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Understanding the Kalam Cosmological Argument
Nov 13, 2024
Lecture Notes: The Kalam Cosmological Argument
Focus on the Kalam Cosmological Argument by William Lane Craig.
Originates from the Kalam School of Philosophy, similar to medieval arguments.
Aimed at challenging atheist naturalism by establishing a cause for the universe.
Requirements for Cosmological Argument
: Argument must be logically valid.
Use of Weak Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR)
: Avoids strong PSR which involves regresses.
Conclusion Incompatible with Atheist Naturalism
: Must challenge the naturalist worldview.
Kalam Cosmological Argument
Premise 1
: Everything that begins to exist has a cause.
Premise 2
: The universe began to exist.
: Therefore, the universe has a cause.
: Analogous to the logical structure of "All men are mortal, Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates is mortal."
Weak PSR
: Used in Premise 1; avoids discussion of regresses.
Incompatibility with Atheist Naturalism
A cause must be distinct from its effect.
Atheist naturalists assert only the universe exists.
A cause suggests existence outside the universe, conflicting with atheism.
Defense of the Argument
Craig focuses on defending Premise 2.
Support for Premise 2
Philosophical Arguments
: Notably unsuccessful.
Scientific Confirmations
Laws of Thermodynamics: Energy equalization implies a beginning.
Big Bang Cosmogeny
: Critical for supporting Premise 2.
Universe began 13.8 billion years ago from a singularity.
Big Bang supports the universe having a finite past.
Importance of Big Bang
Big Bang confirmed by background radiation.
Suggests the universe had a beginning.
Craig suggests God caused the Big Bang.
Evaluation of Cosmological Arguments
Cosmological Push
: Term coined to describe the indeterminate outcome of the argument.
Big Bang caused by God vs. Big Bang uncaused.
No consensus on whether Big Bang was the universe's beginning.
Alternative Models
Oscillation model: Big Bang followed by Big Crunch.
Multiverse theories.
Singularity as potentially eternal.
Scientific Consensus
Big Bang is a scientific consensus.
Disagreement on whether it marks the absolute beginning of the universe.
Modified Premise 2
: "The Big Bang was the beginning of the universe as we know it."
Changes the conclusion to align with atheist naturalism.
Cosmological Push
: Intuition-based decision on interpretation of the Big Bang.
Uncaused Big Bang vs. uncaused God.
Both interpretations involve one uncaused entity.
Each interpretation is equally "weird" to different perspectives.
Purpose of Cosmological Arguments
Not necessarily to prove a higher power.
Useful for understanding points of disagreement and refining intuitions.
Next Steps
Upcoming topics include design arguments and the problem of evil.
Note: Fine-tuning arguments will not be covered this semester.
Next lecture will cover analogical reasoning leading into Paley’s arguments.
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