what would you do if a hacker stole all of your money well at the start of this year I fell victim to a scam which stole 43 254 pounds and 11 Pence out of my business account [Music] what did they say and who they were with that picture I can't really think somebody still to do actions now [Music] I'm not gonna lie this was a pretty awful experience through and through oh my God and after a lot of stress I did eventually get the money back but it got me thinking if hackers could almost sync my entire business in five minutes what damage could they do if they had six months to test this I hired two x criminals and gave them full permission to steal my identity and do whatever they wanted with it to try and ruin my life all in the hopes to answer the question how dangerous are hackers foreign but who are these guys Tony sales famously known as Britain's biggest fraudster what started off as petty crime and his youth soon turned into an operation which stole over 30 million worth of goods from UK corporations money means nothing by now pay never as a reform Man Tony's released a book has a movie coming out and currently runs a company which helps government and businesses protect against criminal attacks alongside his partner Solomon Gilbert Solomon is an ethical hacker extraordinaire as a teen he would shut down terrorist websites on the dark web for fun or attack the American Nazi party but when that got boring he started poking around at secret government agencies until one day there was a knock at the door of his parents home I ended up with me getting kicked out of school and arrested and looked into by the counterterrorism intelligence so now you know how dangerous they are back to me in the van you like that what's that all about man is your address don't worry about how we know that we think we're at risk big risk but to go any further we're going to need you to sign this it's signing the dirty lines at so this form gives you permission to do what a criminal would do without permission and without fear of us being persecuted fantastic I don't like how happy you look there Tony this nothing's a briefing that you're doing and you're going to get to show others what the Heralds that they may face so that's a good thing you should enjoy it yeah let's crack on bye at this point I didn't really know the severity of what I just signed up for essentially I've just given two ex-criminals full permission to do whatever they want which means they can commit crimes which is slightly worrying but I'm in this sort of ignorant headspace at the minute well I don't fully know what stealing an identity could actually do so for the past hour I've been doing a really annoying admin task basically changing all of my passwords to everything I want this ship watertight I don't want them having an ounce on me I know they're going to try and Target my YouTube channel right that's my business that's my life that's everything so I've created a new email which is completely unrelated to anything not used on any other accounts and I've created the longest password known to man so for now I feel safe I'll be keeping this on me at all times you know he's quite public Instagram Twitter other social media LinkedIn what's interesting about LinkedIn is that he's more geared towards professionals and he talks a little bit more about his own life so there's some good stuff to get from there I think the aim of this is to kind of show you guys is it possible to get a 100 match when it comes to a digital identity what Tony is talking about is gaining enough of my sensitive data to create 100 digital representation of myself which would allow him to set up a bank account make some large purchases and commit criminal acts all in my name but surely they're not going to do that for real well because I had signed that consent form essentially they could do what they wanted we got an address of a studio at the moment there's nothing screaming at me that there's any kind of ridiculous amounts of security there but I suspect that um you know it's a standard business park type stuff so we just need to build up the information yeah pretty much pretty much but what do they have in mind to gain that information gonna go to our YouTuber Zach have a little rummage through the rubbish you know those bits of information will allow us to go deeper on the digital attack so this is it is the road that you can kind of see the bins there one two down that end and then there's some just here it looks like there's a doorbell thing now see that blue light what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn around quickly up here because I know there's a restaurant downhill I'll be able to have a look all kind of undercover here we go so I've um I've got the boot open there's two Uber drivers there he's coming out now check at the front no one coming down yeah as soon as he's gone we're a go right so there's two four okay ah I don't know what that car is whatever it is but we've got we've got quite a few I mean mission's definitely successful while Tony headed back to sort through the rubbish Solomon's already working on a non-physical attack we can deploy some wi-fi hacking techniques from afar one of which is a Wi-Fi pineapple which is essentially a really evil Wi-Fi router basically with this evil box he would be able to gain control of my network so he headed straight from my office as well we're fairly nears ax office we've got the Wi-Fi pineapple here it's been up for 10 minutes we've got three clients connected those are things in Zach's office that are connected to this wi-fi now that I'm inside his Network I'm using the Wi-Fi pineapple to redirect traffic using DNS to fake websites through this method Solomon was able to gain access to most of my social media accounts I'm now in Zach's