Jesus was empowered by the spirit to do the ministry he did that's all through the Gospels it always says full of the spirit's power Jesus did this fill of the spirit's power he healed many all that right Jesus was full of wisdom and knowledge by the Holy Spirit that's Isaiah 11 2 2 to three Jesus spoke only the words given him by the spirit okay it says that Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of the holy spirit so wouldn't it be great if we had the same Spirit living in inside us guiding and empowering and giving us words to say or not say it would be oh wait we do we do Yeah we actually do see we don't think of that and so that little kid braining me is still there like well Jesus of course lived this way he's God he's Jesus but the truth is how did he do it scripture is super clear he came as a man and I I use this term it's like with his deity veiled it was still completely true of him but he chose to come and take on the nature scripture says of a servant a slave but then how did he live this perfect sinless life and full of power and wisdom all by the work of the Holy [Music] Spirit welcome to the everyday disciple podcast where you'll learn how to live with greater intentionality and an integrated faith that naturally fits into every area of life in other words discipleship as a lifestyle this is the stuff your parents pastors and Seminary professors probably forgot to tell you and now here's your host Caesar Kalinowski he my brother here we go the Holy Spirit episode wow huh I know this is like this should be like an eight-part Journey or something there's so much to get to the often forgotten yet everpresent Holy Spirit yeah right and we we have I'm sure some of our listeners have heard it said it's like the the Holy Spirit part of the Trinity right super common for some Churches it's not that way yeah often he's kind of like the weird Uncle of the Trinity like we don't quite know what to do with him he just shows up on a while says some weird stuff we're kind of waiting for him to get out of here you know like it's like so I actually grew up in a church where it was there was a lot of talk about the Holy Spirit but it wasn't always in real sane ways yeah sure like some of it was kind of Shazam you know like kind yeah a little Presto you know he's kind of more like Aladdin yeah it was kind you know and so today I think we we're going to talk a little bit about the reality of of the Holy Spirit uh this person and and we're going to talk uh a little about what he does and what he doesn't do and uh and by the way you know right up front see I'm using I'm using a a a male pronoun sure is that is that the right one yeah um but you know what check this out to be accurate we would always refer to the Holy Spirit as she because in Hebrew it's a feminine pronoun isn't that something right so for our listeners that that never knew that don't get a chip with me go bust out some Hebrew look it up um feminine pronoun so it's probably more accurate if we say she I probably will revert to he in my conversations today with you Heath because I'm so used to saying that um but yeah isn't that interesting and it makes kind of sense because a father sends a son to take a bride and have many offspring the church you know it's all amazing anyway so actually I have this talk I give on um the feminine nature of God because God created us in His image and created both men and women to be able to accomplish that right so that maybe that's another episode we'll do is on the feminine nature of God pop that in the list yeah okay so like you said you were in a church that had some thoughts on the Holy Spirit I've seen churches Presto treat him like Aladdin with an over emphasis on the Holy Spirit yeah uh I've seen others pretend like um he's non-existent or she's non-existent in the Trinity so it's more like the father Son and Holy scriptures yeah that's their Trinity yeah yeah so who who is this Holy Spirit what's going on there okay so the holy spirit is God okay so we're like the holy spirit's not an emotional feeling it's not this hunch it's not a little more zing in your step as a Christian when you need it we are filled with a person the person of God and I mean I mean check this out 1 Corinthians 210 to12 okay this verse say Spirit searches all things even the Deep things of God and this I remember even as a young Christian this verse kind of lit me up goes on and says for who knows a person's thoughts except their own Spirit within them so I'm thinking of that going like yeah like my personality who me you know I know me right sure in the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the spirit of God so what we have received he's talking about the spirit here that we've received is not the spirit of the world but the spirit who is from God so we may understand what God has freely given us so here's what I think is Paul's saying God's spirit is a part of God is that part of God that knows his thoughts it's the essence of God's personality and wisdom and character and now that person that spirit that knows all of this is inside of us wow it'd be like I remember was a young Christian like man I quit sinning I'd be a lot more like Jesus if I just somehow could like take my brain on of my head my rotten heart and stick his inside of me well that's kind of what's going on it's like who knows someone's thoughts except their Spirit Well that's God's spirit and now that Spirit dwells inside of us right so it's sort of like having God's Own personality inside your head and your heart and your life guiding you in all of the truth and godness godliness right isn't that man it's just amazing to me in fact this is there again because some of the ways you know in the churches I was raised in and he was a little little bit more wacky understanding of things um I remember reading this too my favorite author Andrew Murray says that the whole point of the Cross reason Jesus came