There are actually two types of tests if you didn't know about it And this is the revealingness of the concept of deliberate illogicality However, let me first say that the concept of deliberate illogicality is kind of like it's a ghost It's not an accurate concept deliberate illogicality as a concept applied Before I realized that there's no reason why I'm not enough it was before that Deliberate illogicality meant for somebody of low value to be provocative or sexual or neg or be a retard or be like basically immature and stupid in a way that you'd be deliberately illogical that the girl would deliberately test you and you would stir up emotions. Basically being dramatic or being fun or funny or negging the girl. However, deliberate illogicality in the natural game, in natural instinct method is actually more just a part of the negative range of emotions.
You don't want to call it that as a skill, because it's not some magic skill. It's part of the whole bouquet of expression. And it can be positive, it can be negative, it can be external, it can be internal, it can be anything. But deliberate or logicality was always, and if it's easy for you to understand, then fair enough, it was always designed to be something that you could put out there, that you know is going to get the girl a bit pissed off, a little bit excited, maybe a little bit self-conscious.
Basically just a regular game and that's why the concept never really eventuated into like a full-blown thing. However, now running under the assumption in the natural instinct method that there is no reason why I'm not enough, you've got to think to yourself as myself and the other coaches do, it is an inevitability. It is inevitable that when you talk to a girl she will inevitably become attracted to you or emotionally aroused by you, interested in you, attracted to you, curious about you. That's inevitable. If you care more about yourself, then you do put others'perception of you higher than yourself.
What that means is that if you're an attractive guy, and a lot of the people in this room and watching this video, you are going to feel that you're a little bit bored. that people don't excite you as much as you excite you. And that's good, that means that you are enough. But what then? You're going to be in this little pit of boredom.
Show of hands in the audience, who here has ever felt bored in a nightclub? Uninspired by the girls you meet. Well, yeah, sometimes, right? Sometimes like, oh, just another girl, just another approach, just another social interaction. Well, that is actually what you should expect.
What's good? is if you're feeling that boredom or uninspired, you're on the right track. You can feel uninspired and bored, or you can feel uninspired and liberated.
I feel liberated, and you will inevitably, like a Pokemon, evolve to feel liberated by boredom. When you have that boredom, you need to arouse. Okay, that's relaxation, actually.
It's a form of relaxation. And then you can arouse yourself. How do you do that? By being provocative, by being expressive. But the basic formula in the attraction...
The attraction formula is that if you're an attractive guy plus you add emotions, then you're going to be compelling to talk to, you're going to be interesting. However, you might not see the full picture, you might only be using the nice range of emotions and failing to use physicality which will render you a nice guy. The thing is, if you are a little bit bored, don't be afraid to express those negative expressions all the time. Which brings me to the point of this video. There are...
Two types of tests. Test passive and test aggressive. Why this was never categorised before, I don't know.
Maybe now that we've done about two years of infield video, cruising around, feeling that there's no reason why we're not enough, it's a whole new paradigm. We're walking around attractive, so the game changes. Imagine that.
We're going to do infield video, walking to the club, yep! I'm attractive. I'm an attractive type of person.
I can fulfill the potential to attract a girl. That's cool. Instead of what you may be experiencing now, what we used to have, is I hope she likes me.
I hope I can get her attention and keep it and maybe leave with her. No, that's gone. That's fine. That's easy. So therefore, you want to have non-stop, constant flow of What you recognise as passive tests.
Passive tests are your friend. Briefly, a passive test is flirting. A passive test... is any kind of negative sentiment that's said with a light energy.
An aggressive test is said with a heavy energy. If a girl's like, leave us alone, don't talk to us, we're having a girls night. When it's got a real breaking rapport tonality, then it's usually an aggressive test. If you get an aggressive test, that's when the four times rule really, really, really comes into play. If the girl's like, leave us alone, we're walking home.
That's when you can use the four times rule. You're like, oh I happen to be walking the same way as well. It's a free world, at least in Canada and America and Australia, not in some parts of Europe, to be honest. That's when you use the four times rule. If you don't get anywhere after the four times rule, then it's like, okay, well I'm really, really sorry that it hasn't been the best night for you, have a really great night and I hope you feel flattered that I approached because I think you're cool.
I wanted to get to know you. I don't want to bang you. I didn't assume that. I just wanted to get to know you. And they're like, what?