Instagram account which obviously for a content creator is pretty bad I'm just a beast oh can I have some chocolate Jay I'm glad you left the channel while we do have his Instagram and some other social media sites I don't have his YouTube account I'm hoping that Tony finds something in the bins that could be quite helpful to us but of course he didn't stop there because within a couple of days Solomon also had my National Insurance number the site has been accessed so I've got a little notification saying that's happened all we have to do now is just wait for Zach to hopefully put enough details uh Hey lovely stuff Happy Days happy days so now we've got this National assurance and driving license information we can redirect his post and order new licenses new cards to our address this was a major win for the hackers as they now had the ability to get all of my post and Tony was still yet to look through my bins here's what we were able to get six seven eight bags of rubbish yeah just looks like loads of kind of food rubbish yeah it's probably the restaurant connected to it it seemed like Tony had picked up a load of rubbish from the restaurant as bag after bag was just filled with food waste strange really because the restaurants over the other side and now one final bag remained just literally as I've pulled this bag I've got some Bank details sort code account number we don't know where it's from or what it is but it's a good start look at that I mean it's definitely film stuff in here because I'm seeing like loads of pictures negatives so we've got the dress there the address of our guy as well At Last Tony had hit the jackpot and actually found a bin that I'd thrown out from my office but I wouldn't be stupid enough to throw out a Bin's worth of sensitive information would I ah this email address is everywhere I mean there are loads of them look they're just everywhere another email address oh look at that so we just got an email address and a phone number just unbelievable Tony was as happy as a pig in and between me my editor my producer we had given away over 20 pieces of sensitive data it's it's just mad in one bag from today we've got all that they've now gained enough information to replicate my digital identity up to 60 and things were about to get worse okay this is potentially very very bad for my entire existence there's someone in my YouTube channel oh you know right I'm panicking majorly I'm just seeing a YouTube Community post which has been out for about four hours and I think it's Solomon it has to be Solomon we made an agreement at the start of this video that I wouldn't ring and I wouldn't constantly barraging them with questions but I need to check because if it's not then it's very very very bad news Solomon um I need to just confirm is that is that you on the channel or you've got access to the YouTube channel thank you um yeah yeah yeah it was you need to come and meet us uh and we need to have a little discussion and a conversation yeah fine where am I meeting you well I'll send you the information and I'll see you then okay all right thanks [Music] got so ominous man right Solomon Happy Days oh God that's stressful I hope tomorrow this is that's it so let's hockey Man Forever ominous and scary has given us a location what's that location Tower of London a place of many executions many disgusting horrible atrocities happen there I have no idea why the Tower of London for a while you still don't get it like is he in there either way more day to be exposed at this point I genuinely didn't know what I was getting myself in for fun where's Zach come with me but I followed the creepy lady just like the good boy I am okay this looks like a fake company doesn't it that doesn't look like a real setup in your name oh imagine that I followed her through the castle walls and she led me into a building hi yeah they're here what's inside she told me to stay there and I did but I peeked my head around the corner and I see some sort of corporate conference thing going on possibly the worst place for a YouTuber hello safe to say regrets rushed my head stupid stupid what would you do little did I know but I was about to walk into a room full of government officials business Executives and of course my new friends who are on stage Solomon and Tony hello officially thanks sorry I'm late foreign remember at this point I still had no idea why I was there you happy yeah man first yeah sweet sorry so right now they're climbing over the roof of my building to try and reach the back door to my office and the noisy here is Solomon literally picking the lock before opening the shutter just like that they were in [Music] oh welcome to Zach Studio got load of receipts here look I look what's on the table oh should we just take that Cycle Stop look he's not cut it out properly so that's an old card here all right what's this here wait oh beautiful yeah man new service agreement yeah foreign and Tony had been in my office for about two minutes and had already found my phone number and Business Bank details I've never felt more vulnerable in my life and they weren't even done yet oh look no no no hang on 21 to 22. these are your life to work Zack maybe The Royal Wedding Video if I were to plug this in and I were to press this little button here it would completely destroy your system because what it does is it sends 440 volts straight down the power lines and I can also do it on one of these wow what's this it's got Harry address Wi-Fi password they were put together the final pieces of my identity one Slither of information at a time and just as I thought things couldn't get worse that good luck only in that one mate whether you're having your office broken into or sweating because they're stealing your identity there's only one thing that's kept