Sudoku Application Java Tutorial Overview

Aug 3, 2024

Java Tutorial: Building a Sudoku Application


  • Presenter: Ryan
  • Objective: Build a complete application from scratch (Sudoku Game)
  • Complement to the course: "Working Class Java"

Teaching Approach

  • Preference for building things as a learning method
  • Aims to answer common questions:
    • When to use interfaces or abstract classes?
    • Is there a perfect software architecture?

Problem Domain Analysis (BOM)

  • Key Questions:
    • What data does the app need to represent?
    • What problems does the app need to solve for its users?
  • Focus for this session: Classes within the problem domain.

Setting Up the Project

  • IDE: IntelliJ IDEA
  • Project Setup:
    • Correct package name.
    • Delete unnecessary sample files.
  • Building foundational classes for the Sudoku game.

Key Classes Introduced

  1. GameState Enum - Represents different states of the game.

  2. Sudoku Grid - Represented as a 2D array (constant size of 9).

    • Immutable grid state; employs a copy method to prevent external changes.
    • Implements Serializable for easy data storage.
  3. Coordinates Class

    • Contains X and Y values.
    • Implements equals and hashCode methods for HashMap usage.

Interfaces and Coding Strategies

  • Use of interfaces for design by contract.
  • Importance of immutability discussed.
  • Discussion on using static final variables and enums for unchanging data.

Building the Sudoku Application

Entry Point Setup

  • Main entry point class renamed to "SudokuApplication".
  • Launch mechanism from IntelliJ to prevent crashes.

User Interface Design

  • UI designed using Envision prior to implementation.
  • Event listener interface nested within the IUserInterface contract for organization.
  • Custom TextField class maintaining X and Y coordinates.
  • Usage of Regular Expressions for user input validation.

Drawing UI Elements

  • Creating grid lines using JavaFX Rectangle class.
  • Efficient management of 81 text fields using a HashMap.

User Interaction Handling

  • Methods for handling user inputs and keeping track of game state.
  • Use of alert dialogs to communicate game completion.

Logic and Back-End Implementation

Game Logic Class

  • Encapsulates rules to verify Sudoku game validity.
  • Use of helper functions to maintain code legibility and avoid repetition.
  • Handling nested loops cautiously to avoid performance issues.

Sudoku Utilities

  • Utility class for operations like copying Sudoku arrays.
  • Backtracking logic implemented to handle unsuccessful attempts during number allocation.
  • Explanation of a two-stage backtracking algorithm.

Storage Mechanism

  • Persistent storage implemented through file handling (e.g., game data file).
  • Exception handling for I/O operations.


  • Encouragement to explore more resources and tutorials.
  • Acknowledgments to friends and supporters.

Further Resources:

  • Check Ryan's YouTube channel for live Q&A sessions.
  • Available tutorials on platforms like Udemy and Skillshare.