Transcript for:
Lecture on Telekinesis and Visualization Techniques

Let's get started, yes? Video will translate for me everything But I guess, before we start You wanna let me, you wanna get me know a little bit better Cause you hear about me, but you never saw me online Let's make something This was a small part of my telekinesis and I hope in a couple months. You will be able to make the same.

Okay, let's get started. Lydia will translate for me everything what I say. How many people from us can understand Russian?

No one? No? Okay.

Lydia? Yes. I need your translation.

Yes, sir. How should I do this? Should I read the question and then translate or I can say which language it is and you can read it?

Can you do this? You have everything in Russian. You can look it up. So just give me one second. Can you remind me where is this?

Oh, it's a lot of... Okay, the first question is from Manuelaa. Did you please read the question?

Yes. Lesson 2, exercise 1, breathing. 5-5-5.

Do I inhale with my mouth closed? Because translating into Italian, the air is you. Breathe with your mouth slightly open so you have the sensation of inhaling the air. Thank you. So, actually, okay, now I need to read the translation from Lydia.

I apologize, my bad English. Lydia will translate for me. We always inhale with the nose.

We always exhale with the mouth. It is very important because when we try to push out the thought form with exhale, we need to exhale it through the mouth. This is very important moment. Or maybe Manuelaa, maybe I didn't understand you correctly. Manuela is listening to us and didn't say anything.

Okay. Next question. Lesson 3. Exercise 1. Lydia? Intuitive inquiry. I don't understand the exercise.

I created question. Can you give me an example? And when?

What do I imagine? Because it says wait and accept the answer that comes. But I already have the image as an answer. I don't understand.

Can you write me a complete example of what you think? Thank you. We are talking about the launch of the ...visualization and accepting his answer, right?

This is the third... Yes, intuitively. Okay, please translate.

When we start something, I will tell you. Okay, let me just explain my English, so maybe you understand better. When we speak with the Universe, we have no words.

That's what you have to understand. Because the Universe will not understand us. Neither me, nor you.

No English, no Russian, nothing. We have to speak with some emotions. ...imagination with some images which we create.

But sometimes we have not enough... words to make them to image because we think very difficult you know and couple words cannot be translated to some image and in this case we have to use our emotions do you understand me you No, I didn't understand anything, but why can't I understand English? Yes, it's fine.

I'll take care of you. I'll translate it after the lessons, okay? Yes, yes, yes, yes. I'll listen, though.

Thank you. You're welcome. Okay. Lydia, then translate.

Not every word we can create as a visual image. And at this particular moment, we need to create particular emotions. It's very important when we can translate the language of words into language of emotions.

Let's begin with the exercise, the simple exercise. For example, I want to be happy. How can we make an image with this sentence?

I will... I want to be happy. Can we do this? Can anyone of us?

Think about it. How can we translate this in an image language? I want to be happy.

It's not possible. I can translate, I want to have a car. So I can image me in a car.

But how I can translate, I want to be happy? Happiness is nothing what we can't touch. Do you understand me? And exactly at this moment we need to get our emotions. Emotions of love, emotions of happiness, emotions maybe of anger, emotions of other things.

I'm telling you to create two emotions. Emotion of love and emotion of anger. If you create that, think about that you're already launching your visualization of the force, of strong force.

Thank you. When we launch the visual of what you wanted to express, we need to create emptiness, like a vacuum inside of us. And then you inhale.

And at this moment, if your visualization is working correctly, you will start to see images. If the position works correctly, you will start to begin to see images. And at this moment you have to understand that you cannot jump forward to the higher level.

Start with the simple asking, with the simple request. What image or what question did Manuelaa ask? Which question Manuelaa did you ask?

What was your visual? Manuelaa? Yes, Lydia? Yes, yes.

Ok, fine. In your opinion, when you see images, when you try to imagine this, what is special? What?

Emotions, seeing emotions, seeing the particular for the sight, for the images, for your... Ok, Manuela, I can speak when we're done here. You and I can speak for private message, ok? Yes, yes, you asked me what I can imagine, how I imagine, what...

When I'm at night on the beach or normally... Okay, let's make like this. I have a couple questions for Manuelaa, but we'll explain that personal to Manuelaa. Let's go to the next question, okay?

So the next question is from Nils Endersbrenner Zenner. It sounds a little bit German. Sounds German. Lydia, I didn't understand. Okay, okay, I'll talk to you later.

Okay? Okay? Yes, yes. Thank you.

Thank you. Okay. Okay, next question from Nils Endersbrennerbrenner. I'm sorry, I'm sorry we cannot translate in many languages.

You can only translate in Russian and English. So, Lydia, please, can you read the question from Nils Endersbrennerbrenner? Okay. So, Nils is here. Nils might not be here today.

Okay, so his question is, lesson second, heat cold in your hands. I'm not sure if I'm even doing it correctly. Ernst says in his video that you should feel the warmth cold in your hands.

You have three possibilities. Your hands actually get cold hot. You are feeling that your hands are cold hot, although they aren't. You are imagining your hands being cold hot.

