hello everyone um so yeah this is uh this is Stam with you I'm the co-founder of Coco uh it's been a while since we uh created a a full walkthrough of Coco and Koko have uh evolved since then uh to something much bigger uh compared to the previous videos uh We've added a lot of tools a lots of features and and we keep adding uh as as we move forward uh so we thought that we share with you the latest update best practices on uh how to uh get the best of uh latest improvements and tools that we have added to Coco so for those watching this for the first time and they're not aware of what exactly is Coco so basically Coco is uh ux uh figma plugin that helps designers uh save a lot of time on the uh the main focus at the moment is the ux research but uh hopefully as we move forward it's going to be uh we going to be maybe doing wi framing maybe other features related to design uh to get Coco you need to go to figma's community so go to figma I go to figma community and search for Coco I mean it it works for both figma and fig Jam so uh depends on your preference you can either use it in figma or fig Jam uh just click try it out go ahead and install it once it's installed it would require that you sign up uh for an account uh once you signed up uh you get a few days of free trial and we are launching a starter plan where where you get to use it more for free now once you've installed it just open the plugin you land on the homepage and you'll see there's few tutorial videos on how to use different tools and features okay uh there's also uh way that you can provide us with your feedback is like a you want to report a bug or if there's an improvements that you want to suggest you can do that from here uh your main menu is on the top left so you can access your account uh privacy uh if you want to log out uh and I want to highlight the Privacy so just to preface our discussion today any information that you'll be sharing within coko is private it's not stored or it's not used to uh retrain or train any sort of AI models okay uh one functionality that we recently added uh which is collapsing uh Coco so basically if you click here you get a minimized uh version of the plugin so you basically can drag it somewhere outside of your canvas so it gets out of your way especially if you're run running a workshop or collaborative or with the stakeholders so that's one feature that I myself found a very useful now starting from the top when you hover on the left menu you get a chat uh which is basically similar to the many uh chat-based AIS out there uh I use it early on when I get like a just a notification that there's an upcoming project and the project is going to be about this problem that we need to solve if I want to sort of an id8 okay uh let's say or maybe I want to refresh my memory about uh the I'll give an example of competitive analysis uh totally forgot what was the 10 uh principles of comparative analysis and I want to ask coko what are the 10 principles of competitive analysis and it's been very kind with me regarding the um uh it's very flexible when it comes to uh spelling mistakes uh so as as as any other shat uh tool out there it just answers but I want to highlight uh or call out a feature here that we also also pushed last month which is compared to other tools what you can do in Coco but you can do in other tools is that he can highlight multiple items in a list for example right click make stickies and now you have your talking points on maybe next Workshop okay I use this with clients for example I had one client who was building a tool similar to Spotify uh going into a session it was uh further down the line of you know maybe phase two of the uh development of the product and there was a question about verifying the artist being on boarded to the how do we verify the artist uh being onboarded to the platform so I basically asked Coco H gave it some context you know as it what would be the methods of verifying uh the artist it gave me 10 uh 10 suggestions um four of them made sense to me and I presented them to the client in form of sticking outes uh just to en reach the discussion and the the the client really liked for two of those Solutions so uh again AI uh you know can be a very effective uh suggestion engine okay just ask it about anything any problem at any uh stage of your ux research either you know just to avoid feeling lonely because again designers especially at the beginning of the process we always stare at a blank screen feeling lonely and don't know where to start having a companion you know that could that has all the knowledge of the internet uh just asking it to give you suggestions that of course you can validate but again use it as a suggestion engine to avoid you know staring at a blank screen so I asked coko at the beginning of the workshop with the the stakeholder or the client gave me the answer uh five minutes in I was ready with you know a few suggestions I shared my screen started the discussion with the client so this is uh one of the many cases that where you can use the chat uh the context window meaning the character limit in other terms is about 14,000 characters for the chat he can drag can drop let's say an interview or copy and paste uh if I may say uh an interview uh with a user start analyzing and creating the same methods you can start creating uh a user Persona and so on so it's even if you bring your context uh to Coco again it will it will help you do that within your workflow it's in figat and fig Jam compared to working in Shad GPT uh which is you know it's going to be uh tiring to start copy pasting from there okay uh so uh just to recap chat just the regular chat is just works in figma creates sticky and it helps on every stage uh of the ux workflow okay this could be Discovery stage uh even just you know uh ideation later on the St in the workflow it works you know but yeah uh moving on to the next one which I find it pretty handy which is the document chat okay so usually clients come with the guidelines they come with the project description um and and