hello hello hello hello hello Canada foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign economic system of the colonies was destroyed foreign administrative and judicial system were replaced British is imperialism people in colonies were forced to cultivate cash crops in lieu of food crops crops poverty and unemployment increase [Music] foreign foreign okay crisis foreign Germany automatically foreign foreign [Music] foreign over 10 million people lost their lives or were injured in the war foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign what are the impacts what are the influence of and European nations failed to repay their debt to the USA Banks inflation became uncontrollable acute unemployment and poverty examination 1929 economic crisis foreign Korea [Applause] foreign and diffusion of aggressive nationalism assistance foreign foreign under which fascist party came to power in Delhi is though she was with the victors in the first world war um destruction of Industries foreign foreign German government and resultant political uncertain foreign foreign Indiana foreign [Music] foreign over 10 million people died Freedom Movement in Asia and Africa intensified Asian African rajing Allah emerged AS Global powers on the wings of peace foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign what are the causes that led to the decline of Soviet Union I deviation from the basic principles of socialism is failure in bringing about changes in economics foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign you know foreign multinational company which are registered in a country you know the hand functioning in many countries began to interfere in the economic social cultural sectors of the later for serving the interest of the capitalistic countries foreign [Music] bye