Like, okay, fine. We'll get into the depths of aggressive tests in a minute. The breadth of tests that you're going to get are passive. So, what are the common tests that you get in a nightclub? You guys can ask me any test that you want here.
And here's the thing, we talked about in other videos, on YouTube, something called the back-ended interaction. Instead of going up and gaming the girl, and just presenting yourself, it's like, yes, good presentation. It's actually you just walk up and be kind of retarded.
Kind of like, hi, how are you going? How's your day going? I can do a compilation of a hundred approaches like that that went really well. How are you going?
It's like, is that all you've got to say? That would be a passive test. Because it's just light. It's easy. I'm like, how's your day going?
How's the weather? These are my approach topics. You know what I'm saying?
Are you guys having a good day? How's your day going? Fucking how's the weather? And then I'm going to get something back and you're going to work with it.
When you're talking to girls... When you get something back, you work with that. And it's great if it's a test.
But if it's not a test, then it can go into a nice guy frame. That's why you need to be a little bit more edgy. So, for example, deliberate illogicality as you knew it, synchronizing the cameras, deliberate illogicality as you knew it might be me going and approaching somebody and saying, how's your day going?
Feel like getting shafted? Like, what the fuck are you talking about? You can't say that to girls.
I'm deliberately saying that to set a more dramatic emotional frame. I know that when I say you want to get shafted, I'm not doing it to be edgy, ballsy, confident, or a show-off. I'm not doing it to be, I don't give a fuck what you think of me.
I'm doing it to engage because it's going to be engaging. I'm like, no, no, no, not shafted, like renovate your house. It's like, what?
Sorry, sorry, I come from a different culture. Like, you live in the same country as me. I'm like, yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm Aquaman, I live under the sea. Fuck.
Um, so, by throwing those stupid things out there, you know that you're setting yourself up to beat or endure the passive test. This kind of interaction where it's too smooth, that is not lighting up her emotional radar and she's not getting drawn to it. It's kind of like, the girl sees you as like a blank piece of paper. Seriously.
We see girls aesthetically as they are. Girls... Fill in the story of what they want you to be based on the interaction, the duration of the interaction and how exciting the interaction is. So, when she tests you and when you respond to those tests well, that's when you're going to really excite her. And you're all of a sudden going to build this image in her head that you're fun, exciting, hard to control, smarter than her, always have an answer, exciting guy, attractive guy that makes her curious.
She wants to find out more and more and more and more and more about you. She wants to explore the interaction with you until it becomes intimate. That's the idea that you want to do.
So when I'm talking to girls, I'm dumbing down my verbal delivery and my presentation. In fact, what's kind of funny, another thing that I do, which is kind of funny, and it's not malicious. Nothing that we're doing here is malicious.
I'm not being rude. So I'm doing these things to elicit tests for fun. You need to do it.
You can't just be cruising around in the bar like, yes, I'm attractive, yes, I'm fucking cool. You're potentially cool, but you're not potentially cool until you express that and engage. This is cold approach pickup. You are nothing until you start a good interaction.
The interaction makes you attractive. The density and the length of the interaction makes you attractive, not you as a guy. Everyone here is potentially attractive, not attractive. So it takes some time and some back and forth.
So you get a lot of tests and this is the fun part here. A lot of passive tests. I'll try to think of some as well that maybe you guys don't regularly get. So, please, enlighten me.
We'll try to do it one at a time, show of hands. What kind of tests are you getting that really throw you off? That make you go out of set? Or maybe get out of state? Anyone here using the word state is officially a fag?
Okay? I'm not in state. I am in state!
Yay, I have power now! Shut the fuck up. State, just briefly, state is a fag.
fleeting moment of exhilaration and you go back down. That's it. To be in state is not normal.
To be chill is normal and expressive. You express yourself, you chill, you express yourself, chill. Chill is the baseline, not state as the baseline.
State is for like when you're having sex, not when you're meeting people. Right, cool. Alrighty, what's the test?
The thing is though, I believe that if they're responding, in your case because I know you a little bit as well from bootcamp, if they're responding like that to your barb, your expression, which is a kind of a neg, a classical neg, that's kind of like a reaction, you're seeking a reaction but you haven't reacted. So that's not really an organic test, that's a manufactured test or deliberate illogicality gone wrong, but a good example, yes. That usually means they will, or they're thinking about it, which is good, but the truth is they don't want to. The truth is, if they say, I'm not going to fuck you tonight, they do mean it. And the way that I deal with that is, in my mind, is like, that's expected.