and died and was B raised you know from the dead was that we could now have this indwelled Spirit that's the whole point of the Cross and I was raised it's like it's so you won't go to hell yeah you know Jesus came so you won't go to hell and you go to Heaven someday it's like no no no see God will not dwell in evil you know he won't dwell with it he always deals with it we learned that from the story of God right he always deals with it but God wanted to be so near his people that he sent his son so we'd be forgiven we be cleansed again and so now he can indwell us he get closer than ever oh man it's so big Heath it's so big man well at least we're not starting off this podcast very heavy right we're jumping into oh I know but so so big big takeaway there the holy spirit is a person the holy spirit is God so when you think of the father and you have pictures in your mind you're like oh there's a warmth there hopefully uh when you think of Jesus and you know like a lot of people think like God's you know the father is like the mean old god of the Old Testament Jesus is the happy guy in the New Testament or nice guy whatever the Holy Spirit we're just not sure of the the holy spirit is a person it's it's the essence of God's being and knowledge and wisdom and spirit's likened to wisdom all that and it's the she again and all that so so okay so as Christians we believe that God exists as three different people in one he he makes up this Trinity so you have God the Father we use that word by the way but it's not anywhere in scripture sure Trinity right yeah it's you know it's I think it's true absolutely you know 100% but yeah but it's a threeness in one right so God is Father God and his son Jesus and then also God is the Holy Spirit uh my question is what role do the Holy Spirit have um or even play in Jesus's Earthly life and Ministry yeah great question great question because if Jesus Is God and the father is God and so is the spirit then yeah because but here's the thing for most of my early life as a Christian I never picked up it seems weird now but I never picked up that Jesus Earthly Ministry was guided completely by the Holy Spirit H I always thought well you know Jesus is both God and man so he knows what's up and he just naturally does everything perfect sure right when I was a kid you know it's like well be like Jesus it's like well he's God you know I'm not right well but sort of but it's true that Jesus is both God and man but and he lived his life without ever sinning but as a human like you and me he fully submitted to and was Guided by the spirit his life in fact Jesus life is a picture of the perfect work of the holy spirit in man I mean here's a couple of examples okay uh Luke 1:35 says Jesus was born by the work of the spirit so Jesus was even conceived by the spirit according to Luke Jesus was led by the spirit to suffer Temptation and he came out spotless that's also in Luke 4 Jesus was empowered by the spirit to do the ministry he did that's all through the gospels Matthew 12 acts 10 I mean just it always says in the full of the spirit's power Jesus did this full of the spirit's power he healed many all that right Jesus was full of wisdom and knowledge by the Holy Spirit that's Isaiah 112 23 Jesus spoke only the words given him by the spirit that's in John 3 and in John 8 okay says that Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit that's in Romans 8 so wouldn't it be great if we had the same Spirit living inside us guiding and empowering and giving us words to say or not say it would be oh wait we do we do Yeah we actually do see we don't think of that and so that little kid braining me is still there like well Jesus of course lived this way he's God he's Jesus you know for crying out loud you know but the truth is how did he do it scripture is super clear he came as a man and I I use this term it's like with his deity veiled it was still completely true of him but he chose to come and take on the nature scripture says of a servant a slave W but then how did he live this perfect sinless life and full of power and wisdom all by the work of the Holy Spirit spirit and listen to this Romans 8:11 the spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead now lives in you and just as God raised Christ from the dead he will give life to your M mortal bodies by The Same Spirit living within you so the same power that guided Jesus's life and raised him from the dead now lives in us I want to suggest that's pretty powerful yeah it's amazing the power that raised Christ from the dead the Holy Spirit now lives in you and I Heath see think about all this stuff going on in your life like man I'm having a rough day at work huh harder to deal with than being raised from the dead you know my kids just won't listen hm do you think you that the power that raised Christ from the dead could give you just a little more patience and Grace for your kids like think of anything going on your life and if we really believed that we had the same indwelt the personality of God the spirit of God the power of God the wisdom of God that did all that in Jesus life now living in US provided by Christ that that would be powerful enough no oh my goodness it really is it changes everything like I said we either treat him like the weird you know the weird uncle or like we don't really talk about him or it's this mystical like oh but it's like look how tangible all that stuff is in Jesus life same spirit of God lives in us now yeah it's it's it's mind-blowing really man it really we don't tap into it ever do we I'm I'm sure some of our listeners do but I don't I don't think I don't think as a culture not very well yeah I have a friend of mine who often times after worship Gatherings we'll say like wow I just got goosebumps in this song this the holy spirit is here're like well man is his role just to give us Goosebumps occasionally when we or where was he before yeah like