Have you ever heard somebody teach the Bible and it makes you think, where have I been my whole life? Because this gentleman I'm about to introduce you to that I've asked to come and speak to us today, he has some of the most unusual, mind-blowing insight I've ever seen. This message that you're about to hear... is going to change your life.
I'm not saying it might change your life. It's gonna show you how to capitalize on all the catastrophe that's ever happened into your life. It's gonna show you how to triumph over all the tragedy that you've experienced in your life.
It's gonna show you how you can go from debt to dignity and from the pit of poverty to the pinnacle of prosperity. And it's gonna show you that from a biblical perspective. And I'm not talking about some hocus pocus, you know, boom.
Sow a seed in my life and God's gonna bless you. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about actual Bible doctrine that is gonna just absolutely blow your mind.
And so I've asked my friend all the way from the UK to come and speak to us today on the subject why trauma leads to triumph. That's not the title, but that's what he's gonna talk about. So if you've been through some trauma, If you've had some difficulty, if you've had some tragedy, if you've been through something in your life and you're wondering like, what's going on? Or maybe right now you are in the middle of it. You're in the throes of what feels like seven years of famine that won't ever go away.
Oh, get ready. But before I bring Bishop up, fasten your seatbelt, make sure your tray table is in the upright position. Because we are going to take off fast.
This is not an Air Force flight. This is a Navy flight. We're taking off of an aircraft carrier.
It's going to be fast, it's going to be vertical, and it's going to be very, very, very dynamic. So hold on to your seat as I introduce my friend, my brother from another mother, Bishop Wayne Malcolm. Always, always.
Do your thing, bro. ever so much what a warm warm introduction and what a warm welcome and what a pleasure and honor it always is to be in the fine company of the living legend himself dr myron golden and i've been with him for a week at a mastermind my head is so full my heart is so full i can't wait to get back and put it all into practice and of course you have all become very much my family and the youtube family we love you and salute you so I've got a few minutes, I guess, to try to do some justice to this warm introduction, right? Okay.
So I will be quoting some passages, but I'm going to talk about four things today. Four things. And I want you to make a note of the four things. I'm going to talk about patterns, principles, promises, and predictions.
All right, so I'm going to try that again. I'm going to talk about patterns, principles, promises, and predictions. Patterns, as in P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S.
patterns, all right? Principles, promises, and predictions. So here goes.
So whenever you find a pattern in the Bible that is a reoccurring sequence of events, okay, something that keeps on happening, given that the Bible was written over a 1500 year period by over 40 individual writers who were all inspired by God, which is what makes the Bible the word of God, Given that these writers didn't know each other, it has to be beyond coincidental that certain things just keep on happening over and over again. So whenever you find a pattern in the Bible, that pattern is there to reveal a principle to you. Yeah. And a principle is. A spiritual law, it's a fundamental truth, it is unwavering and merciless in nature.
What I mean by it's merciless, I mean that principles don't favor persons. Okay? So that if you... find a principle in the Bible, best thing you could do is work with it or have it work against you, right? Get with it or get run over by it.
It's like in the physical world, you have laws of nature, right? Laws of physics, law of gravity, doesn't care if you're rich or poor, old or young, black or white, male or female, Republican or Democrat, right? It simply does not discriminate. You either work with it or you have it work against you.
The same is true of spiritual laws that govern the spiritual world. And guess what? The spiritual world governs the physical world.
So these are the highest laws. Okay? So the pattern is there to reveal a principle.
Now embedded in every principle of God, there is a promise. Because the principle promises to produce the same result over and over again without fail. So embedded in the principle there is a promise and when you have a promise from God you can start making predictions. You can safely make predictions. So what I'm going to do today is I'm going to make some predictions.
Now, these predictions are not hocus-pocus, right? It's not abracadabra. These predictions are based on a pattern that I found in the Bible. The principle that the pattern reveals.
the promise embedded in the principle, on that authority, I'm going to make a prediction about your future. Does that sound all right? Cool. So let's start with the pattern.
So have you ever noticed how God Uses pagan palaces to advance prophetic purposes. Have you ever noticed how God uses pagan palaces to promote or advance prophetic purposes? What I mean is that whenever God is doing something significant, intervening in the affairs of nations, he typically starts by choosing someone and then putting them inside the palace of a pagan king. He promotes them, he protects them, and he prospers them inside a pagan palace.
