Transcript for:
How to Make a Battlegrounds Game - Lecture Notes

yo what's good with Y in today's video I got the how to make a Battlegrounds game um so if you guys remember if you recall I should say um you guys know I did the strong I've been doing like the how to make the strongest Battleground you I did the part one showing how to make the overall game well at least you know some parts of it and then I show you guys how to do other stuff so pretty much um that series is it's kind of it's not necessarily ending but it's being a little it's being like it's been turned to it's been changed you know like it's just going to be a little different if that makes sense like I'm still going to like pull stuff from the strongest Battlegrounds and other Battleground Games you guys suggest and I'll show you guys like I have the weapon character I'm working on that that'll be the next not next video but one of my future videos and stuff the weapon characters and stuff I pretty much reworked the entire Battleground system I had made before cuz you guys know before it was like what like almost 200 lines of code this one is like like 110 lines it's 110 lines broken up four different scripts and it's just it's way easier to read organized is just generally its functionality is better so this was the part one of how to make a Battlegrounds game and stuff I'll mainly be basing it off of the strongest Battlegrounds that's a Battlegrounds game I play and stuff but yeah let's go ahead and get straight into the video okay so first things first we got to make a we honestly have to make a lot of stuff before we actually get into the actual scripting so first things first you guys know in Battleground Games or at least in the strongest Battlegrounds you have your spawn locations you have multiple spawn points where players can spawn let's go ahead let's go ah and set those up if we click model at the top and then we click spawn right we can create a spawn location right so if we duplicate this by having it by having it selected and then press controll D or home and then duplicate right you do that do that three times so we can have four spawns I mean it's up to you however many spawns you want right so you can place them wherever you want I'm going just spread them out a little bit right and then of course you can name them you can of course uh you know just add a little number or something feel what I'm saying like location two oh three and four right then we're going to of course need a remote event so let's insert a remote event replicated storage and then we're going to call set remote event core event right normally I would have put the folders here but for security purposes we're going to keep the character folders inside of server storage which I will get into okay so next we're going to create our character folder right so we can insert a a folder into server storage you guys want to name this characters naming is very important make sure you name everything exactly the same as I do unless you know what you're doing because name is very important so you want to name the characters and you're going to want to insert a folder inside of set folder and you're going to want to put the name of your character so but I'm going with the format of just character one character two character character one character two and character three right so I'm have character one right then inside of character one I'm going to insert another folder right and then I'm going to call call this skill one right you know or ability one you know what I'm saying so then inside of it you're going to insert an animation you guys just saw I typed animation and then you're going to insert a sound right and then you you're going to leave you don't need to change the names all you're going to do is insert a um what's sorry you're going to insert an ID where is the ID right there so your sound ID you would put it right here just drop that in you drop the number in press enter boom it would do that for you obviously see there is no sound with that ID but yeah and then save animation just throw your animation ID in there right don't change the names and that's all you would need to do right um oh there is one more thing I want to say um I'm not going to do this but I'm just showing you generally uh how this will work in the system so say if you have a Game Pass character like if a character that has a game pass and stuff and like the players like you want it so that the players have to own a game pass to be able to um use a character you would want to insert a value a um uh what's it called a actually you know what I'm going show you guys later I'm going show you guys when I get to the actual code I don't remember specifically what it was called I think it's called Game Pass like I think all you have to do is insert a number value into the character and then name it Game Pass ID and then you insert then the ID of like the uh Game Pass ID here and then you would just check to make sure the player owns The Game Pass now if you don't now if you don't want the character to like be like you know like blocked by like needing a Game Pass don't insert the Game Pass ID number value that's only if you want the player to have to own the game pass to use the player I mean use the character but yeah so once you've done that you can duplicate this you know do it three time or yeah and then get changes to skill oh sorry not skill four skill two skill three and then you guys can change the animations instead of the skills and the sound effects as well you know have their own specific ones then you guys can duplicate this control d contr d then of course change this to character 2 character three right and boom just like that we have our character folders set up right so once we're done there we can really just close that out then we can go ahead and set up the starter GUI so let's insert a screen GUI into starter GUI you guys already know that um there's a couple things we got to set up here the UI will take a little second not going to lie so we can name it character selector gy right and then we're going to insert a local script and then we're going to name this script core script in parentheses put local let scroll up you guys can see the name right then we're going to come back to the script we're not going to touch it just yet I'm then going to insert a button a text button right and then I'm going to name said button