to really contest that at that point um I need a bit more cart focus our team is not doing a great job at that so I am going to just take the initiative and take some hits to my KD go with my team oh okay my what remains of my team and while Doom's causing a problem see the the job of disruptor is to draw attention away from the cart so Doc is doing a great job here he's not putting himself at too much risk that was just a he needed to move the moment he shot so I'm going to come up here to stop this guy from being here cuz that's a super bad position for for me so I'm going to see yep oh almost so there I go again just trying to trying to create those problems this is kind of tough though with with only four people this checkpoint is notoriously hard I need to move up here so that I'm not exposed yeah so this position is really risky if you don't have teammates to cover you from that area that area so I probably shouldn't have been there oh this is is tough oh wow L and pancake doing very well so I'm going to play a little bit more um careful here I know there's shocks so I'm going to dive those actually oh I was wrong about where they were oh those are my shocks uh let's see play this long cuz I think oh need the health this is this is a tough very tough situation High Ground that's a very tough situation to navigate that's why earlier I pushed up to right there because I don't want them to have that because they can just move us away from the cart remember what I said the disruptor his job is to take attention away from the cart that's what they're doing up there they're blitzing up and just preventing us from getting anywhere near it which is which is incredibly problematic right they it's okay for them to trade as long as they're trading away from the cart right so we can't really so I'm just being really careful here careful and patient dive this guy ah I mean yeah this is just a tough situation very hard very hard checkpoint to break especially without organization okay I think I can grab this yeah so small little things like that where they might back off cuz it's a pub yeah so they're they're going to they're going to back off um league players tend to do this so what I'm going to do now is oh this guy doesn't get the G what I'm going to do now is I'm going to push up really quickly and try and stop the resources from uh stop them from getting the resources so as I said earlier I'm I'm stopping off this area by just using my absolute shitload of dashes there to uh save save me yeah so I don't want him o he missed a shot there so I'm I'm circling these dashes not because I need them but because it prevents them from getting up into here like look I'm going to have a huge advantage over llama in this tool here cuz I have Dash and he doesn't right you see how I'm able to kind of guard my area right here just by holding on to that Dash that was a little bit of a dumb decision but you see how it works same concept I'm going to go for it oh this is a little bit more risky because um at that point their team is still the a so see now that I've lost control of this Dash the big problem is that they have it right so they have total control over this area so I need to play a little bit more careful a little bit more reserved this is going to be a big challenge for us pancake doing very well there see how when he goes for the duel he doesn't just go directly behind cart he goes kind of around it close to it um he hides in in in these these Corner areas here yes you see how I'm playing around all this cover as much as I can won't shave you from a shock but it will save you from just normal bullets okay so there's a guy right here oh yeah ah damn it I wasn't fast enough so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do the same thing as them but play it kind of in Reverse so they're hiding holding to the walls [ __ ] so we were both playing for the pick up there pancake won it oh thank God for my teammate there so I got distracted from what I was trying to do here we go I'm just going to play in these little hidey holes prevent people from getting to the health pickup um just control this area so big cover here I'm playing a little defensively cuz I don't have much health more defensive more defensive more defensive now I'm going to take this pick up here cuz they need it this is rather safe this is so this is what I'm talking about um even though this is kind of an even fight it's it's we're winning some they're winning some the problem taking that so that I can disadvantage pancake there the problem with that is that we're having an even fight around the cart right so we can't move it it's trade for trade but they're winning like in terms of the objective uh okay so I'm going to try and do some flank annoying stuff here there's always an off angle there's always a flank you just have to look for it like right here I'm just going to wait patiently for pancake to oh no my team took care of him in this game because there's so much Mobility there's always a way to find a tricky off angle just like llama is trying to do there so let's see where is it going to be here that's going to be up here until someone comes for me yep see I can just get a pick just from that little Choice Dash again I want to make sure that pancake does not get this right see so I win because I fought him for that Dash um it's good to have I'm backing up cuz I don't have enough Dash the health pot now what this what this means is does not means is it just always get Dash all okay so move forward quickly cuz we gained position right okay my team knows that these are all professional players not lazing around so what we're trying to do immediately is move away from the payload right so our our players are going to be rushing here