That's the expectation to run with, because logistically, to make that happen, with friends, logistic, travel, what's happening the next day, alcohol and money, I'm talking to you because you're not the kind of girl who fucks on the first day. Then you put it on your arm and you get to know all of her friends and then you really strengthen and set up the meetup later where it becomes a sure thing. But that is the reality, especially as you get older and the girls you're going for get classier.
Cool. Okay, another test. Well, no. I don't want, like, think of it this way, right? If you're really, this is how a girl thinks about it, I'm trying to give you a masculine metaphor to understand it.
If you're a car enthusiast, you love racing the quarter mile, and you know there's a meet coming up in four weeks, right? your car could potentially win this and you could potentially win big money, a big prize, massive respect. Think about like Fast and the Furious here, that kind of setup. And three weeks before the event, everyone's like, boom, let's do it right now. Perform right now.
Bring your A game right now. Be like, I haven't tuned it up. I haven't checked this. I haven't shown things properly. I was going to get a new this and this.
That's how girls think. So It's more like they value their sex so much as they should. And they have so much pride in their performance and their ability that they want to bring their A game and they want to be prepared for it.
So can you get over it? Could you make somebody race earlier than the big day? Yes. Would they want to do it?
No. Will they regret it? Yes. And in a lot of our cases, when that happens, they'll bang and they'll be like, well, it was too fast, it wasn't proper.
I wasn't really into it. I wasn't really like emotionally switched on for it They can do it and they feel attracted to it like you like in that situation you want to race you're competitive But you're like no hold off to do it properly at the right time That's what they're thinking So yeah If you really want to bang there and then you can but it's also better to wait later and it becomes more of a sure thing If you don't force somebody into racing right then and there then they definitely will another time and They'll do it properly and you'll get the best out of them. So That like it becomes much much much much more of a sure thing all guys want to bang on the first day But you should have enough abundance They already set up a bang for later when you're meeting a new girl between the meet and the bang and don't be too morally upset About all that because in this modern day and age It's called getting to know people before you date them right so you can like you get to get to know the girl Intimately and sexually with multiple girls at the same time before you date and commit to somebody so That's cool. It's kind of a vague period where you can get away with a little bit, but after a while you do need to be respectful and you actually will run out of time in the week to see that many girls. Although random things can happen and, you know, the older that I'm getting and the more cool people that I'm getting to know, good girlfriends actually kind of encourage their boyfriend to go and bang someone in Vegas on the boys'trip because it actually makes the relationship stronger.
Instead of being trapped, instead of the guy feeling trapped, he's like, I can bang if I want, but I don't because I have my partner. So that it's kind of all cool and wide open, but I'm talking tests Passive tests in the bar. Talk to me. What do you get?
I'm not your type. Oh as in oh, okay So you're saying like she's saying you're not my type. I was just like laughs right? I'm not your type Because you're self-absorbed. Okay?
I'm not objectifying you. I actually liked you as a friend. And now you made this sexual.
Fucking rethink your life. That's what I would say. I'm not your type.
Like, for sex? What the fuck? Yeah. Possibly, you're probably neglecting her friends and the guy she's with.
That's what I'm thinking. If you're getting the white knights interfering and the friends interfering, then that's it. The interaction shouldn't even be that intimate or that pick-up-y that you should get that test or that scenario should come up. It should be like, you're talking to everyone in the group, there's four or five people, whatever, and other people involved, but the one who you like, you're not afraid to make contact with and be in her physical space and use negative expressions. Like the ones that I just talked about.
When a girl says, you're not my type, well, actually, that's kind of like, you know that a test is set up not so you can fail. When somebody tests you at school or tests you for a fucking driver's license, you can pass or fail. And if you pass that, then you make progress.
So when she does that, she might be like, you know what, in your case, I'm looking at this guy in the audience, you're looking at a nice guy, you've done your hair, basically like a computer programmer. Maybe you've got like, like figurines of Iron Man and like some Pokemon and your Dash, like in your fucking, in your bedroom Hello Kitty in the car But okay, you look like a really really nice guy, right? You're learning pickup. So there's a bit of a discrepancy with the way you're behaving and where you've come from which is true for so many people here in this room and everyone on the fucking internet as well. When you are coming from a place of beta and going to a place of alpha This rite of passage learning pick up and practicing pick up, when the girl gives you those tests, they are, boom, one rung up to the new plateau of alpha land, right?