in this case document chat is very useful so basically you can upload uh a document and a PDF just not any document for now we just support PDF uh with a certain limitations is it's a beta at the moment and it's just one document um we in the future we plan to support multiple documents but for now it's just one document and again there's there's many ways to use that tool either during the ideation or the discovery stage where the client comes you haven't spoken to the stakeholder of the client that just have one document with you and it's sitting there uh either you go and read it all or you can ask coko to summarize it and then follow up with questions okay and again same thing if you like something or you think this is a topic for discussion that you need to raise with your team or with the stakeholder right click make it sticky and now you have uh you know a topic that way you can raise on your NE next uh Workshop what's good as well about the document check that is that you can ask coko about anything outside of the context of the document so in this example uh we had someone who had a problem is that there's a current solution that they implemented three or four years ago but now to stay competitive they want to innovate okay meaning that they want uh to explore new ideas okay so it's not in the document the document just uh describes the current solution the current state and we want to explore beyond that so what I did is basically I used the document as reference walk Coco through it summarize it you know okay just like baby steps towards the goal uh then finally I asked it okay this is the current state how can I improve it if we're not innovating how can I improve it and it's so suggested again I think few like seven or eight suggestions to of them were very relevant okay uh and I'm taking them to the next discussion but then my follow-up question was okay but how can I innovate using something that is totally different than the current state and it suggested five new technologies three of them are very feasible the the Technologies out there they're uh they're available and I think they might be valuable to the stakeholders or the client that we raised them in an ideation session again uh similar to the chat can do personas Journey mapping uh you can do Affinity mapping on one document uh if it's an interview um what I what I find is you really need to be careful with the uh questions how you uh phrase it um I really like to use the term list because then it forces Coco to Output structure data okay rather than you know going into uh paragraphs and paragraphs of text now it structures the data and if I just want to like a description after each of the insights then I asset listed with Insight with description for example okay uh I can copy of course the text uh as I mentioned you can create sticky notes from any of uh the insights uh that is brought up here so that is the document chat uh then there's the discovery question which is I feel is is I guess pretty important for any sort of it doesn't you don't have to be a ux designer even UI designer ERS uh product designer anyone if you're starting a new um uh uh project and the client has even if they have provided a document you need to have your own questions bring your own questions to the table so we have allowed you to generate three types of questionnaires either if it's a feature based pro project or if it's a web or a mobile application or it's just a landing marketing page so just click on select any of those click generate and it would go on and and and generate the questions what I like to do is uh the output that you will see in a minute okay I I copy it into uh Google doc it would be good of course if in the future we just export it from Coco to a Google doc but what I do is I copy it for now now into a Google doc I style it maybe change the colors based on the uh the client or The Branding of the company that I'm collaborating with the agency uh I you know if there's any changes that I want to apply to the questions and I share it with the with the client and there's two ways to approach this either you share it with the client they take the time to answer it but what I found like it was first time that the client told me no let's let's do it live uh that was last week uh we got all the questions answered I think in 45 minutes and it was I mean very effective because again the questions the quality of the questions that you get is will inform you to the end to end from the beginning of the discovery till you know you're at the beginning of the Y framing uh so you'll see that there's some questions that are relevant to the guidelines and so on on the technical requirements as well those are all covered in the questionnaire uh I want to highlight as well here is that you can take the questionnaire then and feed it back to the document chat so this is the output okay just copy it into document or just walk the client through it if you're happy with it uh so if the client is decided that they want to do it live in a video you record the video you take the transcript and you can feed it back to the document chat so rather than going you know if you're trying to extract insights from that discussion workshop with the client you just feed it back to the uh chat as you can see here have already fed the document chat with a discovery questionnaire okay and start chatting extracting the insights so you could share with the rest of the team if they if someone you know it doesn't have to be designed to you even even if you can inform for uh product owners or developers on technical requirements so once youve done that you have extracted your Insight using the document chat then you can go you can summarize it and then go to the design brief so the design brief is basically you creating uh the first alignment with the client so yeah this is the information that you've provided us okay but we want to align with you that this is the scope of the project okay so what I did here is I just clicked try example so we provide for each tool three