Transcript for:
Spiritual Deception and Modern Impacts

more people destroyed more family Generations than any other weapon and it's mind-blowing that he still gets away with it and he's been using it for thousands of years so what is that well let's look at Second Corinthians chapter 11 second Corinthians chapter 11 verse number three here's what it says but I Fearless by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety uh subtly subtly is slight it's not it's covert it's not overt right um subtly does not make broad paint with broad Strokes it paints with very fine Strokes I Fearless by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the Simplicity that's in Christ so here's what here's what the Apostle Paul is saying as he wrote to the church um in Corinth he's saying I'm afraid that the same way Satan deceived Eve is the same way Satan's going to deceive you the same way Satan destroyed Eve is the same way Satan is going to destroy you even though this is some 4 000 years later he's writing this Satan has the same old rusty crusty toolbox he had back then because when you got tools that work you don't need new ones so if we're going to understand Satan's secret weapon and how Satan subtly deceived or beguiled Eve we have to go back to Genesis chapter 3 and look at Genesis chapter 3 and even before you look at Genesis chapter 3 let's look at Genesis chapter 2 and let's look at verses 16 and 17. here's what it says and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil Thou shalt not eat of it for the day thou eatest thereof Thou shalt surely die so God said and you've heard me teach on this before that the very first Temptation in the history of the world was a temptation to focus on lack and that temptation to focus on lack was because God gave Adam and Eve everything for free in fact if you go back and read verse 11 and 12 in Genesis chapter 2 it says and there was gold in that land and the gold of that land is good so there are two people in the Garden of Eden food is free there are no stores there's nothing to buy there's nothing to sell there's no need for money but God put gold there and told us it was there because God wants us to understand that opulence and abundance are natural in the environment for the children of a king however God said to Adam and Eve of every tree of the garden which tree every tree you may freely eat eat how freely so we got every and we've got freely every and freely are abundance of every tree freely eat except one the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil by the way the tree of life was also in the Garden of Eden they were able to eat off this real life but they weren't able they were not allowed to eat off the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil why because the the knowledge of Good and Evil is not knowing what's good and knowing what's evil it's just it's not it's not talking about Discerning what's good and Discerning what's evil let's talk about deciding what's good and deciding what's evil and that's God's job and that's why the child not tree of knowledge of Good and Evil was God's tree and he said don't eat off of it now Satan comes in Genesis chapter 3 in the form of a serpent in form of a serpent in um Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 it says now the serpent was more subtle than a beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden so Satan did something really subtle what did he do he used one of his weapons this is not this is not this is not his main secret weapon this is one of this is another one of those devastating weapons though what did he do he changed what God Said so Satan is now and always has been in a war against words and in a war against the word because in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God and the same was in the beginning with God and all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made that's why there's such a massive attack on language what do you mean Massive Attack on language well if you think about it the Bible uses a term called drunkenness right we don't call it drunkenness anymore what do we call it we don't we don't call it drunkenness which is a sin what do we call it alcoholism which is a disease so now it's not your fault because there's an attack on words right um the Bible uses a term called adultery we don't call it adultery anymore what do we call it an affair sounds like a party right maybe I should bring a gift and some flowers right um the Bible calls uses the word Harlot or we don't use those words what do we call a lady of the night as opposed to a lady of the day right the Bible called uses a word called fornication we don't you call it fornication what do we call it common law marriage right what do we call it we call it we call it um um consenting adults God calls it fornication right people don't like that right because because it's really fascinating how if you go back 50 years it didn't matter what church you were going to like preachers would speak out against all of these things as Sin but now just God blesses everybody for everything they do and in spite everything they do that ain't what the word says the word says be sure your sin will find you out right the Bible calls it sodomy which is an Abomination what do we call it being gay like like Joy like happy really the implication is that people who are not sodomites homosexuals using their body according to what the Bible says for that which is against nature we imply that only people who commit the sin of homosexual homosexuality are happy that's the implication that's the that's the Mastery of the marketing of Satan that's not even his most powerful weapon he changed what God said he said yeah if God said ye shall not eat of every by the way I don't hate people who commit adultery people who are harlots people who are committing fornication people who are sodomites