Do you get tired and you fall down or do you just keep climbing and get there? Well, if you get there, then you're going to get the girl. So having a strong comeback or having a strong way to endure the test, as I demonstrated a minute ago, is going to make you be like, hmm, self-respect, she's going to be like, hold on.
Maybe, maybe I was wrong in not thinking that he was my type. And the thing is, the truth is, you're going to go through all these tests. And a lot of the time those tests that you go through, they're just going to be a part of the process of going from beta to alpha and getting there, and getting indifferent. And it might not work, the girls who give you the test may not be the girls who you present an alpha guy to, but those tests are going to set you up for the next interaction and the one after that.
And then eventually once you get it, you can just like annihilate all tests in your fucking wake. Understand? Excellent next test.
Yep easy that one's real like please This is the fucking easiest one in the world. I was in a relationship for four and a half years I broke up like three years like about three and a half weeks ago, so I'd like to say more, but it was a long relationship, so this is really great for me, and the thing is like if it's a girl you're gonna marry this is what i say to a girl who i thought about marrying and there was two that i thought about marrying um the one who i fucking tried to marry but didn't work out like god damn it i said if you really really really really really want to know how many girls that i fucked i've actually had sex with um i'll tell you if you if you insist three times i'll tell you whatever the fuck you want to know if you really insist i'll absolutely be honest with you but i want to make sure that you really want to know so that's what i say but otherwise if it's a girl you've just met That's what I'll say, that's how I'll express myself. Or you can just be very, very, very illogical and say, oh, I've been with two today. I had a shower after the first one, but not after the second one.
So you've got a lot to live up to. So you can just be extreme in that sense as well. Yeah, but otherwise the relationship one is the best way to deal with that. Next test, show of hands. You guys obviously aren't approaching enough girls to get tests.
Yep, definitely, definitely. Awkward silence. Totally, totally fine. And I love those shy girls because they're often more intelligent, more self-respecting, more well-dressed, more self-aware in a good way, and that silence is not a test.
They just don't know what to say. Imagine, as weird as this sounds... But I can see that you're kind of enthusiastic about pick up, which is good.
If you're in an elevator with like, or myself, or somebody you've seen on YouTube, seemed a lot taller on the videos than we are in real life, and you would just be nervous. You'd want to talk, but you can't because you're like, what the fuck? I'm going to sound stupid, whatever I say.
That's how the girls feel. Not stupid, but just so clogged up in their head. That they don't know what they should or shouldn't say.
Not that they're kind of feeling bad about it. Should I be this? Should I be this way?
What would it mean if I did this? And the end result is just like, stifled. So, when a girl's like that, I'm like, oh, you're so relaxing. I've been like with so many fucking intense guys at work, slash university, slash football training, slash pick up seminar, all afternoon.
You're like a little Japanese zen garden. A little, like... Plot of nature, a little plot of heaven that I can just relax with.
You're so sweet. And with those really nervous, feminine girls, I love them because you get to be as sweet as you want to be. You're so elegant, you're so fine-featured.
I love it. If it's okay with you, I'm just going to put your hand around my forearm so no other girls approach me. So you can keep them away because they are nutritionally undisciplined whereas you are nutritionally advanced.
Okay, you're hitting your macros and I like that about you, right? I'm sure you taste good. Just joking, just joking. And she's going to be like... For everyone here and those on the internet, watch the first movie of Rocky.
The best pick-up scene I've ever seen in my entire life. Rocky is talking to this shy girl. He's like, yeah, you do the fucking boxing ring, and you go to the left side, and you go to the right side.
And you walk in, and you go to do some training, yeah. And then he just walks around the city. with this fucking girl and the next thing you know he's sitting on the couch like hugging his leg good game rocky dumb fuck right he just it's so good that's the best pick up i've ever seen also the pick ups in um the movie with ryan gosling and steve carell crazy stupid love they're also very very real life pick ups hitch not so much yeah um cool cool that's how i deal with that one other test guys come on i'll eat these up How old I am?
Okay, it depends. The test was, how old are you? I'll say, old enough to party, but young enough to enjoy a family movie.
