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Reading Difficulties Assessment and Prevention
Nov 11, 2024
Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties
Presented by: David Kilpatrick
Sponsored by Exceptional Student Services Unit
Collaboration with SLD specialists: Jill Marshall & Veronica Fiedler
Vision: All Colorado students become educated citizens
Mission: Prepare students for success with leadership, service, and support
Lecture Overview
Part of a 13-module series
Focus on assessing, preventing, and overcoming reading difficulties
Module 9 covers "Assessing Reading Comprehension and Related Skills"
Module 9: Reading Comprehension
Session 1: Reading Comprehension Tests
Purpose: Evaluate reading comprehension and interpret within reading skill profile
Simple View of Reading:
Reading comprehension = word level reading skills + language comprehension skills
Assessment Methods:
Classic reading comprehension tests
Silent/oral reading followed by questions
Multiple choice questions, pointing response, acting out instructions
Cloze procedure (fill in the blank)
Timed sentence reading with comprehension questions
Story retell
Length of passages affects correlation with skills
Reading Difficulties
Poor word-level reading, good language comprehension
Good word-level reading, poor oral language
Combined Type:
Problems with both word-level reading and language comprehension
English learners often exhibit hyperlexic or combined patterns
Test Formats and Outcomes
Diverse formats lead to different outcomes
Correlations for word reading tests: 0.78 to 0.92
Reading comprehension tests have lower correlations: 0.3 to 0.7
Interactions among word reading, language comprehension, passage length
Use multiple formats for reliable assessment
Best Practices
Use multiple reading comprehension tests
Incorporate word reading and language comprehension assessments
Adjust assessments for format-specific reliability
Session 2: Language Comprehension and Related Tests
Explore language skills affecting reading comprehension
Language comprehension, like vocabulary, is crucial
Key Skills:
Vocabulary knowledge
Grammar and syntax
Background knowledge
Mental model construction
Working memory
Comprehension monitoring
Language Comprehension Skills
Vocabulary: Beyond definitions, includes idiomatic expressions
Grammar & Syntax: Rarely a standalone issue
Background Knowledge: General and specific
Mental Model: Framework for interpreting text
Working Memory: Temporary information store
Attention: Essential for comprehension
Inferencing: Necessary for understanding
Comprehension Monitoring: Awareness of understanding
Challenges with English Learners
Often show hyperlexic patterns
Interplay between language learning and comprehension difficulties
May require collaboration between educators and language specialists
Reading comprehension assessments should consider format, word reading, and language skills
Language comprehension difficulties can explain reading problems
Assess language skills alongside reading comprehension for targeted interventions
Understanding of language skills helps target interventions
Next module (10): Evidence for the prevention of reading difficulties
Full transcript