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Understanding Tissue Organization in Biology
Sep 16, 2024
Tissue Level of Organization Lecture
Lecturer: Dr. Alita Partasadarsu
Focus: Differences between normal and abnormal tissues, specifically cervical epithelium.
Histology: Study of tissues.
Overview of Tissue Types
Four types of tissue:
Epithelial Tissue
: Covering and protective tissue.
Connective Tissue
: Variety of forms, supporting roles.
Muscle Tissue
: Movement, heat production, protection.
Nervous Tissue
: Comprises brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
Tissue Membranes
: Thin layers that cover body surfaces, organs, internal passages, and cavities.
Epithelial Membranes
Mucous Membranes: Line digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts; contain mucus glands.
Serous Membranes: Line closed body cavities; reduce friction.
Cutaneous Membrane: Skin, covers body surface.
Connective Tissue Membranes
Synovial Membrane: Lines joints, produces fluid for movement.
Epithelial Tissue
Cells closely packed, avascular (no blood vessels).
Capable of reproduction due to constant replacement need.
Protects from mechanical and chemical injury, pathogens.
Sensory functions: Detects environmental changes.
Secretion: Hormones, mucus, digestive juices, sweat.
Barrier for movement of gases, solutes, fluids.
Types of Epithelial Tissue
Based on Layers
Simple: One layer.
Stratified: Multiple layers.
Pseudostratified: Single layer but appears multi-layered.
Transitional: Stretchable.
Based on Cell Shape
Squamous: Flat, thin.
Cuboidal: Boxy.
Columnar: Rectangular.
Glandular Epithelium
Exocrine: Secretes outside body (e.g., sweat glands).
Endocrine: Secretes into bloodstream (e.g., thyroid).
Connective Tissue
: Supports and connects tissues.
Fibroblasts/cytes: Produce fibers, maintain structure.
Adipocytes: Store lipids.
Mesenchymal Cells: Multipotent stem cells.
Types of Connective Tissue
Connective Tissue Proper
Loose: Adipose, areolar, reticular.
Dense: Regular and irregular.
Supportive Connective Tissue
Cartilage: Hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage.
Bone: Rigid, highly vascularized.
Fluid Connective Tissue
Blood and lymph: Involved in transport and immune response.
Muscle Tissue
Skeletal: Voluntary, associated with bones.
Cardiac: Involuntary, found in heart.
Smooth: Involuntary, found in internal organs.
Nervous Tissue
: Sends/receives signals, facilitates communication.
Neurons: Main signaling cells.
Neuroglia: Supportive cells.
: Overview of tissue types, focusing on structure, function, and examples.
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