Now, I'm not sure if you know what a pagan palace looked like back then. I'm not sure that you want to know. I don't want to know all what went on in pagan palaces. But the fact that God put good people inside pagan palaces tells me something that I think we need to know from the get-go.
Tells me that you can prosper in any environment that you can win in a wilderness like Jesus the last Adam did. I'm sidetracking a little bit but it's an important detour. The first Adam failed in a garden.
What's a garden? Perfect environment. The last Adam was tempted in all the same three points as the first Adam, but in a wilderness, hostile environment. The last Adam won in the wilderness where the first Adam failed in a garden.
And that should tell us the difference between spiritual insulation versus religious isolation. That should tell us the difference between safety and strength. What does that mean?
It means that the Garden of Eden was a walled garden. Okay? It was walled.
Now, I'm not sure what the walls looked like, but I do know that you can't be cast out of something unless there's a boundary protecting it. And you can't put an angelic guard at the gate of something unless there's a wall. And the root, the word that's translated paradise means a walled, it's a walled garden.
And when you build walls, you typically do so to keep danger out. and to keep the people inside safe. Isn't that right? But what we learn from Genesis 3 is that the danger, the threat to man's paradise didn't come from anything outside the garden. It came from something inside the garden.
So that whereas the first Adam was safe, but was not strong, The last Adam exposed himself to the hostility of a wilderness where it was not safe, but he was strong, certainly in his understanding of his father's word. We're now in a generation where some ministries will do everything and anything to keep you safe. From the pollutions of the world.
Including telling you, don't go off into business. Don't go into that industry. Don't get into that sector because it will pollute you.
Because they still got a version of the Bible, the Queen Jane translation, that says greater is he that is in the world than he that is in you. Right? But actually, you know I've been hanging around with someone way too long when stuff like that comes out, right? And where some preachers feel it their obligation and duty to keep the congregation safe, there are others who realize that actually the only hope we have is to make a strong church.
and so we're feeding people with the word so that you can be strong in any environment and get victory in the face of hostility that you will experience in the world so god put people in palaces pagan palaces kind of reminds me of uh you are the light of the world you No man lights a candle to put it under a bushel, but in the house where it can give light to the whole house. You kind of reverse engineer that. It means that God's in the business of putting good people in dark houses.
I said God's in the business of putting good people in dark houses. Because that's the whole point of making you the light of the world. Because darkness is not a force. Someone's gonna say, someone's gonna say, oh Bishop, I read something that talked about the force of darkness, the power of darkness. Well, the power of darkness in the Bible is called a lie, right?
That's what, that's all the power that darkness has. But darkness is not a force! They will never invent a machine that can project a beam of darkness into a lit room. Because darkness, by definition, is the absence of light.
It is not a force. It is the absence of a force. Which is why God has no problem putting a good person in a dark house.
And why your obsession with finding the best, most hospitable and perfect environment is slightly warped. Because salt in the shaker doesn't change the world. Salt applied.
And you understand that salt was the essential mineral of the ancient world for seasoning, flavor, as a disinfectant, had medicinal value, and as a preservative, it prevented meat from rotting. You couldn't do any of it in the shaker. You had to apply the salt to a wound in order for it to have disinfecting properties. You had to apply the salt to meat that was rotting.
that was in danger of rotting for it to be preservative and you had to apply the salt salt to a meal that was tasteless if it was to add seasoning so when he calls you the salt of the earth he's indirectly telling you i'm going to put you in some unsavory places when he calls you the light of the world he's telling you i'm going to put you in some dark houses But it's okay because the will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot keep you. That's word. The will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot keep you. Holiness is spiritual insulation.
It is not religious isolation. We are not more holy because we have less contact with hostility in the environment. We are more holy if we can operate in our element in the faith.
of adversity. Now, I said to you it's a pattern, so let's go to it now. Are you ready?
Start with my favorite Old Testament character, Joseph. Joseph saved Egypt from a famine. An economic recession, depression that would have wiped out the ancient kingdom.