I'm currently in the second point. I can generate the feeling of my hands being cold hot. Ok, this is a very good question, because a person does not always understand how to feel cold or hot. I don't know in which exercise you are right now.

Maybe someone has this exercise, maybe someone not. I use three cards. I use the green card, the blue card, and the red card. And when I...

Put my hand over the red card, I have to feel in my hand, my palm, some warm. Like I would really touch something warm. Like for example, in this chair would be some warm water and I touch it. So exactly like this I have to understand, exactly with my palm.

When I touch the blue card, I have to feel some cold. But it's a little bit advanced exercise. We have to start with a very simple exercise.

Who did succeed from you some success in reading three cards where two are blank and one is with the line? Who succeed someone? Who can read with like, for example, 50-60% of success?

I can feel it. Who said this? Hi, Ronnie. Okay. Do you mind, like, digesting your mic a little bit?

Because your audio is really blurry. It's a little hard to hear just because of your microphone, I think. Is it my mic?

What's wrong with my mic? I don't know. It sounds like when your phone falls on anything, like the blanket or something.

That's, like, kind of what your audio sounds like a little bit. Lydia, what's wrong with my microphone? She says it's static.

I think that he is hearing you very badly. He is like a noise. It's probably because of the reception that's how the way it is it's Yeah, sometimes the internet connection is not so great Okay, so look if you put your hand over the card start with simple exercise You have three cards two are blank and one is with a line and when you put your hand over All of these three cards you will feel something different It's starting the reading of field Because you have just seen how I move this object, how I move this jar, and it's exactly that's what we want to do. And this is only possible when we can. Touch this jar and read the field of this jar.

It's very, very important to understand how you do this. And exactly this thing you start with the reading this simple cards. When you succeed with like around 60-70%, it means from 10 attempts you get right 7 or 8. 7 or 8 times you get it right, then you come to the next exercise. There for example we have 3 geometrical shapes like triangle, square and round.

And then we have to touch it and make some, feel some difference. Yes. If you touch, Lydia, please.

If I touch the triangle, I feel it as something sharp in my hand. You will feel something sharp in your palm. So a sensation will be something of sharp. If you're gonna touch something that is round, it would be a sensation of something that is rolling.

We are speaking about this triangle. On the triangle. Geometrical shape. And when you touch the square... And when you touch the square, and I feel the energy of the static, that something is not like moving, where it's moving on very slowly in a sense.

And when we succeeded these exercises, when we We are already into these exercises, then we can switch to the exercise of hot and cold. Because in other way, it's just a waste of time. You can just skip one to another, you can just make all exercises, but it's like you read the books in 10 seconds.

You don't get exactly inside, you just somehow you open it, look and you close. It's the same. So please make all exercises very correctly.

And come from one to another only when you are really successful with 70-80%. If you make 10 attempts and 7-8 times you are right, then you come to the next. It's very important because many people try once and they say, okay, I didn't succeed.

Doesn't matter. I come to the next. Maybe there I will be successful. Okay. Doesn't matter.

I go to the next. No, it will not work. Please be honest with yourself, not with me, because you need it for you.

I can do this already. Okay. So. Exactly to the question from Nils.

I really feel this cold and I really feel this warm. It's like the first stage. Okay the next question from Nils, from Giles, sorry from Giles. Can you please read it?

It's about the Zenner cards. I have been working with the Zenner cards and been getting frustrated through I have seen improvements today. What are other tips to build concentration and focus with working with the Zenner cards or in general? Look, actually, I don't know how did you work with this.

I have two ways of working with the Zenner cards. Getting information. The first way is exactly the reading of information. Look, for telekinesis, for pyrokinesis, you have to touch something.

When you touch it, you read the field of some object. I don't know if you touch this card, because in other way, for example, if you, if there on the table are a couple cards, And we have to guess what card is this. That's our intuition.

That's our third eye. It has not so much to do with our exercises, but it's also important to have it and to develop it. But it's something else.

I don't know. If you, for example, try to touch it and read it, that's okay. But if you just look at it and try to develop your intuition, it's not exactly the way that we need.

I don't know how did you work. Are you here? Yes, he's here.

Hi. Please explain. Explain how did you work? So I've actually tried both ways. I tried touching it, which I felt was a little bit more successful.

And then I also tried using my intuition, just, you know, with my third eye looking at the card. So I tried both. But I think when you said touching it, I think that was more successful for me.

Did you use your intuition or you used your reading the field? Well, intuition, because I'm a psychic, you know, I'm a trained psychic, so that's how I was taught. And so this is helping me to shift some of my thinking about that too.

Okay. I would not suggest, because that's a little bit difficult to do this, start to work with a simple cast. I would suggest that you start to work with a simple cast.

