Transcript for:
Biosynthesis and Storage Pathways in Metabolism

okay so this lesson is about biosynthesis and storage Pathways in metabolism this one's much shorter than the previous one um but so hang in there with me I know that the last one was a lot um so this one we're going to talk about what happens in our bodies when we have excess energy remaining from the food that we consume so think about the first law of thermodynamics and think about the food you've ingested and the nutritional constitutes of the food and the metabolic pathways of those nutrients you should be able to explain where and how excess energy is stored within the body after this lesson so here are the biosynthetic pathways depending on the energy and needs of the body and the amount of energy available either breakdown Pathways or biosynthetic Pathways will dominate and biosynthetic is the production of complex molecules within the living organisms their cells and then glycon neogenesis creates glucose for the body um from non-carb sources so those could be proteins or amino acids lactic acids or glycerol and glycogenesis assembles glucose into Branch chains chains for storage and lipogenesis um which is is accelerated during times of excess intake and that often leads to fat tissue so gluco refers to glucose and neogenesis refers to recreate tissue so gluco neogenesis translates to recreate glucose with non-carb precursors so think of the Neo and neogenesis refer to non carbs so um just some points to make on this fatty acids can't be converted to glucose um and with intense exercise and insufficient carbon take the body can make glucose from pyruvate um in the glycon neogenic pathway and 90% of that occurs in the liver and 10% occurs in the kidneys and this is really important here because what we see with um diet like the Adkins diet Dr Atkins died of liver failure and that's because we're relying so heavily on our liver to make that glucose for us when we're not consuming enough carbs so when a person isn't consuming enough carbs the body can make glucose from pyruvate in the glucon neogenic pathway and here's an image of that pathway and we talked about the crb cycle in the last the last lesson so glucose is stored in the body as glycogen and please understand the concept glycogen is the storage of glucose um glycogen is glucose in storage form and glycogenesis is the process by which glucose molecules are linked together in Branch chain chains to be stored as glycogen in the liver so glycogenesis is creating chains storing it in the liver or the muscle and then um that once it's stored it's now called glycogen so once acetal COA molecules feed into the lipogenesis synthetic pathway any precursor substrates involved in acetal COA synthesis can feed fatty acid synthesis carbs amino acids protein alcohol fatty acids can all contribute to cetal COA production and when energy intake exceeds ATP demands additional intake from any of these precursor sources May efficiently activate lipogenesis to store additional body fat so what that means is if we consume excess carbs protein alcohol or fat it's stor as fat so think about this from a practical standpoint revisit the questions posed at the beginning of this lecture and I think you'll all be in good shape as always let me know if you have any questions