Have you seen Shrek? So I'll say that one. It doesn't really matter that much. I think, like, if you say any age, they say too old or too young. And in all of our infield videos, all the coaches, they're like, you're too old, you're too young, da-da-da-da-da.
And then they don't actually, it doesn't actually mean anything. It's kind of like something that they've heard in a movie. Like, now I'm going to tell him that he's too old or he's too young.
Or you're just a lamb, like you're a little baby. They say that to me and then, like, 13 minutes later, timed on the dot, we're going into her house. So it's just an expression and it's a way for the girl to make conversation. And the test that comes after how old are you, that is then a problem. However, if you are really demographically removed from the chick, then it can be a little bit too hard for her to comprehend intimacy with you or opening up and trusting you.
That's the thing. Now I'm 29, I went on holidays to the Greek islands with 19-year-olds from Sweden, and they just didn't get it. They're like, we are like basically babies, and this is like a grown man from a different part of the world. Didn't make any sense, right?
And I didn't get laid at all. I was like, what the fuck? I can even speak pretty fucking good Swedish. And I was with all my friends, including Bearded Joe. from Canada and Machine Gun Darbomb, you'll see him in this as well.
I'll even show you a little clip of the great Bearded Joe in just a minute tonight, because he's from this neck of the woods. They got laid because they were kind of within their demographic. I'm a better pick-up artist, more well-trained in it, but I couldn't get laid because I was really outside of their reality.
So if you are demographically removed, age can be an issue. Not always. So the age game is totally fine.
If you are young, if you're a young guy, You can just say kind of like any age, basically any age within your demographic. So if you're 19, then you can be all the way up to like 26 or 27. Older than that, like it doesn't really make sense kind of thing. So yeah, I just say old enough to party or... I hate guess, like guess.
Like shut the fuck, I hate that fucking game, stupid. Just say, I don't know, I was born on a leap year, I think I'm three. That's a good one as well.
Yeah, okay, good, good, yeah, elaborate. You're going to use that one. I was born on a leap year, I'm about four.
I know a guy who was actually born on that day of the leap year, and he, like, I don't know how you would get an ID, right, because you're going to have like four birth dates. All right, next test, I have a few hands, yeah. Well, okay, yeah, so when I first started learning game, I had four go-to tests, responses. Number one was like, I don't speak Spanish. They're like, we're lesbians.
I'm like, I don't speak Spanish. You ate a whole wheel of cheese? How did you?
How did you do that? You know, Baxter from fucking Anchorman. Another one is, I'll just say, ah, fucking righto, righto, like some Australian shit.
What else would I say? Oh, yeah, really, really good way to endure any test. I installed it into my mind as a default, is by that you mean something else. So give me a test real quick.
By that do you mean why aren't I talking to you before? Yeah. By that you mean why wasn't I talking to you before? They're like, actually I didn't mean that. I'm like, by that you mean you didn't mean that.
Like what? So that one's really easy. That was a...
an epic one there was one other really good one oh Jeff always used to say your mom like why are you talking to us why is your mum talking to us so they were defaults that I would go to yeah and and they're pretty easy they're pretty easy but now my mind is like poised here and now in the moment to engage and have fun with because it turns me on it makes me like excited i'm like please i'll show you a test in a minute and the girl's like she's she's actually my girl i'm like yes yes we finally have a girl to beat a test and so you'll see it in the video it's on it's on youtube it's not the full version not actually on youtube because because it was deemed too intense for the market you The girl, I'm like with this really hot chick from Finland, and then this like nutritionally very, very uncollaborated and physically unexpressive girl. I'm trying to keep it Oprah friendly basically, right? Because I'm going to be on Oprah one day and she's like, how do you describe fat chicks? And she's going to look at herself and I'm like, oh, I don't know, out of their prime? Sorry, sorry Queen Oprah.
Yeah, she's like, she's actually my girl. And then I just fucking, I'm like, this is great. You want to start a fight? I'll fucking fight. She's my fucking girl!
Get your horse, get a stick, we're going to get a fucking bout in the fucking... So I just scream in her face, she's like, oh shit! And the other one, another good one is, I got the girl's hair and I made a hair moustache. I'm like, yay!
I'm like, I'm in Australia, the girl was gorgeous, tall, Norwegian. She'll be on an infield video soon enough. And she's like, it was almost an aggressive test.