examples that you can test and see the output uh you can select the language of the output in case you know you you're doing you know you're dealing with a French client for example or any any sort of uh uh you know multilingual uh projects that require that you deal in a different language than English uh you just click generate uh give it a moment to start uh generating I'm going to go ahead and pause to it stop generating okay so it took less than a minute to generate the output I'm going to minimize coko to uh move it away of my uh canvas uh so this is you can use this for a word Workshop that is after the kickoff or the introductions you can follow up just to get an alignment with the client that this is the scope okay this is what we are going to be working on so uh of course if you've provided Coco with more information the the output would be more than this but it would give you project if uh overview uh you need to uh fill in the name the client name be the contact information uh all the points of contact a target audience um in this case uh in the examples we we made you know made it specific to one uh persona but in the case of a client that I had last week or the week before there was about seven personas that was extracted okay uh and it comes with the the personas are extracted with their scenarios and we'll see that this is beneficial later on as we use the Persona 2 uh project goals and I like what I like to do is be ready with empty stes that are different color let's say uh green okay uh just to give the client uh the the impression that this is a collaborative uh collaborative Workshop if there's any insight that they want to bring to the table uh just just let us know uh while we add it and we'll add it to the project goals or the constraints or whatever so now I have high level um or broad verification and confirmation of the scope the personas uh the constrained assumptions uh competitors uh pretty important if I'm going to be doing a competitor analysis for the client to tell me who are the competitors maybe talk a bit about them uh uh just to set set the success criteria deliverables uh phases again this is something that you want to edit is you always need to uh review the output from the AI put your touch on it you know uh verify it with the stakeholders or the users depending on which phase of the research you're at um yeah so with that you now have an idea of the personas okay you have an idea of the uh all the audience and you have the idea of the scenario now you can go to the user interview so if the budget and the time allows to do user interviews uh and of course this is this is something that we recommend that you always do user interviews although you might have your AI generated insights but still you need to do user interviews uh we know we've we've all been there where we either sat there in front of a white uh blank page trying to figure out what to ask the interviewee or or the participants or we scour the internet search the internet for templates for user interviews with Coco you can avoid wasting all your time you just give it the Persona demographic the scenario uh the topics that you want to discuss with the Persona I'll try an example just to speed up the process here uh starting from the demographic for example um and and this is how you should be structuring your persona when you're dealing with Coco so you give it you know an age range okay than the occupation uh you need to also mention the location because culture differs um regulations and different regions of the world differs and you'll be amazed with the insights that once you add the location or which region they are in you'll be amazed with the quality of insights you can get from an AI it understands the the the the the context of that specific uh insights and it generate different uh different you know uh output based on that so you need to be specific okay uh once you have fed it with the demographics you can go on with the scenarios in this case the scenario is uh that you have all the demographic is that this is a ux designer working in a midsize tech company in San Francisco and they have a problem eliciting accurate requirements from stakeholders is due to ineffective user interviews uh and they are considering automating the generation of interview questions as a solution so basically that's that's the case we're looking at now with coko uh uh we're pretty lucky that this is the first one that we got considering that we have three examples here uh yeah so the the topics could be of course as as any user interview is that you start asking them about their daily life their design process is uh challenging maybe that they're facing you know uh and so on okay how about uh the next topic is how they currently address this problem okay uh then uh or maybe have they used you know uh historically have they used any tools to try to solve this problem uh then we need to verify are they willing to uh to use an AI tool in the process um we need to explore it are they open to that are they not open to that uh what solution would they consider given a limited budget so yeah that's the situation that is perfect for AI usage what if you have limited budget what is how would you go about solving the problem okay so again you you select the output language you click generate uh same you give it a minute and I'm going to pause till it generates the output and we're back uh so as you can see now it has generated not just the questions even the uh script for you to follow where you can just uh have an introduction replace it replace you with your name the company name and so on uh and yeah it's it's it gives you suggestions for each of the topics that you have mentioned uh in your input and of course I mean again you need to look at the output try to give it your touch add your touch to it and try to um get the human value into it because again AI is pretty limited doesn't have that critical thinking that we have maybe as designers we have more context uh we're aware of uh the the situation that maybe each user that