You can make two... two way at the same time this cards what you mean the center card and my system because there we have not so many um not so many ways and then you can feel the difference between getting some information with your intuition and getting some field guys very important it doesn't matter how i describe what i feel because for everyone it's important how you feel it it's very It means that I say I feel like this, it shouldn't be exactly the same by you. It means you can feel it a little bit differently. Like for example when I touch some car with one line, I feel like it's pushing, it's like pulling my hand, not pushing. But other people they say it's like pushing away.

It's really very very different by all people. So the first step is very important. I insist it all the time.

Three cards. Two unblanked, one with the line. You close your eyes before you make some... A little bit of meditation. You get rid of all thoughts, of all visions, of anything from your mind.

And then you're completely clean, you're completely ready for this exercise. Then you put your hand only over this card. And in the whole world exists only your hand and this card, nothing more. When you're really so concentrated, you will feel something.

Then you put on the other card. And then very important to feel the difference. Is there any difference between the first and the second card?

If not, then we can think, okay, they are the same. Then we touch the third card. And it should work somehow different.

Either it's pulling or it's pushing away. But it didn't work like two before. It means we feel only a little bit different. It's a small step, but it's a very important step. So your hands start to read some information.

Because later, if we touch some object, we need to get all information. And all this... object information, and then create a double in our hand, in our mind, and then to put it together. That's many steps, but a very important step to get this information, to get this field.

Thank you. Yeah, I guess... Thank you. Yeah, it's really, it's very important.

I know that many people told that they are not in time to do Believe me, the first exercise is this three cards are very That's the most important exercise in all things what I When you succeed it, the next exercises will come But if you stop on this, you will not be able to do all You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises.

You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises.

You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises.

You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises.

You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises.

You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises. You will not be able to do all exercises.

You will not be able to do all exercises. Please make everything possible, you can succeed. It's very important.

Okay, let's... Thank you for your question. Okay, let's come to questions from Jenny.

Jenny asked my question, create a visual or Lydia can you please read it much better than me? My question, create a visual image, the image is a film in my head and I let the film continue or do I have to hold on to a specific image like a photo in my head? and then let it go.

Thank you. So, we are talking now about this creation of some visualization. Before we push it, that's a launching design. Or maybe other things, but they are similar. It's very important.

You don't make it like a movie. You really make it like some image. Because when you got some image with many objects, the second step you have to develop some emotion in our force chakra, in our heart chakra.

When you create this, like you're pushing your emotion in this image and you start to rotate and make it harder, make it smaller, you make the concentration bigger. I guess many people know about this big boom theory, yeah? When our universe was so small and so concentrated, it could not hold anymore and then it exploded. Exactly in this way, working our logic of desire. We have some image, we make it concentrate, till we cannot hold it, and then we do exhale.

And it comes. When you succeed, you have to feel something empty in this region. Like you lost something for a short time.

I can tell you some stories. Not so good stories, but I guess... I can tell you we are here all about some skills and I can explain you. But it's not a happy story. It's a little bit, yeah, a sad story.

Should I tell this for you? Lydia will translate for me. It's a little bit sad.

I'll explain how I succeeded this first time. Lydia, please translate for me. It was before I met Arne. Okay, maybe simple sentence. I will say in English and then the difficult will read the translation for me.

I was in the school and I got some, I guess it was the math lesson, I got bad notes. I come home and I show My homework, my parents, and I told them why I did get this bad note. It was like two. It was in Ukraine.

Two is the worst. And everything was correct. But, Lydia, please translate it now. I showed my parents the evaluation and they said everything is correct.

But a couple of exercises were highlighted at the bottom. I started to develop a really strong heat. It's like this angry. Anger, anger, yeah? It's like anger.

Heater. Yeah, okay. And I couldn't control myself.

And then with all my rage I wish to this teacher She highlighted my exercises in this reading But I wished her for her to have her falls to be highlighted When I wished that to her, I felt like in a sense of an emptiness in the region of the chest. I remember today, I looked at the clock and it was 14.55, 2.55. And when I looked at the clock, it was 2.25. 55, 55. Almost, almost 3. And I forgot about this situation. And I forgot about this situation.

I went to school. And next day I came to school. And the first lesson would have been math. The school principal comes to the class and says that the teacher passed away at 3 p.m. yesterday.

You can't even imagine how scared I was at that moment. At this moment I realized that my word had turned into something that really destroyed this person. I was so scared.

After this incident, I became really afraid to wish something bad to anyone. But I remember how I unconsciously imprinted the emotion of anger to this whole situation. And from that moment, I'm afraid to wish something bad to people.

But I understood clearly, when a word is imprinted with some type of emotion, it starts to become really strong and powerful. Maybe that's why Arne saw that in me, and he wanted to work with me, and he wanted me to be his teacher. He felt that I had something.

Maybe that's why Arne saw that in me, and he wanted to work with me, and he wanted me to be his teacher. To become my teacher, he probably saw something that I'm capable of doing. That I have this strong connection to the words and feelings that I have. I really regret it a thousand times about it.

