Transcript for:
Historical Misconceptions: Pilgrims and Slavery

welcome back class mr. offer this is history 1301 this is section three of part two of the eight-week course now we talked about the Pilgrims and I kind of let you guys know that you know we always think about that big Thanksgiving feast and you know and normally when that's taught in school we hear this because the Indians and the pilgrims met together the Indians helped the pilgrims plant crops and they all became friends that's all true but the backside of that was also the that particular Indian tribe needed the pilgrims and the weapon tree that they had to wipe out and kill another tribe that's all he's kind of an interesting thing that miss Johnson's fourth grade class probably won't talk about all right now this one we're going to talk about two things we're gonna talk about the indentured servant program and slavery guys I usually take about an hour per subject on each one of these this has got to be done in five to six minutes indentured servant program what this was it was a program that was developed in Europe and what they would do is the plantation owners are the people not only plantation owners the colonists would contact their contacts in Europe and they would basically get employees workers however you want to put it from Europe they called them indignant servants now this program was that they were looking for people with certain skill sets usually laborers that was the main thing because you had huge plantations at this time cotton cotton and tobacco had both been developed especially to back up on that East Coast with Virginia and there were thousands and thousands of crops of tobacco that needed to be harvest and the plantation owner had to find people to do it now what the indentured servant program was about is they took Europeans and the people that came over here they paid for their passage number one but you had to work for them up to seven years you had to give your time you signed a contract and he came over here usually the work was very hard very brutal a lot of the indentured servants would eventually run away they had to be recaptured and a lot of them would end up staying and they would end up acquiring a land then they would be a land owner so this was called the indentured servant program he did not last very long and the main reason why is the people they thought it was an SS office was interesting they thought it was a little bit inhumane to make these people saw the contract for seven years but what the indentured servant program does guys it is the doorway that will open the doorway to the slave market in this continent now don't get me wrong there had already been slaves the first slave ship that first came to this continent actually was blown off-course a group of pirates had taken this slave ship from the slave traders and they brought these slaves and they basically traded the slaves for food and supplies and left out that was the first slave ship that ever came here those were the first slaves that ever came here so we already had slavery here but the indentured servant program will open the door to that because once they bring these indentured servants over and the plantation owners are saying well you know these guys I can only have these people for seven years if I buy a slave then I own this poor person for the rest of his life aren't the rest of her life so it opens that doorway into slavery guys will in this lecture really quickly with and I'm not going to give you an ethical lecture into slavery every all nations through the world have had slavery I tell most my students if you could trace your heritage back far enough your people or poverty slaves my people came from Germany Germans the Germanic tribes were taken slaves by the Roman armies during that time so we have probably all descended somewhere of slaves slavery is a terrible wrong bad institution okay and you know and I always a great smiie when I teach this face to face I'll usually have one student that after class wants to come up and give me the you know well it wasn't that bad they treated these slaves really good no they didn't slaves for abuse they were tortured they were mutilated they were kept in bondage so slavery is a it's a bad institution and I don't have enough time to preach tea and I'm not going to do that because I'm teaching the history but the indentured servant program will bring slavery here because it introduces this labor and once the especially your southern plantation owners are going to really exploit the slaves because they're gonna find out like for instance they're doing rice when they're in the areas that are producing rice there's a group of and go there from anguk and go and go along Africa got to get that right it's a group of slaves that come from this area of Africa that were very extreme heat and humidity because of where they were from did not bother them it's all these plantation owners found these people were excellent in the development of rice up on that east coast so this will introduce us into slavery this brings in and I've always thought it was interesting the first slave ship guys that actually came to this continent was blown off course and it was a ship that was overtaken by pirates that brought these slaves and the ship up on the East Coast just wanted to train them and then the interesting thing on that guy's is those those slaves were actually giving Christian names which I think the intention was to free him again again so we'll in this session we have talked about the indentured servant program we've talked about now the slave program guys slavery will truly be the albatross around our neck slavery once we get to this point in this course you see we're going to continue to have problems with the fact that as our country expands and grows every question has to be will it be a slave state will it be a free state we'll talk more about that we'll talk about people like Thomas Jefferson it really had some interesting ideas on slavery but getting ahead of myself get ahead of myself so we come back let me on part three of what will be this part five series and we'll see you guys then bye