She's like, that is not cool, that is not cool. I'm like, oh, a test, awesome. I'm like, it is cool. If you don't like it, I'll call immigration.
1-800-661-800, immigration department. Hello, we have a Norwegian working without a visa. She's like, what the fuck? I'm like, that's right. and I work here at this bar.
So behavior is like, okay, okay. So turn it around just like that. I love the test game.
But those go-tos are really good. More tests, mate, please. Somebody, yes.
You have to buy me dinner first. Oh, okay. Then I'll be like, oh yeah, of course. Of course I'll buy you dinner.
Yeah, in that case, I'll just agree. That would be cool. If you want to be a smartass, I don't know what the brands are here in...
fucking Canada, I'd be like, chum or pal? It's dog food in Australia. What are the dog foods in Canada?
You've got to buy me dinner first. Do you like wet food or dry food? If the test was that asinine, she's setting a precedent of stupidity.
So if it's going to be that stupid, you can be equally as stupid back. and say, but don't worry, you can definitely get a doggy clip afterwards, alright? Blow dry, whatever you want, we can go for a walk in the park. So no, I wouldn't, I would actually just say, oh that'd be fucking awesome, okay? Only catch is you've got to wear lingerie, so I can dream about it.
I can imagine it while we're having dinner, that is all, that is all. And then I'll probably get drunk and pass out, but I'll enjoy the start of the day. That's what I would say to that kind of thing, because that's really just like, fun conversation.
More tests, let's just love it, let's keep going, yeah. Yep. Okay, that's a couple of things. That's kind of like fishing for compliments and qualification, which is okay.
I'm like, oh, really? Sorry, I'm distracted by you. I'm distracted by you, which I would be, and she would be hotter, and you would kind of appreciate the girl you knew, who you're intimate with more so than her friends.
I'll say, well, or you could say something like, the girl's like, don't fuck my friends. I'm like, well, at least they can see what they're missing, and they'll envy you more. that kind of thing okay at least that reminds them that there's nice guys out there who are what a guy is supposed to be and then you get to feel a little bit smug we don't want to be like arrogant about it but let's share the love but not put it all over the place because you know you know that you're my number one okay you know that don't you you fucking know that like next time you're banging like you know now don't you so it's really she likes the reassurance it's basically like you flexing you're like I am still the boss in a good way. I'm still your boss, and I love you being on my team.
That kind of thing. So it reiterates that. Does that flesh out the question?
No, it's not good. No, you really want to engage, you want to like endure the test. That's actually, that can make an argument. Okay, so with test dynamics, this is a great point, this is good. It's like Dr. House, with like the whole seminar of diagnosticians, you know.
It's like, what the fuck is the problem with this person? Back and forth. Well, the patient, the girl in the bar, I don't know. So, with tests, if you get into an argumentative frame, even if the girl fucking loves you, Even if you're fucking Wayne Gretzky, captain of the hockey team of Canada.
Is he the captain of the hockey team? Wayne Gretzky? He is? I don't know.
Fucking Johan Schmernoff? I don't know. Who's the captain of the hockey team of Canada? Crosby!
Mad cunt. Anyway, so imagine you're Crosby and the girl gives you a test. Now I'm going to show you how to fail the test. You ready? And these are the kind of ways that you may have responded in the past, but are not good, and I'll explain why.
So give me a few more tests. You're a player. Okay. Then you say, like, if you said something like, oh, that's a stupid thing to say, you would just kill the fun of it. If the girl said, you're a player, and you're like, yeah, yeah, I do pretty well for myself.
She's like, oh, you do pretty well for yourself. Starts an... argument and even if she wanted to fuck Crosby she would rather hold the argument than fuck Crosby.
It's so stupid. She'd rather die alone cleaning hotels then actually fuck the national captain of the hockey team. So stupid. Another test to show how to fail the test.
Yep. Okay yeah. I get that as well sometimes. Right, so if a girl says, that guy's kind of taller than you, I'm like, well, you know, I'm the tallest guy in my family.
It's kind of like qualifying yourself, it's not good. Or if you said to the girl, like, are you a superficial girl? She's like, no, I'm not.
And then it becomes a superficial thing if you challenge it back onto her, that way that'd be a fail of the test. If a girl said to me the way to pass that kind of test, oh, that guy's taller than you, it's like, but is he taller lying down? It's like what are you talking about? Those kinds of things.