But what you say once, it's impossible to reverse it. This short story tells you about our emotions. can do much more than we can even imagine. When you work with your visual images, with your emotions, you're not only creating that, but you're also creating inside of you, like it comes from the emotion from the inside of your chairs. It's very important to generate two emotions in yourself, emotion of love and emotion of fear.

And that's why I recommend that when you start your emotions, keep them in yourself as some additional tools of emotion of love in all cases of life. When you create some emotion, I really recommend you to hold on to two types of emotions. And the second one should be like as a reserved one.

The emotion of love should be everywhere you go. Okay. As a musician. Yeah. Okay.

Let's come to the next question. Okay, next question is Faisal. Am I pronouncing correctly your name? Yes, I am. Okay, so why does Faisal use stippled fingers, hand gesture during most of the lessons, other than confidence?

What does that mudra in particular mean to him? For me, it means extra mudra of knowledge. Do you know what are the Muntras? Do you know what are the Muntras? Do you know what are the Muntras?

Do you know what are the Muntras? Do you know what are the Muntras? Do you know what are the Muntras?

Do you know what are the Muntras? Do you know what are the Muntras? Do you know what are the Muntras? Do you know what are the Muntras?

Do you know what are the Muntras? Do you know what are the Muntras? Do you know what are the Muntras? It's an additional tool to strengthen and to make our chakras stronger.

And it helps the energy to compose a certain functionality. Maybe I will speak about it in more details later. Okay, next question. Based on...

Based on one of Ernst's interviews that I watched on YouTube, Ernst mentioned that he can change the color of things just by looking at it as this related in any way with imagining questions in Lesson 3. Are we supposed to actually see a traffic light colors going on and off or is it just an imaginative thing? Some does with remembering the colors themselves. Same thing goes with... It's a very, very important question because when I look at some object, for example, I get this object. I read the field, I combine it with visualization, and so I have the double.

And my next step is to put my double on the real object. How can I check if it's really there? If it's not just my visualization, if it's not just my imagination? What's the difference between imagination and visualization?

The visualization is the imagination plus energy. If it's really combined, that is the visualization. Because imagination is like a memory or like some fantasy in our mind.

And when I put this double, I can manipulate this. I can move it or I can change the color, for example. If I look at it and I see it in different color, I know exactly that I put the double on it and it works.

Of course, I don't see it completely black or I don't see it completely red, but I can change a little bit the color. I can change the shades of things a little bit. Um, question, sorry.

Hey Lydia, hey Ernst. Um, my question is, what do you mean by doubling? Or what do you mean by double body?

Regarding the telecommunications? Yes, so you're basically saying that you put your head over the object and read the field, and then you create a body. What does that mean? Yeah, that's what you will understand in a couple of lessons.

Which lessons are you now in? No, no, it's really too... So right now we're not going to go into details. This is just in regards to you creating something as a double. Like, let's say you have a jar, an actual jar, and then there is an imagination of that jar in your head, so in your mind, right?

So that would be your double. Right. Because then everyone will not do this and will completely forget what you learned now. I know these steps.

Please don't skip it. It's very important. But I will explain everything. And this information about double is only then useful when you got all the steps before. Because in other case, it's like some, it's like when I get some book in Chinese, I can look at it.

It's nice, but I don't understand anything. I close it and put away the same will be with a double. So you have to make all the steps, then you will get this information about the double is okay.

I get the information, I get the field information, I know how to change the information, how to change this energy, how to combine this energy with my visualization. And then, the next step to the double, then it's exactly what we need. But it will come.

I promise. Yeah, no problem. Okay, so the five, I don't know why it's like two, three, five, or four.

I just removed two questions, I already have them. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay, let's five. Please, let's make five. Point number five.

What is Ernst's diet exactly? I understand that he eats carbs at different times than meat, veggies different times than fruits, and so on. But what foods does he exactly eat on his day-to-day life? Right now my life situation is not a really easy one. I'm eating what is available right now to me, but I wish I would have something else to eat.

But in any case, in the poorest environment, you can always eat separately. In my case, I either eat meat or fish with some vegetables. Sorry.

Lydia, please translate. In a couple of hours I... No, no, no, no, no.

Sorry for interruption. I was saying, so Ernst does eat fish with veggies, so you can mix pretty much, right? Yeah, but not mixing the carbs, remember?

I mean with the green veggies, not like with potatoes. I can mix it with some tomatoes or with some green things. What? Salad or something else.

We don't have the right to mix bread and meat. Like a salad. What's the term? Sorry?

It's like a salad. He's mixing it with the salad, and you cannot mix it with carbs. So just remember mixing the carbs, meat protein. Okay, and you leave about three hours window between your carbs and meat. yes that's really good if you for example have three hours it's okay so even if you take some if you even take like a small portion of meat like 30 to 40 grams of meat just eat it by itself without anything It's like, for example, if you eat a really big portion, like a really big plate of food with everything on it, it will give you less energy rather than you would eat a small portion.

portion of the meat. So that would be like serving a small portion would be serving a better few to you rather than a big portion with meat combining the spaghetti or the bread or something else. Right, and I'm sorry, I've got one last question related to the diet thing. In one of Aaron's recent videos he said he lifted at some point when he was with Master Arne, he lifted a car from off the ground, but he had to fast for one or two days, I believe he said, with only water or without even water.