we're going to be moving as fast as we can grab that [ __ ] that was that was a like kind of a tossup I could have uh do is playing SMG so he doesn't need the dash um that was a judgment call for me to not get it off angle right here see how I'm always trying to create like strange little opportunities away from my team okay so I'm going to try and move with my team that Dash is open I'm going to sit here just so if he tries to get it I can grab it yep get ah [ __ ] that was close I should that was just a bad Dash I should have been around this side of the rock I I think that they're really watching that main rail so I'm thinking to myself that I need to take a different route here remain that's right need to get out of this oh I got Dash again so I have to be aggressive ah pink caught me out okay duck or yeah he's thinking the same thing oh I need to get that Dash he's going to go for this one as well probably nope I'm coming up here cuz I don't want to fight on that long I think I can get an advantage from up here yeah cuz I know he's still here yeah so I was going to D yeah I was going to dive him um what do I want to do I think I could get around to the back kill those shocks and just be like back here oh that would have been good if he didn't catch me I just needed to be a little faster there this is a tough position tough position 4 if ever you're locked up at this place in the map um that is basically in like this specific your 83 that basically means that your first half is pretty strong but you haven't practiced your second half at all as a team you need to be aware of that this is this is the check this is the position of a team that has not at all um that really shouldn't have gone through checkpoint but did through Shear practice so I see blister barers I'm just looking at what my team is going to be doing I know we have so he's probably going to be diving he might be getting Rockets um so what I always do at the start of a game is I just pick one of these walls and I wait for about 5 to 10 seconds before I start um I think classic Scout very old player called this ping ponging I'm not very good at it but actually I'm going to play a little more aggressive this looks defensive but it's aggressive cuz I'm holding this long rail so ping ponging is this is this weird Behavior here where ah got cut out oh they have very good area control but they're not watching that door as much so I'm going to take that as an opportunity I just remember they weren't watching it before oh now they are so now they're not watching over there uh let's see if I can get an example of ping paing is great at it um I'll describe it if I don't get a chance essentially you play you play aggressive but pretty sneaky what how did he die aggressive but sneaky which means you're going to find little nooks and crannies little Corners um that you're going to dash around to use that as cover um I'll see if I can get you guys an example here but they're just like I I should have had my guns up there paying attention but you know it's tough to talk and talk and play trying to contest this yeah so notice how they're going for for for maximum I know there's I saw a guy down here so there must be someone here or here probably here okay okay so here is Ping ponging ah I'm not good at it it's okay I should not have been where I went I'll try the less aggressive version our team should not be here we should be I'm just going to wait try fire at that door in hopes that he walks through just kind of surrounded this is a tough match but you know aggressive stance yeah Doom knows this too cuz this is the place place where you can you can do the most pancake doing nice disruption okay we should be here right now former Arc member he knows the strats we should be here and up there cuz what you can do is you can force them to not go um that right side by having people in there and then you can kind of kill them on Main rail by having a person or two on Main um backers backers should know that this is a very classic payload defense yeah blister should be moving up I'm going to actually move up okay I got two pancake he's going to be going for the dash I know that ah oh that killed him ah brilliant work here I'm just trying to get to regain a foothold foothold on uh I guess Bros killed him because he stopped shooting so okay this is my this is my moment I need to take oh he beat me to it if I can get dashed I can be a more effective dualist up in that uh up in that area I keep going to this because I really really want this Dash very badly um I see that it's open but I think it's just not worth it so I'm going to take this slightly off angle oh okay up here exactly where I want to be so what Happ and see how they can laser people from uh from Main Rail and I can well in theory I could duel people in and people would rotate up into main o good Kill from pancake there so notice how he's he's just trying to stay alive he's playing very kind of shady I suppose is the word good shot from him there it's a good position I like that little shocks in hidey hole but he can't stay there for too long or I'm going to catch him yeah never stay in one position for too long this might not work if I don't have good support so play here just wait for my team shocks dang it if we had someone on Main rail those three people would have basically been dead um it's why you have to uh so I'm going to hold main rail just hope somebody's over there I don't know why you stopped shooting at me yeah so that's why you need to have someone here someone down there but um okay pancake's behind us again I just knew exactly or not pancake but yeah you just know people are going to go up there so I just pre-fired and happened to hit him um I'm just going to wait here cuz I feel