I don't hate any of them people who are drunks I don't hate any of them but I'm going to call it what God calls it why because I want to walk with God can two walk together except they be agreed I'm not going to use the world's language I'm not going to use Satan's language I'm not going to call it what he called it I'm going to call it what God Called It hmm and if we do that like if we get back to that the world was a better place it wasn't perfect but it was way better than it is now right now we're anyway I I don't even have time to go into that because I want to get Satan's secret weapon because Satan's secret weapon is also subtle he changed what God Said God said of every tree freely eat servant said is a woman yet God said you shall not even every tree of the garden so here's what Satan another little subtle thing Satan did he got Eve to question the answers that God had already given her did you see that he said yeah half God said did God say you can't eat off of every tree of the garden what do you do does that change the meaning oh when you add the word not and take out the word freely it drastically changes the meaning then what happened he said uh the woman didn't want to be too radical and she didn't want to offend anybody so see the woman said it's a servant we may eat of the fruit of the Trees of the garden that is not what God Said God didn't say you made to the fruit of the Trees of God he said of every tree of the garden freely eat but of the tree don't eat she changed it just like we do today we don't want to offend anybody and I don't want to offend anybody I don't want if anybody I love I love people right I love people I want people to love me but I am more concerned about what God thinks about me than I am what some human thinks about me and I like and one of the reasons the world is so like Hog Wild on and hell-bent on destruction is because people who believe something hold their peace and so what happens is a minority of people with really big mouths are willing to get on camera and make a lot of noise and so we think everybody believes with us with a handful of people believe because the people who believe something different are unwilling to open their mouths you know I'm telling the truth I don't want people to think I don't want people to think all right I don't want people to think I'm a bigot I don't want people to think I'm narrow-minded I don't want people to think I'm a right wing right wing like what does that even mean right wing you got like one Wing I don't even know what that means right wing left wing what what I don't even have any wings I got no wings I'm wingless but the reality is do you understand Satan is fighting for the opportunity for for for the for the right when you're a little 12 year old girl goes into the locker room fighting for the right for boys to go in there with her and we act like that's okay and we're scared to say something because somebody might be offended real talk I'm gonna tell you right now is it can I be transparent I I wasn't saved my whole life and if they would have told me when I was 12 all I had to do was say I think I'm a girl to go into the Girl locker room I'd have been all up in there oh you know why y'all are laughing because you know I'm right it's insanity anyway I don't have any opinions if I did I'd never say I'm in public by by the way I'm not talking about being mean to people I'm gonna say this to you here's what's fascinating to me while I'm on while I'm on tangents I might as well just jump off all the way on one I find it fast by the way I love Israel like I contribute every month and a half for years to a charity in Israel like I and been doing that for years so like I love Israel I love Jewish people right here's what I find fascinating I find it fascinating that Kyrie Irving can post a link to a video on Amazon he gets all his contracts canceled gets suspended for five days because in the video the video implies that black people in America are the original Hebrews I'm not I'm not even going to go into a conversation about that today I will one day though trust me okay but I'm not going to go into a conversation about that today but people said because he posted that video link that that means he's anti-Semitic so so so saying that black Hebrews or black is against Jewish people so how's like why is that first of all the scripture says that when the children of Israel came out of Egypt they came out a mixed multitude go read the Bible right let's start there let's go read the Bible I don't believe that all Jews are black all Hebrews are black I don't believe all Hebrews are white I don't and follow the table of Nations go read Genesis chapter 11. you'll be blown away where everybody migrated to it's mind-blowing another conversation for a different day here's what's fascinating to me about that we think that's anti-Semitic but black people in the United States of America who are tortured raped mutilated and murdered for hundreds of years legally and the infrastructure a large part of the infrastructure of the United States was built on the backs of Free Labor of our ancestors okay I'm going somewhere with this and somehow the homosexual movement can come and take the word discrimination and apply it to their philosophy and capitalize on the plight of my father and my grandfather and my grandfather's grandfather wait a minute wait a minute that's fascinating to me and that's not denigrating to black people I'm just I'm making a comparison I'm asking a question and I'm asking a question that's fascinating to me because there was a time in the United States of America where you could kill a black person and not be prosecuted don't know that that was true about a homosexual there was a Time in America was not legal for a black person to go to school or go to college that was not true for how can the world how in the world have black