Transcript for:
Understanding the OPQ Personality Profile

hello again my name is glenn nosworthy an associate professor with nus business school uh you will have seen me previously doing a brief video on how to best approach the completion of the occupational personality questionnaire the opq when you do it online in this longer video i'm going to be focusing on how to interpret one of the two reports that you will have received okay so there are two reports there is a shorter report which we call the personality profile which is basically the engine of the opq which will give you specific scores on each of the 32 dimensions of personality measured by the opq there is a second much longer report called the development action planner and while the profile report we've provided to you is in bahasa indonesia the development action planner is only available in english in a another video i will explain how to interpret and how to use that development action plan or report and i'll also be talking about how to prepare for your coaching session and what to expect from that coaching session but in this particular video our focus will be on how to interpret and how to use that briefer personality profile okay so here i have shared a sample report i so try to find her you should be able to find your corresponding profile report and turn to this page and here we see the different dimensions that are reflected in the opq the occupational personality questionnaire so this questionnaire was designed quite a number of years ago to measure 32 different dimensions or aspects of personality okay and you can see those different dimensions listed right down the middle it starts with persuasive etcetera etcetera okay i am not able to speak visa indonesia but i will sometimes try my best to pronounce some of these dimension names so that we are working or moving together through this i'll also obviously use the english labels as well i apologize in advance if i mispronounce uh any of these labels okay so basically each one of these dimensions that you can see here represents a different dimension of your personality of your behavior preferences you'll remember that when you did the opq online you were given sets of three descriptions or behavioral statements and you're asked to first select the one that is that best describes you or that is most like you and then after doing that from the two remaining statements again you're asked to select which of the two uh was most like you each of those statements those three statements that you saw represented through three different dimensions and basically the uh system was tracking how often you chose a particular dimension to describe yourself okay what i'm gonna do in a few moments or a few minutes is explain what each of these dimensions uh means but before we do this there are some other things that we need to understand so as you look at this profile page you'll see the 32 dimensions listed from top to bottom okay but i'm going to ask you to look towards the bottom of this page and at the very bottom you'll see the word consistency consistency now this is not one of the 32 dimensions measured by the opq instead it's a measure of how consistent you were when you were responding to the questionnaire online okay so for example if in one set of three statements you said that you were more uh persuasive than you were competitive competitive is down here and then in another set of three statements later on you said you were more competitive than you were persuasive that would drop your consistency score down because you were not consistent in how you responded to the questionnaire okay um the reason why they have a consistency score is that this particular questionnaire the opq is often used to make decisions about hiring or make decisions about you know promoting people through organizations and in that particular situation that particular context people might try to to beat the test they might try to look unrealistically good so to speak um and the consistency score will catch that okay now we can also get low consistency scores if for example we we thought too much about each set of questions so you remember my last video i suggested that you don't over think each of the questions just go you know more with your gut feeling with your first reaction okay if you did not do that if you started to think too much too much about every set of questions well sometimes i behave like this sometimes i behave like that that can pull your consistency score down or if you did the questionnaire you know in a very distracting environment people were coming to talk to you as your as you were doing the questions or you got pulled away from it or you you left a questionnaire and came back at a different time all those sorts of things can also pull your consistency score down in general what we would like to see is a consistency score of at least three three out of ten so you can look at this little black mark and you've got a ten point scale below it and we would like your consistency score to be at least three if your score is three or above that means we can have a good level of confidence in the profile of scores that we see okay the higher your consistency score the clearer your profile will be so for example uh here in this particular version well this person has a very high consistency score we don't see this very often a score of nine out of ten but if your consistency score was let's say four or five and you had a competitive uh score competitive uh of seven uh perhaps your score will even be higher if you're more consistent in responding anyway the important thing is uh if your score is three or above that means that you were sufficiently you're consistent enough in how you responded to the questionnaire online okay now the next thing while we're looking at the bottom of the page here the opq the occupational personality questionnaire does not give you absolute scores so when we see a score and the scores as you can see are out of 10 and i'll explain that more in a moment uh these are not you know some count of how often you chose a particular answer instead you are being compared to a benchmark group or a norm group a psychologist would call that in this particular case you can see the name of the benchmark group or a description of the benchmark group at the bottom here of the profile it says opq 32i okay that's just the name of the version of the questionnaire the the personality test that you did indonesian general population 2013 so 2013 means that the last time that the data were put together or compiled to create this benchmark was 2013. okay but as i mentioned this particular questionnaire has been around for many many years and they were they refined it you know um every decade or so um but it's been around for a long time and this particular benchmark group you know consists of you know well over a thousand people that have completed this questionnaire before you okay now indonesian general population this means it's a very broad uh slice of the indonesian population so you're going to find you know a mix of people from different industries it can primarily be people that are are working but it's going to be a mix of people from different industries and different levels in their job so they're going to be some very senior executives included here uh there's going to be you know people the director level there's going to be some middle managers and there'll be some front line workers again across many different industries so it's a very broad benchmark but you're being uh compared to other indonesians okay uh so keep that in mind as we're going through this all of your scores represent how you responded in comparison to a particular benchmark group in this case a benchmark group consisting