In the process saved his own family from certain death. In the process relocated his family of 70 souls. To Goshen, he facilitated their growth from a family of 70 to a nation numbering in the millions.
And he did it all from his strategic position inside a pagan palace. What? I thought he did it from the church.
No, he did it from his position inside a pagan palace. Okay, if it only happened once, it's not a pattern. There's no real principle to be applied. So let's go to my second favorite Old Testament character, Esther.
Esther intercepted a plot to commit genocide against the Jewish people. The plot had been written into law. The law of the Medes and the Persians.
The Medes and the Persians prided themselves on their legal system because they said once something is written in our law, It never changes. It was irreversible. She intercepted the plot to commit the genocide, saved her people from the genocide, and in the process saved the bloodline of the Messiah because Because Messiah would be born to her people.
And therefore protected the plan of redemption. That God had from the beginning of the world. And she did it all from her strategic position. Inside a pagan palace. Talk about another one of my favorites, Nehemiah.
Yeah, we think of Nehemiah as the man who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. But before he rebuilt the walls, he was the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. And the cupbearer in the ancient world was the bodyguard. Why? Because if you're going to kill the king, You're going to poison his wine and his food.
You're not going to run in with a sword or try to throw a spear over his elite guard. No, you're going to poison his food and his wine. So it was the job of the cupbearer to drink the king's wine and eat the king's meat before he did.
Which is why the king, now you have to act like you know, when he saw Nehemiah's countenance had fallen. I love to imagine this now. The king starts pushing his plate back slowly. Nehemiah, why is your countenance fallen? Are you feeling well?
Are you feeling faint? He says, no, king, it's not the food. It's I've heard that my city, the city of my fathers, is in ruins.
The walls is rubble. The gates are burned with fire. And I'm grieving for my people.
The king gave him. License and leverage, permission and provisions to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He secured the permission and the provisions to rebuild an outlawed city.
You weren't allowed to rebuild Jerusalem. He got permission, the license, he got provisions, leverage from his strategic position inside a... We got at least three examples. There's got to be a reason why this keeps reoccurring, right?
I'll give you the final one. Dare to be a... Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, the prophet to the nations, Daniel, who secured favor for the people in exile. Daniel was an... advisor, a consultant to several pagan kings, and he operated inside a pagan palace, and he prophesied from the pagan palace, and he was thrown to a lion's den because he wouldn't start praying to God inside the pagan palace.
It's a repeating pattern, right? God using pagan palaces to advance prophetic purposes. So what's the principle revealed by the pattern? Are you ready? The principle is that real transformation is always an inside job.
I'll say it again. Meaningful change, transformation, is always an inside job. You change nothing from the outside in.
You only meaningfully and measurably change it from the inside out. out. Genesis 1, I think, is the best.
What does God do on the first day of creation? He says, let there be light. But we know that this was not the light of the sun, moon, or the stars, because the sun, the moon, and the stars came into being on the fourth day. So this had to be the light of God.
So effectively, what God says on the first day of the creation is, let God into the chaos. See, if God comes into it, actually, it can change. What about your own story?
How did God change your life? From the outside in or from the inside out? From the inside out. We have a dispensation of the law, a dispensation of grace, or the law that came by Moses, the grace and truth that came by Jesus Christ. The law that came by Moses was written in tables of stone and acted on the behavior of Israelites by issuing promises and threats.
Promises of blessings if you obey, threats of curses if you disobey. And yet for all the promises and the threats... The people did not change.
Actually, the last word in the last chapter of the last book of the Old Testament is the word curse. Why? Because the curse of the law is not for those who serially break all the laws.
The curse of the law falls upon anyone who breaks one of them at any one time. Cursed is anyone who keeps not all the words of this law. So because no one could keep the law in its entirety, the people were always struggling with the curse. You get to the New Testament and where does God say he's going to write the law? I'm going to write it in your mind and on the fleshy tables of your heart because Christ can change you from the inside but threats and promises seldom change in a meaningful way if coming from outside.
Does that make sense? Okay, so God has a vested interest in getting good people inside some situation. Because if he couldn't change you without getting inside, then he doesn't change society without getting good people inside. Because darkness is the absence of light, then we have to ask ourselves, why are our institutions dark?