So in case we... I guess get advanced into this whole telekinesis thing at the start. Do we need to fast to be able to achieve such thing? Yes. It's really very important.

When you succeed or you want to succeed something really strong, what you didn't before, you have to fast a little bit. It's even better. But the water, water is what you really need and nothing more. And you will feel.

But actually now I do this once in a week. I do this 24. 24 hours. And I really recommend it to you, just try to do this. One day you don't eat anything, but it's like, so for example, you have to start at 12. Yeah, and then three, four hours before you start to minimize your food. And at 12, you don't eat anything, you just drink.

24 hours. going and then you start to eat a small portion you can start with 12 hours it's also okay but i can keep it 24 and i don't feel any hunger i don't feel anything so just drink water and of course you don't need to make some strong physical things but i mean for normal life it's completely okay uh but uh it's uh just when you really want to do something when you really want to succeed something it doesn't matter if you're super If you do this fast, it's really good. You will see that you have so many energies. Your mind is opening.

Somehow you get other information, you get other energy like we get in normal life. Correct, yes. I'm actually fasting for Ramadan at the moment. We have to fast for a month. And I was able to move the aluminum foil for the first time during my fasting.

I was not able to do it beforehand. Sorry, before that. Yeah, so during fasting I did more. So, yeah. Oh, okay.

Then you ask what's the ideal... Lydia, please, can you answer the question? What is the ideal amount of time to train every day as a beginner? It depends how many times you have. I would say if you have one hour, it's okay.

If you have one and a half hour, it's also okay. Don't exaggerate, don't make it so much, don't make it too much, like for example five, six hours. When you succeed at small things, you will see, okay, I have time, maybe if you have time, and you can do this.

Because people... From the beginning when they make like five, six hours every day, somehow they are disappointed in a couple of months because It's the same like the sport. When you go into the gym and you start to be in one week, like the Arne Schwarzenegger or the Ronnie Coleman, you will not succeed. You'll fail. Because you need time.

Our body, our mind needs time to get used to this. And I think a couple months first... Three, four months, one hour is the perfect time.

Not longer than one hour. And you can split it. Like for example, 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the noon, then afternoon and in the evening and before you go to sleep, you can split it in 10 minutes. Just reading the card, or maybe you're in advanced exercise, you do something more, or you make the visualization, you make the launch of the car, whatever. 10-15 minutes, not longer.

And then in amount one hour. One hour, maybe like 70 minutes. That's perfect timing.

Okay, let's keep this with the math sounds, with the... Indeed, that's a question that we'd better jump to. Let's move on to Sebastian.

So we're going to just switch to the questions related to the topic of our school, right? Okay. And then maybe later he will answer it to you separately on the phone.

Okay. So the next question is from Sebastian. Two questions. I know this most likely won't happen. However, it's a good question.

In the video you mentioned that if hypothetically you were asked to remove all courses, you'd comply. In this scenario, when you're asked to remove all courses and stop teaching, one, would you disconnect all students from the Angry Board? Additionally, would you remove access to all courses that have already been purchased by students? Thank you. That's a very provocative question.

I wouldn't turn off all the... I wouldn't disconnect all students, never in my life. Because, for example, if the Arne... because I have still communication with Arne, and till now he's completely okay with this.

He says, you do it correctly. And I meet him in astral, I know how to get in this astral projection and I meet him and I talk to him very often and I ask him all the time, do I do everything correct or do I do something wrong? Because he, that was his idea to teach the people like in a group, because before it was only one by one. You know, and then I said, why I cannot try it? And he didn't answer me at the same time.

And then later, a couple weeks later, he came, and I felt like he spoke to someone, but I guess he spoke with someone there, not with someone here. And he said... You got this permission to this. Until now I have no problems with this. I mean, he didn't.

He still agrees with this. And second question, what was? In addition, could you delete all courses?

Okay, additionally, would you remove access to all courses that have already been purchased? I mean, physically, of course, I can delete it, but... Why I shouldn't because... It's like my baby. I made it for you and I want you to have it.

And I love my babies. And I give it to you in order you can understand. Many of you will succeed something, couple of you will maybe stop at some level, but even what you will take at this level will help you so much in life. Believe me.

The knowledge about chakras, the knowledge about the internal energy, the knowledge about launching of desire, it will help you. Believe me. You will use it in your normal life.

And I think I would fight if someone would tell me delete it, because now it got my baby, you know, and I don't like to lose it. Okay, question from Jenny. I need a little explanation, please, about the very first exercise, changing emotional circumstances.

I'm afraid of this exercise because it throws me from a happy state into an absolute horror state. I could shiver around down my spine, my brain becomes dull, I get goosebumps, and sometimes it makes me feel sick. It's very difficult for me to get myself back into a happy state, it's getting better and better question why do I need it and I trained a state or fear or have I misunderstood that thank you very much again I'm here I still alive I still with us no she's not with us This emotional state, it's very important, a circumstance, it's very important, but you don't need to exaggerate.