I also say, I've got tall vibes is one way to deal with that. And just like, another thing is like, well it doesn't matter if you're on your knees. Is another way you could say that.
He's tall and it doesn't matter if you're on your knees. It's like what are you talking about? I'm like, oh because we're going to be playing Jenga.
So just kind of going deeper with the test. But great, great example. Can I show you how to fail it then pass it?
What's next? Well then she probably can't. Yeah. I'll be saying, look, I'll be like, count them. One, two, count you.
One, two. Yeah. Two hands, two girls.
That kind of thing. I'm like, I can multitask. I watch Ellen.
That would be fun as well. But if you already did Fuck Her Friend, And she's that close to fuck you anyway. It probably turns her on, actually, if it's that kind of thing.
It's like, crazy party. Whoa. It's like, well, gotta fuck you both. It's pretty.
Well, it'd be like that. But other times, they really can't fuck you as attracted as they are because it would be mayhem in the group among the girls. It would rip the group of girls apart, and it's not worth the drama. Sometimes it is.
Other times it's not. Cool. Next one.
Test. I've out-tested you all. Nobody's given me the classic, oh, is that your pick-up line?
Oh, if you get that one, it's just like, no, oh, pick a girl up. No, just do it like this. Lift her up off the ground.
Say a stupid comment, get a stupid response. Is that your pick-up line? Is that what you say to every guy who approaches you because you have nothing else to say? Try again. Oh, nothing else to say.
Well played. Here we go, we gotta play a girl over here. Like everyone at the bar, like, say it to everybody.
What's your name? You don't even have a name. That kind of thing, right?
I start yelling. The classic is like, she's my girlfriend. I'm like, oh, what is it about the flavour that you like? I like it as well.
Do you have a window in your house? I'm like, no. And the other really good thing is to empathise with the chicks.
You say, the girls are like, she's my... she's my girlfriend or that kind of thing. You're like, oh, yeah, of course, yeah.
Me and guys, we actually say that to gay guys in Sydney so they don't come looking for our mud button. That means us in Australia. They don't come looking for our ass. So we use that actually all the time.
It works pretty well. They're usually a bit persistent, but that's because we're hotter than you guys, right? Guys don't persist when you say that because you're not as hot as us. You're nice, but you're not as hot. But yeah, no, fair enough, cool.
So, and just change topic because it's bullshit. When they're saying that, they can see in your eyes that you're not prepared to deal with it and it's a quick go-to. It's a highly unoriginal way to deal with tests.
Cool. So they're all passive tests and some ways of thinking about how to endure them, how to engage them and move the test forward, step one, two, and three. You can also see that you don't want to start an argument with a girl. That just kind of sucks. But by being a bit provocative just out of nowhere and saying, oh, what's your name?
Would you like to bang? They're like, what the fuck? You can't fucking say that.
I'm like, I'm in like a boxing match or whitewater rafting. You Canadians like fucking outdoor sports, don't you? Say that to a girl and she's like, it doesn't mean banging.
You've got yourself a good conversation started with a very good sexual premise to work with. It's really cool. And you're like, it's a test kind of frame.
Thing is as well, day game or night game, the magical phrase is that the frame you start with is the frame you're stuck with. So if you start. If you find yourself starting in a very logical frame, you're going to get stuck in a logical frame.
And I do this as well. Sometimes my brain is not woken up and I'm like, oh, this is fucking stupid. I've got to walk away and come back.
Another thing that I often say to girls is, I'm drunk, even if I'm not drinking, which I don't anymore, which is great. I'm like, if I can get in the six pack, I'm going to be Thor. When you say, I'm really drunk or I'm really hungover, you straight away set a precedence of stupidity.
non-responsibility Like low standards where anything goes so because I'll wear drunk as well. Oh cool. We're all retarded together Yeah, let's all be fucking stupid and flirt.
So that's good, too This kind of like mentality where you're walking about I don't drink I don't buy girls drinks You don't have to drink and you don't need to buy girls drinks But if you say you do party on it's so much better In fact, I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a video blog about this But basically if you say to a girl like I owe you a drink You basically own her soul. $4 vodka and soda? Holy shit, you win life. Except when you buy it for her.