Why are our industries dark? Why is there so much darkness? It is dark because of the absence of light. And so God has an agenda to put people inside palaces. Now it's okay because he'll spiritually insulate you.
He'll protect you, he'll promote you, and he'll prosper you inside the palace. But it's going to require people that have the courage, the character, the conviction to say, Okay, God, I'll go into unfamiliar, unwelcoming spaces and represent the interests of heaven on earth in those spaces. I'm tempted to go deep. Am I?
Am I? Am I? No, because that, so far, that wasn't deep. Like, I never preach a long sermon. It's my introduction that takes all the time.
So, but you've done it. You're pulling it out of me, right? So I'm going to go deep and I'm going to try and go deep fast.
So watch this. You ever notice that Paul, in the sixth chapter of Ephesus, he gives several exhortations, right? The first exhortation is to your working life. Okay?
Your work life. At the latter part of chapter five, he exhorts believers about their domestic life, their marriage, their parenting. Right?
But then we get into chapter six. He now deals with your working life. And here's what he says. He says, servants be obedient to your masters.
All right. And he said, don't serve them with like as a man pleaser, but do it as unto Christ. And I know some people really object to that language, but he's really talking about employees. Right.
If you're an employee, don't just. work for your employer for the check, right? Work like you're working for God.
Then he goes to the employer and says, you masters, remember that your master is in heaven, right? So he addresses the full spectrum of working life, which is employee, employer. And he gives sound wisdom as to how you should be as an employee or as an employer. Do you then notice he moves straight from work to spiritual warfare? As if there's a relationship between your working life and spiritual warfare.
He says, finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God. You may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not.
Now, I know that there are some people, that is the end of the reading. That's where the verse ends. For we wrestle not.
But, it actually says we wrestle not against flesh and blood. But against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places, four categories of demonic spirit. That's what we're wrestling against. Four types of demonic spirit, which is a demonic system.
That's what we're wrestling against. But I want you to notice the word he uses to describe the combat. He says we're wrestling. Everyone say wrestling.
Even out there in YouTube land, say wrestling. Because wrestling was a very particular type of combat. It was close combat, skin to skin, blood to blood, sweat to sweat. in the arena to the death. You could not wrestle at a distance.
You couldn't stand behind one pillar, aim your arrow at someone over there and say, we won the wrestling. You have to get close, skin to skin, blood to blood, sweat to sweat, tears to tears. to be wrestling.
So Paul says, we wrestle, which means that no one is truly engaged in spiritual warfare until they are in the arena where the enemy is operating. If you will not enter the arena, the match cannot begin. Could you imagine the boxing match kicks off, there's only one person in the ring. It's not going to happen.
Until both of you are in the ring, the match does not begin. And the reason why Paul deals with work and then warfare is because your working life puts you in the arena of spiritual warfare. Where you get to wrestle.
Now, are you all ready for this? I don't know. Notice he says what we're wrestling against is four categories of evil spirit. Right? Four types.
types. Principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness. Okay. A principality by definition is the territory governed by a prince. It's a governmental political term.
Okay, so you have the powers which are the authorities, you have the rulers of the darkness which would suggest that darkness or ignorance is organized. Organized ignorance in the modern world, the vehicle for that is media, education, then the last one he says is spiritual. okay so it's religious okay you don't believe me go back to the ancient world and you realize that religion was a real real opposition to the gospel so they're four everyone say four have you noticed that jesus comes to us in four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Why not just give us one narrative? Why give us four? Well, we're given four because each gospel emphasizes a different aspect of Christ's agenda. in his assignment and his anointing.
We see him from a different perspective. We see a different facet of his agenda, assignment, anointing. In Matthew, he's the king of the Jews. governmental, political term. In Mark, he's a servant, which is the engine of the economy.
I'll deal with it in a minute. In Luke, he's a man, which emphasizes his humanity. and therefore all matters social and humanitarian. In John, his divinity is emphasized and therefore we see him from a very spiritual place.
We don't even see his birth at Bethlehem in John. John says, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Jesus is the incarnation of the eternal Word of God.
Because John wants you to see him spiritually. So how is it that God wants me to see Christ politically, economically, socially, and spiritually, and yet the world is only allowed to see me religiously. When the world looks at believers they actually should see four facets of our agenda. Isn't that right? Like okay you asked for it so I'm going there.