like someone might come for this yeah I was right out Dash him if you have more dashes use them oh this is just a constant Onslaught very hard just stop um let's see what can I do to get some structure I'm going to play slow I'm going to play really careful and I think I'm going to just play play to stay alive cuz I keep kind of sacrificing my life and I need to change that so not going to go for that Dash wait here I don't need to finish that he's low okay play here close to this health okay now I can be a little more aggressive I think yep okay and then once I get this Dash I'm waiting I can be slightly slightly more more aggressive see how I'm kind of I'm trying to just ramp up from from where I was okay ah didn't work out just a bad maneuver for me um but now I'm just going to start over just play a little bit little bit calm little bit bit of an off angle here nice little spot but I have to move the in I get discovered which is okay okay now I have some Mobility I'm going to come up here oh yeah I should have been Clos standing closer to a wall good shot from blob there now we're going to let them through well they would have made it through so if they're smart they will immediately all start blitzing ahead and I'm going to keep my guns up here yep cuz I know that these people are going to be going to want me I assume that's yeah that's pancake he knows exactly when he has to be aggressive and that is right now so I'm just going to BU my time keep him occupied I know he's the best best player on that other team he's going for that Health hold here see I'm just trying to trying to force him out a little bit but uh he has more hours than me and I lost that's okay again guns up watching watching watching yeah so I shouldn't have been see how I was kind of standing on that rail I really shouldn't have been in there so I'm going to take slightly different slightly different so see notice how he's he's moving the fight away from the payload I see someone stooling on that side so I'm going to take over here there we go now I need to go for this health and just wait wait for my teammate my teammate will kill him or yeah okay worked out in the end cuz I saw gunfire from over there so I thought okay so now that those two are dead we have to take I would say take a really aggressive stance but I know there's a guy coming here he wants to be there so I have to keep my back pancake watch your angles there's a guy behind who might pop up from that left side over there um I'm just trying to keep track of everybody okay so they should be pushing okay all three of them are pushing up I bet you I could catch one oh ducking here so if they jump on there they'll shoot over me dang yes so remember earlier when I was on attack and I was talking about taking all the dashes keeping them out pancake has Dash and he's able to come up and duel me in this area and even if he loses I'm down super low to the dash right they're they're drying me up from Dash and and making it much much harder to fight so this is good so watch see who get that Dash Okay I'm going to go for this health cuz I know he wants it just wait for someone to some on someone take it uh you really should instantly leave I need to move yeah cuz I knew once I was shooting from there someone would spot me moving again again I'm kind of hedging myself oh I know there's two people over there what can I do about that okay I'm just going to wait till my my friend with more more health and more Dash can deal with this person until until uh until I can kind of get a jump on him oh so there's people below me they don't know I'm above though ah I could have gone down here instead that exposed me that was kind of a bad angle just waiting careful I'm going to take this other side again cuz pancake loves to be over there or whoever it is they're loving that right side I need to wait for my team right cause problems distraction [ __ ] uh I can't really take a ton of long range DS here cuz they have more health and more Dash so you have to be careful until it gets to up here oh okay so yeah so I'm going to come on this right side cuz I know that he's over there right yep see how I try to create just that really simple opposition that almost got me a kill but uh hard to talk and commentate oh watch great use of Bounce shots here well if I could show you okay I'm the reason I'm doing this Feathering is so that pinking has trouble attacking me good good angle from from llama there I would need to call that out that's a very that's a very preventable death for rers there a great use of Bounce shots if you can hit them um but you shouldn't be so I'm going to chase this guy cuz he was not looking at me he was looking at my teammate I'm going to come over here because I know there's probably someone over there okay so I'm backing away so he can't isolate me yeah okay ooh nice my team killed him from that other side of there someone's on Main so I need to be aware of that okay this is good so I'm coming over here cuz I know he's over there oh no he's dead just take hold this main good do com is doing the right thing here he's trying to regain this position with the dashes he doesn't look like he got it on Tempo having a Dash on Tempo is something I'll maybe explain in Orange um or oh my gosh launch pad sorry um basically every time Dash regenerates every 10 seconds so if you can track that regeneration you can essentially get the dash every time cuz you know exactly when it's going to be there so having Dash on Tempo is a great way to basically control the dashes forever so let's see if I can oh I shouldn't left cart there I was cart boy I left that was that was bad I should not have done that ah looks like they got it that was a good good good map um GG's GG's no no that was that was