drop down button then I have some properties here uh you guys just simply copy just copy the property I have if that's what you want you can put the button and everything else wherever you want it but I'm just saying if you want it to just like mine and here is everything so first we have the button this is the position so I'm going to set the position so boom we want it to be at the top right um oh also uh some properties here so one make sure you check ignore gy nois so it goes to the top and then uh or GUI in GUI insect yeah yeah and then also disable reset on spawn right but yeah so you want to set the position to that then you want to make sizing 32 by 32 so let me take out the size part right and boom right and then like you'll actually be able to see it like when I actually like click play but right so set the sizing to that um as for the properties we can go ahead and just you can really do whatever you want like these property it doesn't honestly matter so I'm going to say text skills Rich Text Bolder text uh you can make this just a c you know yeah like just to see really um I believe how did I do this before I think I think I did it like this like I'm trying to get the color I want the color to match cuz you guys know how in like the strongest B for example the color match like the other other one so I'm trying to get it to like match this one oh wait I can't never mind I cannot see it uh let me see where did it go let's see where did it go 0.080 okay let me see let me try lowering it down and see what okay there we go okay so I guess we'll just change the positioning of it so like zero points or maybe just make it zero okay yeah yeah or maybe more like 0.1 or 0.05 uh three 01 yeah okay there we go so that's perfect okay so change the positioning of the button to actually this instead let me just uh let me update this right so you want to change it to this instead I don't know why it's different but anyway it doesn't really matter so um change the positioning to this right for the button you can see what I'm going to do is I'm going to edit it while I'm like this is actually that's honestly uh what's it called is useful to do you can edit it while you're playing so you can see the changes happen you know while you're playing and then you can just copy and paste the button and then just delete the old one and stuff and I'll show you guys what I mean exactly so if we want the color to match uh what I think that's like so like I guess we could do like black and then make the transparency like 0.5 yeah yeah yeah something like that and then uh we would change the text color to white and then yeah yeah that pretty much yeah okay so simply just select the drop down button click copy right then stop playing then stop the game obviously your changes didn't save so delete the old button then you can paste then you can paste the new one boom there we go right so once we have our new job down once we have a new drop down button right we can then go ahead and insert a UI corner I mean this is optional so this up to you guys but yeah we can insert a UI Corner into it I'm going just leave that as is then I'm going to um what's it called insert a frame I'm going to name this drop down frame right then I'm going to also insert a or I'm going to insert a UI grid layout into it uh the properties for the frame let's go ahead let's do properties of the frame then properties of UI grid layout so for the frame assuming it still still works the same as before here's what I'm going to do I'm going to do it like this so the that's the position positioning of the frame then for the size here's the sizing boom and oh yeah actually the sizing isn't change when the default sizing then for the UI grid layout um padding is 0 I think that's this yeah I think that's Thea yeah yeah actually everything is the same for the UI grid layout except for the cell size y value so just change that to 30 right then for the drop down frame you guys can make this they can make the background transparent so background transparency is equal to one then we're going to go ahead and insert text buttons right insert your text button um you can customize it to your however way you want it um I guess I'm just going to go the same way I did it I guess maybe I just do the same thing I did like up there like yeah so 0.5 um background color transparency you're going to want to name this you want to name this you want to make sure that the name corresponds to the name of um oh sorry sorry the name doesn't matter the text matters so we could just name this just so we can you know keep everything together we could say character one button right now the text you want to make sure we can bold it and scale it you want to make sure the text corresponds with the name of the character inside the folder right so oh actually change hold on put a space in between yeah yeah sorry I actually forgot put a space between the character and then the word character and the number the character okay so you're going to Simply put uh you you want the uh text to match up with the name of the character inside of the the character folder so we're going to say character one right that looks right then I'm going make text Rich uh White font right um and then I'm going also insert a UI grid layout I mean sorry not UI gr UI corner right so we can duplicate that and throw that in there and then boom just like that we are almost done actually so what I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate the button or wait actually Hold On by default actually yeah yeah hold on so by default so by default I'm sorry it there a lot of stuff to remember not going but anyway so by default we want to set all the transparencies equal to zero I mean equal to one we're going to set them equal to zero via the script so say so set text transparency equal to one and then set background transparency equal to one right and then you're going to want to just duplicate this so contr d contr d then of course just update you know just changed everything so character 2 character two do the same thing with the um you know the third one and then character 3 but I believe that should be everything it's just lot of not lie lot stuff to remember off to my head anyway now get into the actual scripting everything I actually do remember okay so let's get into the scripting so scripting let me make sure I'm still good okay I am so we're going to delete print