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Building a Blog App with Clean Architecture
Aug 22, 2024
Clean Architecture with Flutter
Building a blog app with Flutter using clean architecture.
Features include:
Signup and login
Keeping users logged in
Uploading and displaying blogs
Reading blogs with calculated reading time
Caching for offline access
Technologies used:
Flutter for UI
Superbase for backend
Bloc and Cubit for state management
GetIt for dependency injection
Hive for local storage
Functional programming principles
Basic knowledge of Dart and Flutter.
Recommended to watch a 20-hour tutorial on the channel.
Familiarity with Bloc state management or use a state management tool of choice.
Project Setup
Create a Flutter project in terminal.
flutter create blog_app
Open project in Visual Studio Code or IDE of choice.
Run the application to ensure setup is correct.
Application Flow
On app start:
Check if user is authenticated:
If authenticated, check internet connection:
Fetch blogs from Superbase if internet is available.
Display blogs from local storage if not.
If not authenticated, show login page.
App Structure
Use flowchart to guide development.
Clean Architecture Components
Presentation Layer
UI components (pages, widgets).
Bloc for state management.
Events and states for Bloc.
Domain Layer
Use cases for business logic (e.g., signup, login).
Entities to define data structure (e.g., User, Blog).
Data Layer
Data sources (remote and local).
Repositories handling data fetching and storage.
Bloc and Use Cases
Implement signup and login features via use cases.
Use Bloc pattern to manage state changes.
Emit loading states and handle success/failure outcomes.
Error Handling
Implement error handling following repository pattern.
Use specific exceptions for better error messages.
Local Storage with Hive
Use Hive to persist user data and allow offline access.
Store blogs in Hive and load them when internet is unavailable.
UI Components
Create blog viewer page to display blog content.
Implement image picker to allow users to upload blog images.
Design input forms for blog title and content.
Use a scrollable view for reading long blogs.
Final Thoughts
Clean architecture is beneficial for larger apps, maintaining structure and separation of concerns.
Implement additional features, like editing and deleting blogs, filtering by topics, etc.
Code Refactoring
Utilize constants for cleaner code and easier updates.
Ensure proper dependency injection for easy testing and maintenance.
The tutorial demonstrates clean architecture principles using Flutter.
Encouraged to explore and build upon the app with new features.
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