alikum shik for for for students already connect students okay so Jamal very good interesting uh sh Ford for question SOC for for so toal for for for Mar for for for answer for for CQ McQ short answered question short answer for important top most important Ma for most important topic for most important topic answer for m for question a isan a shab buya a lamia rman a okay right ch d d oxy acid DNA dfic option number b b kaziu b manik c confusion create so RAF so CIF B Fahim b lman c chos d specific answer already [Music] B chromosome chos d number option asant imahan chros chros nucleus ch c number option chromosome same D gen optioned right chromosome mple small so option [Music] d shlam a a r d IM Hassan shahil B J C okay okay so small D number option very good correct answer for for B for answer very good so very good very very good sh okay monohybrid cross mebd cross so very good for1 generation okay shma Al very good answer [Music] capital T small T capital T small T capital T small T capital T small T capital T small t so saak for so monohybrid cross mbdb cross number number y y capital y capital r okay fine small y small R small y small y capital r outcome small y capital Y small y capital r small all very good question so very good last okay B Sam B uh Ro B Ahmed B Salma a s okaye capital T capital T small T small t genotype small small genotype so gen proc genote ADV short option but option very short just B so ch 1691 691 so so Mel Abdullah Gregor Johan Mel Mel Shams Mel yes for already okay mahik sakah very good hybrid cross cross mon so hybrid CR Capal capital T small T small same capital T capital T small T small T so okay already ROK homo zgas very good shahana Hassan homo zgas manika Boni homo Zas very good very good so M samas ahed raak okay homo far very good very good finally already homim heterozygous okay Rak rupok heterozygous man very good homo different so clear answer finally last question very good Sabi answer moan answer sah very good for for for for for right for Capital small T small t h h right h for small [Music] so for capital T small small for so for so for [Music] specific [Music] means ultimately D so very good very good okay so okay very good [Music] L capital T capital T small T small t right question for cross F1 means F2 means obviously for [Music] okay2 F1 capital capital small T small cross capital T small T capital T small T capital T small T capital T small t okay number number genot Capital small capital T small T capital T small Capal already answer very good okay very good very good small small small l l l okay line genotype Naki phenotype very good genotype very good genotyp very good very good very good phy so genotype I hope so very good just question for one of the most important topic chap so for [Music] so homework so almost for to so very good already okay almost done very good okay yes very table Jan very good okay Jan okay CR for a a capital T small T So capital T small small capital T same om far okay okay Jan Sam Shak nup okay very good very good afan small T so small T small T obviously so F2 [Music] phenotype sorry [Music] genotype buty capital T capital T small T small T capital T small T capital T small okay very good very good phenotype genotype already answer very good shamim hin answer kaj must very good mman IM Hassan Jan badon Saina shakia very very goodal small Capal T small same so capital capital L small small Capital small cap for so almost done so thank you so much but for just