people Sat by silently and let them hijack a word that describes the plight of our ancestors to get us to where we are today to be able to be able to even participate in the free enterprise system I'm I'm asking questions I like I would really like some answers to that why is it why is it that that they're using the same tactics to perpetuate homosexuality and other sexual perversions that they use to perpetuate slavery in the United States of America which is what censorship making it illegal to speak out against it I want you to think about that it must be got against slavery it didn't matter if you were black white or orange purple or pink you couldn't speak out against slavery during this time of slavery you can speak out against Jim Crow laws in the south after slavery without suffering the consequences why because evil always needs good voices to be silent in order for it to exist light can exist in the presence of darkness and be okay Darkness cannot exist in the presence of light and be okay and if you really believe something and this is I don't care what it is what it is if you believe the Bible if you believe Jesus is the son of God if you believe if you believe that a man and a woman should be married in order for them to to have intercourse with each other if you believe that and you can't believe it by yourself you don't really believe it if you got to recruit other people to your side that everybody has to agree with you you know your belief is weak now I think for instance I'll give you for instance and I know I'm ranting but somebody needs somewhere needs to think about something instead of just letting anybody say anything they want to and let it do what it does so it's really fascinating to me it's really fascinating to me that that I I was born here in this city in Tampa Florida May 14 1961 in case anybody wants to get me something in 2023. okay no just kidding so May 14th 1961 I was born in Clara fry Hospital which was a segregated Hospital this was five or six years after the polio vaccine was discovered but clarify hospital was started by a post-civil war nurse and it was the hospital in Tampa where black people had to be born because we couldn't be born at Tampa General I'm giving y'all a history lesson now I contracted polio my left leg my mom and dad moved from Florida to Pennsylvania at a time in in America some people don't even know this it was illegal for a black person to move from the south to the north without already having a job up north now you're going to get a job up north you ain't never been there but but that this is real it was real this was in my life okay I contracted polio my left leg didn't develop as the past the rest of me by the time I was 13 years old my left leg was two inches shorter than my right leg I had a leg stretch operation where they broke the tibia and the fibula in my left leg and I was in this in this metal rack where they stretched that those two bones in my the bottom part of my leg for two for a month for 30 days that was in a cast for six months while the bone grew back together so racism has affected my life negatively every day of my life for my entire life since I was a baby so there's nobody who's listening to me who can be able to tell me I don't understand racism I've seen black and white fountains I know what it's like to travel through North Carolina South Carolina and Georgia and have to go to the bathroom on the side of the road because you're not allowed to go in the gas stations where you bought gas I remember that I know you do so why am I saying all that because even though racism is dumb as a box of rocks in a free country a person should have a right to be a racist as long as they don't inflict harm on somebody they hate words are not harmed by the way so let's let's let's let's start there regardless of what society says words like somebody might hate me but you know what I'm gonna I am I'm not gonna spend six seconds arguing with a racist why would I do that is as dumb as a box of rocks I'm not going to persuade them but I want you to think about this like you don't have to silence the voices that oppose let let idiotic voices speak loudly so it can be revealed to all that they are idiots instead of mandating Silence from opposing voices because you want to perpetuate evil whatever that evil might be that that that is that too tough for Florida but we need some we need some followers of God and Believers of the Bible to open their mouths and stand for right in the face of opposition cancel culture pseudomoralistic behaviors that want to just call me do You Realize calling someone a name to discredit their point is a rhetoric tactic it's not science it's a rhetoric tactic I learned this for my son so I'm going to give him credit it's called an ad hominem fallacy so if I call you a racist now somebody calls you a racist now your opinion is no longer valid call your bigot your your opinion is no longer valid a homophobic now that you somebody just call you a name and then because because a lot of people who own platforms and run businesses or cowards what they do is they capitulate to the loudest voice at the time because nobody has a spine I mean because well I shouldn't say no very like very few you know I'm not a super fan of Elon Musk but I'm a super fan of the fact that he is at least a man and he ain't nobody's Punk a lot of stuff he believes I think is crazy but you know what I love it I love the fact that he's willing to put his money where his mouth is and stand for what he stand for what he believes in instead of all these cowards who want to silence all the opposing voices because they already know they're wrong anyway that had nothing to do with today's Bible study but the spirit of God it does what he does the spirit of God is not the spirit of emotion the spirit of God is the spirit of Truth anyway so so when the woman said