hello world I'm going to create a couple of variables actually first we're going to get our services so let's get the user input service let's say local uis is equal to game get service user input service then I'm going to get the twen service I'm going say local yes is equal to game get service TW service then I'm going to put a space in between and I'm going to get the core mode event so I'm going to say local core event is equal to game that replicated storage wait for child core event then I'm going to get the local players I'm going to say local player is equal to game. players. local player then I'm going to create a variable for the GUI so I'm going to say local character selector GUI is to script. parent remember we put the script directly inside the GUI right then I'm going to set up about I think it's like three functions right I'm set up three functions on the script so first things first I'm going to set up the function for when a player uh is trying to open up the character s menu like when they want to see the character buttons so I'm going to say character selector GUI that drop down button that Mouse button one click connect function you want to say want put close parentheses enter then I'm going to say if character selector GUI that dropdown button. dropdown frame. character one button. background background transparency is equal to one then let say for I I'm say 4 I comma V and pairs I'm say character selector gy get or sorry character s GUI drop down button. dropdown frame and then I'm going to say get children I'm going to set up a so I'm going say if V is a text button just got to make sure it's a text button if it is is I'm going set the TW I'm going to say local open tween is equal to TS create V the instance right then comma twen info uh I cannot spell new for some reason T info new um I made the duration one second but it's up you guys however long you want it right so comma then nm. eing style linear and nm. eing Direction out and then comma we're going to create a property table so I'm going so going to say special brackets oh sorry put a comma in between the parentheses then create special brackets we're going to create a table so I'm going to first change the text transparency and the background transparency or not first but that's what I'm going to do and so because you guys remember I said to make sure that's set to one by default so I'm going to say text transparency is equal to zero and background transparency is equal to 0.5 right then I'm going to place that tween then I then we need to do the else if for when it's closing great news we can simply just copy and paste this let's go let's go right here press enter then just do elseif and then L just copy everything after if like above it right you're going want to copy all of that then put a space contrl V boom right then you're going to Simply change this to background transparency is equal to let me think let me think let me think oh is wait one okay yeah so if background transparency is equal to 0.5 yeah yeah so background transparency is equal to 0.5 we're going to change this back to one this back to one set this to in right and then simply just update the names to close TW and then just like that we are done we done with the first function very simple so then moving on to the second function which is honestly yeah honestly that was the more lengthy function on the entire scpt to be honest with yall then I'm use a far Loop to set set up when a PA when a character tries to uh select a character so I'm going say for I com pairs character selector GUI drop down button drop down frame get children just like we did up there then I'm going to say if V is a text button right if V is a text button then V that Mouse button click connect function close parenthesis enter then you're going to say core event fire server in quotation marks you're going to put character select that's the name of the event right then you're going to also uh as as the first argument you're going to pass over the name I mean the the text in uh text button which is remember that should be the name of the character then on to the last function on the script I'm going to set up for when a player tries to use a skill I'm going to say uis or sorry u. input again connect function right let me scroll down a little bit function let say input input processed right into I'm going to say if input let say if input. user input type is equal to nm. user input type. keyboard and process is equal to false enter and I'm going set up a long if statement I'm going to say if input. key code I'm setting it up for all four so if input. key code is equal to nm. key code. one cuz you guys know us goes off us goes 1 2 3 4 if you just want your game have one leave one if you want if you wanted to have two three do two three like yeah then you're going to say and then you could just copy and paste this or sorry not and sorry or and then you just copy and paste this boom boom boom and put it then at the end when you're done then just change them so for this uh this is two this three and then this is four delete the or right there and then boom right and then I'm going to fire their what event I'm going to say core event fire server marks put skill the name of the event then I'm going to send over uh the key the name of the key B we press so input. key code. name so it'll either come out as one two three or four not the number but it'll come out as the word a string value and just that guys we are done with the local script now we can move on to the leader leader stats right everything else we handle on the server side so we are now going to set up a leader stat script um you guys know in games how the batt games they have kills um which is how many kills you have in the server and then you have total kills which is the total amount of kills you've had which means it's saved which means you need to use data stores so to use data Stores um make sure data stores are enabled click game settings go to security you want to enable Studio access API services and make sure it saves and you can publish and everything right so let's go ahead and insert a server script into server script service we are going to name set script leader stats script right enter you can delete print hello world then you're going to create just one variable we're going to get the kills that store so we're going to say local kills data store is equal to game get