if he's just a goosebump Giver that's kind of lame but it sounds like what you're saying is this is a crazy force that has been given to us by Jesus himself I've got in trouble with stuff like this before Heath because like often worship leaders like yourself y will say we just want to invite the spirit into this place right now I'm like I'm like okay a he's here if there's Christians here because where does the spirit now dwell yeah in his people in his people literally not not sort of mystically figuratively kind of sort of if you know what I mean no he actually we're the Tabernacle now we're we're the Temple and so when a group of Christians go we want to invite the holy now maybe that's a tip of the hand like hey we just want you to know we want you you know but that's not what it's usually said and I've actually gotten in trouble from some higher ups over that like well that's just a that's our Traditions our culture it's bad theology yeah it's terrible theology yeah I think I just okay I'm just going to say it's our show you I think it's bad theology the spirit indwells us all hasn't gone anywhere and I I think we need to grow in our Sensitivity I think we don't listen very well to the spirit I think I think for many Christians they almost never think of the spirit and if Andrew Murray's correct and I really believe 100% he is the whole point of Jesus coming and dying the whole point of the Cross was that we would then now finally be able to be cleansed and now God could dwell with us and fill us and be so close to us all the time and if we're not grasping that are we really missing the whole point of the Cross absolutely yeah I think so man wow yeah that's terrifying also on the other hand so what are some of the roles of the Holy Spirit uh for us today like what would you say because I think it's more than just giving us Goosebumps or more than us well it's it's all that same stuff that that you know Jesus was empowered by right I mean it's right it's crazy like Jesus says you can't really enter the kingdom unless you be born a second time how by the spirit so like just like he was born of the spirit so are we um how do we how do we now have the power to say no to sin uh just like Jesus was when he was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights by the power of the spirit so that whole list of stuff that's true for us like if I've never I've never prayed over somebody and seen them healed on the spot sure but if that ever happens that'll be the work of the spirit you know right absolutely so but but if you know I could throw out a bunch of verses but here's some here's some that most of our listeners would go oh yeah I've heard this about the Holy Spirit in scripture and these are all right out of scripture but these are some of the things that the Holy Spirit does in us and for us Bible says helper helps us y reminds of Truth reminds us of the truth convicts us of sin gives life teaches leads counsels reveals the truth of God is an ad for us Comforts us testifies basically like preaches testifies about Jesus searches the Deep things of God now the holy spirit is also often referred to as the spirit of Truth so his desire is to lead us towards consistent obedience to the truth of the Bible and life of Jesus that we now get to live so all those things that the Holy Spirit does yeah it's amazing right so much more more than we give him credit for now I might step on some toes with this next question but I feel like I have to ask it it sounds like many of the things that you just explained are things that friends of mine or uh bosses of mine or pastors that I've worked with in the past they try to take on all those roles for themsel you know trying to we the ones that are supposed to convict you of sin some of the guys I used to read as far as uh yeah like doesn't that sound like a job description for like your average senior pastor yeah helps reminds us of the truth convicts you of sin teaches counsels reveals truth Comforts testifies about Jesus searches into the deep truths of God so so if that's the work of the spirit bro yeah Power that raised Christ from dead can accomplish all that but we throw that on we try to lump that on to like our senior pastor he's got to do all that she's got you know what what what yeah so what do you think the ramifications of church leaders trying to pull off all these tasks what do you think the ramifications of that are well I mean think about it I suck at being God how about you yeah I think this is exactly points to why there's so much burnout in Ministry I think it's exactly why we see literally thousands of pastors leaving Ministry every year you're going to try to put on take on people are going to put on you the work that God himself self is only able to accomplish and gets to and is supposed to be accomplishing in his people's lives and you're going to try to lump that all onto a person I want to say the pressure is off that's right listen all you pastors out there that when I read that list you said that's my job description that's right on my contract with the church or whatever I work for I want to tell you you can't you might be the best guy in the world the best pastor ever you are not the Holy Spirit you are not God that is the work of the Holy Spirit and we say often that the holy spirit is the primary discipl of people's hearts we and of course he he does some of those things through US yeah right he might lead us to the truth through some others right he might convict us of our sin through a brother or sister coming to us gently saying hey hey we talk about something right but that is the work of the Holy Spirit okay now here's one here's one more very cool thing that the spirit does according to this is in John 168 he says he will prove the world to be in the wrong about Sin and righteousness and judgment and that is like to me that's like Kaboom mic drop bomb drop and everything this is the work