hi all this is vit Pand and uh we are talking about modernism I got certain messages written by students where they were actually questioning about the difference between Modern Age and other ages so uh I want to tell you this thing that yes it's a beautiful question one should ask questions because uh the problem of net exam is that when we come from a background of graduation postgraduation from small town uh colleges universities or non- Colgate courses we go through a lot of drawbacks and this is the problem that uh sometimes when we read things we have been given a habit of mugging up instead of understanding so before I go and explain modernism I'll be summarizing all the ages one by one in an easy way so that you can understand and moreover you'll have a better idea of comprehension about all those ages and moreover I'll be summarizing it in a very simple way so sometimes if you think that the details are the summar is not enough just try to understand that I'm going to sum up all the AES in just one audio now talking about Anglo sections Cher just remember that this was the initial age people even didn't know that what is called Society all they knew was that their daily needs to have food like related to huntings and all and to have faith in some power known as God after Cha's age people started questioning the authorities questioning religion as we know that W Cliff even Cher question religion there was Ties on religion so they started questioning but none of them was still very conscious about the individual rights then comes renessa Elizabethan age five timing 1558 163 in elizabethans people first time found that there should be a queen or a king a person who thinks for them a person who makes them United a person who can represent them to the nation because For the First Time in Elizabethan they found that they are not alone there are a lot of other countries lot of other places and it's a kind of race where they're supposed to be better otherwise they will be enslaved then after this Puritans came and Puritans came on the reason of religion the question the authorities religious people their domination and the wrong way of domination then the restoration again restoration people were related to social things social needs fashion enjoyment life because the elizabethans were very abundant very rich people so this was the reason that even in restoration they were very rich they were fond of fashion they were fond of latest things and they were fond of comic shows operas but none of them was conscious about the realities and why they were not conscious about the realities of life because they were very affluent it was not the case of poor people then comes augus 10 people became intelligent they realized that along with party things along with spending money on the stupid things the one must be intellectual one must become an individual thinking about the other whole the other half the other Society so this became the reason of intellectualism which resulted in Pudo intellectual class in Augustin and then they realized that they have spent around 100 plus years in the Life dealing with City things City culture coffee houses coffee clubs which made them switch Back To Nature which is known as pre- Romanticism or Romanticism they found that the real pleasure real peace is in the lap of Nature and man living a metalistics forgotten nature so they switch Back To Nature they realize that one should be in the lap of nature because nature is the reality nature something has been given by God and the metalistics the plastic things they're all baseless and Mortal things now this was also the time when England was ruling other countries enslaving other countries the aristocrats the people leaders Barons landlords they had their own ships they started colonizing various things which resulted in colonization industrialization and also a race of armaments a race of being better a race of Supremacy which resulted in Victorian age and employment in England money value it hide and moreover the problem was related to the power power structure rich people became very rich Super Rich poor people became very poor super poor and this divided Society into various class sectors victorians age Victorian writers Victorian people they were very close to reality of life that it should be a life where live and let others live and they realize that it's not happening it's just that somebody who can manage to live is managing by all means killing others subordinating others dominating others making his own ways or own both way like you know both ends meet in short they just made uh use of opportunity pressurizing others killing others down roading others this resulted in a mindset that yes we are all alone we are individual one must fight back for his identity Victorious went through many wars like the crian war Wars then Gulf Wars their own issues this resulted in the rise of modern a remember this thing a lot of people when they teach modernism they just talk about the mindset a mindset doesn't get Sudden Change it is the circumstances the social things which are happening around you they make you go through a change the rise of machine guns was one of the reason that people the strongest country they were in under threat because the minor country small countries got machine guns so this was the time that the rise of machine guns Cavalry armaments ammunition made them made the poor country the weaker country uh in a kind of race where they could fight back this resulted in the first fight of 1905 where Italy got defeated by Ethiopia and Russia got defeated by Japan so kind of race of arman's attention then try trying to control the market and then changes in society discoveries inven iions everything was happening around and then finally the prince of Austria ferdinant got killed and this resulted in the world war one it is said by Virginia wolf that one morning I went out to the garden and found everything was changed so the message is she says that that in 1910 human character changed but then she questions the own IDE idea she says was it and was it imediate was it something surprising that I woke up I went to the Garden found chains no