Understanding the Circulatory System

Sep 1, 2024

Notes on the Circulatory System

Overview of the Circulatory System

  • Organ system responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to body tissues.
  • Relies on three main components:
    • Blood: Carries oxygen and nutrients.
    • Blood Vessels: Hold and transport blood.
    • Heart: Pumps blood through the vessels.

Structure of the Heart

  • The heart consists of four chambers:
    • Atria (top chambers):
      • Left Atrium (on the right side of the diagram).
      • Right Atrium (on the left side of the diagram).
    • Ventricles (bottom chambers):
      • Left Ventricle
      • Right Ventricle
  • Valves between chambers and vessels prevent backflow of blood.

Blood Circulation Pathway

  1. Blood Inflow to Heart:
    • Blood enters via Vena Cava (deoxygenated) and Pulmonary Vein (oxygenated).
  2. Atria Contraction:
    • Blood is pushed from the atria into the ventricles.
  3. Ventricles Contraction:
    • Blood is pumped out to:
      • Pulmonary Artery (to lungs)
      • Aorta (to rest of the body)
  4. Cycle Frequency:
    • This cycle repeats approximately 70 times per minute, over 100,000 times daily.

Pacemaker of the Heart

  • Pacemaker cells in the Right Atrium generate electrical impulses to regulate heart contractions.
  • An artificial pacemaker can be implanted if natural pacemaker cells malfunction.

Understanding Arteries and Veins

  • Arteries: Vessels that carry blood away from the heart.
    • Example: Pulmonary Artery (carries deoxygenated blood).
  • Veins: Vessels that carry blood to the heart.
    • Example: Pulmonary Vein (carries oxygenated blood).

Coronary Arteries

  • Coronary arteries branch off the aorta to supply the heart muscle with oxygenated blood.


  • Importance of understanding the heart's structure and function.
  • Encourage sharing knowledge with peers.