of the Holy Spirit check this out those three things he will prove the world to be wrong about Sin righteousness and judgment what's what's this all about he's going to CH prove you wrong about Sin he's not going to say prove you that you're sinful G to prove you wrong about Sin that your sin is your problem and you got to deal with it Jes the spirit will come to prove you no your sin's been dealt with yeah it's been done you just have to accept that truth in faith receive that and the spirit comes to to without the spirit you you'll you will you will live wrong understanding your sin think about the people that reject Jesus yeah and like I well I'm not that sinful or I'll I'll you know I'll work on myself I got to get a little better before I can come to God no see the spirit comes to can to prove the world wrong about Sin how about wrong about righteousness right usess your righteousness God is not that in that in that word int scripture righteousness isn't sinlessness it's not a perfect life it's not a perfect straight line of Faith your righteousness is now the righteousness of Christ your right usess is to hang out and trust God hang out with him yeah but we think it's something else we think oh you got to work out your own righteousness no that's absolutely the work of God and the spirit comes to convict us of how wrong we are about that and then he's going to convict us and prove the world wrong about judgment see so many of us live and we even preach this that you're you're you're you know you're going to be judged and we know there is a day of judgment coming and guess what that day of judgment is is God already judged sin he already judged it so bad that his son had to die to pay the price so evil so bad and so the spirit comes to prove the world wrong about judgment is that judgment has been Meed out God God is wrathful God God pour out his wrath on sin and he did it on his son and so it is finished it is finished now if you don't accept that and you don't believe that then you're G to you're going to bring judgment on yourself Jesus says he said I didn't come right I didn't come to to condemn the world but people reject me and reject this truth and they'll what bring judgment on themselves but the truth is is that sin has been dealt with and it is finished and we now have the righteousness of Christ that's all the work of the holy spirit so even as Christians when we live under this heavy condemnation that God's all focused on our sin and Christianity is about Sin management you know and and behavioral modification and I don't I don't you know I don't want to be judged it's like you've already been judged and it was horrible enough to kill a king yeah enough to kill God's own son that's powerful that's the work of the spirit too man wow so why do you think why do you think the spirit gets so misrepresented and forgotten and underutilized why is that part of the jam he gets I never thought about it till right now now like how does the spirit feel about the way we think of the spirit him her you know God yeah you know I thought about this like like like I said we in some in some Faith communities he's he's over represented in in the sense of like it's like that's not even true that's that's like Hocus Pocus that's weird you know sure um um some it's like it is kind of forgotten I I think we all underutilize maybe that's a weird word but you know we under realize benefit enjoy the fact that God indwells us now I think part of it's because the spirit is spiritual it's it to understand the spirit and the things of the spirit is spiritual and unfortunately so much of our Christianity still works itself out through doing to be you know do to be mentality meaning if your faith is largely on don't do this do these things do this to become a Christian don't do this after becoming a Christian once you're a Christian you start doing this list of things spiritual things you know but they're not they're physical things and so if if our if our large sort of do you know dominant understanding of our faith in Christianity and relationship with God is doing to be that's all real material whereas the spirit you know it's a whole different wavelength it's a whole another way and that's why you remember the conversation that Jesus had with Nicodemus where he says unless a man be born a second time of the Holy Spirit then he cannot enter the kingdom of God sure right and he's like what are you talking about you climb up back into your mother and be born again like come out of her womb a second time so he's thinking physical physical and and Jesus like you don't understand this simple truth wow see in that line right there when Jesus says you don't understand this simple truth then how will you understand me when I talk about the things of heaven and bigger things right and I'm going that's a simple thing okay wait a minute Jesus is Calling that a simple thing we got to understand this like like scripture says that that flesh only gives birth to human flesh but the spirit gives new life in the Kingdom so Jesus calls this the simple truth it's like we got to get this we got to get this that all the things that we do and adhere to and raise our hand to and sing about and all that none of that has really almost anything if anything to do with life in the Kingdom that's a spiritual Realm that's he says the kingdom of God Jesus says is within you it's where the rule and reign of his father is actually happening because we're submitting to that and that's a spiritual submission yeah it's a spiritual thing and I think I think just like Nicodemus was confused I think today we still are because so much we think of Christianity we think of the church we call the building a church that's not you know we call singing worship sort of not really you know like it's all due it's all due and that's and I think that's why we miss it I really do so what would you say for those of us who are hearing