no it was gradual mindset were changed behaviors were changed lifestyle lifestyle were changed and she says let's assume it is 1910 human character changed Vin W said this this is a question also in net exam please remember this so why did it change because the people those who were fighting and made to understand that they are all alone there is no support there is nobody who's going to fight back for you like I ask you a very simple question in my way if you have 10 chapatis to eat but you are hungry or your hunger level is only for three chapatis you can do a charity of seven chapatis right you will say yes sir we can do that now you have only three chapatis and you have your hunger of three chapatis but you have your loved one you can still do a charity of one and half right you can be hungry and you can let other some someone eat so that he'll be half hungry what if you haven't eaten anything now you have just one chapati it's been 3 to 4 days you haven't eaten up anything you just have one chapati and you have your loved ones neighbors best friends people around you are you going to do the charity or you will become choosy you'll go for the closest one or maybe you will not choose anyone this is the difference when there was abundancy people were liberal people were emotional people were good people when the scarcity appeared the monetary issues financial crisis then war war issues people realize they're all alone nobody has emotions for no one and nobody's going to Sprint uh spend those things this is the reason people became self-centered uh flat cultures got introduced apartment cultures got introduced and people started minding their own business fearing others that they are alone it's just these people those who have to make their identity this resulted in modernism moreover the same thing will be advanced in future 1950s and 60s where people will question the identity the suppression why we need to follow parents why we need to listen to them why we need to follow moralities why we need to follow religion this will become postmodern where people will get confused with the identity that is known as identity crisis dealing with stream of Consciousness psycho analysis issues and yes we are going to that a student of English literature is rebellious by Nature and why so because living in India and studying English literature he goes through two different psychologies two different identities two different ideologies clashing in his mind we are better than any student who comes from England and is a student of English literature because we are hybrid we also have a idea of Indian literature we live in India but we read Lawrence we read Conrad the mindset is totally changed so this becomes postmodern where you find yourself able to fit in a family which has Traditional Values like it will be very funny to you I'll tell you this I was teaching feminism where I Justified divorces I Justified extramental Affairs and uh I Justified this for the sake of that if a woman is being tortured killed humiliated and the level is like she'll be killed she has all the rights to leave a person to go away she has all the rights to be happy and whatever makes her happy because in literature English literature moralities they never question morality they all they say is that we are all alone casted in an alien Universe where we are just one and totally on our own uh basis there's no support so all the relations moralities they're all momentary so one should do things to be happy without troubling others so this was the reason that I just told from existential point of view feminist point of view next day her mother came to my office she said uh V sir I have heard that you people are teaching some immoral content and I got conscious I was like who is teaching that like I thought in paper one there is nothing like that I said ma'am who is teaching she said you I was like okay tell me what happened he said you said uh divorce is okay extal Affair is okay you should do it I said ma'am please I didn't say that you should do it I just Justified things that if a woman is wrongly married to a wrong person she should not die the Indian myth that you went on a doly and come on earthy I just said that that no you have rights to be happy anywhere you want and the funny thing was then then she said uh that actually sir I told my daughter that sir must be going through these kind of issues in life that's why he is perplexed and this made me angry though she was a parent so I didn't react but I actually asked her ma'am I'm not married and if this happens to me I'll accept it as the will of God I have no issues literature has changed me I I totally understand life in its all shades so I hope you understand what I mean to say is that reading English literature is totally different it makes you totally changed and this is the reason like even I asked her that do you want me to tell what what else I'm going to teach your daughter in class ma'am I said ma'am if you want me to avoid all those things you will have to take your daughter away because this is totally Western literature we're going to talk about the Western things pornographic content will be taught in the classes LGBT studies will be taught in my classes so I Tred to make understand but she actually came from very Aesthetic Family so she was also right at her right at her place she said you are a teacher you should not teach all those things but if I don't teach all those things how will you get the paper and how will you qualify so anyway she was right at her place I got um my point which is right at my place so this was all about modernism postmodernism if you feel that I have uh given some special lecture you can simply write your reviews I'll be going to send you a link just write your name don't forget to write mention your name and state so that I can remember because reviews is something that uh is a mirror to me so I look at things and go for the honest reviews it's not that you just have to praise me you can also criticize me all I want to say is just be honest so that I can learn I can reform and if I'm doing good praise me so that I can be motivated thank you so much God bless you