we interviewing or participant is in then we need to maybe modify the questions but it just saved me a lot of time by generating the questions or giving me about 80% of uh the questions that I might want to use so I've been using this feature for since we launched Coco okay and every time I think like and I've Shar it you know the output I've shared with many stakeholders project owners before going into interviews or uh or team team colleagues and every time you know we we collaborate on modifying but it's almost like 80 to 90% of the output is kept intact this is how good it is okay so now you've done your user interviews and you want to move on to let's say you've done 50 to uh 30 user interviews or uh uh uh sorry five to uh to two to 15 to 30 user interviews and you want to go to the next step which is you want to synthesize this information uh into something that you can create a report about okay so this is where uh Affinity mapping to or clustering to could come into play so now you have let's say you have your several stickies that you've extracted and they're sitting on your canvas again you don't have to create the stickers yourself you can take the transcript of your interviews feed it to the document shat select where the insights are or as the document chat and then select the list of insight extracted by the document chat send send it as sticky as to the canvas so again even analyzing the interviews you don't have to do the manual work okay you can use coco within fig Jam or figma to do that so once you've done that okay there's two ways that we allow you to get your insights into Coco Affinity mapping too so either you have the transcript and it's a big chunk of text okay like for example if we consider we have the answer we copy paste it here okay you see it's copy pasted here okay and you click cluster and if it's a user interview with the answer it will extract the inside in the cluster everything for you or if you have the stickies as we mentioned sitting on your canvas you just select all the stickies okay and what Coco does it would detect that you have selected some stickies on your canvas or text or you know could be it just text doesn't have to be sticky any text object is fine okay and it would feed it to Coco as you can see here and you just click cluster and you give it a moment again to do the work in the background uh I'm going to use one of the examples because this is the insights here are meaningless to clustering I'm going to be using an example okay and just going to hit cluster going to take a pause again just to give it time to do work uh in the background okay uh back again so in this case uh it did output some stickies I'm not sure about the quality of the output uh depending on the example maybe the quality of the example itself was not as good as uh as I expected okay but yeah it did the clustering of the row data into one theme which is user interview maybe that's that's the case uh one item I want to highlight here is for most of our tools we have a history option so let's say you're done with work today you want to come back and uh uh continue working tomorrow when you open Coco again uh you can always fetch back your your work or retrieve your work from history like this you just click select which uh which do you want to um uh retrieve and then click Resto and it just outputs uh sends the outputs to your canvas again it doesn't do regeneration it's your uh your work is saved and it stored in our memory database and it's just sent back to your canvas again okay uh yeah so moving on to the next tool so the Persona I mean that that's one of our it's it's our first tool basically and again I want to reiterate on what we always say is uh this is good for a suggestion don't use it uh as your only reference always validate the output uh don't take it for granted again AI lacks the critical thinking uh but if you lack the time you lack the budget you want to clear you want to sry Broad understanding of the Persona you can even do it before you interview uh a participant just to understand does it match okay uh and I I want to bring something to the table here I mean anyone who had the chance to do a lot of user interviews know that people could lie okay it's not just AI that could listate is people could lie like if you work in fantech you know that people might not disclose you know and and there's there's many reasons like if fintech even if you uh interviewing internal user they might uh not be frank with the answers because they know that there might be ramifications on their jobs if they answer frankly okay so this is where you know one of the cases where AI could be helpful as well you can compare you know the output from you know all the insight you collected from a user interview versus uh what you have generated with the AI uh so this is one case the other case as I mentioned no time or budget then yeah then this case a AI would be better than not doing us a Persona at all um so I've been in many cases where there was no budget in the company to especially in the current economic situation there's no budget but I have to do my own research uh um so this is where Coco was very useful uh I try to validate the output as much as possible through workshops and what I found is that in many cases uh Coco generates uh insights that are hidden even from stakeholders okay and has an impact on the business uh I don't want to go into much details but every time I use coco is always one or two insights that were very useful uh for the business not just the design project okay so going back to the user Persona again like we uh discussed before you need to be specific with the demographic uh and maybe in many cases you want to generate several times so you can refine depending on your output you just uh with your critical thinking look at the output oh maybe I could get better output if I feed Coco with a with a better uh you know uh more insight into the demographic uh then the the scenario that we remember we mentioned that the scenario something that you can get out from