of other indonesians in the workforce okay so i've gone back up to the top of the profile chart here and in fact for this particular report for the profile report you can ignore all the other pages there's a title page up front um and there's also this additional information which you can just ignore basically tells uh it offers some information about how the report was put together okay so basically it's the algorithms okay so you see at the very top of the page you see the word stem and this is just a fancy psychology word for what we call uh standard 10 so basically it's a 10 point scale why is it called standard 10 well it's because this particular scale is a representation of the normal curve the bell curve that we're probably all familiar with okay okay so i'm going to share with you a diagram that will explain how the dimensions are scored we'll explain this stem scale so here is the typical bell curve or normal curve as i said probably we're all familiar with this and you can see the stem scale is laid out at the bottom here so wherever you will see a score of five or six on a particular dimension that means that for that dimension of personality for example persuasive if you have a five or six it means that you are average when compared with that broad benchmark group of other working indonesians okay so five or six means that you're average compared to that benchmark group we call a score of four or score seven low average and high average so it's still generally within that average range okay um but you're starting to move a little bit away uh scores of three or eight we call them moderate or moderate scores so basically a three means that you are we can actually say that you're lower on that particular dimension uh compared to the benchmark group of working indonesians or you're higher if you have an eight than that benchmark group and then scores of one or two nine or ten we actually refer to them as ex extreme scores okay so if you have a one or two or a nine or ten on a particular dimension that means that for that one dimension that specific dimension you are very different from the typical indonesian okay now there's nothing necessarily good or bad about that it just means that for that particular dimension you are quite different from other people and in fact most of you will probably have three or four or maybe even five dimensions out of 32 where you are quite different okay you might have a few ones or twos and a few nines or tens and in fact one way of thinking about your profile is where you do have these extreme scores one or two nine or ten these are kind of the key characteristics that make you special that make you unique okay so those extreme scores are basically the way that you see yourself um as being a unique individual okay so now i'm gonna go back to our profile page and so to figure out what score you have on a particular dimension that extend score that score out of 10 there's two ways of actually doing that one way to do it is just to look at the graphic here so you'll have a black mark surrounded by a gray band and you can just follow up the black mark so you can see for persuasive this sample report this fictitious person had a score of one for persuasive and so you can see the black mark lines up with the one here or if you look over at the left you will see also the score of one so you have those two options you can either line up the mark here for the second dimension uh we see a two we can line up and see a two there and we can see a 2 in the column over here obviously both these first two dimensions these are extreme scores this particular person is very different from the average indonesian in terms of these two dimensions which that tells us something important something uh special about this individual now you might be wondering what is this gray band around the black mark that's simply a reminder that because we're measuring personality we're not measuring something physical the length of a table or the height of a person something like that we're measuring uh something that's not quite so easily measured not quite so clear there's always going to be some error so for example if your score is two your true score might be a two but it's also possible that it's a one or it's a three so don't don't get too attached to a specific number remember that there is always going to be some error around each of these numbers okay okay let's now talk about the actual content of the personality profile as i said earlier the opq measures 32 different dimensions of personality and those dimensions are listed right down the middle starting with persuasive okay so you can see the 32 dimensions right down the middle here if you look at the top left of the profile you'll actually see that these 32 dimensions are further organized into three large groupings okay so the first grouping up here uh is in english relationships with people so this first set of dimensions is about how you interact with people the second broad grouping of dimensions is thinking style okay so it's how you approach information and problems and tasks and then the third broad grouping is around feelings and emotions okay so how you react what uh feelings and reactions do you have in a work setting on the right hand side uh you can see that there's a further grouping of dimensions smaller groups so for example the first four dimensions all uh relate to influencing people influence the second group of dimensions here three dimensions in this case are about sociability and the next three are about empathy and so on what we're going to do in this particular session is focus on the actual dimensions themselves so let's start at the top so the first dimension listed is persuasive and we've already talked about that a little bit uh now it's important to note that this is a personality questionnaire uh which means that you were basically asked about what sorts of behaviors describe you so we're finding out about your behavioral preferences what you like to do or how you tend to behave this is not a test of ability or skill so when we talk about persuasive for example we're not getting a measure of how good you are how skilled you are at persuading people this is about how interested you are in trying to persuade people how much effort do you put into persuading people is persuading people important to you okay and then some of the uh examples some of the actual items that were used on the questionnaire just to give you a sense of what this dimension is all about are i enjoy selling ideas to clients i enjoy negotiating i feel comfortable negotiating with people i sell a new idea well i enjoy bargaining with people i persuade others what to buy so there's a bit of a mix here we're talking about influencing and persuading in terms of ideas we're also talking about do you actually you know you enjoy selling your company's services and products to people um you enjoy negotiating and bargaining this is all under uh persuasive but again we're not measuring your your ability to persuade or measuring how much do you enjoy persuading people how much effort do you put into persuading people of course this is an important aspect of leadership if you want to be an effective leader obviously you need to want to and you need to be able to persuade others to follow the direction that you're setting persuade others of the value of your vision etc okay so that's persuasive the next dimension down is called in english i'm not sure i will try to pronounce that in bahasa indonesia so i'll stick to english in this case uh controlling okay and in this case this you can think of controlling as being the will or desire to lead is leading something that you enjoy is leading something that you seek or want to do okay and again obviously this