today I'm going to show you how to dribble a basketball for beginners I'm going to give you some things that will instantly improve your handles as well as give you progressions that you can go into so as you start getting things down you can keep advancing your ball handling ability close Jeff seem intricate handles basketball right show you how to play like the pearls good that subscribe button to click that little bell icon very first key tip we got to pay attention to when it comes to dribbling the basketball is don't do that don't slap the basketball sometimes I see players when they're starting they'll slap the basketball but most players know better but they don't maximize that pushing motion so what you want to focus on when you're dribbling is having what I call a high ball in hand time when you're dribbling you want the basketball in your hand for as long of the dribble motion as possible this is a low ball in hand time notice how the basketball is kind of floating on its own this whole space here if I get my hand lower on the release of the dribble and the catch of the dribble that's a higher ball on hand time so we want to try to get a high bond hand time we want to make sure we're pushing the basketball gripping the basketball with their fingers wide on it dig into the basketball a little bit so you can get a good grip other key tip I want to give you on this is that the end of every dribble make sure you're snapping that wrist especially with your dribbles where it's coming from one hand back into that same man so like you're inside out or your regular dribble and using that elbow joint to get some power at the end now when you're starting there's a couple things you want to focus on number one working on dribbling slow but at the very end getting that snap on the wrist and the elbow that'll give a good little pop to the dribble at the end so you can float it in the hand getting you neither longer ball on hand time but the other thing you'll want to do is also work on more quick dribbles where you're just dribbling it hard and fast and the whole motion is snap snap snap and there's not that float in between that'll get you sort of that different change of speed that's important when it comes to the crossovers it's a little bit of the wrist not so much of the elbow more of the shoulder that's going to give you your power so notice when I do my crossovers look how my shoulders swing side to side and I snap my wrist at the end hands are close to each other close to the ground so I can have that high ball in hand time this next step is a weird one it's actually gonna be a lot different than when you're a coach it's probably teaching you and pretty much everyone teaches their players but I found this helps players a ton and it's to look at the basketball your coaches are probably always telling you don't ever look at the basketball when you're dribbling you can't see what's happening on the court I completely agree with them but if you're having a hard time with like your between-the-legs dribble and it's hitting off your leg or you're losing the basketball and you're cross over and you're always trying to look up how do you know what went wrong you can't tell oh I hit my leg because I didn't swing my arm through my legs I'm going between legs or I lost the basketball because I pushed it too far sideways you can't figure those things out when you're getting started if you don't look down it makes it a lot harder so wrap things out at first with your head looking down at the basketball until you get the feel for the move then when you get the feel for it get your head up and keep it up next big thing to focus on is getting the butt down feet apart what that's gonna do is get my hands Lord of the ground right we talked about having a high ball and hand time is important I can have a higher ball in hand time if my hands are lowered to the ground getting my butt down and thinking about sitting in a chair and getting my feet apart if I bring my feet apart and I don't have my butt down my hands not very low to the ground if I have my feet together and my butt down my hands still aren't that low to the ground but if I do both boom my hand can touch the ground here hitting those two keys in place is going to be important either in the squat stance a lunge stance keeping those hips down that'll also make it easier to get between the legs dribbles down the other variation of it is somewhere in between which is what's called a split squat not quite a lunge not quite a squat somewhere in between from time to time when you're playing in games you might want to come from upright and then drop down to sell some fakes or come upright to push your defender to sleep and then quickly drop down to go but for the most part you want to try to get this low ready stance when you're about an arm's distance from your defender next big thing that you're probably going to want to jump into is doing more moves right behind the backspin move between the legs all that stuff but before you do that one thing that's going to make you effective in games that's more important is your footwork so here's a couple things you can work out dribbling and jabbing out with that opposite foot working on jabbing with the same side foot stepping out stepping out stepping out that'll help you sell fakes allow you to get a good first step to start going past your offender all of that key tip I want you to focus on with this it's keeping that fall back though when you're doing those right you don't want to have the ball come way out here where the defender can steal it or if I'm taking this step having the ball here or they can steal it I'm gonna keep it behind my butt behind this leg of course though