Advanced Algorithms CS224 Lecture Overview

Oct 1, 2024

CS224 Advanced Algorithms Lecture Notes


  • Instructor: Jelani Nelson
  • Teaching Fellow: Jeffrey
  • Contact Email: cs224-f14-staff at
  • Course Website: Search for the course or instructor's name for the URL
  • Mailing List: Sign up on the course website


  • Grading Components:
    • Scribing: 10%
      • Students take turns writing lecture notes in LaTeX.
    • Problem Sets (P-sets): 60%
      • Submit by email, adhere to page limits.
      • Solutions should be brief if the answer isn't known.
    • Final Project: 30%
      • Proposal due by October 30th.
      • Submit on the last day of the reading period.
      • Feedback will be given on proposals.
  • Grading Requirements:
    • Students will take turns grading P-sets (at least once during the semester).

Course Goals

  • Increase ability to analyze and create algorithms.
  • Introduction to different techniques for analyzing algorithms not covered in previous courses (like CS124).
  • Move towards theoretical analysis with a focus on various efficiency measures.

Course Content Overview

  • Static Predecessor Problem:
    • Data structure to represent a set of items and support predecessor queries.
    • Static: Set of items does not change.
    • Dynamic: Allows insertions and deletions of items.
  • Students are expected to know the efficiency of sorting algorithms (e.g., sorting n items cannot be done faster than n log n in a comparison-based model).

Dynamic Predecessor Data Structures

1. Van Emde Boas Trees

  • Update/Query Time: O(log w)
  • Space: Θ(U), where U is the universe size.
  • Structure: Recursive data structure containing smaller van Emde Boas trees.

2. YFast Trees

  • Uses hash tables for space efficiency.
  • Matches the bounds of Van Emde Boas trees but reduces space requirements to linear.

3. Fusion Trees

  • A related data structure also achieving O(n sqrt log n) for sorting.
  • Details will be covered in the next lecture.

Key Concepts

  • WordRAM Model:
    • Assumptions about the operations allowed on integers (bitwise operations, etc.).
    • Focus on integer sorting and predecessor queries.
  • Sorting with Dynamic Predecessor:
    • Using predecessor data structures allows sorting faster than n log n in certain models.

Analyzing Running Time

  • Recurrences for operations in van Emde Boas trees and YFast trees lead to logarithmic complexity.
  • Discussion on handling updates, queries, and the space complexities of different structures.

Questions & Discussions

  • Clarifications on the content covered.
  • Emphasis on practical applications and theoretical implications of data structures in algorithm development.

Note: Further exploration of hashing and its applications in data structure efficiency will be addressed in future lectures.