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Air Duct Sealing with Aeroseal Overview

the EPA estimates that in a typical home up to 40% of the air that moves through the duct system is lost due to leaks air duct leaks cause problems for homeowners including rooms that are difficult to heat and cool too much humidity even dust and allergens entering the living spaces from the leaking duct system and higher heating and cooling bills because ducts are often concealed in walls ceilings attics and basements repairing them can be difficult and expensive until now Aeroseal is the only method to seal air ducts from inside the ductwork meaning there is no destruction of the walls or ceilings to get to the leaks the patented air seal technology blows small dry adhesive particles into the block duct system as the particles are heated they become suspended in air pushing through the duct system to find the holes the adhesive particles attached directly to the edges of the hole creating a seal this process continues until all the ductwork is sealed consumers recognize improved comfort indoor air quality and reduced energy bills era seal is taking no boundaries to a whole new level the wireless capabilities of your home seal Pro combined with the new mobile pro trailer system makes installations easier and faster than ever before before the era seal process begins the technician does a thorough inspection of the home all vents supply and returns are blocked using closed cell foam blocks the technician simply connects to lay flat flexible plastic tubing to the home seal Pro unit at the trailer and then connects to the injection point at the furnace the home seal Pro wireless tablet controls the entire aerosol process prior to sealing a pre seal tests of the duct system is conducted the test measures the initial rate of leakage once the initial leakage rate is established the sealing process can begin the wireless tablet monitoring system allows the tech to move about the home to conduct safety checks and to keep the interested consumer engaged in the process after the sealing process is completed a final leakage test is conducted a certificate of completion is provided to the homeowner that states the pre and post leakage rate and the percentage of improvement which can be up to 98% the technician then removes the blocks from the vents the injection point is patched and the heating and cooling system is turned back on Aeroseal is the most effective affordable and viable method of sealing air ducts in a home for homes big or small or new it is the best duct analysis and sealing solution available today