me sane during this whole process and more importantly hydrated and that is Aaron I love water and so should use because air off is just more than a bottle through the mystical powers of science air up and developed a revolutionary bottle that can flavor regular water with a scent pod which essentially means you're tasting through your nose having an hour for my life has led me to drink way less coffee and way more water during work but drinking is not the only easy part fill up the air up a bottle with water push the straw into the mouthpiece as far as possible place the mouthpiece back on the bottle attach the scent pod activate the scent pod by pulling it up and drink normally by sucking the water up the straw I'm using the super sexy Sleek thermal bottle to keep my water cold this summer but they also have colorful plastic ones available too so if you're interested in trying air up in a range of flavors go to the link in my description and grab yourself one now anyway after the conference this is is where things get pretty mental because I thought the video was done do you know that the roof that you scaled on was asbestos uh no no I did not that's nice so as we began to edit the video in my newly secured studio with extra locks my new CCTV system Solomon and Tony had got busy on their own Pursuits okay so we're at a point now where we're developing a deep fake of Zach's face so this is my face down here uh obviously matching up with Zach's features there Solomon created his very own program which can scrape my YouTube videos take my face and deep fake it onto his own face meanwhile Tony was also opening a crypto account in my name I have here a mobile emulator we're using this to download internet banking app where we're going to apply for an account and when it opens up we'll be able to say it using Zach's face to to apply and therefore open up the account and just like that everything's been approved and we are now operating with this account in his name now what we can do is take out loan fairly simply uh just like that once all that was done Tony hopped on the first flight out of the country to a country with no extradition to the UK and very limited regulation around Financial Services as a criminal if you can get your money into Bitcoin and you're able to get out it works once it's in Bitcoin you can send it anywhere in the world I want to pay some cash and you send it to a wallet for me okay how much what's the maximum I can give you million really wow [Music] we're good wow wow wow I can't believe it that's what we've just had transferred in she just literally took the number from the app and then text it over on WhatsApp to the boss five minutes later the money landed in the account it was that quick I never got asked one question but as you can probably already tell Tony wasn't stopping there because Tony likes expensive things and Tony had a bigger purchase in mind just driving past I noticed a sign Bitcoin accepted here an estate agent it's just literally here where we sit in so I'm going to go in and ask and just see what they say hello are you open and you take Bitcoin yeah excellent come through yeah thank you my name's Zach can I buy a property in Bitcoin I can just pay for the whole lot in Bitcoin yes okay you can send it to somewhere else yeah turning over it yeah yeah less people the better okay we are going to do everything in this office yeah it's just flabbergasted I mean I'm speechless I just can't believe it I'm genuinely speechless yet old criminal Tony would just absolutely destroy it at you today was meant to be a normal day in the office doing work because after the conference I thought this entire thing was over stupid me I've just got this letter very official looking hi Zach you've got a flight to catch on Wednesday more details to follow you're welcome your friends Solomon and Tony I don't want to live my life like this anymore oh as much as I wanted to hide there was no avoid in the inevitable it's pretty early doors in the morning I'm going to an undisclosed location this is by far the longest project we've ever taken on and I think if I went into it you know when they put the little bag over my head and they sat across me at the table and they said it's like this is going to be seven months long of us just trying to ruin your life I probably would have said so as I closed in on the coordinates nothing could have prepared me for what came next we're here there he is okay Tony's there hello Tony not a lot what are we doing there [Laughter] come in let's go and have a little sit down yeah we'll have to chat first but please follow me in I don't I don't like how you're being so smart what are we doing well which I'm just showing you around this place yeah but it's not been living that much mate to be honestly nice little Garden area I'll be cool there you could fit in one of them Arch track ones but Wicked later reckon Fusion something you should consider I'm not through here to this country so what are you all about I don't know if I'm gonna come back sit down let's take a seat so I mean yeah do you like it yeah I like it watching you've done well done well at crypto I don't know what are you doing well you did After Time ah it's so much crypto that I was able to buy this place and your name now you own it what are you on the whole no that's the terrifying bit for me it's all been done in your name without you know what the I don't need to take a few minutes to take this in one in trouble I guess that if he was using other people's money you might be in trouble you used your money back and so we never told no lies when we done everything properly this stuff is real and it happens on a daily basis just be careful whatever you put out there about yourself loose lips suit chips never see you again never Maybe