is critically important to be an effective leader wanting to lead so some of the items that were asked of you on the questionnaire are i like to lead groups i enjoy taking the lead i am comfortable being in charge i take control of situations i like to give instructions right so it's about stepping up and you know if there's a need for a leader so it could be an informal situation are you the one that kind of comes in and says okay i think this is what we should do and you you help set direction and structure the process that kind of thing or if you are in a leadership position is that something that you enjoy do you enjoy being a leader okay is it something that you actually want to learn more about now some there can be some interesting combinations for you to think about um for example if your profile indicates that you are high on controlling let's say eight nine or ten so the upper end here of controlling and you're at the lower end of persuasive that would suggest that you are a very authoritarian type leader you like giving instructions but you don't care if people really believe in where they're going you're just going to tell them where they're where they're going okay so a very directive controlling leadership style that may over the long term create some problems so for example if that's what you see in your profile if you say that you're at the upper end of controlling at the lower end of persuasive you're going to want to start thinking about what is the impact that has on my effectiveness as a leader that i'm not making any effort or it's not important for me to get the buy-in to get the agreement and belief of my followers i'm just going to focus on and rely on telling them what to do i'm commanding them what to do okay ideally you would like as an effective leader to be high or at the upper end at least on both of these two dimensions okay the third dimension uh in english we call this outspoken and this is basically the degree to which you are willing uh to express your views you don't hold back on your views and you're even willing to criticize uh people processes when you feel that's appropriate versus censoring yourself and holding back okay so some of the items on the questionnaire include i say exactly what i think i say when i disagree i criticize openly i speak up when i think people are wrong i make my opinions known okay so that's outspoken there's big cultural differences uh and outspoken okay so we when we look at people in different countries some countries it's very very uh appropriate to be outspoken and to to freely criticize others and that's accepted uh in other countries and other cultures that can be problematic that can be frowned upon okay um i won't pretend to know what the the dominant uh culture is like in indonesia but in this case you are being compared to a benchmark group of indonesians that's one important reason why we we chose an indonesian benchmark rather than a broader benchmark so you know where you stand on outspoken relative to the so-called typical working indonesia okay again having outspoken people in your organization can be really important you need people to sort of step up and say hey there's a problem here i'm concerned about what's going on here but of course by itself that can also cause some difficulty okay so if you're high and outspoken we would never say that you need to change that but you need to at least be aware of of the downsides so that you can sort of manage the impacts the negative impacts there's all there's obviously going to be some very positive impacts as well okay the next dimension here is independent minded and here independent minded basically means the degree to which you will go along with the group decision or the group view on matters versus how important it is for you to go your own way on things to stick to your own thinking your own preferred approaches okay so some of the items here that we have is i like to do things my own way i take my own approach i insist on doing things my own away i refuse to do things i don't believe in so those would all be you know items that describe the upper end of the scale now let me give you another an example of another interesting combination if you are high on independent minded and low on outspoken the previous dimension that would suggest that for example if you are working with a group of people and you have a very different idea about how that group should approach some task um you might tend to keep your thinking to yourself because you're low on outspoken [Music] but you will continue to try to do things your own way so basically you won't work in concert with the rest of the group okay now in the particular profile that we're looking at here we have a person this is a fictitious person again who in addition really not wanting to not having much interest at all in in persuading people and getting them to think along the lines that they do um someone who's really not interested in being a leader uh but this is someone who's fairly interested or who are quite willing uh to you know voice their opinions when they disagree and at the same time uh they won't just go along with the rest of the group they really want to do things their way this person is is you know to some extent at this point looking quite like a an individual workers so someone that may not be interested in leading people so much but will make their views known and will do things their own way okay let's go down to the next dimension here uh these next three dimensions are really about uh how you prefer to interact socially with people and i mean socially in the sense of not going out and having dinners with them etc but interacting with with other co-workers uh in your workspace so the first dimension here uh peryang is in english what we would call outgoing okay if you're high on outgoing uh you're basically in english would say you're the life of the party you're the person that talks a lot you have a lot of social energy you like making jokes you're the center of attention and of social attention uh in some ways if you're low on uh outgoing you tend to be more quiet and reserved nothing wrong with that uh and in fact just because of the way the normal curve works about half of us will be down at this end okay um let me just read you a few of the items that are measured here i'm lively in conversation i do most of the talking i am rarely quiet i enjoy being sociable uh i'm very talkative okay so it's basically that that social energy uh the next dimension is uh affiliative uh in this case this is uh how much contact you like to have with people do you like is it important for you to have a lot of contact with people that would be at the upper end at the lower end it would mean that you actually you know are prefer to work alone you prefer to be alone and this will tell you a little bit about the kinds of jobs the kind of uh you know work the kind of roles that you will enjoy most if you're high unaffiliative you're probably not going to be very happy doing a role that requires you to sit in front of a computer most of the day okay if you're low on affiliative you're probably not going to be so happy uh you know in a role that requires you to constantly interact with people constantly meet new people and talk to people okay so affiliate of some of the questions that are asked here is i need the company of other people i like to spend time with others i gain pleasure from people's company i like to have many people around me okay the next dimension uh in english we call that well let me let me try bahasa indonesia uh pirachaya dalam bengal okay apologies we call this socially confident in english and socially confident basically is the degree to which you are comfortable meeting unfamiliar people and also