service I'm going to do that get service data store service then I'm going say get data store kills data store right let me just double check I Know video going to be it's going to be a minute I already know then I'm going to set up a function for the players join we got to set some things up we got to First create a leader stats folder so we can put the amount of kills they have and total kills in there and then we need a current character this is how we're going to keep track of what character the player currently has so I'm going to say game. players. player added connect function connect function right andenes you're going to want to put plr short for the player press enter then I'm going create a variable for the leader set folder I'm going say local leader let say leader stats is equal to instance. new older parent that to the player I'm say leader stats. name is equal to leader stats then I'm going to create the kills how many kills they have in the server so local kills is equal to instance. new number value parent this to the leader stats folder you're going to say kills. name kills then kills. value isal to Zero by default then I'm going to set up the to amount of total kills they have so local total kills is equal to instance. new number value parent to leader stats as well and then you're going to do the same thing name is equal to Total kills then total kills that value by default be set to zero and then lastly you're going to create the current character string value so you're going to say local current character is equal to instance. new string value this time you're going to parent it to the player and then you're going to say Cent current character that name is equal to current character then you're going to say current character. value you're going to set the value equal to whatever the default character is in your game like for so for my game it' be character one all right so whatever character you want people to start out with but obviously they could change they could change the character but I'm just saying this is what they're going to start up with then we'll set up a protected call function so we can uh so we can load we can load players data so I'm going to say local success comma error message is equal to P sorry pcal function all right close parentheses enter then I'm going to set I'm going to set up two variables first I'm going to set up the key so local key I like to use player's user ID you can't change user ID you can change the username so I wouldn't recommend using a username I'm to say user ID then I'm going to set up a variable for the data so local data is equal to kills that is store get a sync you're going to put the key inside right and then you're going to if St you're going to say if data then total kills. value is equal to data regular bracket one which just refer to the first value within the the data set right then I'm going to set up a while loop I'm going to say while not six while not six what wait wait what's the issue oh while not sucess weird wait what is the issue I'm confused oh oh sorry sorry sorry make sure you go on the outside okay okay make sure you go on the outside so in between these two ends so you want to say wow success right enter you're going to say Tas that wait 3 seconds right and then you're you're going to do the same thing so just copy and paste this whole thing contrl C control V this is simply just to make sure that whatever you're trying to do it's going to be done like the player may have to wait a little bit if if there's any errors and stuff because especially with like saving data loading data there could be errors so of course this is just to ensure that they may have to wait a little but it's going to work so yeah then I'm going to set up the function for the player leav so data saving essentially so I'm going to say game. players. player moving connect function and parentheses plr just like we did up there press enter then you're going to set up a you're going to set up a pcal stra from the top you're going to say local success comma error message is equal to P function close parenthesis enter you're then going to set a variable for the key like we did up there it's equal to player. user ID then you're going to set up a data table so data table is equal to special brackets right and then you're going to save your data by saying insert the table then the value make sure you're okay so when you're loading data you need to load data in the order you save the and the vice versa so since like I'm only I'm only loading one piece of data because it's just you know I'm only loading one value the amount of total kills that a player has but if I was saving like kills then it would be data regular bracket 2 after and it would have to be after and then I would save kill regular kills after not before or if that makes sense right I have a video video on data saving anyway so I'm going to say data table I'm going to say data table and then I'm going to say player do leader stats regular bracket quotation marks total kills cuz remember there's a space in between and then oh wait actually I forgot to actually put that there uh make sure you put a space well you don't have to it's up to you but I'm saying when it appears on the leaderboard you would probably want it to be have a space yeah so player leader stats total kills right and then you're going to want say that value right and then oh yeah I forgot the wait I'm so confused what is going on table. insert player leue what is the issue I'm so confused oh I did on okay did on out side so dot value boom okay there we go right then after that you're simp going to say kills data store set a sync go the key in there and then the data table right and then boom just like that we have set up uh wait actually wait no sorry actually forgot actually forgot something not GNA lie what did I oh sorry forgot the while so go on the outside just like we did up there we're going to say while not success do task. wait 3 seconds right then I'm going to copy and paste this crl + C contrl + V and boom just like that we done with the leader stats right moving through this pretty fast honestly then on to the core script for the server it literally has less than 50 lines of code it's be very simple insert a server script and then the Mod script has like what it's like 40 like no I definitely made it it's easier to read it's it's a lot less you're going to name this