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Bangladesh Supreme Court Ruling on Job Quotas and Subsequent Protests

the Supreme Court in Bangladesh has drastically scaled back a quota system for government jobs that sparked weeks of unrest and led to dozens of deaths previously about 30% of jobs were set aside for the families of veterans who fought in the country's war of independence it's not yet clear how the demonstrators will react to the new ruling which reduces that quota to just 5% the students had been Relentless in their demands they had been protesting for weeks against job quotas that blocked more than half of the government jobs for them the students had called this distribution discriminatory but now the country's top court has given a ruling that almost scraps the current quota system now 93% of the civil service jobs are open for graduating students but this decision has come at a huge cost the initial protests against a high court ruling that reinstate the Kota system were mostly peaceful but rights groups say in the last couple of days a heart cracked down by police and other Armed Forces turned the protests into deadly riots violence led to the death of more than 100 people mostly students they are firing openly three of the protesters are already dead a bullet hit the head of another one I just bought him to the hospital you see there are blood stains on my hand hospitals were fil with thousands of students the killings of so many people have left many devastated why are there so many dead bodies oh Allah forgive me what country do we live in the government say the killings will be investigated and now even though the main demand of the protesters has been recognized by the country stop Cod the students say they will not stop protesting till they get Justice For Those gu we're joined Now by tasim KH he is a Bangladeshi journalist who lives in Exile in malma Sweden from where he's joining us thanks for coming on anim does this scaling back of the reintroduction of the quota mean that the protests will end no Melissa not at all uh what I mean this whole crisis has moved beyond the demand for reforms in Quota in government jobs right now the protesters have Ved to go forward and continue uh their uh Street agitations their movement and they are demanding Justice for uh those they that have been killed in indiscriminate police firing and attacks by the ruling party I'm just curious uh why did this even come up with the idea of introducing such a quota in the first place well there are some historical uh context to it which is pretty uh long I'm not going to go into that but uh the quara system in Bangladesh specifically the one where uh government jobs uh Kushi government jobs are actually given handed out uh to The Descendants I mean uh children and grandchildren of people uh who fought in the Liberation war of Bangladesh that uh over the years uh became a two rule at the hands of the ruling a league uh for maintain a patronage Network it's h just by you know they want to sponsor and reward uh the cronies that are loyal uh to to the ruling party and that is exactly uh why the students uh the general students uh are actually calling this out and saying this is absolutely discriminatory and this is not acceptable in a democratic model Society so what impact might this decision have on the country politically particularly on prime minister shik hassa Melissa what has happened over the past few days is that a government has declared a war against its own people and we have seen I mean now we have seen footages of uh indiscriminate shelling and firing from helicopters for example I mean what happens in war zones uh I really don't think that Sheik's government has the legitimacy to continue uh the way it has been continuing for the last 15 years it is very hard to speculate what's going to happen next uh but I as a as a political analyst as a journalist I don't see how shikina can survive this crisis uh as the prime minister of Bangladesh and continue ruling the country tasim KH thank you so much for joining us thank you