we would do it with the right hand stepping out stepping oh the next step you can work on is the crossbody jab very important step this is how I recommend most players do their first step it's also great for selling a faith so if the left hand is dribbling the right foots gonna set to the left side get it long low and quick okay like this then step back step back and then of course you want to work on this with the other hand right just like this okay from there what you can work on is scissors deadly setup that you can use to get past defenders going to a bunch of different moves and a lot of the best players in the game are great with the scissors you can have both feet on the ground in more of a lunch stance jump and switch like positions now when you're doing it at first you might want to jump a little bit higher just to make sure you're doing it like this and not like this it shouldn't be two steps it should be one hop and when you get better and to make it work in actual games you want to make sure you have it down where your feet are low to the ground when you do it and you stay on the balls of your feet so they look like this okay you can do that off course also with the other hand and also notice what am i doing with the basketball keeping it behind me right so this way it's protected another tee tip you can focus on for all this stuff is having that off hand that's not dribbling in front of the basketball so you could protect it from defender ready to start jumping into doing some more advanced tight moves the first one is the between the legs you want of course your legs apart right if you try to do this between the legs with your legs close together like this you can have a really hard time right because there's really not a big window for the basketball to go through and you can hit your legs get them apart get the butt down what that's gonna do is not just only give you a window but by getting the butt down I can now swing my hand through the legs imagine there's a sheet of glass between your two legs and you want to break through that glass the basketball goes through every single time if you don't do that we can hit off your leg same thing would apply with doing the reverse between the leg so the only difference with that is you're coming from the back and bringing the ball to the front you could again do this in all your different stances but swinging that arm through is going to be key to making sure the basketball goes through behind the back there's two ways to do you're behind the back first is to have your feet squared up like in a squat stance and push it like in a regular crossover motion the swinging of that shoulder is gonna be the same the wrist flick it's gonna be same only difference is instead of doing it here we're just bringing the basketball back here a little bit more just swing it through don't drop the basketball like that soft I see players do this all the time and because of that they never really have a good behind the back they can't do it quick and games and when you do it like that now you have to look where the basketball is you got to get in the habit of pushing the basketball heart you do that after a while you'll start to get the feel for it two other key tips that'll help you when you release the basketball slap the same side but if you do that you're gonna get a good consistent release on the dribble every single time and your body will start to get the feel and know where the basketball is going to end up so you don't have to look at it next big tip is to have the second hand that's going to catch the dribble low to the ground waiting to get it you want to push it hard get this hand waiting down low to catch it and that way you can get the feel for it when it's coming into the hand so now as it's coming up to the side of the hip here you can have control over the basketball the other way to do behind the back is a little bit different this one you actually might need to look at over time time I watch the best NBA player Steph Curry Kyrie Irving when they do this behind the back almost every time they look at the basketball for a split second so it's okay but try not to look at it for the whole motion we're going to do with this one is slap the opposite side but so if the left hands doing the dribble I'm gonna slap the right side but so it wraps the ball more forward this is good for more on the move to attack the other one's good to stop quick and then rebut your next best option is this one's good for covering ground more forward last move I'm going to cover for you that is a must know move is the spin move a lot of players get this one kind of mixed up when they're first learning it started more of a protection dribble like this so you're sideways to your defender or to the hoop and then pull the ball back that's a big key tip I see players all the time they'll switch hands here and then push big no-no because you do that through my defender you can steal the basketballs I'm completing this spin get an easy fast break layup so we want to make sure when we're dribbling we're pulling it back same side foot comes back and then we switch hands and then you will repeat the other way switch okay and then as you get better you can do it starting for more squared and pulling it back starting more squared pulling it back if you haven't clicked that top link in the description down below that's a free workout that I hope you take your handles next level fast 30 helped thousands of players and I'm sure to help you to just click that link pop in your email and I'll send it to you right away for free click that subscribe button and a little bell I kind of get on that Norda fication squat stay tuned for more and make moves today