Building a Blog App with Clean Architecture

Aug 22, 2024

Clean Architecture with Flutter


  • Building a blog app with Flutter using clean architecture.
  • Features include:
    • Signup and login
    • Keeping users logged in
    • Uploading and displaying blogs
    • Reading blogs with calculated reading time
    • Caching for offline access
  • Technologies used:
    • Flutter for UI
    • Superbase for backend
    • Bloc and Cubit for state management
    • GetIt for dependency injection
    • Hive for local storage
    • Functional programming principles


  • Basic knowledge of Dart and Flutter.
  • Recommended to watch a 20-hour tutorial on the channel.
  • Familiarity with Bloc state management or use a state management tool of choice.

Project Setup

  1. Create a Flutter project in terminal.
    • Command: flutter create blog_app
  2. Open project in Visual Studio Code or IDE of choice.
  3. Run the application to ensure setup is correct.

Application Flow

  • On app start:
    • Check if user is authenticated:
      • If authenticated, check internet connection:
        • Fetch blogs from Superbase if internet is available.
        • Display blogs from local storage if not.
      • If not authenticated, show login page.

App Structure

  • Use flowchart to guide development.

Clean Architecture Components

  1. Presentation Layer:

    • UI components (pages, widgets).
    • Bloc for state management.
    • Events and states for Bloc.
  2. Domain Layer:

    • Use cases for business logic (e.g., signup, login).
    • Entities to define data structure (e.g., User, Blog).
  3. Data Layer:

    • Data sources (remote and local).
    • Repositories handling data fetching and storage.


Bloc and Use Cases

  • Implement signup and login features via use cases.
  • Use Bloc pattern to manage state changes.
  • Emit loading states and handle success/failure outcomes.

Error Handling

  • Implement error handling following repository pattern.
  • Use specific exceptions for better error messages.

Local Storage with Hive

  • Use Hive to persist user data and allow offline access.
  • Store blogs in Hive and load them when internet is unavailable.

UI Components

  • Create blog viewer page to display blog content.
  • Implement image picker to allow users to upload blog images.
  • Design input forms for blog title and content.
  • Use a scrollable view for reading long blogs.

Final Thoughts

  • Clean architecture is beneficial for larger apps, maintaining structure and separation of concerns.
  • Implement additional features, like editing and deleting blogs, filtering by topics, etc.

Code Refactoring

  • Utilize constants for cleaner code and easier updates.
  • Ensure proper dependency injection for easy testing and maintenance.


  • The tutorial demonstrates clean architecture principles using Flutter.
  • Encouraged to explore and build upon the app with new features.