Transcript for:
UN Cybersecurity Framework Overview

[Music] Norm's are one component of the United Nations Framework for Responsible state behavior in cyberspace the frameworks 11 peacetime norms that were adopted in 2015 set out eight positive steps that states should take and three actions states should avoid the A+ norms are cooperating to increase stability and security in cyberspace considering all relevant information in the case of cyber incidents preventing criminal and terrorist use of information and communications technologies respecting human rights including privacy online taking appropriate measures to protect critical infrastructure from cyber threats responding to reasonable requests for assistance from another state taking steps to protect the integrity of supply chains for ICT products and reporting ICT vulnerabilities in a responsible manner the norms also list activities that states should refrain from they are not knowingly allowing territory to be used to commit internationally wrongful acts using cyber tools not conducting cyber activities that damage the critical infrastructure of another country not harming another country's computer emergency response team or using a computer emergency response team to engage in malicious cyber activity all 193 UN member states have endorsed these norms including in UN General Assembly resolution 72 3 7 1 more information is it UN org slash disarmament / ICT - security or defect gov au / cyber affairs you [Music]