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What happens during the lag phase of bacterial growth?
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During the lag phase, there is no growth as bacteria adapt to the new environment.
Describe the four phases of the bacterial growth curve.
1. Lag Phase: Bacteria adapt to new environment. 2. Log Phase: Exponential growth. 3. Stationary Phase: Growth rate equals death rate. 4. Decline Phase: Bacterial death due to nutrient exhaustion.
What is the range of pH values where most bacteria grow?
Most bacteria grow at a neutral pH, which ranges from 6.5 to 7.5.
Why are ions and salts important for bacteria?
Ions and salts are necessary for enzyme and protein synthesis in bacteria.
What are the three categories of bacteria based on their pH preference?
Neutrophiles (pH 5-8), Acidophiles (pH <5.5), and Alkaliphiles (pH >8.5).
What is the optimum temperature for bacterial growth?
Optimum temperature is where bacterial growth is maximum.
What is the significance of the minimum and maximum temperature for bacterial growth?
Minimum temperature is the lowest at which bacteria can grow, and maximum temperature is the highest at which they can survive.
What is the role of water in bacterial growth?
Water is essential for metabolic and physiological activities of bacteria.
What is the impact of gaseous concentration on bacterial growth?
Gaseous concentration, particularly of oxygen and CO₂, significantly affects the growth of bacteria.
What leads to the decline phase in the bacterial growth curve?
The decline phase occurs due to nutrient exhaustion and the accumulation of toxic products.
How do aerobic bacteria differ in their requirement for gases compared to anaerobic bacteria?
Aerobic bacteria require oxygen for growth, whereas anaerobic bacteria do not.
Which key ions are necessary for bacterial growth?
Key ions necessary for bacterial growth include K+, Ca²+, Mg²+, and Fe²+.
What occurs during the stationary phase of bacterial growth?
In the stationary phase, nutrient levels decrease and the growth rate equals the death rate.
How do physical parameters differ from nutritional requirements in their impact on bacterial growth?
Physical parameters such as temperature, pH, and water availability affect the environment of bacterial growth, whereas nutritional requirements focus on the substances needed for bacterial metabolism and growth.
What characterizes the log phase of the bacterial growth curve?
The log phase is characterized by rapid growth and the highest level of bacterial reproduction.