unto the servant we may eat of the fruit of the Trees of the garden we got we got to verse too okay but of the fruit tree that's in the midst of the garden God has said You shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest ye die God didn't say don't touch it he just said don't eat off of it but Eve made the mistake of thinking that she could use willpower to conquer her flesh willpower doesn't conquer flesh because willpower is flesh and the flesh is not going to help you conquer your flesh is is this helping somebody beside me for God to know that in the serpent of the woman you shall not surely die for God doesn't know that they eat thereof then you should your eyes will be open and you shall be his Gods knowing good and evil and here's what it says next you all ready here come Satan's secret weapon ready and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food Pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wine she took the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also into her husband with her and he did eat and the eyes of them both were open and they knew that they were naked and they sewed themselves fig leaves together and they made themselves aprons when they heard the voice of the Lord Walking In The Garden in the cool of the day Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord amongst the Trees of the garden this is the first time that Adam that man ever hid from God after he did what after he was impacted by Satan's secret weapon which is what food and appetite I want you to wrap your minor on this the very first Temptation in the history of the world was a temptation to eat something wait what the first Temptation in the history of the world and here's here's what's fascinating Satan is still killing people by the millions in 2022 and getting them to dig their own Graves with a knife and fork oh y'all wasn't ready for that wait y'all wasn't ready I can tell y'all I forgot to tell you to put your Tay table up put your seatbelt on the very first Temptation in the history of the world was a temptation to eat something okay man why do you call it Satan's secret weapon because the the Temptation let's go look at it I mean I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna tell you I'm gonna I'm gonna read it because just so you all know mine ain't making this up I ain't smart enough to make up the stuff that's good okay okay Matthew chapter four verse number one then was Jesus led up with the spirit Into the Wilderness to be tempted to the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights isn't that fascinating what do you do he fasted 40 days and 40 nights he didn't eat nothing okay I always thought this was funny when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was afterwards and hungered every time I read that I want to say yeah don't say that's like that's that seems to be what should go next but it doesn't Okay and the tempter came to him and said if thou be the Son of God command these Stones be made bread the first Temptation in the history of the world was food Temptation the first Temptation that Satan tempted Christ with was a food temptation what but Jesus didn't capitulate to the flesh to appetite to the food and the appetite okay so I'll do a different bible study on that because I don't have time to go on that I'm gonna I'm gonna do a bible study on Satan's Special Forces okay but anyway I'm not gonna do that today so I'm gonna stay with Satan's secret weapon food and appetite it's really fascinating to me it's um it's really fascinating to me that the sin that is welcomed in the church with open arms and celebration is gluttony what okay I want you to wrap your mind around this some of y'all how many have been going to church for a while now come on now where are my people where are my people you can go to church for more than a day or two or three come on now how many of you in your life have heard a sermon against gluttony ever my right um here's why um I don't know if y'all ready y'all I think y'all okay um so here's why because when we came to Christ we said all right lord well some of us did Lord okay Lord you have my cousin and have my drinking can I have my smoking you can have my carouser and my sexual immorality but Lord you can't touch my plate can I get it you can be Lord of everything in my life but my plate I've heard I've heard Christians go so far as to pray and say dear Lord thank you for this food please bless it and eliminate all the cows eliminate the calories why are you tripping you know I'm telling you you know I'm telling truth eliminate the calories the man cry I don't think that's how this works this ain't that um any here's what it says um in Ecclesiastes 10 17. I want you to wrap your mind around this Ecclesiastes 10 17 here's what it says verse 10 16. woe unto thee o land when thy King as a child and when thy princes eat in the morning what what happened what one do you all land when your princess eat in the morning but breakfast is the most important meal of the day that's not science that's a marketing slogan okay anyway that wasn't where I was going verse 17. blessed art thou will land so he's given a woe and a blessing blessed art thou will land when my when thy King is the son of Nobles and thy princes eat for strength and not for drunkenness eat for drunkenness that's a thing that's a thing you want to see what it looks like go to Golden Corral Golden Corral Golden trough whatever you want to call it we are supposed to have command over our appetites our appetites are not supposed to have command over us the Bible says this this is a Bible study about business well let me give you a business principle you ready ready a business principle for Success the drunkard and the Glutton shall lie down together and drowsiness will clothe a man with rags the drunkard and the glutton Alan Drake okay phase one complete