Transcript for:
Intro to Knowledge Management (15.1)

if you're in Deca odds are you're either in debate or know someone who is being good at debate requires you to be good at Gathering tons of evidence you never know what your opponent might say and what you'll need to answer with so naturally High performing teams do a ton of research on these topics but not all debate teams actually organize this information in a way that makes it easy to access I mean if you're in a debate and looking for an argument on Chinese politics and all you can find is a bunch of stuff on American economics that's not going to be very useful this is an example of Knowledge Management the idea that information should be organized in a way that makes it easily retrievable by a user this is the first video in unit 15 Knowledge Management take a look at this breakdown which shows you how often this unit comes up on District State and international exams for each of the different clusters [Music] hello and welcome this is lesson 15.1 intro to Knowledge Management now let's get to work team in this video we'll first give you a brief definition of Knowledge Management then we'll get into the three types of Knowledge Management and the knowledge management process finally we'll talk about the benefits of Knowledge Management and the responsibilities of a knowledge manager the definition of Knowledge Management is pretty simple it's the process of organizing creating using and sharing knowledge within an organization when a chef knows exactly where each knife dish or utensils are in the kitchen they can cook more efficiently likewise knowledge has to be organized in a way that makes it readily available Knowledge Management Believe It or Not impacts several aspects of a company take a look at this graphic organizer which visually represents several of these components such as training and documentation now there are three types of Knowledge Management that we'll be talking about today explicit knowledge implicit knowledge and tacit knowledge explicit knowledge is knowledge that is easy to write down and share for example the information that you are learning right now watching this video is explicit knowledge things like FAQs instructions raw data and reports or other kinds of explicit knowledge this type of information is most often formalized documentation that is appropriate for doing a job making a decision or in this case informing an audience the second type of knowledge is implicit or applied which just refers to knowledge that you can apply to various situations you gain implicit knowledge by applying explicit information in real life it's hard to document this type of information but it can be incredibly useful if someone else's experiences are written down in a way that makes it easy for someone else to understand and learn from them for example an upperclassman might have told you the best way to prepare for exams in a particular class giving advice is a way of sharing implicit knowledge the last type of knowledge is tacit knowledge like implicit knowledge tacit knowledge is knowledge that you've gained through life experiences but it's intangible information that's really hard to explain it's kind of like something you just know without anyone telling you foreign languages are a great example the kind of Spanish you learn in the classroom isn't really the same Spanish spoken in Mexico but you wouldn't know that unless you visited the country and practice your espanol and Vivo now that we've covered the three types of knowledge let's go into the three steps of the knowledge management process these are knowledge creation knowledge organization and knowledge sharing the first step is knowledge creation which is when you acquire the knowledge the information itself can come from various sources either within the organization or outside the organization the next step is knowledge organization which is how the knowledge is made easily available to all those who need it this might mean giving your files titles other than document 1 underscore final draft underscore actually final draft dot doc or having a logical file organization structure on a shared server but knowledge organization also includes security information should only be accessed by authorized Personnel the third and final step is knowledge sharing which is how you share that organized information okay so that seems like Common Sense organize your information and keep it safe but in case you're not convinced there are a couple of benefits of Knowledge Management it lets you make faster decisions enhanced communication makes for more secure intellectual property and helps to organization run efficiently data Corp reported that Fortune 500 companies lose about 31.5 billion dollars every year because of a poor flow of information when employees spend five minutes looking for information that's five minutes they're not creating value for your business luckily a McKinsey Global Institute report concluded that a robust Knowledge Management System can reduce information search Time by 35 and increase productivity by at least 20 percent so well organized information saves you money and getting the information is only one part of the entire process you also need to be able to get knowledge to the people who need it when they need it to bring it back to debate our team has created a lot of cards on a lot of different debate topics over the lifetime of the team chances are if it's debatable we've created a card about it but we also face strict time restraints and competition so if we can't find the card quickly that information is useless all else to say the process of getting the information is what makes the information valuable in the first place but the question Still Remains how does this work in a company let's look at four concrete examples of how Knowledge Management can benefit a company these benefits are increased efficiency and productivity informed decision making decrease duplicate or outdated information and decrease company silos as those two studies mentioned good Knowledge Management increases efficiency and productivity think of about wasting time during a debate round trying to look for evidence you know your team is cut a Knowledge Management System aims to create a single reliable method of organizing information so people can find what they need without wasting time second Knowledge Management enables informed decision making decisions should always be based on already existing information and a company with transparent knowledge will enable each and every employee to make the best informed decisions next Knowledge Management reduces duplicate or outdated information some cards especially with evidence relating to politics or recent events need constant updating so say you find a variation of the evidence you're looking for except the entire argument is based on Trump being president that's not really what you're looking for which is why your information should be recent and reliable otherwise people will end up making decisions based on outdated information finally Knowledge Management prevents company silos a company Silo is when different divisions of the business work independently and don't share information or collaborate and you can imagine why this is a bad idea for a company imagine you and your debate partner don't share any evidence with each other that would be tragic a strong Knowledge Management System decreases the risk of company silos and ensures that different departments can effectively collaborate with each other now someone has to make sure that everything we discuss in this video actually plays out in a company that's the role of a knowledge manager to put it simply a knowledge manager is someone who makes sure that employees have access to the information they need to do their jobs properly and productively to do this they often set up software required for a company's particular Knowledge Management System knowledge managers are responsible for maintaining a culture of sharing information throughout the organization which is absolutely critical to making sure departments can work together and make the right decisions now that we've gone over all the content it's time to test your knowledge with a real Deco question pause the video and try to answer the answer is D sharing as we discussed knowledge sharing is the third step of the knowledge management process and it's essential to Foster collaboration among colleagues think back to the example of the debate Partners who don't share evidence with each other sharing knowledge is a critical aspect of working in a team whether that's in a debate round or in a corporate environment and here are the sources we use for this video feel free to check them out if you still have any questions alright that pretty much sums up less than 15.1 intro to Knowledge Management great work team we'll see you in the next video