this teaching and going I want to grow and depending on the spirit more and more what would be some simple steps that you would say we could start with this is kind of an oldie budy goodie but I would say um ask listen obey like ask the spirit for help in your life ask the spirit for insight I I've I I've been learning you know later in life that when I'm in a conversation with someone I can be listening physically with one ear and I kind of can be listening through the other ear to the spirit and and praying like holy spirit what's really going on in this person's life right now what's the thing behind the thing that's causing them so much pain or why are they so excited about this or jacked up around it or or what's going on there and so um learning to listen ask the spirit right for help like no it's just having an expectancy that God indwelling me the power that raised Christ from the dead ask the spirit then listen to what the spirit says okay like well oh Spirit seems to be saying this and then obey what the spirit tells you to do and we practice in our community we practice this simple thing we call what's next Lord that's awesome right which is so kind of wow really what's what's what's next lord it's just that like in any situation in discipleship with someone that you're hoping to to lead to Faith or disciple to from one part of unbelief to belief in their life it's like I don't know how to do that you know what let's ask what's next Lord let's ask the spirit what's next with person what's the next conversation I should have what's the next activity what's the next thing I should ask you for in their life I don't know how to do that can you help with that it's like and I don't need 10 of them I just need what's next Lord and that's that simple ask Listen and Obey and and I don't think God's vindictive or anything but I also don't think God wastes and and I think he stewards himself as well as anybody and so when God speaks and we hear him but then we don't do what he says I kind of feel like over time we might he might just be kind of wait he might stop talking to us you know like hey last time you asked me I said that last time I said the same thing the next time I said you're still not and over you're still not doing that so I'll be I'm waiting for you why don't you go ahead and do that and what we're saying if we don't obey we really don't trust him yeah and this whole relationship is about trust trust in other word for trust faith and so I think I think what's next Lord this ask Listen and Obey is pretty is pretty simple but it's pretty key I mean you can study all you want you have to be led by the spirit you have to be led by the spirit yeah that's beautiful ma'am hey let's move on because we're running out of time to the big three and um if you're driving down the road right now or if you're on a treadmill and you can't write them down we're going to give them to you for free all you need to do to get those is go to Everyday disciple. big3 Caesar what are the big three for this week all right here we go big three first one the holy spirit's a person the spirit is God I don't want people to miss that okay Jesus died that we might truly be one with him and the father and really know God's heart and mind and that's the work of the Holy Spirit In Our Lives we will never rightly know God through knowledge Alone by the way our brains are flesh okay um we just won't Jesus said that no one can enter the kingdom of God which means to live under God's loving rule in their lives until they're born of the spirit so this is big this is this is a person and this is big and this is how we truly know God second God has given you himself so he can always be with you like think about that wow and so you can walk closely with him and you can live in his ways and if you're a believer of Jesus the Bible teaches that you have been given God's Own indwelling Spirit that's true of you and he wants to daily Moment by moment speak with you and guide you and remind you of his love for you so cool third one is and this is sort of a practical end of it here is practice Listening Prayer with God instead of prayer times being filled with mostly just telling God what you want to do for you and for others try spending time just listening for his voice listening for him to speak to you if you feel like you rarely hear God speak I I hear that from people all the time it may be that you're not listening try starting off with like 10 minutes a day of Silent listening to God I think you'll be astounded by what he's been waiting to tell you wow so cool you know the first thing I usually hear like when I quiet myself and go I just want to hear your voice father first thing I usually hear swear I love you son wow it's the coolest thing I mean some people say I've never heard that from my Earthly father your heavenly dad is waiting to tell you that I mean and I just so many people I I just I don't think I really hear God's voice it's like do you listen I usually I usually bust out my to-do list yeah so there you go there's the big three and yeah I mean that might be a lot to remember or whatever but again people can download that for free just go to the gym Jam tell them where that yeah all you got to do again is go to everyday disciple. big3 and you'll receive the notes for this week's big three for free immediately awesome well that's it for today I hope that this has given you plenty to think about and I hope you'll share this episode with others in your life and in church and please join us again next week we will continue to look at how the good news of the Gospel speaks into and reshapes everything about everything all right I'll talk to you soon thanks for joining us today for more information on this show and to get loads of free discipleship resources visit everyday disciple. and remember you really can live with the spiritual freedom and relational peace that Jesus Promised every day