let's go to phase two how you doing am I keeping this too real see here's the problem here's the problem we don't think about food in relationship to the word of God in fact oh I'm gonna look this up um it's really interesting Exodus 15 Exodus 15 26 and Deuteronomy 7 15. Exodus 15 26. here's what God Said to the children of Israel by the way God gave the children of Israel the law and some of those laws were dietary laws he it's really interesting like in the dietary laws even though they were stated clearly in Exodus what's really fascinating is that even when God told Noah to bring the animals in the ark a lot of people think all the animals came in two by two no the unclean animals came in by two the clean animals came in by seven go read it it's in the Bible right why because the purpose of unclean animals is to clean up the filth out of the environment unclean animals exist for the same purpose as flies and roaches and buzzards they exist for the very same reason like to to eat the filth that's left over in the environment that's why they're there so it doesn't contaminate people and animals that are not supposed to eat unclean things that's why it's they're there as God's natural waste management system okay here's what it says in Exodus chapter 15 verse 26. and said if thou will diligent your heart unto the voice of the Lord thy God and won't do that which is right in sight we'll give ear to his Commandments and keep his statutes I will put none of these diseases on you upon thee which I've brought upon the Egyptians for I am the Lord that healeth thee wait wait wait a minute wait a minute what did I just read now see here's what I know I know that some some diseases are inflicted upon people by Satan go read Mark chapter 4. I know some diseases are inflicted on people by themselves but some diseases are inflicted on people by God what here's what God said I'm going to put the disease in the animals that you're not supposed to eat see a lot of people don't realize this by the way it's not a sin to eat pork it's just not very smart not Cindy shrimp or lobsters or crabs and I'm not telling you what it's not a sin to do that it's just not very smart because God put that stuff here to eliminate toxicity out of our environment so that we don't become contaminated by it people say but I really like shrimp and I really like lobster I really like crabs and I really like oysters and I really really like pork well you like them because you eat them people think that they eat what they like but they really like what they eat appetites are developed that's why people smoke cigarettes why people drink Coca-Cola you're not going to give a baby Coca-Cola and they're gonna love it they're going to spit it out initially until you give them enough of it that they become addicted to it it's fascinating Satan's secret weapon is now and always has been I can't believe I've been going this long is now and always has been food Esau sold his Birthright today I know a lot of people say Jacob stole each other go read this text he said sell thy Birthright unto me he said I'm at the point to die what good is the other's Birthright doing to me and Esau sold Jacob his Birthright Esau sold his Birthright for some food the children of Israel went down into Egypt and and were and stayed there in bondage for 400 years why'd they go down to Egypt for food Naomi and elimelech and Malin and Chilean went down into Moab for food and three of them died there Daniel Shadrach and Abednego when they took a stand they took a stand against eating the king's meat and drinking the King's Wine they took a stand for food is Satan secret weapon there are some there's some there's a lot of scientific evidence that shows that a lot of health problems that a lot of people have could be solved with diet and exercise do you realize you know why we have to work out because we don't work I don't mean that in a bad way like obviously we work I work right but my work is not work my work is sitting down and they say sitting is the new smoking right I'm sitting in front of my computer that's that's how I work so you know what I got to do I have to create some artificial manual labor and make my body move because the work I do I'm not pulling sorghum on a sorghum Farm anymore I'm not putting on a rubber roof and carrying rocks up a ladder anymore I'm not hammering nails and sawing boards all day like I used to so I've got to work out because my work don't have a whole lot of work in it I mean I'll track it but I'm going to be I'm going to tell you something you're you will be you will be so much stronger for so much longer if you become hyper Vigilant and intentional about what you eat and about what you drink and people say but I don't like water that's fascinating I wonder how long it took Satan to get you to the place where you don't like water because Jesus said I am the Living Water he didn't say I'm the living Coca-Cola it's fascinating to me do you realize that anything that comes in contact with the human being it becomes contaminated I breathe in something as life-giving as oxygen when I breathe it out it's no longer life-giving it's life-taking if I it turns into carbon dioxide if I sleep with a plastic bag over my head I'm going to die why am I going to die what am I going to do I'm not going to suffocate I'm going to asphyxiate which means I'm going to die because I'm breathing in toxic gas where did the toxic gas come from it came from inside of me why am I telling you that because we don't sleep with a plastic bag over our head because it doesn't make sense but what we do do that doesn't make any sense we take the same carbon dioxide we pump it into water add sugar to it call it soda and drink it by the gallon and wonder why so many people are sick your body is 70 water your brain is 90 water and you don't like water good luck with that let me know how it turns