Then you don't, so much. And then you're walking by her like five times, I owe you a drink, I still owe you that drink. She's like, why didn't I get it yet? I'm busy, I'm talking to a really cute girl, I'm cute also.
I'll get there in a minute, you get to the bar, like, oh you don't take American Express? You keep the American Express in one pocket and a different card in a different pocket? Oh, it's Australian credit card. Fuck, next time. Good on ya.
I'll see you on Tuesday. That kind of thing. She's like, why don't you go to the ATM?
I'm like, no. So you can see how it's unfolding here. So they're all passive. And they are great.
The way that you guys are giggling now, it's like I laughed. I was owned. It was good.
This guy is smart and switched on. And he can think for me and look after me in a way and create fun opportunities for me where I can be sexual. where I have no liability, where I have all the deniability. So if you're the kind of guy who can respond well to situations, as shown through tests, then the girls are going to think, cool, well, anything can happen with this guy, and it's not my credit, it's not my fault, great. The aggressive tests, they're a very, very tiny category.
That's when the girls are actually getting angry. And I was really fucking bad in the early days, oh my god. Those aggressive tests are when the girls are like, no.
It's a breaking report tonality. It's a very, it's very finite. A very assertive, very short response.
When that happens, when you get a definite no, like I'm not going in the taxi with you, or we're just catching up, or I can't give you my number, or I do have a boyfriend, that's when you play the four times rule game. And you can explore it a little bit, you empathize. You're like, oh, okay, I'm really, really sorry if you're upset, I was so pissed today earlier.
But then I was like hanging out with my little niece and then we were playing like this mini golf and it's pretty good Yeah, so how's your day going? You've got to change topic empathize move around that but they're often gonna say no a couple of times Sometimes they literally can't go in the taxi. You're allowed to try two or three times. You're like no no It's really really really good.
Um, yeah, this was the car using Fast and the Furious They're like what? Come on. Hey jump in the taxi. No, we can't go in the taxi. We have to stay here I'm like no no, we'll drive you there.
It's a fucking vehicle It moves around the place. Are we really going to... So you can engage the four times rule.
And they like that you engage the four times rule. But you've got to be polite after four times rule. Like, you know what?
You're worth the fight. I can't wait to continue fighting for you sometime later. Kiss, kiss, kiss. Phone number. See, I'm not talking to any other bitches around here.
You're the only angel. Then you want to kind of overcome it and play to win that way. And set it up for later.
With the aggressive tests. If you sense it might be on the... the side of aggressive or assertive, take a big step back.
Big step back. And if you want to be on the safe side, put your hands behind your back as well, or at least one of them, so you come into a very passive body language. Otherwise, the girls are going to be really angry and kind of stressed.
It's not good. So, aggressive tests, avoid at all costs. If you're getting aggressive tests by over-gaming, being too physical, getting in their face, bad game is not going to escalate, it's going to make them more defensive.
But if you're being basically an idiot, as you've heard me be here today, fun, lighthearted, having good, stupid comebacks, then the engagement goes on and on and on and on, all the way to the point of intimacy, which is great. Then you actually get the girl. That's when you get the girl and have sex.
Awesome. That's why you're all here today and watching this video on the internet. works for text game and what doesn't, what's important and what's not. And I've got to admit as well that I had been living a kind of a rock star lifestyle, living in one city for seven days, Wednesday to Wednesday, and then kind of flying out to the next city.
So if I was getting laid, I would have to have a lot of logistical luck on my side, attraction and engagement. I could do that with anyone. That's easy enough. All of you should know that it's easy enough to approach people, engage them and get the phone number. But having sex, that's why we're here.
And that's a whole different fucking story. So what I noticed, you know, we started getting a whole lot of phone numbers, for example, in the first 10 days of the four-week natural program. That's a week and a half, Wednesday all the way through to the following Sunday.
Okay? Plenty of sessions, plenty of numbers. And what I always thought, what I always kind of assumed, because my last time that I was living in one city was like 2009, 2008, back when I was living here in Australia. And I was like 23 or 24. And I'd send out the texts, hope for the best.
And I thought that if I didn't get a response within, if I didn't get like the date and have sex within the first week, it was all done. That's what I thought. Well, now. I'm in a slightly older demographic, the kind of demographic that has a stable job, has a consistent lifestyle, and lives a kind of a routine life. Not like the 21, 22-year-old, travelling, backpacker, university type.