comfortable um informal situations so for example you know if you're invited to a company dinner and there's gonna be people from a lot of different departments you've never met before someone who is high in social confidence um will be uh you know quite happy they have no problem doing that especially if they're affiliative if they're affiliative they're actually looking forward to it they wow another opportunity to spend time with people and these are new people i've never met before so i'm socially confident not a problem i'm actually looking forward to that if you're low on social confidence okay um you're going to kind of you know not look forward to that you're going to be a little bit reluctant you don't really want to do that you know you might you're a little bit shy i think the word in in indonesia as i remember is malu um okay so it takes a lot more energy for someone who is you know at this end for both affiliative and social confidence to make their way through that kind of social situation um if you're with friends if you're with people you know well workmates not not a difficulty you know people well social confidence is not an issue it only comes up more in those situations when you're dealing with people you're not familiar with or you're dealing with very formal situations it's a formal dinner there's important people in the company coming that kind of thing um now these two dimensions in particular uh i feel affiliative and social confidence these relate to your effectiveness as a leader in terms of building relationships with others and networking so if you're low on either or both of these two dimensions networking is something that you may have to consciously make yourself do it's not something that you naturally do or you like to do build those networks across the organization or even build external uh relationships if you're high on either or both of these dimensions you're someone who naturally seeks out opportunities uh to build new relationships so you're you'll be a natural networker one comment to make here a very important comment in fact don't think that because you see something in your personality profile here that's the way you have to be that's the way you're always going to be that's not the case we can actually through conscious effort move our personality scores in different directions so if you become conscious for example through looking at your profile that you're low on affiliative that you're low on social confidence you might realize well look this is an important part of my job connecting with people i'm gonna make more of a conscious effort i'm gonna make more of an effort to meet new people i might set a target of meeting you know uh two people a month in different departments going and having lunch with them for example building those relationships over time you'll become more comfortable doing this this will become you know part of how you see yourself and your scores will actually change over time okay um but it's up to you to decide what is important in terms of what role you're in and what role what sorts of roles you aspire to what kind of work you want to do in the future and what kind of leader you want to be okay let's go on to the the next three uh dimensions okay the next dimension is uh renda hati in english we call that modest okay and uh some of the items here are i keep quiet about my successes i am reserved about my accomplishments i avoid promoting myself i avoid telling people when i succeed okay and again big cultural differences we see on this one in some cultures it's quite acceptable uh you know to tell other people what you've achieved what you've accomplished in other cultures that will be looked down upon that will be seen as bragging it will be seen as you know not acceptable behavior if you go to some countries in the west if you go to the u.s for example you will see by comparison to some asian cultures people are much less should be pointing down here they're much less modest okay uh many asian cultures uh the japanese for example um and perhaps in indonesia as well uh there is a premium put on modesty modesty is seen as a virtue okay so again you are being compared uh to a group of indonesians that's our benchmark so the cultural issue is not really a concern here but you know do think about one thing to think about is that if you if you are overly modest okay if you're an extreme score as we see in this example here extreme score on modesty this is someone that really does not let anybody know their achievements you almost have to you know pull it out of them um [Music] if that describes you you know think about what can be some of the negative you know some of the downsides of that i would never say that you need to change that but there can be some downsides so for example um you might be actually holding yourself back in your career if you're not somehow letting people know all the good things that you're doing in your role um [Music] then you know people aren't going to associate you with with positive incomes and you may be left behind um another important thing we find is that you know if leaders are overly modest that can sometimes mean that they not only hide their own achievements but they also keep their team in the shadows they don't let other people know what their team has achieved so they're not just affecting themselves in their own career but they're also affecting the careers of the people uh who work for them okay so just keep that in mind uh the next dimension here is uh democratic and probably not the best label we would in english we would call that consultative so how willing are you um you know to get the inputs of other people when trying to reach decisions do you make decisions or do you prefer to make decisions uh on your own in which case that would be low on democratic or do you like to get a lot of inputs from people before you make a decision okay and again you see cultural differences here it's part of japanese work culture for example to get a lot of inputs before you make a decision in some uh cultures that would not be the case um if you're very high on democratic if you're very consultative you're going to want to think what are the possible downsides okay so you know just to make sure that you're not running into that so for example if you're doing a lot of uh consulting that can slow the decision-making process down um and you also have to be careful about managing expectations if if people are being consulted they expect oftentimes that their suggestions are going to make it into that final decision so you need to be very careful about managing people's expectations if you're going to be doing a lot of consulting at the other end of it the lower end of consult of sorry of democratic uh again you might have some problems you it may be harder to get people's buy-in if you're not involving them in decision making in the first place okay so you know if you want to go back to what we're looking at in terms of leaders [Music] if for example you were low on persuasive and you were high on controlling and low on democratic that's a very autocratic leader that's a that would be a person uh who doesn't try to get buy-in doesn't try to explain to people why we should be going a particular direction instead that individual that leader just tells people this is what you have to do they're high on controlling um and they don't even get people's inputs they're not interested in other people's views okay the particular the actual profile that we're looking at here this is someone who is uh doesn't show a lot of interest in persuading people but is not very controlling okay and they're they're moderate they're average in terms of the degree to which they consult with others in making a decision okay and then finally