the design brief okay you can extract from the design brief you add it just add it here or if you already have the scenario you just add it here and you click generate let me uh choose another example of course I could have selected the output language get useful if you um in a project that is in a different language and I'm going to go ahead and pause again until uh it's done okay and we're back uh and as you can see it generated uh my first Persona okay with the insights on in user goals about user goals needs motivation frustrations task and opportunities and from opportunities I could get a broad idea about epics or features that that I could Implement uh in my design again pretty broad at this stage because we haven't gone into the user Journey mapping yet uh if I have multiple personas I could go ahead and generate multiple personas and again what's uh excellent or perfect about Coco is that you don't have to go through the workflow step you can go back a step for example remember we mentioned if we have mult mul personas can go back to the Affinity mapping select them together and then cluster so now if those are multiple internal users and you want to create an archetypical Persona okay uh because you want to design to One internal Persona rather than multiple then you can cluster and then create one archetypical Persona that you're designing for okay so again you can go go back in time or in in order and use Affinity mapping although you've been working on the Persona just to make it more uh either useful as you or more presentable if you're going to be doing a workshop or doing a report and you want to just present one archetypical Persona now the journey mapping so similar to the Persona um uh you want to understand you know what this specific Persona or archetypical Persona you just created uh how they going to be interacting with the future State or the suggested state for your solution okay so you just again similar input you just feed that Persona to uh your uh Journey mapping tool then you feed the demographic you feed the scenario and again you click generate okay and again I'm going to pause until it's done okay and we're back uh yeah so this is this is the output so basically it uh mapped out the journey map of this specific Persona and within that specific scenario uh it mapped out uh about 1 2 3 4 five six phases and under each phase it map the tasks the mindsets the pain points and opportunities uh so again a pretty Advanced point and structure point where you can take this gives you a head start you know where you can uh build on bring your insights maybe extract insights that you were not aware of validate that on a workshop with the uh with the stakeholder okay and then that would Inspire uh basically on the opportunities uh section that that would Inspire uh features or epics that you can then take to prioritization so you can start you know picking stickies and telling you know the the asking the client or the stakeholders and as well as the engineering team uh doing a prioritization depending on which style of prioritization exercise you following uh that would give you an idea on what kind of features you are going to be uh building okay or designing for uh once you've had that set you've had your prioritization now you can go to the information architecture uh so same thing it has you can notice you notice that the person is carried over with us from one exercise to another you don't have to retype it it's just carried over unless you need to modify it uh then there's the input for the application to use so think of describing I'm building this type of application or this type of solution and those are the features okay those are the features included in that solution okay then again you hit your rate based on that and what it does again it would give you a draft of a uh sorry an information architecture or a site map depending on what exactly you're building you can use it as a draft okay uh and again you can discuss it with a client on another Workshop or the same Workshop depending on the time availability and verify is it's some is there something missing is something that is we're not aware of is something that is not in scope so again saves you tons of time gives you suggestions and uh you know gives you a head start again and avoiding that blank screen dilemma at the beginning of working on any of those steps of your research so you as you can see here it suggested uh a platform a specific platform uh with a home page uh this is this is the main Pages this is the sub pages and the features under each each of the uh the the pages okay so again giving you an a a boost or a heads start where you can use uh you know moving forward um finally I want to mention that those tools that we have discussed in the past 40 minutes that those were all ux Bas or research base the only tool that we have that might be spelling over into the UI design is the copyrighting so we have included did that too uh because we understand that even if you're wireframing sometimes or even if you wireframing to do usability testing uh without having copy uh both the stakeholders and the interview participants they lose context and I've seen this happen many times and you lose time uh on on the interview because what happens is text or copy adds a lot of context to whatever wireframe or sketches or whatever that you do uh that's that's the reality if you're presenting your wireframes without proper text and using just filler text then then you you're losing you're not doing it right you you're probably going to get wrong uh Impressions okay uh while if you put some text that is relevant it doesn't have to be uh the final okay it would help the stakeholders and the and the participant and your in your interviews to understand what exactly they're looking at uh so that's that's that's it for for today uh if if you have suggestions on how can we improve coko moving forward um just just let us know comment in the comment section below or send us so hope you find it helpful uh thank you for for watching this