core script I don't know why that oh was cuz it published anyway so cor script server right so server then I'm going to delete print hello world I'm going to create two variables first I'm get the sound service or sorry we actually don't need the sound service I'm going to get the marketplace servers that's the only service we need so local NPS is equal to game get Service Marketplace service right this is the check to make sure that just in case this is only needed if your game has Game Pass character if your game if your game have of Game Pass characters or any type of Dev products you don't need the marketplace service right then I'm going to get the core mode event local core event is equal to game storage for job core event then I'm going to create a variable for the character folder so I'm going say local character folder is equal to game server storage for child characters right or should should I character folder I wonder character folder instead instead of characters yeah yeah let's actually change the name let's do character folder so change the name to character folder or characters uh let's do characters folder or okay just do character folder just do character folder yeah yeah I'm going do like that then make you update the name there boom right then I'm going to create a module script inside I'm throw a module script inside of this right so I'm wait actually hold on I'm trying to think core events core mode event the C fold okay yeah so what I'm going to do is I'm going to insert a module script into the core script I'm going to insert boom to plus icon module script you're going to want to name the module script combat script is going to handle the combat stuff so combat script right and then you're simply going to say local combat you can say combat script or combat module up to you combat module is equal to require script. combat script right and then I'm going to say core event. on server event next function in parentheses put plr sh for the player then name the events ARG one oh sorry come on ARG 2 I enter I'm G to I don't I honestly don't even think I mean well actually no we don't even need argument we only need AR one CU we only sent I I believe only sent one piece of information over Qui yeah yeah okay anyway um just okay good so then moving on we're going to set the first event but before we do that let's go ahead and create a variable for the Player's character let's say local character is equal to player do character right then I'm going say if event type is equal to quotation marks character select right enter then I'm going to say loc oh sorry we need to have another if statement inside up to the if statement we need to make sure the player's Health you know if you want your game to have this but usually most Battleground in game have for like you have to be full health to change characters so characters can't be so people can't be switching characters midf fight so if character. humanoid do health is equal to character. humanoid Max Health right enter you're going to say local you're going to say local character name is equal to argument one name when I okay just to just to like clear this up right just to clarify something when I say character name I'm not referring to the player's character right CU if I wanted the character's name like the actual player character's name I would say character. name that's not what I'm referring to I'm referring to the name of the character they're trying to select in this case character one right character one just to clarify that right so so after do that I'm going to say player load character that's how you refresh the player's character then it means before I lo here's how I'm going to randomize their spawn so they spawn in a random place on the map so I'm say 4 IV and here's where the spawns come into place workspace get children enter you're then you're then going to say if V is a um spawn location right if V is a spawn location then going to say local number is equal to math. random one two however many total spawn locations you have since I have four I'm going to put four right but one shouldn't change you're going to say if v. name is equal to spawn location dot dot dot number right then enter you're going to say player or sorry not player character you're going to say character you're going to see character move to the dot position or car or you could pivot them to the C frame whichever one works for you really honestly then after this 4i Loop so we're going to move on from this after this 4i Loop you're then going to do another one actually you're going to say or I comma VM pairs you're going to say character say character folder get children enter let's go down a little bit right so then I'm going to say if v. name is equal to character name right make sure character name not character D name and here's where the Game Pass comes into play and not V fine first child Game Pass ID right this is to make sure that the that it's not a game pass character if it's not a game pass character then this will proceed I'm going to set up LF statement show you guys like how to do it if there is a Game Pass character then you're simply going to say player. current character do value is equal to character name right then set up El St you're going to say elsf then you can L just copy and paste this so contrl c contrl v then this time you're simply just going to say and Vine first child which means that there is it is a Game Pass character and you're add you're also going to add one more thing you're going to say this is how you check to make sure the player owns the game pass so MPS owns user owns Game Pass um async you're going to say player. user ID comma then v. Game Pass ID do value remember it's supposed to be a number value and the value of said number value is going to be the Game Pass ID right so yeah that's how you would check and then yeah wait actually hold on yeah okay okay so yeah so we're done with that event we can then move on to the second event that was that's actually the longest event on on the server side because it's actually just one more yeah it's only just one more event I'm going to say Els event type is equal to skill enter right I'm going to say local skill number is equal to argument one right then I'm set St say if player. current character a lot of copying and pasting we're going to be doing which makes our job a lot easier honestly current character. value is equal