uh in this broad category of relationships or relating to people uh we have caring okay uh peduli now karen have to be really careful about um i'm not sure the word paduli in bahasa indonesia exactly it's meaning but in english the word caring if you say someone is low and caring like we have here that can be um quite uh offensive to some people this word caring in the context here is not about uh caring in the sense of you don't care about other people it's more about how much priority you put on getting the task done versus on the needs or wants of the of the people involved okay so if you're high on caring you put people first if you're low on caring you put a great priority on getting tasks getting your responsibilities and the team's responsibilities done well okay so it's about that people task balance some of the items i take time to be supportive i'm interested in the welfare of others i show sympathy with others i care for people in need i am considerate okay and again you're being compared to that indonesian benchmark group there could be cultural differences here as well but the thing to remember is while you know if you have an extreme score on caring that might look like a positive thing you might say well look you know that shows what a nice person i am but the downside can sometimes be that if you're focusing so much on the the the welfare the needs of others uh the quality and timeliness of the tasks that you're responsible for might slip okay so you need to think about what is the best balance of these things in your particular role okay let's look at the next group of dimensions uh which is in english called thinking style uh so gaia beta pekia the first dimension in this group is data rational data rational this basically gives you an indication of how much of a scientist or engineer you are in your approach to your work so if you have a high score on data rational if you're up here eight nine or ten especially nine or ten that means that you like to base decisions on a careful analysis of facts and figures of statistics like crunching the numbers uh if you're at the other end of the scale your preference is more around making decisions more intuitively based on gut feel and past experience and the the science actually shows that that neither of these approaches is superior there's going to be some sorts of decisions that you need to make in which you should be relying more on on facts and figures on statistics of course on numbers and there may be other decisions uh that you may need to sort of rely on that that gut feeling that you develop over time okay the downside of being high on data rational for example is sometimes people who are high have difficulty making decisions if not all the information is available at that time or sometimes it just takes them too long to analyze all the data before making a decision okay the downside of being at the other extreme is that sometimes you're not doing enough analysis you're not considering all of the possible factors that you should be thinking about before making a decision so you'll need to consider what's most applicable and the kinds of decisions that you have to make in the role that you are currently in and hope to be in the future the next dimension is called uh evaluative okay um this dimension talks about how how critical you are of information that's put in front of you so if you're high enough evaluative for example you will look at information with a very critical eye so for example some of the items here are i spot the errors in an argument i critically evaluate a piece of work i see the flaws in arguments i see both strengths and weaknesses so if you agree with those sorts of statements you're likely to be at the upper end of the scale here again there are upsides and downsides to being at both ends of the scale for example uh if you're at the upper end of the scale if you have a 9 or 10 for example that means you're more likely to find problems uh and and errors that sort of thing at the same time it can be a little bit demotivating for others if you're spending a lot of time looking for errors okay um so just think about in terms of what is the the best balance for the nature of work that you're involved in the next dimension that we have is called in english is called behavioral and behavioral in this case gives you an indication of how much of a psychologist you are so if you're at the upper end of behavioral this means that you are interested in understanding what motivates people you pay attention to their reactions and you know you're thinking about what their needs and concerns are okay uh if you're at the lower end these sorts of things are of less interest to you so some of the items for example i'm interested in analyzing people i think about other people's behavior i try to understand people [Music] i understand why people react as they do now this can be an important element of leadership in the sense that if you're going to be able to motivate people effectively you need to consider well you need to consider them as individuals and consider what is of interest to them what their needs are and even be thinking about how you need to adapt your leadership style to their needs okay also if if you're going to be trying to influence people this can also be useful this is you know gives you an indication of the degree to which you're actually paying attention to your audience's reaction as you're making your pitch or as you're trying to influence them the next dimension that we have is conventional and this is basically the degree to which you like sticking with tried and true methods well-established approaches versus you like experimenting with new ways of doing things it's not about you coming up with new new ways of doing things it's about your willingness to experiment with different approaches okay so if you're high unconventional if you're a nine or ten for example that means that there is a strong preference that you have for using those conventional approaches here's some of the items uh i take the traditional approach i like tried and tested methods i take a conventional approach i favor well-proven methods okay now whether or not a high or low score is a good or bad thing really depends on the nature of your role if you're an accountant for example um you're probably going to be wanting to use well-established methods it might be too risky to be experimenting with new approaches to your work if you know a kind of role like a marketing type position for example would be the opposite maybe in that case you'd want to be trying very different approaches okay so think about what you know the nature of your work and which side of the scale would help you in that particular role okay the next dimension that we have here is conceptual uh and as you guess this is basically the degree to which you like thinking in abstract or conceptual terms if you're at the high end that's how you like to think if you're at the low end or one or two your preference is probably more around thinking in terms of concrete solutions to concrete issues okay conceptual can be important for people in leadership roles especially more senior leadership roles because it's one of the the characteristics that helps us formulate powerful visions helps us come up with effective strategies so it's you know that broad thinking that high level thinking that falls under conceptual making those you know linkages among very different sorts of issues and problems that sort of making those connections that really sort of falls under conceptual okay so you really want to give some thought to uh the degree to which you need in your current role and your uh your current role as a leader you need to be more conceptual for example of course there is a downside if