good yeah good good map guys was a mut well two people are saying Waterway Waterway please yeah yeah yeah it's good all right so I'm just trying to get some diversity of content here for you guys same deal as before um hopefully I upload these in in sequence but uh yeah so I'm I'm going to be observing everyone's role here I'm going to be taking the role of pistol sniper cuz that's what I'm most comfortable with um and I can tell you guys a bit about this about about the Dynamics uh Waterway is really strange cuz you need to look at I need to be up here you need to look at where people are going and wi so I'm switching over this side to get a better angle that guy if you're pistol sniping from up here this is better cuz you have a higher angle um on someone else but if you're pistol sniping people that are not shooting at you this is better okay so I'm shooting that button I'm going to move up to B to help us get button pressure right button pressure means that we press the button which forces them to do something so my team understands it they know I'm going to jum jump up here he knows I'm here so he's going to probably go there oh that was didn't see blob there takes B yeah also you have to be really quick on uh on Waterway BL takes which is tough when you're compensating but it's okay um grabbing that Dash so that llama doesn't get it um okay stoppable usually you would call out where that is um okay so I'm going to get this Dash to prev them from getting into the base pistol snipe hug this barrier this barrier is your friend right chase this guy that's my job come back up to the top here I can't jump up there so I'll do I I always got to be doing something right oh that was poor aim on my part team so that's going to be so I'm going to come up on this side team the reason I came up there whoever that is is pretty smart I came up there so that I have the biggest chance of them being in front of me instead of being behind me okay if you remember Tempo last time pancake probably has that Dash on Tempo which means that tough situation I'm going to get it five okay so every time I see a five I'm going actually be doing it for this one seven no three BL speed I would be calling out that timing if I get a dash cycle going I will I will tell you guys but uh okay coming up here going to shoot at the button shoot at this button now beautiful button hold oh almost yeah so I needed to move up about a half second earlier there um to help help uh kind of hold on to that button but um oh I know there's someone up here they were over there last last time again I'm taking angles where I'm least likely to die I'm going come over here I'm hiding behind this so they can't shoot me in the back it's pancake knows what he's doing so again I just I need this kind of thing is is usually you would be I would be really bothered okay so that's on nines I know exactly when that is and I'm going to I'm going to deprive him of that yeah see so I can get it the instant comes up which leaves basically no chance of him getting it so he's going to be dry on dashes which means look he gets caught out I shouldn't be hogging it now cuz we're not under attack and by under attack I mean other people can get that Dash so just trying to go back to the dash is open just go back to my normal pistol my thing using this barrier a lot I'm going to shift over here this is still pistol sniping right I'm just being more aggressive now I need to back up or I'm going to die I should have waited until I had two dashes um this is more of a a lesson on pistol sniping than than anything else coming over here because I don't know sometimes I just like to I'm sure there's some good reason for it drop down okay aggressor gets the dash I'm going to push up a little cuz I see our team's getting some pressure here and I want to be closer want to be able to impact more more things I didn't see that pistol sniper cers is going to hold you need to duck there okay that's poor poor button holding etiquette which is fine come up here and then so what I did was I I hid and then I peaked out right I don't need to be shooting him the whole time ah okay yeah so blister here showed correct button holding bracker is sitting this is not good this is good this is great so three two one that's how it works and you know what I'll play aggressive for a little bit just so I can see if I can get a button hold for you guys so I'm going to be I have my Dash already planned out one two three dash dash wait for a second o well played by llama so he's going bottom rail so I know that right always got to always got to be thinking about people are people are constant a lot of people just kind of they die and they forget everything right see so I have Dash so dash dash dash Dash oh that that was that was tough there's two people in basement didn't expect that I could have gone that way I probably should have the side lowest chance of me being um pancake shouldn't have taken that that duel there was nothing in that for him he should have he should have uh probably defended the button that was bad positioning yappen no I really want that Dash cuz otherwise someone else is going to take it it's on twos blue team scor my God rers you have back problems why you turning like that team that's okay te is what it ISS round oh that's good tactical crouching always useful never know when there's a sniper all right let see if I can just get across the map here first Elation I know llama's here somewhere probably I'm going to use this distraction created by do here I knew that was he that was him so I'm going to go for this and I'm going to be so I know is somewhere else so I can play button I got it so I'm using the button for cover here yeah so I was I was kind of the sacrifice there which is