to character remember the name of the character inside of the folder so character so character one you're going to say combat module dot oh sorry we need to set those up actually I second that okay so um okay so I guess what I'll do is I will okay we're going to take a pause cuz um there's about seven more lines of code to add to this event we're going to switch over to the we're going to switch gears and go to the combat module so we can set this up right then we're going to come back okay so the combat module script Tak like take us like literally like two maybe two minutes to set up okay so let's change the name we're going to we're going to change this to combat module right then I'm going to rename this let's go ahead and put a space in between um we're going to get the character folders so we're going to say so no let's save ourselves some time let's go up here copy paste this crl + C put that at the top contrl + V right then I'm going to create a function right I'm going to say combat I'm going to say comat module dot character one is equal to function sorry I always do I always do false by mistake by anyway function you're going to say player comma skill number enter right then I'm going to say local character one folder is equal to characters so the character folder right then you're going to say regular brackets the uh the name of the character I mean yeah the name of the character so character you're going to say character one because this is character one right because each attack will be you know different for each character so we can't have like just one function that handles all the character cuz you know each ability is different like some are some are projectiles some are weapons some are punches so you like yeah you can't have one universal thing then going to get this skill folder so skill folder is equal to character folder regular bracket you're going to say skill go on the outside you're going to say dot dot dot and then you're going to say you're going to put skill number right then the finish this upep we're going to get the animation and sound and play them so local animation I'll go more depth in how to do attack stuff in part two or part three of the series right then we'll say local animation is equal to play oh sorry is equal to player player. character right humanoid load animation then you're going to want to do skill folder sorry skill folder do animation right then you're going to want the same thing so contrl c contrl v rename this to sound and then simply just going to do sound or sorry actually you you actually don't need to do all that you actually don't need to do all that you're simply going to just retrieve the sound so uh you're just going to do skill folder. sound that's all you got to do and then you're just going to say animation play sound play right very simple very simple then just copy and paste the whole function so contrl + c contrl v control+ v then change this to character 2 change that to character two change that to character 3 and that to character 3 right it's that simple and we are almost done guys we go back on to the server script and now we can finish this function so we're going to set if now we're going to say if player. current character do value is equal to car sorry character one all right enter you're going to say combat module. character One You're simply going to send over the player and then the skill number right and now we can just copy and paste this in and do the same thing two more times so contrl + C contr V contrl + v um you want to add an else if to this right move that over move that down I should say so else right move that over and then of course just change this to character 2 character 3 and change this to character 2 and character three right then I guess move them over just so you know they're all in the same position and boom just that guys we are this is part one of how to make a Battlegrounds game um let's go ahead and test to make sure everything works as always if you guys don't access to any of my scripts or models you guys can become either a channel member or a Discord subscriber links to either one of those options can be found in the description thank you to all my channel members and Discord subscribers I appreciate all youall for all anyway let's go ahead and test okay so if I open up players well you guys see we have kills total kills there at the top so if I click current character you guys see it by default is character one so if I okay you guys see it opens it opens and closes fades in fades in now looks real nice so if I click character 2 My Player refreshed you guys see I am now character 2 and character 3 right um oh well looks like there is an issue skill oh oh I didn't even think about D I didn't think about see just why I be testing stuff okay so I forgot it's a set the damn okay I forgot okay um how do I want to fix this let's see let's it' be a lot of work to convert when I could instead just change okay here's what we're going to do we're going to change this okay so simply instead of it being the number for the skill you want it to be the word of the number if that makes sense so instead of skill number one just put skill then the word one and then the and then the vice versa for the rest of them it's like I could leave the folders as is and then just convert and then just really just convert um convert the value convert the string value to a number value pass that through that' be I don't know I just feel this is unnecessary I forgot it's for not g lie okay I this a lot of unnecessary work so I'm just going to leave that as is okay so if I join the game right if I press one okay there's no errors but obviously nothing is happening and stuff right like yeah nothing is happening but you guys we're going to set that up in future videos If you guys enjoyed uh part one of this series and stuff definitely let me know in the comments leave a like And subscribe to let me know you enjoyed and stuff and I definitely got you with a part two and stuff if this video gets a you know enough love and stuff like that oh if you guys need help but anything I know people a lot of people are going to need help cuz people always be getting confused with the strongest Battleground videos and stuff so definitely join the Discord server link is in the description we got over a th000 members just for sure join thank you guys for watching I'll see you guys in the next video