you're overly conceptual people will start to think your mind is in the you know your head is in the cloud so to speak um and you know you may be missing uh the need or the opportunity to come up with concrete solutions in the moment you're already you're always thinking in two abstract terms so that's all that's always a bit of a risk if you're at the up at the upper end extreme high score on conceptual um the next dimension is what we call innovative that's probably exactly what you would be guessing it's your ability not real not your ability so much your interest in uh coming up with new ideas okay new solutions creative solutions so before we looked at conventional conventional was uh the degree to which you're willing uh to try out new things innovative is is you now generating the ideas and the solutions and how innovative are those solutions so here's some of the items from the questionnaire itself um i have highly original ideas i develop imaginative solutions i produce many ideas uh i produce a wide range of ideas so it's creative ideas and and basically you know being able to come up with numerous approaches to consider okay again this is something that we'd be very interested in if we're looking at your leadership effectiveness uh how conceptual you are and how innovative you are you know are you able to look at things in a different way in a unique way that can move issues forward okay the next dimension that we have is called variety seeking okay um and this is in some sense this is an indication of how comfortable you are with change if you are high on variety seeking as we have you know as we see here in the sample report um you like to be doing a lot of different things you like variety in your work and you perhaps even get bored easily that can be the downside um you might not like routine you know many jobs if not most do have an element of routine in them and if you're very high in variety seeking you may end up leaving some of those tasks tasks aside or not giving them sufficient attention or concentration okay but being high on variety seeking does mean that you're more open to change more open to your situation and the demands of your job changing over time if you're low on variety seeking if you're at this end of the scale one or two for example uh that means that you prefer things to be uh consistent from one day to the next one you to the next you don't like a whole lot of change okay but you're quite comfortable with routine so the people who are down here ones and twos for example um you know thrive in jobs where there's not much change where there's not much volatility um and they may actually have some difficulty if there's a lot of change going on the next dimension that we have uh is in english called adaptable okay now adaptable is not adaptable in terms of of change we've just talked about that adaptable is uh basically the degree to which you adjust your behavior to the circumstances that you're facing okay um so for example it could mean it could be when you are dealing with a uh you know different people you adjust your communication sky style um or it could be that when you're leading a team where there's a lot of diversity you adjust your leadership style according to the particular individual that you're leading dealing with um so that's really what adaptable is um the items under adaptable include things such as uh i behave differently depending on who i am with i change my behavior to suit the situation i behave differently with different people i act according to the situation now sometimes people when we talk about adaptable sometimes people say well look i i tended not to choose those items on the questionnaire because it looked like it looked like you were being uh fake that you were always adjusting your behavior you're not being your true self um and i can understand that i think that the way to think about this is that you are being compared to that benchmark group so you're not going to be the only one that thinks that way okay so being everyone has the same set of items so you're you're being scored relative to that large group of well over a thousand other indonesians so it does still give you some information about the degree to which you feel it's useful and perhaps even necessary to adjust your behavior to adjust your communication style and your leadership style to different situations and different people okay so let's go on to the next item the next item that we have is uh this next dimension i should say is forward thinking forward thinking and again this becomes an important element of leadership in terms of formulating strategy so forward thinking basically is the degree to which you take a long-term view on issues okay um if you're low on forward thinking you'll tend to focus more on so the day-to-day problems that come before you and if you're high on forward thinking you're you're planning much further into the future so some of the items can include i take a long-term approach i think well ahead i look to the future i set long-term objectives i plan well ahead so it's basically this this uh issue of planning and considering uh items in the longer term and as i mentioned for for leaders you know we probably want you to at least be at the upper end of the scale somewhere of course there can be a downside if you're too extreme here as with all of these scales sometimes those extreme scores do come with with possible with potential downsides and the downside here is that you might be ignoring uh more immediate problems because you're so focused on you know far far ahead into the future so just be careful with that the next dimension that we have is detailed consciousness in english detail consciousness and this basically is an indication of how organized you are do you attend to details do you you know are you or an organized person um if you're low on detailed consciousness uh you know people can probably will probably say that you have a disorganized messy workspace for example you may not attend to detail so much and if you're high on detailed consciousness you're much more organized and uh you know aware of of details the downside can be that if you're if you're so planful in your approach and you might end up being overly rigid so as situations change as needs change you know you might become too attached to your plans okay of course there's clear downsides at the other end of the scale if you are low on detailed consciousness you might miss important details right um so for example some of the sometimes we'd be looking at a combination uh between detailed consciousness and conceptual right we want you know if you're very high on detail consciousness it would be balanced out by a higher score and conceptual as well if you're low on conceptual and high end detail conscious that means that your your focus perhaps too much on immediate issues and the details surrounding those and you're really missing the big picture so take a look out for that okay the next dimension that we have is conscientious um and indonesia and this has a very particular meaning in the opq if you are high unconscientious it basically means that meeting deadlines uh meeting those sorts of work responsibilities is a priority for you if you're low on conscientious it means that you see deadlines as somewhat more flexible so you're willing to let you know certain deadlines uh go by because you see other work priorities as being more important and that doesn't bother you so much okay also there is the issue of people who are high on conscientiousness are really driven to complete tasks they want to get everything finished people who are low on conscientiousness may move away from an unfinished task when they see it having not as much value as it had earlier on okay so you can see