out for you we should be drinking half our body weight in ounces of water a day if I weigh 200 pounds which I don't but if I did I need to be drinking 100 ounces of water a day why this is a temple this is like Brethren I would above all things I would have prosper and being healthy even as thy Soul prospered my soul my body can't Prosper if it don't drink enough water my body cannot Prosper unless I drink eat more food hear me now from the hand of God than I do from the hand of man remember what it said back in Genesis and she's so when the woman saw the truth is good for food pleasure to the eyes desires to make one wine she took of the fruit there oven to eat gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat this is the first time the Bible records a man receiving food from the hand of man Eve gave adam the fruit that she plucked guess what if most of the food that you eat comes from a factory from the hand of man and the least amount of food that you eat comes from the hand of God it grows out of the ground you are setting yourself up for the for disaster I'm not saying I'm not saying don't ever eat packaged food I'm I'm not saying that I'm not saying don't ever eat only drink water I'm saying mostly drink water drink more water than anything else you drink I do man I drink water in my teeth they eat the same thing I do mine I drink Watermark that ain't the same thing you drink a cup of coffee it costs you more water than comes in with a drink because coffee is a diuretic so cost your body water there's an expense of water and a lot of people are not feeling well simply because they're dehydrated a lot of people suffer from headaches because they don't drink water like but you're you don't have a headache because you're suffering from a Tylenol deficiency anyway what am I saying I'm saying Satan's secret weapon is food and appetite he's been using it for millennia don't think for one second he's not going to use it against you okay I'm gonna read two more verses to you Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 7 15 and the Lord and the Lord will take away from the all sickness and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt which thou knowest upon thee but will lay them upon all them that hate thee why because they I'm gonna tell you something you are doing yourself if you if you like I'm I'm I'm it's not it's not a sin it's just not smart like you're eating pork and you're eating like you can't cook pork this is a scientific fact you cannot cook any pork at a high enough temperature to kill all the parasites in it and still have it be edible you have to turn it into charcoal if you're going to eat it and kill all the parasites that's what I'm saying got you programmed to fall in love with things that are not in love with you if you are in love with something that ain't in love with you as I heard something I think it was Dr emman said uh you are in an abusive relationship and most people are in an abusive relationship with food so one one last verse and I got to look it up um First Corinthians 10 31. this is fascinating to me that it says this first first Thessalonians I mean First Corinthians 10 31 here's what it says whether therefore ye eat or drink in the fascinating it says eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all to the glory of God so let me ask you a question is God glorified by what you eat and drink or are you just satisfying the Flesh and as it says in Colossians um in fact let me I'm going to look I said one more verse I want to look up one more verse because this is fascinating to me like um bye bye well listen there a lot uh Philippians chapter 3. and for many uh chapter 3 verse 18. for many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even even weeping they are enemies of the Cross of Christ whose end is destruction whose God is their belly whose glory is their shame who mind Earthly things let's don't let our God be our belly let's let's let's let's let's let our mind rule over our body let our spirit rule over our mind and let God's spirit rule over our spirit and not be destroyed by Satan's secret weapon as millions of people in history have been let's let's start let's just make a decision that in 2023 we're going to eat more food from the hand of God and less food from the hand of man let's make let's let's just make a decision let's cut ourselves off from any other possibility and make a decision that we are going to drink more water than any other beverage in 2023 let's just make a decision that we're going to move more and eat less in 2023. if we will understand so much of the delightfully tasting things that we love to eat around the holidays and other days and every day is a weapon of mass destruction that Satan has been using to destroy people for millennia I hope this really helps you and your family so many sicknesses so many diseases are on people because in fact I'm going to recommend a book to you and and by the way this guy's this guy this book is I I think sometimes it's good for us to go to an extreme and then come back to moderation right so this guy's really radical just going to tell you that right I'm gonna be he's radical but he ain't but he ain't wrong right um the guy's name is George malcolmus m-a-l-k-m-u-s I think is how you spell it and he wrote a book called why Christians get sick it's mind-blowing I would recommend you go read that book and do as much of it as you feel like you need to it'll help you so I hope this blessed you share it like it comment on it subscribe if you haven't subscribed smash the notification Bell and do a whole bunch of other YouTube stuff by the grace of God we'll look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday we've got a short coming out on YouTube tomorrow we've got I think it's part five of the conversation with Bishop Malcolm coming out on Friday so in the meantime in between