Look, whatever you do, you have to understand that... It doesn't get you completely. I mean, you create this, you create these emotions, not the, the emotions create you.

It's like not vice versa, you control it. For example, if I want to just like a test, I want to create some bad feelings. The bad feelings need to be slow vibration.

It's like the angel, it's like this, um, what's the name of this? Gniv. If I create this emotion, it's like for a couple of seconds.

Because I know what happened before, I told you. And that's not a fairytale, that's really true. And I know how dangerous it is. The most important thing to develop is the emotion of love, because it's a very high vibration.

I guess, Jenny, you have to change a little bit your exercise, and you have to start with the good emotions. It's like happiness, love, because they have a very, very high vibration level, and it will only help. For example, people who are a little bit sick or really strong sick.

When they develop this emotion of some, of high vibrations. It is unconditional love, or it's the love to someone, or just it's like a happiness, or something like this. It helps. So I would say you start with some wrong emotion, you have to switch to a good emotion, and then when you really succeed with the creating of good emotion for a short time, because actually we need only for a couple of seconds, when you create some visualization, We need to feel this emotion, put it together and push it away. The things that Lydia told you before about my teacher, it was like I created the visualization and I had this emotion of low vibration.

Somehow it worked, but I mean... It didn't make me happy. I was really disappointed. I was really scared because I didn't want it. Somehow it happened.

And exactly, we don't want this. It's just like a training so you can understand what is the difference between you. Good emotions and bad emotions.

But you don't need to keep it for long. Just you create it. And by the way, I don't know, maybe you got this map of the emotions.

If not, I will give it to you and there is some map. I think many of you saw it. It's like...

warm and cold zone in our body and how for example how the anger looks like how the love looks like how the happiness looks like i will give you this uh card of emotion or map of emotion you can use it it's really useful for everyone okay the next question i didn't understand there was some So there is a from Angela, I believe, right? Yeah. And he put the picture.

It's like different images of Apple where visualization gets strong from the strongest to nothing. And her question was, is it possible to develop SIDHAS without having vivid visualization? Since I was little, I remember always imagining things in the middle of the image for and. Four and five, but it's four and five, it's like empty state and five is just like the outline of it.

But despite this, my dream has always been very vivid, even not now, when I force myself to visualize to be able to recreate more or less. what I would like to see. I cannot go beyond image four.

And if I imagine to get to four, it's already a great thing. It is as if in my mind, there was the idea of the image and not the image itself. For example, when I try to do the exercise of inhaling and imagining myself in the desert and exhaling and imagining myself in...

The Antarctic, I cannot see anything. I have to develop myself, remember the sensations of hot cold of the body and also in the exercises of lessons 3 on intuition I don't see an image, I have an idea of an image. Somehow I see, I heard. three times in russian i still don't understand the question um maybe it's like what she means that somehow she wanna see something but she knows what she know what she what she needs to see but somehow she doesn't see um trying to stand correct because i don't understand this question i i read it in russian but i still don't understand maybe i'm stupid little bit but i don't know what what to do it's a little complicated it's okay we can I'll address it a little bit later probably. Let's make so.

Let's make, for example, if you're here, please ask me this again because maybe I don't. Let's make like this. You know my telegram.

If I didn't answer your question. You have right to ask me them later. For example, say, hey, you promised to answer my question, but you didn't.

That's my question. And maybe you need to explain this step by step because somehow I don't understand this. She has some. First she has the idea, then she has some small visualization, then she has more clear, and then she has the perfect visualization. But somehow she stays between knowing what to do and...

I'm sorry, I ended on this line. Can you explain what she wants? We will answer in the chat. Okay.

Okay, guys, we're going to answer. Address it later. Okay, next question from Raymond. My question, how essential is an identity key for superpowers? How will it benefit me?

And is it something that I can purchase or something I must earn? Thank you. In Ukraine, in Russia, you can buy a diploma in underground.

In Ukraine or Russia, you can buy a diploma in your metro downstairs, underground. It's a normal practice. And it's a normal practice.

Then a person who has never studied becomes a doctor, becomes an engineer. All of a sudden, the person who never went to school becomes an engineer. your or a doctor in our case it's not so easy there identity key is done when you succeed a lot of exercise really succeed And because the identity key is a target to some exactly the sit hau ti train, for example telekinesis, parakinesis, it's the combination of your chakra's key and this special It's like a special code.

Then I create some sound file. It's very personal and it depends how your chakra is. For example, when I see it, my chakra's key and I see it, Lydia's chakra's key were different. And in order to make identity key, I have to get my Chakra's key and edit with this key from the sitas and then I have some tool. which creates some sound.

When you hear this sound, it's like some, no, I need translation in order not to say something wrong. It's like some kind of doping. Is there such a word as doping in English?

There will be doping as well. The same with the key. The key just makes you stronger.