there's there's upsides and downsides with both of those approaches some of the items uh on the questionnaire i get things finished i keep at tasks until completed i see jobs through to the end i meet deadlines i persist with tasks until completed i enjoy getting things finished okay and then the last dimension in the second broad group of dimensions is in english what we call rule following and rule following is the degree to which is it's important to you to follow rules and regulations and organizational procedures and policies that sort of thing and there are big cultural differences on this one okay uh in some cultures you will see that a lot of people will be low on rule following and other cultures will fall in is considered to be extremely important now i want to make an important point here if you're if you are low on rule following it does not mean that you're acting dishonestly or unethically that sort of thing it means that you see uh certain types of requirements and perhaps rules as being more flexible okay so your focus might be on achieving objectives and looking at you know certain requirements at least in a more flexible way people at the upper end of rule following they feel it's critically important to follow the rules and follow regulations and follow you know company procedures etc etc uh even if that means you know slowing things down perhaps or not getting the ideal outcome so it's basically where you prioritize uh the following of rules so here are some of the items i take care to follow rules i keep well within rules and regulations i take care not to break the rules i hate to break the rules i like to follow procedures okay okay so let's go down to the last large group of dimensions which is uh feelings and emotions and i'm actually going to talk about these first two dimensions together because they're easily confused so the first dimension that we see here uh sentai in english is relaxed the second dimension is whirring worry so the difference between relaxed the first one and worrying the second one is that relaxed refers to how uh at ease versus tense and wound up you are on a general day-to-day basis whereas the second dimension pinchemas or whirring refers to how anxious you become before a major or important event for example a you know a speech to the shareholders or or senior management okay so let me read some of the items for both of these that might become clearer to you so for the first dimension relaxed sentai uh i usually feel relaxed i find it easy to relax i am free from tension i am generally free from tension i rarely feel troubled i am calm so it's sort of how you feel on an ongoing day-to-day basis okay um worrying contains items such as i worry about important occasions i get nervous before big events i am tense before an interview i worry when important things are happening so this is really tied to specific tasks or situations or events okay and it's not uncommon for people to be both uh low and re relaxed okay so to be you know people that are fairly tense but also at the same time low and worrying and often when i ask people about that if they have that particular pattern um if they're low on both of these they will say yeah i tend to be a you know a pretty wound up tense person i bring work home with me every day it kind of goes around in my my head i don't get to sleep easy but i don't get particularly worried before a big speech or event or presentation because i prepare so much i make sure i really know what i'm going to say that there really is no reason to worry about my performance so sometimes we see that kind of difference there okay of course if you are tend to be uh very low and relaxed and very high on worrying uh we want to get you to think about what you need to do uh to to adjust better so that you're not feeling so much stress that's one indicator of stress in your job it's not very enjoyable if you're always feeling such you know high levels of anxiety so we want to be talking about that okay so the next dimension that we have uh in english is called tough-minded in bahasa indonesia it's quite mental and tough-minded basically means uh the degree to which uh you can handle or you can take criticism or negative feedback um the degree to which you're not easily offended okay so if you're low on tough-minded for example if you're a one or two um you tend to be a little bit more sensitive to what people say to you a little bit more sensitive to criticism if you're at the other end if you're at the high end of tough-minded it means that you you know don't take offense very easily okay things don't bother you what people say criticism does not bother you so some of the examples of items are i'm difficult to offend i'm hard to upset i easily cope with criticism i avoid taking criticism personally i'm unconcerned about what others say about me okay optimistic is exactly what you think it is it's the degree to which we tend to have a positive outlook on things you expect things will turn out well okay so nine or ten means that you're high on optimism uh one or two could be you you tend to expect negative things to happen you tend to be pessimistic but probably people who are doubt this and would see themselves as being realists okay now optimism can be important in leadership roles it can be important for leadership why is that well it's because having an optimistic leader having a leader with a positive attitude can actually be very motivating it can energize the team to have someone leading them who sees things in a positive way who expects the best however if you're an extreme score in optimism so we're talking about our nine or ten you do have to be careful that people don't see you as being unrealistic i've actually coached you know senior or one senior executive uh in the finance industry in particular who when i talked to him and then i also talked to his team they said yes he is very optimistic and he has a very positive attitude but sometimes it comes out to us his team members as him not fully understanding the seriousness of issues not understanding that the challenges that they're facing so you have to so even though while optimism can be a very positive characteristic if we are at the extreme on that we have to be a little bit careful that it's not read the wrong way at the same time being very low and optimistic um that can be demotivating discouraging for team members if the boss if the leader is always seeing things in a negative light okay uh so some of the items under optimism um i feel positive about the future i view things positively i feel the future looks particularly good i expect a positive outcome i like to think positively okay the next dimension that we have is called trusting uh i will actually try to say that trusting uh and if you're high on trusting that means you're very willing to feel and to show trust in people if you're one or two if you're at the other end of trusting it takes you more time to feel that sense and to express uh that sense of trust in others um and again trusting being at the the upper end can be very useful for leaders people can detect when you don't trust them and if you don't trust them they're probably not going to trust you and they're not going to feel a whole lot of loyalty to you um so if you show trust in your team that can again be very motivating however if you're at the extreme end of trusting you just have to be careful that people don't take advantage of you so you have to be a little bit vigilant at times okay um so some of the items that we have here are i trust people i believe people are generally honest i believe what people tell me i have faith in other people i feel people can be relied upon okay so the next dimension that we have uh is called uh emotionally controlled in english