Mengungkapkan Pendapat dan Permintaan

Aug 5, 2024

Catatan Kuliah: Ungkapan Meminta dan Memberikan Pendapat


  • Video ini membahas ungkapan meminta dan memberikan pendapat.
  • Dilengkapi dengan contoh percakapan di akhir materi.

Arti dari Ungkapan

  • Expressions: Ungkapan
  • Asking for: Meminta
  • Giving: Memberikan
  • Opinions: Pendapat

Asking for Opinions (Situasi Informal)

  1. What do you think about...?

    • Contoh: "What do you think about my new look?"
    • Arti: Apa pendapatmu tentang...
  2. What's your opinion on...?

    • Contoh: "What's your opinion on this matter?"
    • Arti: Apa pendapatmu tentang...
  3. How do you feel about...?

    • Contoh: "How do you feel about studying at home while pandemic?"
    • Arti: Bagaimana perasaanmu tentang...
  4. Any comment about...?

    • Contoh: "Any comment about my new haircut?"
    • Arti: Ada komentar tentang...
  5. What about...?

    • Contoh: "What about going to the beach on weekend?"
    • Arti: Bagaimana dengan...

Asking for Opinions (Situasi Formal)

  1. Would you give me your opinion on...?

    • Contoh: "Would you give me your opinion about my last project?"
    • Arti: Bisakah Anda memberikan pendapat tentang...
  2. What is your opinion about...?

    • Contoh: "Sir, what is your opinion about the students?"
    • Arti: Apa pendapat Anda tentang...
  3. What's your view on...?

    • Contoh: "What's your view on banning handphone at school?"
    • Arti: Apa pandangan Anda mengenai...
  4. Please give me your opinion.

    • Contoh: "Mom, please give me your opinion which measure I should choose."
    • Arti: Tolong berikan pendapat Anda.

Giving Opinion Phrases

  • I think: Saya pikir
  • In my opinion: Menurut pendapat saya
  • I personally believe that: Secara pribadi saya yakin bahwa
  • As far as I know: Sejauh yang saya tahu
  • If you ask me: Jika kamu bertanya padaku

Contoh Percakapan

Contoh 1: Larangan HP

  • Andy: "Have you heard about our school's plan to ban smartphones at school?"
  • Lisa: "What's your opinion about it?"
  • Andy: "In my opinion, it's fair."

Contoh 2: Tas Baru

  • Lisa: "What do you think about my new bag?"
  • Andy: "If you ask me, I feel that bag is nice."

Contoh 3: Rencana Liburan

  • Rosa: "What do you think if we plan a vacation on this weekend?"
  • Lisa: "I think it's a good idea. What about going to the beach?"


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