In the book of Ezekiel the throne of God is mobile. They're right? The throne moves.
Has wheels. Someone once told me it's a wheelchair. It's the old man. The ancient of days, there's a wheelchair.
No, it's not quite like that. But it's a... mobile throne and it is escorted by four angelic beings. Four.
How many? Four angelic beings. Each one of them has four faces. Sounds like God moves in groups of four.
Sounds like when you are inviting and saying, thy kingdom come, thy kingdom, which is the throne, the throne come, there's an entourage of four coming with the throne. Okay? So what are these faces?
Face of a lion, face of an ox, face of a man, face of an eagle. These are universal totems. They universally mean things in every culture and generation. The lion...
is the universal symbol of kingship. The ox certainly was the ancient symbol of economic progress because the ox was the engine of the agricultural society. So if you were going to be prosperous in an agricultural society, you needed an engine, the tractor, which was the ox.
The man, well, that's man. But an eagle is the universal symbol of divinity. It is one of the few animals that God identifies himself with. A lion, an eagle.
Eagle, the panoramic view, the heights. Okay? So, God says, when my throne's coming, I want you to realize that there will be a political facet to that. Okay, my kingdom will have a political expression.
That's right. It will have economic expression. That's the ox.
It will have human, social, humanitarian expression. That's the man. And it will have spiritual expression. That is the faith but your kingdom is always going to be influencing those facets of society because believe it or not politics economics culture and religion are the fabric of a a society.
Like if you want to, you know, if you travel and you go to a country, there are four things that are going to leap out at you about that country. First of all, it's polity, it's politics, whether it's oppressive, whether it's, you know, it's, whether it's free, you're going to feel that the minute you walk out of the airport. Does this make sense? It's economy, you'll feel that.
Is it a poor country? Is it a prosperous country? It's culture, you'll see that in the way people dress, what they consider to be normal, valuable or important.
You'll see that. And it's religion, you will also see that even if there is the absence of any religion. You'll feel that because the fabric of a society is political, economic, cultural.
and religious. So when Paul said we are wrestling, he's saying that some of us are up close and personal with political demons because of where we're working. Some of us are absolutely up close and personal with economic demons because of where we're working.
Some of us are up close and personal with the culture because of our work. And some of us are shaping the spiritual and moral character of the nation because of our work. So your working life is spiritual.
However you look at it, it is spiritual. And we do not change nations or situations until there are people with character, courage, and conviction to represent the interests of heaven on earth, even in a dark house or an unsavory space. So instead of praying, God, make me safe, we need to pray, God, make me strong. It's good, isn't it? I knew that.
I knew the answers to that question before I asked it. So, watch this. That's the principle. Here's the promise, because this part's simple. Based on that principle, I can promise you that nothing can prevent your rise to the elite positions in your chosen field.
There's no witch or wizard can stop you. There's no system or absence of a system that can stop you. There's no secret society.
There's no conspiracy. There is no weapon. formed against you that can prosper when it comes to your strategic position.
See, if God wants you at the top, he'll put you at the top. Can I tell you how he puts you at the top? How much time have I got left? You know what? I love that one.
I said, how much time have I got left? Someone said, yes. That's a good answer.
Should I tell you how God promotes? First of all, promotion doesn't come from the east, the west, or the south, which only leaves the north. God is the judge.
He'll pull down one and set up another. What that means is that God creates vacancies in the systems of men. And then fills them with his own choice. Pull down one, set up another.
Pulling down one means God will create a vacancy. You might feel like, well, I'm going into this industry and right now these are the people that are dominating the industry. Oh, right now these are the people that are dominating the industry. But promotion comes from God.
He'll pull down one and set up another. Does that make sense? Okay, don't take my word for it. Ask Vashti, the original wife of Ahasuerus, the king.
who had a problem with his instructions. She was pulled down and Esther was promoted. That's like a prophetic picture to tell you that not even someone big, mighty, and powerful in your space can prevent you from going to the space. The question is, how does promotion actually work? This is the answer I want to give before I make the prediction.
How does the promotion work? Promotion works by something that I call the science of favor. The science of favor.