okay emotionally controlled and this is one where we see big cultural differences again but as i've said earlier uh in this case you're actually being compared to a large sample of indonesians so emotionally controlled if you're high on emotional control that means that you do not you tend to be a little bit guarded with your emotions okay you don't show a lot of anger you don't show disappointment you control your emotions basically and if you're low on emotional control you show your emotions very freely okay um there may be occasions where you show your emotions too much and so you can imagine there are upsides and downsides you know for being at either end of the of the scale and particularly if you are the opposite of what's generally uh accepted in the particular culture that you're working in um i'm not so sure about indonesian work culture but there are um some southeast asian cultures and east asian cultures where it's considered to be a virtue to manage your emotions to not show anger to to show a certain level of calmness and tranquility so if you're working in one of those cultures and you're at the other end of the scale you're showing a lot of emotion you're getting very upset you're getting very angry that can be a problem the on the other hand if you are very emotionally controlled that will typically also mean that you might not show enough positive emotion okay and that again can be a little bit demotivating for the team if you're a leader if you're not showing you know satisfaction you're not showing happiness uh in how things are progressing or how things are turning out that sort of thing again you're missing opportunities to motivate energize your team so give some thought to uh what is sort of the most comfortable and and the most appropriate sort of place on the scale for emotional control for you in your role and considering the people around you okay um and remembering that you are being compared to indonesians in general okay the next dimension that we're looking at is called vigorous indonesia and this basically means the how fast a pace do you like to work at so for example if you are high on vigorous you like to work in a fast-paced environment you like to multitask you like to be doing many things at once and you work at a very fast pace you enjoy that you get kind of a thrill from that if you're at the other end of the scale a one or a two on vigorous that means that you prefer a much slower paced environment you like the the luxury of being able to go from one task to another task at your own pace on your own time on your own schedule okay now sometimes when we see people with very low scores here on vigorous so showing a preference for a slow paced environment that can mean that the person is feeling very overworked they might even be approaching burnout and that is because uh this may actually be a way of expressing you know i wish i wish i worked in a slow-paced environment that is my preference unfortunately the place i work uh is very fast-paced it's too fast-paced it's too stressful there's too much going on and i'm feeling stressed out by it so a very low score can sometimes so can sometimes be an indicator or an early sign of burnout i'll talk about the next two uh scales or dimensions together the first one is competitive and the second one is achieving okay and competitive is exactly what you think it is it's basically you comparing yourself to others and wanting to be ahead okay that's if you're high on competitive and we also know people who are high on competitive personally also tend to be competitive in a business sense they want their company to to excel and win in the marketplace so they see things in competitive terms they see their work and their efforts in competitive turns uh people who are low on competitive aren't so comfortable in such environments they would you know prefer a more so cooperative or at least a non-competitive uh type environment okay and so some of the items here that we'd be looking at is i want to win i'm competitive i'm determined to win i dislike losing i enjoy competitive activities i thrive on competition okay so that real drive to win uh and win against others where you know be it other individuals or other companies competitors in the marketplace achieving is a little bit different in this case you're not comparing yourself to other people you're you're benchmarking or gauging yourself against your own target so someone who's high in achieving tends to set themselves very high uh goals and targets challenging targets um they also tend to be quite ambitious okay so they really want to move up the organization very quickly so it's basically you can these are independent you can be high on one and high on the other or high on one and low on the other okay but achieving is basically gauging yourself against your own internal uh targets so for example here are some of the items um i place great importance on career progression so there's an ambition item uh i see my career is extremely important i set high goals i am determined to do well i like demanding targets okay and typically leaders who set demanding targets for themselves and they have this achievement orientation so if they're at this end of the scale also set high targets challenging targets and goals for their team members um that can be a good thing but you just have to make sure that your your targets your goals are not only challenging but they're also realistic you don't want to be giving your team members goals that are impossible uh to achieve or you'll end up demotivating them and then the final uh the final dimension that we're looking at in this uh opq uh a set of 32 dimensions uh is called tegas decisive okay and this is decisive in the sense of uh how quickly do you make decisions okay do you take a lot of time to make decisions or do you make decisions very quickly now there can be um there can be upsides and downsides of being at each end of the scale so for example uh if you make decisions very quickly that can be good if you're working you know in the kind of situation where you need to deal with urgency however there's a danger if you're making decisions too quickly you're not uh you might not be involving enough people or considering enough factors so oftentimes when we're looking at decisive we might also look at other dimensions earlier on we might look at democratic for example to see if you are consulting people we might look at it data analysis as well so data irrational to see if you are um also doing some analysis before arriving at your decision so if you are doing very little consulting and you're doing uh very little analysis and you're making decisions very quickly that particular combination can be a bit worrying and we want to discuss that and think that through and think if that's something that uh you might need to reconsider you might need to work on obviously if you're at the other end of the scale indecisive if you take a lot of time to make decisions we might also again look at those two other dimensions the dimensions of uh democratic or consultative and data rational it could be that you're taking too much time to make decisions because you're consulting too broadly or you're doing too much analysis and you can't make decisions unless all the information is in so again you know if that was the case we'd want to spend some time looking at that and see if some adjustments need to be made uh you know across those areas okay so that's it for the uh opq profile report and we'll end the video here i will do a separate video to explain the other report the development action plan uh action planner um and also a video a brief video to explain how to prepare for your coaching session and what to expect from that session so we'll see you soon