For some time, like one week, not long, or even shorter maybe, couple days, when I remember my case. So, for this case you have to learn something, for this case you have to get to some small result. I recommend to make it for telekinesis. Of course.

The telekinesis we can do also without this identity key. The small things. And when you are really ready for big things, then I can do this for you.

But it's not for everyone the same. It's absolutely... For everyone it's like a unique key.

I cannot explain how I do this. That's some secret. But I can do this.

I can do this, but really when you're ready, and for this, I have to read your chakra key. I have a chakra key, I will read by you and create for every one of you some chakra key. That's my program and that I do for every student of me.

So when you look at your chakra key, you know, for example, my strongest three chakras is this, this and this. In order, you know, You can change a lot in your life. For example, you can understand, well, I do something wrong in my profession, I do something wrong in my family, I do something wrong.

You know, what is the strongest Tri Chakra? It makes very, very many things how you... get to the right point in your life.

Lydia, please explain to me, when we know our leading chakras, we clearly understand what we need to do in this life. And this key I create for everyone for free. Absolutely.

In a couple of months, we will create it for everyone. And the Identity Key? It will be done only for those who reach the end and who already get certain results.

Otherwise it wouldn't work. Okay, so the question from Japan. Lesson 3 exercise 5. Window to the future. The automatic writing is not happening. Do you have any suggestions?

Do you just keep trying? First, keep trying. Second, check your chakras. Because many things depend on our chakra state. How they are, are they strong, are they correct, about the nutrition, what food we are eating.

It's very important. So we have to be right in many things. Then it will work.

All this exercise work, but just a little bit of patience. Okay. Next lesson, three.

Is there any way to practice the exercise with left hand in a crowded place and kids'playground? I don't understand this exercise completely. Is it about this?

Lydia, wait just a minute. I just asked something. It's about the blind radar in the third lesson of ESP. Exercise.

Blind radar. It's when we go In the dark? Yes, in my dark.

I don't know it exactly. Can you please remind me what do you mean with this exercise? Because this course is...

Don't tell me. No, please not. Describe this question, because I think it has another name.

Can you please describe it? She's not with us, is she? Sanchel, are you with us? I'm seeing you here.

Could you turn on your mic to ask this question more specifically? Sanchel, are you here? Yeah?

Hi. Hi. Hello. I don't completely understand what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't know.

We can barely hear you. Sasha, we can barely hear you. Okay, okay.

Let's explain. I think I know what she means. It means like, um, like you have to To read something or you have to imagine something?

Is it like this, like you have to image something? Yes, it's just the exercise and the playground. Because I have so many exercises, you know, I have so many exercises and really I don't, I cannot remember what is exactly this.

Can you please describe it? Or we just wait. It's just a very specific question. I will just look at this and I will explain you better. I will put the explanation for all of you in the group and then we have this.

Let's make it better like this. Because then I have... because, you know... Anthony and Lydia, they translated and maybe they changed a little bit the name.

And so I don't understand what you mean with this question. And then I will explain something wrong. Better way, we have a couple questions that I have to figure out and I have to give you the answer.

We have now already two and this will be the third. I will explain it correctly, make a small video and explain how this exercise works. Okay. Thank you for being here. It is a limit on how strong a person's abilities can be written.

They get keys and can they do training to make it stronger? Because sometimes in your video, I be thinking you should be able to move a lot bigger things because you've been training and teacher to a lot of people for a long time. So is there like a limit of in each body? In this case, this is absolutely true. When the person really trains for one particular Siddha and he is fully into it, then that means he is getting stronger and stronger by every day.

But I just can't devote myself to work with telegrams to be able to lift huge objects. But right now I cannot put myself into the training process like he's speaking for himself, in the training process that would allow me to move freely heavy objects. But to tell you the truth, there is no limit in here. The more you spend time on your training process, the more you will get the results. Thank you.

Okay. Let's come to Sebastian. Our identity key needs to be renewed due to a change in our energy. Would the old identity key still work fine?

Can we still use the old identity key and have no problem? Thank you. No, it will not work because all the time it should be refreshed, it should be connected to the actual chakra state.

So it means, for example, if you change your chakra state, if you change your chakra key and I create some identity key regarding to the old state, it will not work now. I mean, it will not hurt, but it will not help. Just like a sound to have nothing. from Luke how can I get better at accurately sensing something in a box instead of imagining when it's not it's very important first you have to touch this box I explained before with the cards when you touch some cards and you get some information you have to visualize with the box it's the same but a little bit more improved exercise. Or, when you ask me, it means you start to do this.

In your case, maybe it's a little bit difficult to explain how to get this information filled. In this case, just use your intuition. The intuition is very important.

When you use your intuition, you have to turn off completely the visualization. So, there are two ways. The first way, you get the information field and you combine with your visualization.