fine someone has to do it um I don't need to to fight that a lot of times instead of shooting back oh I need to call that out somebody would need to call that out but of course I can't hear anybody oh get this Dash before pancake does quick backwards Dash I'm going to chase him cuz I know he does not have a much much right now and he's not paying attention to me so he has button pressure which means he's doing everything he can to get up to that button which means he's really easy to predict he still has it but for his own side so he's going to fight me to the death over this button that's okay I wasted a lot of his time I I could have been more productive he's still up here fighting I'm sure notice how I swipe the button I don't ever press it it's not a real button guys swipe through its [Music] Bas good play from blister there I need to get out of my base as quickly as possible come on come on come on come on come on oh I stayed on the I stayed on the rail for just just half a millisecond too long te just going to come right up here to the top just cuz that's a really aggressive spot to stand so what I'm going to try and do now as a pistol sniper which I really should have been trying to do um but my brain is a little frazzled I should be trying to stop the flow so instead of chasing people around what I'm going to do is when they have a bit of pressure I'm going to just like you know stop people from getting in so that's what I'm doing right now okay I thought that guy might jump just jump up there being up there makes me a really easy target so I back up when I think someone's advancing on me so against another pistol sniper you have a better angle up here so I'm going to move up here te team have three two three so again right up here left angle two that's tough uh is that reverse sniping here um just going to I need to make sure that I don't get killed from behind Team this is like slightly more uncomfortable yeah cuz that can always happen um usually you'd use outs to deal with with pancake doing this kind of disruption thing um but if you're on your own so I can out Dash him here right I got Dash he didn't okay come on come on come on come on WIS round um if you get dashed against someone don't be afraid to use it right just go Um I think I'm going to try and do a little more aggressive well we'll just see how it goes [Music] really uh yes I do that's okay um I could have stood to not be on the rail there is that going to cost us a point yeah well silly decisions like what I just did I left our team without a pistol sniper and I should have notified them I can't do coms right now that that's the kind of thing that can happen when you just kind of go off and do random things on Waterway um you need to make sure that people roll assignment at the start of a match uh for Waterway is almost all that you can do and it's about the best thing you can do the reason I was sitting here is cuz last time I came to be like a long time ago llama came down here and he killed me so I thought okay my turn so just being patient now I can't be patient I have to be here playing with the button right button is my frienders is my friend too so notice or not bers blister notice how he was he was revolving to uh to try and oh my God that was just unfortunate he was he was shifting up there to to to keep me and the person between us someone needs to get that Dash that's a critical error right there not getting that Dash cuz now llama has has Dash cycle in our base if he's smart so I have it now I'm not even going to look at my watch whatever I have a good enough feel for it that was badly played okay Dash take an aggressive stance on B just try and hold this area that's poor pistol sniping eate whoever that was shift over to the other side team C P what are you doing fight on that button man whatever llama okay he's on this rail he's still going to be here optic permanence tough for some people sometimes for me I'm going to fight him I know he's low on dash yeah so I chased him around just waited I shouldn't have gone backwards but pancake is such a big threat to the team that um dashing off the rail there just so I stay alive but someone saw me do it looks like so he's going to still be at bottom B which means I think I can catch him on a rail during pistol sniping R he's still uh he might be dead he's probably dead cuz I just saw a guy down there and there wasn't a fight so that means I'm going to move a little bit more forward oh a lot more forward cuz I see my team's moving up so what we want now is [ __ ] not that this is a good hiding spot doesn't seem like it would be but it's great blue takes C red C red takes C BL I'm just going to hide oh not I guess so I was trying to get some button pressure there which means you press the button basically it forces the entire enemy team to turn into a bunch of you know moths to a flame they have to go to the button they literally have no choice so I think that's what we're going to start getting again here behind the barrier there's no reason for me to be exposed think I got no offense a little bit outplayed there it's okay it happens I had I had more Dash than him oh there's a fight going on I want to be up at this button that's why fight around it waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting holding okay teom come on but there doesn't matter probably to hold a button again one two three and you dance around and try and if the person's there you like dance like this um I think that's going to be it for today uh it's tough it's exhausting but hopefully I made some good content for you guys anyway yay GG's pancake how's your chat doing yo what's up thank you thank you yeah hey thank thank all of you for watching if you are watching um and uh yeah have a nice one