Listen carefully. Make your notes if you need to. Favor occurs when God informs the perceptions and beliefs of key people about you so that they see in you what other people cannot see and what sometimes you are yet to see in yourself.
Favor occurs when God informs the perceptions and the opinions of key people about you so that they see in you what other people cannot see and what sometimes you're yet to see in yourself. Because favor works by... perception.
Favor works by sight. Okay. So God informs what they see. So God gave Joseph favor in the sight of the prison keeper.
What does it mean? It means the prison keeper saw in Joseph things that other people couldn't see and that maybe Joseph was yet to see in himself, but he could see virtues and values in Joseph because God informed his perception. Esther won a beauty contest. I do not know if she was the most beautiful woman in the pageant.
I don't know. But I do know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And God gave her favor in the sight of the king.
Notice I said key people. Everyone say key people. Key people are people that have the keys to the next chapter of your destiny.
And that's why God's not shaping the opinion of everyone about you. Because quite frankly, everyone doesn't matter. Everyone doesn't have keys for you. They may have keys for someone else, but they don't have your keys.
So, it doesn't actually matter that everyone like me. value me, include me, honor me. That doesn't matter. That's a really false, you know, and I guess the social media frenzy has led a lot of people to judge themselves based on the number of people that like them. But it takes a key person to see in you what other people cannot see. And they'll open a door for you that no man can shut.
And some of you know from your own experience that there were banks that turned you down, okay, said you didn't meet the criteria. But the one bank said yes. Is this making sense? I'm reminded of, I think it was the Sylvester, the Stallone story when he was making the, when he wrote the Rocky movie and decided he was gonna pitch these production companies, these film companies, and he just no after no after no. But it wasn't just no, as in this film's not good.
It was the film's good, we just don't want you to star in it. Because you don't need everyone to say yes. You need key people. And it's key people that God informs their perceptions and beliefs about you. That's the science of favor.
Do you know that Daniel was favored above all the presidents and princes in Persia? Why? Because the king saw an excellent spirit in him. And when the king had to send him to the lion's den, can you believe that the king came to the den, the mouth of the den, in the morning, lamenting?
His words were, Oh, Daniel. Has your God been able to save you from the lions? Imagine a king doing that.
That's how much he missed Daniel. That's how much value he saw in Daniel. And when he heard Daniel's voice from the other side of the den say, Oh, King, live forever. My God has delivered me from the mouth of the lions. King couldn't wait to throw his accusers into the same den.
That is the power of favor. Favor is the open door that no man can shut. So I am making a promise based on these principles today that When God has chosen you for a promotion, there is nothing that can stop your rise to the highest office.
Nothing and no one. So I close with the prediction. Some of you are going to the very top. And I just want those of you that are going to the very top to get up on your feet and give the Lord a great big hand clap today.
Just give him a great. Just those of you who know, I'm going to that next level. I'm going to that next level. I'm going to the very, very top and nothing can stop it. Listen, you've just been a great audience to share with everyone out in the YouTube family and in this great, great movement.
It's been my honor to share with you and to be a blessing to you. And we are praying all the very best for you. But you have every reason to believe that your future is very bright.
You have every reason to believe that the best is yet to come. You have every reason to believe that your latter will be greater. You have every reason to believe.
believe that the will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot keep you. You have every reason to believe that if God promotes and positions you, he will protect and prosper you. And if you can believe that and know that, that's going to be the strength that you need to endure a season of difficulty. Yep, there will always be a season of struggle and you'll be tested on location as was Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
They were tested on location. Is that right? You have to be willing to stand up while everyone else is bowing down.
And if you'll stand up while everyone else is bowing down, you will stand out and become the target. You simply cannot be the top without becoming the topic. You can't be at the top without being the target, but guess what? The God who positions you promises to protect and prosper you. So don't just stand up, don't just stand out, stand firm.
And standing firm simply means, I believe God can deliver me from whatever people want to throw at me. But even if he doesn't. I'm still not going to bow. That's what standing firm looks like. And so I'll see you all at the top.
Yeah. All right. Over to the one. Great word, Bishop.
Great word. Thank you for watching on YouTube. Thank you all for coming. I warned you all. So in the meantime, in between time, stay blessed by the best.
We'll see you in the next video. Bye for now.