Transcript for:
Media Policy and Regulation Insights

hi everyone in this video I am going to introduce the topic for today which is Media policy and Regulation and importantly go over some of the changes that will happen to the course uh since I've been sick with covid and I'm still struggling a bit uh it's just fatigue but I hope I will be in the classroom next week so let's deal with some of the admin changes uh so the first short paper option A cema Synergy is still due on September the 28th I think it's supposed to be not uh 27th uh but the uh deadline for short paper one option b has now been moved to the Monday after reading week October 21st uh that lecture was supposed to be given this week but I am going to instead give the lecture on media flows and culturalism next week instead uh and that means I have to push back the deadline uh consequently because I can't also have a deadline during uh the reading week uh since uh one week has now been uh been cut uh that means that the quiz that is coming up next week uh also will only cover uh lessons one through four um now lesson six uh that was supposed to be on media fix it has now been moved to October 31st and lesson 8 has on New Media has been completely cut I will make a proper updated course outline and distribute it uh but uh not just right now okay so here are the learning outcomes uh for this week as you know you should consult them when you are preparing for uh the midterm in particular because this are the type of material that I will actually test you on right so you can expect uh some questions related to policy and regulation uh when you are writing the midterm okay so today's lecture is a followup or rather a complimentary uh to the lecture we had on political economy before I got sick uh and it's a followup because we are now considering a lot more detail the political part of political economy by examining the legal and Regulatory framework in media Industries need uh to follow now policy and regulations may appear to be a dry topic but if you wondered why you can't see Canadian news on Facebook and Instagram it's all due to a policy and the passing of a bill called C8 on a so- called online news act this law has already received Royal Ascent meaning it's been passed and it's meant to make social media and other platforms pay local uh Canadian news producer simply put most advertising dollars have now moved to social media so literally spent on the web pages uh of newspapers and also in their print magazines and newspapers right bill c18 was supposed to fix this but since meta and Google is in the business of making money not informing Canadians they played hard ball and started to block Canadian use on the platform last year now Google eventually reached a deal last November to contribute $ 73.6 million annually to distribute among can news Publishers but meta is still blocking I'll will get back to this particular policy and others uh later in the course actually towards the end the point I'm making here though is that policy and regulations matter right they're significantly in that to often demonstrate what is at stake when it comes to Media Industries and media content for any country and one of the sad things about the rise of social media platforms is that since they get a lot of the advertising money uh that means there's a lot of local news producers that simply uh cannot uh sustain themselves right so in this case this is not just an issue of whether you can see Canadian news the issue of what Bill uh C is trying to do is also will we actually have local Canadian news being produced by actually Canadians so Bill see 18 is meant to safeguard Canadian uh use although if meta keeps their stance the longterm result of this bill could actually spell Doom for Canadian use instead since you know there's still money that comes uh through Facebook and there's also traffic that comes through uh Facebook and Instagram how laws are implemented matters too Australia has actually passed a law that is quite similar to uh bill c18 but it never had any local news blocked because they chose to implement it in in a different way I'm going to explain uh you know what they did uh towards the end of this lecture so today we are going to look at some of the key issues related to policy and regulation like media licensing copyright how the media industry self-censor the content uh cultural and economic protectionism use the example of cancon and a lot more so broadly then policies and regulation uh concern what type of media environment or media landscape we want to find ourselves in and sometimes people will speak disparaging about the media and what they do what content they feature or don't whether ads are truthful and so on and all of these are related to governmental policy and Regulation and how media Industries also have decided to self regulate now to it's always useful to kind of start a new topic by asking a few questions that are relevant to uh you know whatever you might want to want to learn right so in relation to medum policy regulation uh you might want ask yourself questions like what is the purpose of regulating media what types of media should be regulated and why are there any aspects of media you think definitely should or should not be regulated if so was aspect and why for example censorship and these kind of things right would be in that name should the government regulate the media Industries or should they self-regulate why you know in this case the often might be a clash between public and private interest uh you know but it's interesting that uh the media Industries have chosen to self-regulate when it comes to for example uh you know age limitations on video games and uh movies and these kind of things how should regulatory polic be enforced you know and can you identify our current media problem and also proposed uh solution now I have already mentioned bill c18 as a Hot Topic in policy in regulation right now and that's to set the tone and to reveal some M stake involved in regulation but another Hot Topic is should we regulate social media and this has come up a lot especially in the last five six years there several events including When Donald Trump was press in the US and his inflammatory use of social media you know think the capital riots there that happened on January 6 2021 uh or for example regulating social media comes up every time cyber bullying leads to horrible outcomes or there's a debate about councel culture you know we are really really discussing whether we should regulate social media and the recent Bill uh C63 the So-Cal online harms act uh goes a long way uh to try to to deal with this but there are some serious problems uh with this build there are some good things there are also some quite alarming things and that's also something else that will um link resources to uh that bill because some of these bills and proposed laws is something that you should be aware of when studying media okay so um after uh this video is done I'm going to ask you to um uh play a video it's a short Global News uh segment uh that basically looks into this question you have to regulate uh uh social media uh concerning in particular harmful content on social media but I said I've embedded this video uh right below this lecture uh in the next video we will take a step back in covers on the basic terminology and background for policy and regulations