That's the first way, that's my way. The second way may be what you want to hear, because I think you're not still on the first exercise of telekinesis. So, you use it with your method and somehow you have to use it.

intuition, then you have to completely turn off some visualization, and then you will get some flash in your mind, and it will exactly count what is there inside. But for this training of intuition, it's a little bit difficult, and it's more difficult and uses more energy than my system, than a reading of some information here. It is very important to understand the difference in this. Yes, but I think you are still on ESP, you are not exactly on the way with the reading.

When you come to telekinesis, you will understand what I mean. Okay, let's go to Bulgen again. Okay, he's not here, but I will read his question.

So, first question, if the master course has few students left after a certain time, will the course continue normally in the future? Second, why do students not reach the results? What is the main...

frequent mistake in the process for students during the course? First question, I mean, normally it's in every course so we lose some students, many, not because of results, but because of some other things. In our school, many of them have something in their life and they change it.

They close their mind and they go. Normally we start all, it was before in Russian speaking group, so we started always with like around 40-50 and till the end came only 10. But it's normal. I mean if you have been somewhere on some university, you also start with a lot of students until you come to the end.

They may be the house, or even less. People living somewhere, but I think we don't need to stop. But I mean, I did everything in order to make this course really interesting for you, and so easy how it can only be, because I could explain really difficult. you wouldn't understand this so i try to make it very simple so you can really learn it and apply it very fast and i think you will get some success you have to see some small success when you see the small success then you will understand okay it will work more and more why many people the second question why do students not reach the results I mean, it doesn't mean all students.

Many students get some results, many students get big results, others get less. But I mean, a very important thing is this. The things which you have to do to be prepared. The first is how you sleep.

Do you get enough energy from your sleep? Do you have enough energy from your chakras? Do you have enough energy from your nutrition? Do you have enough energy from your meditation? All these things should be done.

It's like our ground. And in this ground we build some house, some supernatural skill. But if you, for example, skip it, and if you think, okay, I don't care about chakras, I want to just learn some skill of shriveling, or something like this, it will not work.

I mean, you can learn it, maybe you can apply, maybe it will come, some success, but it's not for a long time. So you have to understand, if you want to get some success, You have to be all the time on the same level. It's not like going like this. For example, if you smoke, if you drink alcohol, if you take some...

other stuff. It will stop you to develop in this way. Or you stop it for the moment you're learning and you make some break for a couple months. Or you have to think that you will go like the wave, you know, up and down, up and down. And you will lose somehow these abilities.

It has many restrictions and you have to keep it in order to get some results. But I promise you the result will be there if you keep all these things. And the more you train, the more you learn, the less you need to keep this. For example, now I can mix some food. If I want, I can eat, for example, some fish and some bread.

It's okay. But at the moment when you learn and you eat it... You will see that at this moment you will get no result in some telekinesis or some skills you do. Later when you really succeed something, you can break small rules.

But at the beginning it's very important to keep everything what I say. Okay, so we are... I have one question from Faisal. He's going to turn on his mic to speak.

Faisal, are you here? Awesome. I am.

Ernst, I wanted to ask you a question in relation to sexual energy or sexuality. So in one of the videos, Alex was interviewed by somebody and Alex mentioned that he was able to do sex. Um, so he was able to do levitation in one year. by following everything that you've told him right and one of those was that he had to hold back on his sexual energy and not use any of it for a whole year or something so how does that work in case somebody is single and how does that work in case somebody is with some is dating somebody or is married okay The ideal situation is if the person is in a celebrity relationship during the training. But it would be very unfair on my part to force you to break all relationships with someone.

No, I'm single, that should be fine. No, I mean for other people. Because if you're in some relationship, you have to understand, you have to keep the balance. What is the balance?

The balance is, it's personal for everyone. But for example, if you look at some porn star, he has like around 20 times in a day some sex. Of course that's not a balance.

Your second chakra is completely empty. If you're in a relationship, you have to feel it. It means don't exaggerate and just feel that you're okay.

How to feel that you're okay? First, if you have someone who can check your chakra state, and he can say, okay, your second chakra is completely okay. Or you can feel by yourself, for example, you start to feel, do you feel some pains in this region or do you feel some uncomfortable things?

Normally if our chakra doesn't work correctly you feel these things somehow uncomfortable. Okay. The best way, you are really, you are single for this time. If you are not, it can take a long way.

Of course, if you just have 20 girls per day, you will feel that your second chapter is completely empty and you will not get any success. That makes sense. Yeah, awesome, awesome.

Thank you. Okay, guys, guys and girls, thank you very much for being here, for asking me something, for listening. It was a pleasure for me.

And by the way, it's a very, very bad light here. But I want to show you a little bit more telepiness, but I decided to make it in a couple of days on my Instagram with a good light and a good studio. And so... I will do this online so that people can see because now it's really dark here.

So in a couple of days, we will make some telekinesis online. You can follow me. You can be there. You can show me to move something or tell me to move something.

And it will be really interesting for you. Okay, thank you very much for asking me. And we'll see us in a couple of weeks again.

and if you have some questions, ask me, okay? Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Thank you for being here.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Mom, you left the dryer open. Thank you.